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Show Sunrise. EDITORIAL NuTES The that carry silver away from Bhips Mir shores are doing a useful service in the1 way of simplifying the currency " problem. business in his section, soliciting an advertisement, to which the latter replied by asking, ' where does your paper cq?" The Interest that citizens of the United States are givmpr to the Cu pan Insurgents is evidence that a strong pressure will be brought to bear, on thePresident and Congress to accord, beligerent rights or. positive recogni ,ion of independence to those strugg ing Cuban patriots. They have: the sympathy of every western republic and a little assistance just now will put Imother block in front of the old. car of tvrannvi and erive a fresh impetus to the principles of human liberty. With much promptness the Arizona man North and South Ameranswered, ica, Asia, Africa and ith-is all' I can do to He got the keep it from goi ng to -l . ir-';:.:a..v ad, r: ;y:;;n':i:;."; To rjemove freckles, cut them out with a razor' and throw them away. To bring out a mustache, tie it to a strong cord, to' the' other' end of twenty feet long, which, attach a heavy smoothing-iro- n and throw the latter from a fortfcstory winddw. To get rid of gray hairs, hold yeur head for a few moments in a strong blaze (of gaa. To preserve the eyes, put them an a bottle filled with alcohol. To conceal the teeth, keep the mouth shut. To keep out of debt, acquire the reputation Of a rascal, and no one. will trust "To : j ; . you.-j-E- The Tribune, refering to- the late feditor of the rrovo Dtspatcn, esays his comments on the election returns and the lesson drawn therefrom are a limrk. of incompetence and suggests thai he "cou fine his remarks ta the fossi ou's era and Genesis where' the average A - x. ": well-to-d- eastern farmer recently o aJlowjed a neat appearing fellow to paint asigiian his barn, and in consideration of $2. BO signed an agreement to allovy no one tb puu anything: over it lor six 'Us only SKinner's soft Soap months,, and beware of- fraudulent substitutes,' ' was painted on the barn and the stranger was jubilant over departed. The farmer his easily acquired f 2.50 until he received a notjice from a bank: that his note for f250, idue o six months, had been puris his chased by them. The signature and he'll have to pay. Ex. ' U.S. Marshal Fowler brought Q. H. Warmer in last Friday evening, charged with assault with a deadly .weapon upon Charles Sherner and George Knight, the former an engineer and the latter a fireman on a It. G. W. passenger train. Mr. Warner is the man who compelled the trainmen to stop while his sheap crossed Reader will riot so soon discover hif incompetence".; As the late'editor of the Pis patch is unable to reply through ; that paper, he will say to the Tribune editor through The Blade, thet in -- criticising, him and showing up his inconsistency; his by pocracy and it nate Jlying, that the Dispatch editor was dealing exclusivly with the 'fossilifer-ou- s era." ' There may also be i. few Characters in Genesis that Iwould para- jlel the mendacity and treachery c f the Tribune editor, and the first one that is suggested is the Serpent in the Gc.rden of Eden who, to gratify his unholy ambition was eager to sacrifice the ' on tire human family not for a poltry ' Senator-shi- p but to become the second ruler in the Universe. And in that respect, his Satanic Majesty stood head; and shoulders above the truckling em- -' bodiment of pusilanimous ambition known as the editor of the Salt jLake Tribune, There is however, a large f und yf Comfort in the dead ' certantyi that after all his wretched ' display of assinim, cringing and supplication for office, George Q. Cannon will turn the Tribune Mail's aspirations into , bitter dust and ashes, and no one in Utah will ' . the railroad track near Springville Wednesday by pulling a gun on the engineer. He Was taken before Commissioner Dudley and held to the grand jury in f300 bonds. Geo. W. Gee. and James a Bean went his bonds. t'rovo Euquirer. The Beaver JVoalen Mills has closed for the season after a most successful run of seven months. The value of the stock of goods run off in this time aggregates f and the wages paid out for the year to Ott. 31st, is 1 12.C95. This is a fine ahovtring and one that reflects great credit Upon the manager, Mr. W. II. Farns-worj.There have been employed some forty hands during the greater part of the even months the mills have been in has operation. The class of goods made new bee4 exceptionally good. Many patterns have been Drought out, the quality of the goods has never been questioned, and the trade at the mills has been better than was ever known before. 