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Show too ,is EXISTS ON LifW WOMAN THE 10-a- to the ' Rescue of gex-The .Newspapers a Falso Are Drawins Comes j rbe;s to-d- picture. HE city of Buffalo, New York, is. happy in being the home of many women of general' culture and refinement; prominent among them Brainerd of a writer Fuller, and force and grace a public speaker of f charm, particular ' Mrs. is native parents tr her. , a is Conn-- , man L. "a Middletown. being Nor- - of , tWa Eraineru SeeinV Favorable for the Everything ' Carrying Out of the Project. Probably. John W. Mackay vill always be known as a bonanza miner, and ne has, no doubt, a greater yet fortune in telegriph properties than in anything else. iIe. is certainly the owners in the world of telegraph' lines, and C' R. Hosmer is the man. he depends upon. to manage them fori him. Mr. Hosmer he- lieves the time is riear when the English government will combine with her col- onies in laying! a cable across the Pa cific ocean. The: colonies have already SSjql Mq- - y t!T HAR OD RHSC HRI granted subsidies or have bound them- -' selves to do sol, ijand the entrance into power of kLord S&iisbury,;with his Conservative majority of 150 and odd votes, is viewed in Canada as propitious for the Pacific cable enterprise. - "The Western Union," he went on to say, "started to build years, ago toward Alaska with the intention! of laying a cable across' Bfchring sea aiid reaching European Siberia. At the same time they were constructing a line in Siberia, This was when it was believed : PAPER ONLY. i namnbell 7? -- at Mrs. Fuller was educated FOE TO CABLE THE PACIFIC. such person." Sto Young Ladies' Seminary, Sddletown, Conn., and,has traveled in Seat Britain. Continental Europe, extent in the Canada, and to some ay ay . Mrs. Fuller read an able paper at the "Woman's Congress? on "Woat the Columbian Exposition Her Economists." Political men as Woman published in idea of the New Womankind will undoubtedly prove of ' interest It is as follows:: of the day Just who the New Woman, la upon whose much heralded advent mW good and sober-mindpeople so remains far a taken have fright, exireal life there in Where mystery. who acknowledges' sts an individual, herself to be the original of the type dubbed the "New Woman," we have not as yet been told. .Then, whence comes this strange and skirtless creature continuously held before our startled gaze, and whose presence represented in unwonted and most unseemly places is, indeed, enough to stampede a nation, back into the customs of past Were Betsy Prig to civilizations. drink her tea in modern times, she JOHN; W. MACKAY discthe laying of the Atahtic cable would ,Wali probably make another keen overy, and exclaim, as she once did, not be a success. When the latter of Mrs. proved a success the other was abanin regard to the( existence Gamp's j supposititious; patient, Mrs. doned, and now has practically disapHarris; 'I don't believe there's no sich peared, although $6,000,000 or $7,000,-00- 0 were spent upon it." person," as this kind of a new woman. And Betsy would not be so very far torn correct, in holding such opinion. Thef Canadian Poet. That; times are changing, and women "The Kahn-- is the !' signature apadvancing into broader! fields of educpended by an erratic Canadian journone in his nalist ation and usefullness to poenjis and sketches that have senses can doubt. It is equally cer- - given him a wide reputation through out the Dominion. He is a poet of the people as distinguished from the poets of the magazines, and before taking to journalism h was for many years engaged in farming. Many of his verses M have the directness and! simplicity that characterize the .work of Riley, and at ..