34,-48- 0, ing - S t 9P the Kidneys, Of ' - ' :' ; i .' - i ' .. - : ';':,' "'" ' ' Enlargement of iiis Prostrate Gland, Stone in The Bladder, ; Pike county, states.that two WnitePost, were taken from church elders JVlormon on Sunday night and ridden out. of the on rails. into West Virginia The elders were exhorting a large) congregation to accept the Mormon faith when assailed. most-complet- : Or any kind of Urln.-i- trout)lcs,'i Can secure immediate, And a permanent cure by using the l inter-mountai- Mormons Mobbed. a ohUnH Kff. . Nov. .12 A reoort from e 1 ; s . Notice to Sheep-Men will find' it very conveniSheep-meent and profitable to take with them to the Winter range copies of the law of 1894 relative to diseases of sheep and the duties of Inspectors, To meet that want a number of copies of the law have been struck off at Jhis office and will be sold at 10 cents each. "Call early. n. j No. i i i 1st. It is probable that the Utah Commission wUl complete the official canvass of the vpte of the election by December 1st. the The Commission itself will canvass will State! vote, while a convaasing board be appointed to tabulate the vote for city, officers and county superintendents. state and jr : "'.',, By December Geographically, Nephi City Is situsvtvd almost in the center of Utah. Its latent natural resources are practically unlimited. Its active resources consist (1) of Agriculture ; (2) of Horticulture; (3) of the Sheep industry and (4) of minerals. To the North, West and South is a large area of as fine agricultural lands as can be found in Utah. Abundant crops of cereals and alfalfa bless the labors of the husbandmen. To the North, thousands of acres of natural meadow, w atered by large springs, emerald carpet. The spread out like a, sgreat vegetable garder of Nephi are unexcelled in the west. Its fruit and that of its contiguous towns, is as perfect : as can be grown in this latitude. In order to ilUistrate what can be accomplished here with bees, it is only necessary to state that a 'Nephi farmer last sea-eoshipped 8,700 pounds of tine honey, and the apiary is merely an adjunct to his farm. The wool industry of this locality, is onS of in Utah, and. is such as to detnaud the largest attention of two wealthy firms and large warehouses for the storing and handling of the product. A couple of miles east of the city, and near the mouth of Salt Creek Canyon, is a veritable mountain of pure crystalized gypsum. Convenient to the quarry, is a Comjlete mill for grinding and refining the product which is being continuously shipped to the300 n states of the Pacific Coast, tons last month being the- o atptit. ' Up Salt Creek canyon and north easterly about nine miles, pure salt springs gush from the mountain side;, and by means of one of the salt manufactories in the United States, the brine is converted into table, has but fewequals dairynoand packinginsalt that the world. The brine is and, superiors 35 per cent, salt and the supply practically unlimited. In addition to the manufactured product, there are several mines or quarries of rock salt, the extent of which cannot be r computed . As a distributing point, Nephi recognizes but one superior in Utah. , It is the key to Sonthern Utah, and with the advantag of two raili-oadstretching out to the east and south, furnishes,11 wlthoui question, the best point in Utah for the establishment of manufactories and wholesale houses. The attractions of Nephi as a residerce town, are unique m their variety. Itofis situthe di-- ; ated on almost the highest portion of waters north into the flow vide that turns south-ward into the Sevier rivUtah? lake and er, thence onward to the Sevier lake the dead sea of Millord County. Its altitude, gravelly soil and perfect .drainage insure the best of health, in fact, the conditions are such, that but two cases ofdiptheria have occurred in five yeai'S among a population of nearly 3,000. Its citizens are thrifty and progressive. The wide streets and avenues of large shade trees, cosey cottages,, beautiful lawns and elegant modern public buildings, make of" Nephi a a . life is 'real luxury. placeis in which with a It supplied complete system of water-works along which flows the water from pure springs distant some three miles up the canyon. To the west about five miles, the mountain range is low, rolling'and of easy access, and abounding with rich pasturage. To the east a couple of miles, the Nebo range abrubtly rises, to the north east a few. miles ths top of Mt. Nebo rises' into the regions of eternal snow, Vithbut exageratlon and without coloring, the foregoing is a description of the lovely city' of Nephi, the. Capital of Juab . County in are found the mines of Tintic; the wonwhih der and admiration of the Great West. Besides Tintie, the rich mines of Fish Springs, a portion of Deep Creek and otherin wealthy and the Western' Growing camps are situated part of Juab County. ' Following is a directory of Nephi's business THOSE APFEoTKD WITH n, 4 - Her Resources, Advantages and Attractions. - ; h. 2706. For sale ' lication. SMITH DBUG CO.; . ' (Gerieral Agents,) SALT LAKE CtTV, UTAH. : Desert Land, Final Proof Notice fpr Pub by the 1 ateri Deseret Lithi a T&E Cfof.a Ton) Salt Lake City, Utah. Oct. 7, 1895. Notice is hereby given that Ann Norton, Has been tested for more than five years in the nbove-namecaEes, widofw and one of the heirs of Charle P. Nor-tointention to and there has not been a case of failure .recorded against the water. deceased, has .filed notice Of make proof on his desert land claim No. 3628, for the SW. Sett. 25 and NE j SE H Sec. 26 W, before the county clerk of Tp. li S.R.-- at Juab county Nephi, Utah on the -30th day of IT HAS CURED IN EVERY INSTANCE. NoTember, 18S5. Deseret Llthia Water. j r. v names the following witnesses to prore hustlers: She The Blade is pleased to say. after the complete irrigation and reclamation of C. ANDREWS & CO., Dealers in Wool, Grain etc. of uninterrupted exper- saidiland: Geo. W. Kendall, Charles Wilson, nearly two years of Wilson all Alexander UTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, Wmi A oiisp nf RHo-ht.'f-l "Disease that had been monounced incurabJe bv leadina Sperry i and iments, that success has crowned the efGroO. ; R. E. Btbon Register. Booth, Manager. NephiUtah. to introduce forts the tDeseret water as a Frank D. Hobba, attorney. , physicians, was cured in less than three months by the useof DESERET.? NEPHI HOUSE, curative for all kidney, bladder and uriDate of pmblication Oct. 19, 1895. Mrs. E. Golds orough, propr. nal disorders. The success of all experiLIT HI A WATER and the patient is now persuing bis A. W. PALMER, mental' treatments has. bee a nothing regular employment?, JWagon and Carriage Shopi General Black- short of phenominal. Not a case of fail,, smithing, ure can be recorded against the water. NEPHI LIVERY STABLE, During preguancy, and Chronic Cpnstipation, the Ladies will find in the DES It has cured the patient in every inJno. R. Downs propr. v stance'.'ERET LITIIIi WATER au invaluable remedy. UNION HOTEL, In addition to five cases of Bright's Mrs. C. R. Foote, propr. that have been cured in Deseret--caseIt is a home water Free from Sulphury Absolutely Soft, Pure and Tasteless, elsewhere . that originated and that first Utood Sample Rooms for CommercialTrav-elers- G AZETTE SALOON, attracted attention to the water, a most J. W. Hartley, propr. Free from even a trace of Lime and is a product of remarkable case has been cured at i.Fort Hack Meets all Trains, Free to Patroa M. McCUNE, ' Deseret, MJllard County, Utah, .and was conducted , under the Douglas Bakery and Confectionary. station. the from and to watch-car- e U. of two 8. surgeons. A MCNALLY & LUNT, Address all