-- uto 1 THE RUSH FOR TITLES. may be like some other fishermen, In wuiu tdse me reauer neea not Deneve the story unless he wants to. SOME GOOD SKETCHES FOR OUR YOUNG AMERICA. LAUGH- AMERICAN GIRLS THE ING STOCK OF EUROPE. Guests at a Hotel. "It may surprise you," said an old hotel clerk, "but we can tell a man not Story of a Hungry Bear Enforced used to stopping at hotels at the first Temperance for Captains The Smallest His the , Coin In the World: at Different Money, fulfil a once Poland N "What a French Say on the hungry bear Grawled " Bees, give me your honey there! You are so weak and I so strong, You cannot keep it from me long j And 'ere the little bees could think Vhe bear was on them in a wink, Climbing the tree with grumbling soundj While the bees came buzzing round. ; " But when he did the sweets demand They paid no heed. to his command; So putting in his nose he; cried ' To those within, "Just step aside!" ' American write invariably an from original point of view, although they take liunpardonable cense with the facts and mix themselves mw. amusup in a most ' A" recent ing way. - , French writer de votes himself to that ever and interesting subject, the marriage of American girls to titled Europeans. His observations are as follows: "Americans are a practical people. They excel in thg accumulation of millions, and they are certainly not pleased at seeing this wealth pass into the hands of others; and especially if these others are foreigners.: This drainage is not to their liking; indeed,7 it is not their fault, but that of their daughters, who, finding themselves pretty and 9. of-thi- ngs " ; y; Instead they stung him, one and all. "If you are large and we are small, You shall at least well p'unished be, If from our store you do hot flee." respondent Has to (Special Correspondence.) RENCH observers dle-age- , Co Subject Bogus Titles Often Purchased at That Time to Feel Ashamed. unf amiliarity with glance. to way register, with the way to ask his for letters, telegrams or how to give up his key to his room, gives him away immediately. Now, today, a mid d man who is stopping at this hotel came up to me and asked me it 1 would keep the key of his room for a little while. That was the one sure way of telling that he had probably not been in half a dozen hotels in his life. Then we can always tell the minute a man comes up to ask for his mail whether he i3 a hotel liver or not The commercial traveler, before his name is written down in the register, will ask to see the letters in the hox bearing his Initial. He will grab up the tele grams and pore over them as if he wef going to catch a train that left in ten minutes." Then he will take up his armful of umbrellas and; canes and and tell him throw them at the bell-boto take them to his room. The man. unacquainted with hotel life will do exactly the opposite. He is usually as bashful as a school girl with stag fright, He doesn't know how to do any Periods An Ludia Rubber Worm. ; j- stntpa. BOYS AND rr . thing." The Enchanted Pumpkin. . ' waf . j .;. j j i .S-i- j ; ! ' Mc-Kinl- ey man-eatin- - , ' ey ; ., , ' ; . P i ? " - anew.' . , Tbe bear got mad. no help it brings: He growls and roars, so sharp their stings. Oh, how they smart, nose, tongue; and : ." ear! '";; He must retreat, 'tis very clear. ' ji The bees exulted hum, hum, hum! The bear groaned fiercely brum, brum, brum! And as he fled could hear them say: "If you don't like it, kepp away!" W. W. Caldwell. . icans today. One of the most illustri- ous, that of Lord Randolph Churchill a descendant of the Duke of Marlborough, belongs to the oldest of Leonard Jerome's daughters, whose enormous fortune and great beauty placed them at the pinnacle of social life in New York from their debut. Leonard Jerome, beginning life as a farmer in the state of New York, soon left his native fields for the city. Being a brainy man, with an aptitude for business, a large fortune in a few years. "In 1875 Lord Randolph Churchill, traveling through the states, was presented to Miss Jennie Jerome, then in the heyday of her charms. He fell in love with her and asked her to marry him. From his name and position Lord Randolph Churchill was then the most prominent man in , Europe. His betrothal made a great stir in society, hi3 marriage a still greater one. Its echo has not died away yet, and the recent visit of his widow to the'country of her birth has started the chroniclers' pen3 Finance Her Hobby. ' (Chicago Correspondence.) Horr-HarvDuring the sessions of the financial debate there occupied a seat at Col. Harvey's elbow a prepossessing young woman who came in for a goodly share of attention on the very rich, seem to be possessed with part of the spectators, judges, journalthe desire of annexing Europe with the ists and others. She was Josephine E. private secretary to the author of great republic ; in exchanging their Hix, Coin's Financial School. As the debate charms for aristocratic titles and historical