correspondence to soldier was to be discharged from the ser'Druggists. vice because his was a hODeless case of COOPER, PYPER & CQ. disease of the kidneys. Dealers ",;in' Hardware, Tinners and Plumb The 3righ8 II. GOLDSBROTJGII, ' ers. r"y;' surgeons were induced to give tbe- - water a trial, jno other remedies were given. GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON, ' Proprietor, BlackettBros. Proprs. Dealers in Wines, Last week, after three months' treat; j' Salt Lake City, Utah. Liquors etc. ment, the soldier was ordered on dntv. .: A P. WATER M. COMPANY. LITHI for DESERET tne cases KONG, bo Gen!l could enumerated Othey ... but THURMAK & WEDGWOOD, Agents ... i Coffin Maker. Cabinet and no as toe is nroDcurative (ueru OSTLER & ALLEN, er ties of theoccasion, water are beyond all aues- - at - Law. Manufacturers- of Harness and Saddles tioh., An analysis will soon be publish Hill j: Attorneys and dealers in all kinds of horse furnishing: ed,! and will show it to be absolutely ' r: OfflAA. TTnitofl ) . ; n, d - - ; i ' $bed a tear. ' Nephi Before the tlawn our boat we launch ; The pars we ply at will, Until we reach the tall, dry reeds, Where all is calm and still. The waning moon still dimly peeps Through clouds of hazy light; Ere long, the wild fowl chatter A good-b- y to the night. Here, waitinpr for the mallard ducks , To wing their early flight, We sit and watch off in the east light. The nornmgs At first a streak of palest hxie, Now comes a rose tint fair. That seems to paint the distant hills . And scent the morning air. The changing forms of fleecy clouds, , Fast melting into g"old, w ard course Make Memory tko its back To stories long been okl Of Hlra who said: "Jet there be light" For Creatures of the sod,' Who humbly bow the head to Him, - ; The great and living God. The merry warblers in the wood Theijr joyf ai carols ising ; They tiew the splendors of the scena And! make the woodland ring. The rsiys Of light shoot up on high Their tinge of silver gray has flown; The dawn has edme: the night All hail the King of Day I Tom J. Niclioll, in Sports Afield, rt Fillmore fumes. 19-2- 4 ( , 1 ' Fillmore went solidly Republican. A great improvement is being made on Main street by the cobble rocks being gathered up and hauled away. This will be greatly appreciated by travelers , NEPHI HOUSE i ' s our city. through f Apostle Moroni Lyman rendered a tangthy and interesting discourse on the history and principles of the Mor? toxm church, at the meeting house on Sunday. Fillmore is to have a holiday on Friday the 15th. A race has beeu match-s- d between Mandy (The Peterson mare) and an unknown porse, supposed to be and will take the celebrated Gold-dusplace on that date. Many minor races W. J. frill also be run, illmo:e Nov. 11, 189o. puj-and soft and to contain the most ? v useiui and healing salts, and so happily and wonderfully combined as to mak it AT THE PRESBYTERIAN. the very best water on earth for the dis eases for whicb it is recommended. ' Now, just a few words of caution and Communion Services Last Sunday Rev. advise to the people of Deseret. Don't Wilson the Speaker. imiagfne that any or all of the flowing of Deseret- possesses the same cura The fair Sabbath day brought a fair water, tive properties. Many of the wells pro attendance at the, Presbyterian church. duce sulphur water which is obiection- The pastor preached in the morning abje because of the sulphur, and the fur- oh the subject "The unerring fulfil - tner iact tnat it quicKiy decomposes alment of prophecy." Text Tan. 5:25 though later on the sulphur water, may be vfound useful in special cases, for Zekal. Uph arsin." ''Mene, which it will have to be bottled and mer- with this prophecy he showed sealed. Don't imagine that metically lcs litteral fulfillment, and then took is rich by shipping or anyone other prophecies which illustrated, the handling thegetting and because of that water, 'same point. The fulfillment of pro- impression, rush in and attempt to sup phecy, is going on at the present day, pliy the market. In the first place, inthat was spoken many centuries ago, stead of any inoney.being made out of the The death of every sinner, the salvation enterprise, money is being daily expendt)f every one pardoned by Christ is ' the ed in the work of;. introducing the water and large sums will have to be expended fulfillment of prophecy ". before there are any returns, In the. secIn the evening he spoke gn ond place, unless you are absolutely conThought of God." Text Luke 15:1-6- . certain by analysis that xthe water The Parable of the Lost Sheep. The tains those medical properties, an effort sinneris lost without God. In order to tp supply applicants might injure the be saved he must entertain right ideas enterprise through a failure of the water as to God's form. and- character. There to act beneficially.' There Is every: reathe best water can be is no scripture that teaches j that God son to believe that one in obtained and thus only has a body like our bodies; but "Cod is far, only a few wells stratum, have that pierced A spirit," and they that worship Him particular stratum, as the variation in must worship Him in spirit and in the quality and taste of the water amply eiuth' God.is love therefore He seeks proves. He is just and' if we refuse him He T It is suggested that the people of Desis; eret patiently await the development of Aiust punish us. an enterprise that will ultimately benefit the entire community. Progress will be and in order to achieve CREAM OF OUR EXCHANGES- pecessarily slow, success and benefit to all, it greatest phe e w'iJl be a wise act on the part of the an of to exercise caution assist, by Cnd: General' Territorial News, Culled and and conservatism the company that has taken hold cf the matter, and in all in Condensed for Blade Readers. to consult and With stances Will C. Higgins ha3 sold hU IronCoun-- i those who. are the working eaterprise t?y Record' to two young men of that It should also be remembered, through. county, Charles Si Winkinsin1 and Dan- that Deseret Lithia water will be the iel Matheson: who' will still conduct the iforced to make headirav against the Buf ;! jiaper. falo, Waukesha and hundreds of othe' The Paris (Ida.) Post says; 4,Arrange-ibent- s famous waters, hence there must be uniare under way for tne; engagement ty and patience. Very truly, at Professor JUmU' Maeser, son of Dr. Karl J. F. GIBBS. G. iVlaeser, of Provo; to take charge of ' tnie' church school in Paris. This will . ' . t, . , j . -- ? - -; - goods. HAGUE, Butcher. V- Room 1 and 3, First National Dank BtUUiff UTAH. PROVO, Dealers in Clothing and Gent furnishings. OSTLER & OCKEY, .of NEPHI U i :. f - - act'.'-Castl- . t'bircitie5arhcilJd-itr- , e . We 'have a very large line of New, Hice, Nob' by Clothing. Jt waa bought at prices as low as ' . James , " . . . , 2724 v:'.:: Notice for Publication. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah J October 25th, 1895 Notice is hereby given that the following1 " ; ' To ? Iv - . : otir aarertise course ofuoiuge Book-keeoln- i ' we wiu give Dou-- k instrtiction in a thorough and Rntrv hiAind Single t Commerciial' Arithmetic, by mail, at i One-Fourt- h sr Regular Price to a limited, number of persons. This course will be completed in 40 lessons. No charge for diplomas.. Address, named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final corhmutation proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the County Court of Juab Utah; at Nephi city Utah, on DecemCounty, E. No: ber 21. 1895 viz: Frank L. Copening H. 11123, :for the SW H See. 3 Tp. 15 S. R. 1 W. He names the. following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of.i said land,! viz: Nephi M. Taylor, T. T; Taylors Melton Jennings, and Alexander Sul1 livan all of Juab, Utah. Any person who desires to protest againsi the allowato.ee of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the of the Interior Department, why regulations such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time the witnesses, o"f andEnlace to and to offer evidence in rebutv tal of that submitted by claimant. v BTKON Gnoo. Register.2125 W. A. C. Bryan Att'y for claimant. . before and after elections m the most important States operations rarely ha ve much significance. Business may be