names. A few among them are progressed it became noticeable that Miss Hix had her work well in hand. For instance, when Mr Horr would ask his opponent's authority for a certain ;! ; statement Miss Hix .would, without a word of Instruction, dive into a big ' pile of books on Col. Harvey's table, and In less time than it takes to tell of it the authority was forthcoming. "I now pass the authority to Mr. Horr," Col Harvey would say. "He will find it on page- - . I wishi to have this When your little brother or sister has a birthday party and you want a novel ty as a centerpiece for the tea table, try the "Enchanted Pumpkin" and see what fun it will make for the guests, It ought to be a prize pumpkin andja big one. Scoop out all the Inside; that will do well enough to make pies out ol for' grown-u- p people on days 'that are not birthdays. Then stuff it full ol tops tied up in mysterious-lookin- g bundles. To each package tie a bright ribbon. letting the loose ends fall out over the Total Abstinence for Captains. sides of the pumpkin. Then carefully One of the "signs of the times" is the replace the cap, or stem part, which rec o&nition by business (firms of the in you cut off, so that It will look as if jit ' jurious effect of liquor drinking by were still whole, and place it on your thei? employes upon their business. tea table. Surrounded by ferns and Thzt this is true in other lands as well colored autumn leaves, and decorated m America is shown by an instance with the drooping ends ".of the ribbons, recorded by the London Christian: it will make a very pretty centerpiece. 7our years ago, Messrs. Carlisle & When the feast in over; set the chil O-- . a sent letter circular to guessing how many seeds are owners, dren ship tf their captains, stating that they were in the pumpkin.When all have guessed, cmiis& that the majority of serious tell each to take hold of one of the rtb- accidents on their steamers were due bonsi and when you say "Three!" they to intemperance, and, in view of the must pull on the ribbon and in that way LADY CHURCHILL. danger to life and property involved, they will find out how many seeds are they stipulated that their captains in the pumpkin. but the should forthwith become total abstainOf course, each little guest secures a perhaps actuated by patriotism, at freater number simply buy the lowL ers. Substantial bonuses were offered pretty gift. est price something which America to captains who kept their ships free lacks and which the old world still from accidents, and it jtvas agreed that A Hungry Shark. possesses in abundance. a breach of the pledge should entail for The crew of the tug Pennwood, wMcn "Since 1893 the legislators have been feiture of bonus. One of the captains, arrived at Baltimore, reported that they considerably puzzled over this problem his best "Thj Khan" writes true poet- John Harrison, who took the needful were a g a shark of an export not foreseen in the Like every poet engaged in jour pledge, was afterwards discharged for few pursued by ry. of south miles bill. The exodus of the great ago days twenty nalistic work, however,! he writes too drinking iWhisky. His1 bonus and de Cape Henry. of wealth the east and west left the much, and the badness of his worst posit being withheld, he entered a.n ac The shark,' which was about eight field free in a measure for less; favored productions is. something lamentable; tion in the Queen's Bench Division, feet long; had followed the tug for som damsels but the departure of these but at his best he has a command of pleading that he had acted under med- hours when a hook baited with meat millions now makes men thoughtful. humor, pathos, and homely sentiment ical advice. As he adniitted that he re was thrown, to it. No temptation could They find the compenatioh insufthat entitles him to the high esteem ceived the medical advice before asto. take the hook. Then the man-eat- ficient. The idea presented itself to in which his work is held by many. suming the obligation! of the pleijge, get it began to grow " bold and ap- the male mind to suggest a .tax on this nf5 case broke down, and judgment was proached within a few feet of the side export. The matter had many adherfor the company, gtoen shipping of the tug, until it finally grew auda-cfb- ents. But the women would not listen Unspoiled By Honors. An American lady traveling in Hol enough to slide along the steel to these considerations of an economical order, and their opposition soon land writes that Melchers, the Detroit Smallest Coin In the World. si 5 of the vessel. smali-e?