COMMERCIAL CAPITAL largely affected in time, but as yet COLLEGE JYVY there is scarcely any indication what the effect will be Stocks and lid W est Sixth Street. are weaker, and there is some pfodUeta decrease in ine numner or establishments at Li TOPBKA. " KANSAS. both reasons for work, having nothing Lono witn questions or government. The approach of of Congress commonly lowers' prices of some Trust no one now esrpecta either stocks,-anmonetary legislation ct an issue of bonds to innate prices., The controll ISXrEliT WA TCIIm & KBll anil JEWELEIi. ing power at present is" the eliort to hvf not oniv fafratit vour watch tojUn; but will jiiafantee it to kep time1, or readjust prices afterin ttie remarkable ma rise of last summer important will refund your money. A- full euptuy ot Wfcitches, Clocks and Jewelry terials and products, with the struggle at Close Fisu res: Orders frDtn the country solicited. of great- combinations to prevent- - de . Spo "Cash- could by it and Will be sold at figures1 that defy competition The Goods aiud Prices5 will be guaranteed to you-anas a Special Induce-- : inent' for all to buy their Clothing of us, each per-- ' son buying a suit (whether childs4) boys1 ot mens')' or a pair' of mens pants will be giveii one chance for Filty Dollars in S.' Gold Coin to be' presenteo1- to the lucky- - person on' Christmas eve.' Do votl want to be th noRMef4srtr of such a rich1 gift? You- may be. if ydu buy yorir clothing of us Thisoffor'ill begin1 on- September 27th and continue until Christmas. If you want a nice bailor-Mad- e Suit cut to fii' in' every particular ve can' please y'oti, having taken tlie agency of ' thrj Royal Tailors ol Chicago. Call and .sees samples: - j" ' iknvi'OTK?-o- f - . d Bodt and shoe Maker, THOS. BELLISTON, Agt. Mt. Pleasant Marble Work BIRD A B001?H, ' . Dentists. COURSE , - , Blacksmithing. KNOWLES A WEBU, Wheel Wrights. HYDE A WHITMORE, General Merchandise! GEORGE HARDY, ' - -e PEXTON A CHASE, "Proprietor. ' ' CO. NEBO ; just " - SECURE THIS : - Clothing dealers. ' lE-veryon- , Cazier, Supt. EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO., .Dealers in General Merdhandisei ' "'"Wv Paxman, Supt. MRS. C. R. FOOTE, .2 I A. A Hack Meets All Trains, ' Free to Patrong. Two Sample Rooms. Nearest to Business Centre. I co-oper- - Who will be the Lucky Person?' lias Clianoe. BIRCHALL A OSTLER, Is .the LEADINg HOTEL :. It j II. THILL A COMPANY) Merchant Tailors. F'RANCIS SELLS, Furniture and undertaking; UNION ;j The Week has been a broken week, and - , peo-Jpl- i Dealers in General Merchandise NEPHI COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE IN' ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, - .i Repairer of Boots and Shoes. CHAS. FOOTE.A SONS H.H.HAWKINS, Boarding house and Restaurant. C. OSTLER, M. J. Boot and Shoe maker; : good' news' to everybody. ,r A1 corps of Bi G. W. Purveyors .wsnt iouth' last Wednesday night to commence work; oh the ej&ension south' from- Balina. If reports don't come amisa dirt: will be t!hrovvn!on! the' grade" just as soon as ipring'sets in.- - ISIanti Messenger. Rorne crbod work was got in by the' Salt The police Eakfe police Mdnday night.in different ot' a' report of three hold-up- s SO min- in ' and 6:45 at town of the parts been' held men!. had tha three iltpsafter the a clue to'start With, but with and up liigliwaymen " vere captured , ridentified zind ih' jail;j boxes bot'h'thebaliot ltis reported:tha't ?iud the registration liet were swiped at Minnie Maud,- hence, rio' election was held. We" have hot learned the' truth in .this matter but if the above' is so,- then some one is iiabie to have' trouble when it is discovered whO'domtaitted the' Valley News.An1 ATizbha!editor 'wrote' to :a' e6ui trier-- " 'j STOUT. M. Butchers! ? Be VV. ManUfactur of and dealer in Harness, Saddles, and Sheep-Men'- s supplies. JNO. Dealer in General and green Groceries. imm g - ;, I1H STITUTION. T.H. G. Prkes, Supt. W. H, PETTEGRE W", mum : t I V. i- Be-ginin- - .' e i:-'- i ! ' - - .$ , . - . 4 crdss-eXamiti- e said-claima- . j - G -- - - Maia-Stiet-t,Nep- the4 $5o;ob Prize- To be Given Away And buy your Giothiiig of - |