- ,t same at is time the the wno won tne 'shich Chief Engineer Goldsborough, who brought their pretended defenders to .fans exposition artist at ex value coin 1889 and least coin the and has since enjoyed pf in the reason. had seen some, shark-fightin- g prize in ab on In current is the in he to vogue continent, Europe? undertook Carribean urgent "According to the statisticians the spear the traordinary sea, sence a honors of smaller the becomes more and more comof, i situation any a with unspoijled knowledge; fisb. He used heaped by MRS. BRAINERD FULLER. quite sharp boathook, hei be I dined should more with has On him. worthless, which he pierced its head. Several plicated. Though ai o every side fresh examples new woman, upon I tain that the' to a wears a are award still ed, writes correspondent, times the shark caught 'the hook,! but are worrying ourselves about, lest the German emperor, jhe quoted daily. The wealthiest girls on Greek a to wooden shoes and 's blouse tJo the head specithe movement, and the day is fast Mr. she imperils the could from lepton, not wrench it palm peasant perpetuity of present the too into is men of come; he which anyhas that had poor for, shark social order, has the recently drawing near when the coronets Of plea grasp. After; scarcely more quali-- ) to went to better!. dine he When The hands. ties to insure her continued existence lepton is, according been considerably maimed it withdrew, princes, dukes and counts will ornany thing a of of the burgomaster the wijte than a phantom or a tSv decimal monetary systemcurrent leaving a trail of blood In the water. ment the brunette and blond tresses of poorly executed with cos i countries belonging to the Latki Mr. i Goldsborough says he never saw the daughters of the oldest democracy Picture. In fact, she is a sort of com-- i Holland town he appeared in this hundredth part of the a shark so desperate in its endeavors to of the new world. The purest protecposite, produced by the various impres-- j tume and soaked to the skin by a hard uirron, the not for the He tion theories will then avail nothing." sions of the the dreek drachma is, make a meal on human' flesh. drachma. rain. Now, apologized,, peculiarities of living ex-- j were of for facft that the the 'Sic volo, sic jubeo, sit pro ratione volwhile nominally the equivalent they treraists, which have been developed clothes, but was the It franc or the lira, at present worth less untas," la and will remain the motto of i by. the. fear of pessimi'sts, the anxiety wet, and maintainedHisthat . Pass. Editor The hostess there than six pence, the rate of exchange I the young American girls, who are seconservatives, the Wit of lampooners, only suit he had. humorous and incidents, pathetductive enough in themselves to be m by thevcaricaturists holding high upon provided him wj th a dry suit of about a fortnight ago being 42.60 ic,Many come of to desk the railroad the busy for love alone without the glawedded an to The English sovereign. carnival over: all. ; The real new wo- - her husband's, drachmas Commercial. Cincinnati the man, says over them by their gold. cast man of mour lepton is, therefore, approximately America; which the nineteenth of the Lowes, Big Advertising Agent of the partisans "In the of an English worth about one-fifwill give to grace the decades Jane lAddams of Chicago. one In Saturday's mail j of the tax, allegations received " Four, is there if it3 successors will- be one, truth there is any Miss Janei Addams, jwhose portrait is farthing. who, to the in its is that way.l so men of pathetic singularly some And also exaggeration. gentle feminine attributes of her colon here given, superintendent of street General written wide-awawas, The letter by ial ancestors will sense and journalists of add the strength of cleaning in; Chicago, is one of the most Money of Other Days. A he South and E. at E. Chicago, to e think. They the United States seem and . the force of system remarkable women of! the decade. She In the early colonial times of 1752 Agent on hare concluded to accept what they editorial an book inclosed mileage 4;iC. intellectual training. Her more tobacco and tobacco receipts were; legal the sent cannot help with the itest grace possiliberal education corn and; beans and codfish also one Big Four lines that had been obtained from her col- tender, George Washington, Esq., editor of ble, and as every new movement, In the 5'S8 curriculum, together with a freer being employed.! at Terre Haute, United States finds a special publicity the in the affairs of the world The small, hard shell known as the Ind. He wrote that the old Ogling Hl tend gentleman on the other side of the Atlantic, they to improve society, rather cowrie is still used in India, the Indian had died a few . before, and, in have hastened to make the best of a days to undermine it. Islands and Africa, in the place of Education, a said: the bad bargain; in the first place to show "In commenting, thereon, m experience in life, and an ex coin. subsidiary illusto join his meantime he has tended In 1652, during the early colonial trious namesake ingone knowledge of human nature, has land beyond the the i fcever of America, musket balls passed yet retarded the wheels of nro- times no where there is ? smoke, no tuna. or deracinated for change at a farthing apiece, and skies, and there society, nel, it is to be consequently oyfc21S tO be no TPrv trnnrt Were a legal tender for sums under a he caa't use his hoped and reaanti trt hp his paper pass, ive that different results .will prevail, shillings Lowes remarked died him." with Agent; 1l&JSe .women possess these advan Wampum was : the! commonest cur- that the road had sent the old colored Voes. As for the "New Woman" bun- rency of them all: It was the shell bead gentleman an editorial book every year Si Indians! acwas soon ber and tip the of know! money recently acquired for many years, an annual event which as she would cepted by the colonists as a convenient the old fellow always celebrated in perpack a band box, token. uying off with it into an indefinite . all the offices and officers, we call "out of her coin ail. though, son, visiting with of The strangest j why a profound bow and sphere," ae never Will tn withdrawing artotit was the ideal money spoken of by Mon- "Bress o,r l4.rynff you, honey." -- mutable as being found in certain parts nature has mapped out to tesquieu omaa her of Africa. It is an ideal money called sphere. The golden chains and maternal devotion btnd her Hmaconte," but is purely "a sign of value little Willie Giveaway. ", Sel. a to unit. Maud it. without She could not leave it if (who has just been kissed by Jungly ould' and she would not if she MISS JANE ADDAMS. George under a piece of mistletoe.which AdH. John of Hon. So after tne ''extravagancies ia the daughter he has discovered hanging In the hall) An India Rubber Worm e -i exaggerations that are now folio S dams, for a to many years state,- senator Troy fisherman, the Oh, George, you wicked wretch, to take According was grad latest triumph of yankee 1 inventive advantage of me like that. I wish I naturally enough in the wake of the from northern Illinois, y She, ovement which Is in Rockford issj., genius Is an India rubber fishworm. It knew who hung it there. I'd I'd pay from college advancing woman uated in of that a trustee been t: ahiSher position in the social sys-- ti aad has siice is said to be a remarkably good imita- them out,! that's all! Eila11 have as stitution. George (to little brother later on in settled down, tion of the common earthworm, is inin and attendant on reforms have done use the actual evening) Willie, I am going to take destructible, proves ttie to as fishes Maud Evil the An the genuine real new woman will away from you soon; will you Report. as alluring jPfS'as .",,;';.;:.:. her and bowed: head true to herself and her voca-tv'Jher mT,fl mnther article. The old fisherman will be mind? Willie Not in the least, Mr. Popper; .as any of her qu?ck to see its advantages. One can predecessos. If frame sho6k with sobs. MRS. MATTHEW PORTER, "tell me, s$lTti of her times extend her dut- -' a and T are not friends now. for faltered, sis himself djay's sport without "Tell me," .she equip a certain was good pride in what is beyond their over a whole "garden in his ?c George How is that? ,60me instances into public life,1 kind sir, if myi poor jlost boy digging control and "e she will finally to publish in pamWillie (heedless of Maude's killing for bait. A handful of India conduct herself with dig-.'- 'f to the las'f 9' search a form golden book (as it could U1UU" A shade; flittea rubble worms will last him through glances) Oh, she boxed ; my ears for phlet ability. She will preside at well be called) of the American girls Me, a fair; and stately figure, face of th seaman. the sason, and there will be no neces-eit- y tipping her off the chair when she war Who have maried into the aristocracy e th answered he egg jQVea3ie because adorned tor pulling up the line every few nailing up that mistletoe in the hall. "I don't EcnWor ?ure," " of Europe. The list Is a long one and more of the graces of Minerva, as considerately, asj possible, "but I minutes to see if the small-fr- y nibblers 1894, but as difficult to keep 7 Wf:H as of London; taking the completed The of Venus; none the heard indirectly of pe natives saying have ieft the hook bare. It is possibly those population !. catalogue' of a national as up with ' Com ns n ,i i,,nnco nf li r.r ldf- -- they had eaten better." sound of wecj-tiff- .- hardly necessary to add here that the city at its greatest extent, amounted library' All was still but the tolls: of this invention in 1821 to 4.766.6G1. !erstanding of the things that inwlo, lsheman Detroit Trlbun'a. ed 3 "In Great Britain there are a great many historical names borne by Amer- authority printed in the official Thel language was ceedings." prore- peated so often that Mr. Horr finally grew weary of asking for authority. One day he said:' "I believe if I asked the ! date the Apocalypse she could produce the. authority." lit was agreed on all sides that Col. Harvey had an invaluable assistant in Miss Hix. She has made a deep study of the silver question ' and is an enthusiastic supporter of the theories of Coin's Financial School. She has entire charge of Col. Harvey's vast correspondence, and through her large corps of assistants," manages to ""answer every letter received. The average number of letters received daily aggregate 500. are readfrom These mostly Col. of ers Harvey's works asking questions about a'statements .set few are from forth therein. Not and statesmen, bankers, diplomats -. counof and other this ministers prime . j I . , 7 . er 4 ftezr v.i j ns ; ? mm , J ; ; lo-cJi- 'tf bug-a-bo- j Golds-borqugh- I I ; ; ; ce-t- j i.f j th ury ! : - ke j fi- pu-relianc- ; 5 ; more important ones are referred to Col. Harvey. . : 1 JOSEPHINE E. HIX. tries, some requiring answers containing from 1,000 to 1,500 words. Only the . j j Afro-Americ- an i ! j I w ? 5 ; j P&'tr j :; j M j ; Origin of a Phrase. .Many years ago 'the wild deer that roamed through the forests of England used to dig holes in the earth with their forefeet. They pawed it out sometimes to the depth of several inches, sometimes a foot or more. These holes were called "scrapes," and travelers at dusk or night, or those who were careless about their footing, tumbled Into them. They were laughed at for their heedlessness when! they came home covered with mud, and as this frequently occurred after they bad been Imbibing: a bit, they were said to have "gotten, into a scrape." Some Cambridge students took up this expression, and thua it came to be applied to people who had gotten into difficulties of various f eortfi. New York Ledger. . t:-o- 9, I ! ; j - i ; ! ; cf 4 - w-.- 7 ex-v;"- "3 U" j ; -- ; ! a-c- i -- 4 ; ;A ? 1 - Author of War of Wealth. The success iof O. T. Dazey as a play- wright is evidenced by the fact that six companies are producing his plays and this pouring money into his pockets sueseason. One of the secrets of his His "War of cess is his industry. was! Wealth" fully twntjr times before he considered it in the- his right shape for presentation,of and infinite other plays are the result in- painstaking. He finds his wife an att& valuable If a remorseless, critic, to her every scene is read and is about for her judgment. Mr. Dazey thirty-fiv- e years, old, and the son of a" Ho Is farmfir in Lima. Illinois. was his class and Harvard graduate re-writt- j ; s ( ; j en j j I i re-re- ad poet. j ' Depends. i Putson "I can't see any reaon for this weather is injuring thinkir. corn." '.,..:!. Kawls (on the wrong side of the mar- ket) "By George, if you were in my! place you would see plenty of reasons and you'd hunt blamed har3 fa: moxtY j |