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Show Our Stoekralsers' loiumn. Trra Blidb will continue In each otnabi thing to tell you. my dc.r, he said, with the great throng out of your sight and out of mine, but into the respite from tribulation, that season of joy that comes now and then, thank God to even the humblest of His creatures. Gilbert A. Pierce in Minneapo- i V ta publish brands under yearly oontracu at nominal price. The rlvantage to the etockralaer of f tm.il tartalntfthe public with his brand and mar xe to well known to need attention. It is u - tie Btocktnan hup . ; ! I A STORY WITH A BIOUAI , RANGE I Lower Sevier and Sink ol Heaver. firrel Her Friendship. the Cost "I hear that you and Charley have . Cjf 1 . - Address: Utah. Oasis, H The passengers smiled! In man time the For the twentieth was car rearranging the middle of the his luggage. A dozen times before the? had supposed he was preparlug to leave the train, but he had stayed on.. .v j.L'J "Do you . think he Is ffolng this time?" said a lady on the opposite Bide of the car to her husband. f "I give it up!" he responded. "It looks like it, but it has looked like it before." And he didn't go. Stations came and went but he remained, only seeming to get more nervous as we neared New i Xjpper slit In right, under slit la left ear. RanjjerCrioket i Mountains and Lower Sevier.. Address, ; -- t jDeseret, Utah, t Jos Mmi Under slit la ' i '' tight, under sill York. in left ear. "I think the man's crazy," said the - . . i Range: Crlekcl lady. Mountains . But he Lower Sevier.: - im ri-.- y Address, join T " I. H.-- -. art.., a.. ," "v. rWs ft aaa.- - ": . Oasis, Ufah'. - r - : and Deali RANGE: House Mountain . 4nA Lower Sevier. M Address, 1 Sml Ho rse Grower V-:- l person, th'ough. his actions" were'; certainly queer.Sometimes he would drop his head on his breast in deep- - thought. Then he would smile softly at first but the smile would grow wider and brpader and finally threaten to become a burst of laughter; but before it .)rpke out he would suddenly remember where he was and put his hand over his mouth or turn and look out of the cl window. Once when he opened his big portmanteau and the lady observed that - jDeseret Utah - -- i 'didn't look like an insane ;; it was filled with parcels and when he peeped into one of the packages uyerson Bros with a satisfied smile, she discovered zj4 Breeders a piece of dress goods of a very gay dealers in Short ""v horn Dnrh&ma. Horses s a m t brand an left thih. Cattl-U- ppr slop is each ear. liangs i lrrvrirrrT twnrm r Jr K Sevier rWif and mountains. between Wills' station on the Dl P. Ey and Leamington. Address, Leamington, Millard Co., Utah. 'r U i PatIpv Htm A : E; w Horses . same brand on left Cattle-cl- ose thigh crop in left and slit in right ear. Range, Lower Sevier. Address, . Des ret, Utah. L on left thlzkf same brand on lfl hip of cattle. Basso Willow Sprinss. V P. J. "I Think tfie Man's Crazy," Said the Lady. pattern; again she saw a doll's legs she sticking out of a parcel, and then husconcluded that he was a good Ke&TEOT. si ' ! iFlak Springs, t Utai.v came walking down, a little under the influence of liquor, 1 guess, for his legs seemed to be tangled. He was looking toward the city for a boat, I suppose, when suddenly he reeled to one side and went plumb over into the lake. "The water was 10 or 15 feet deep ,where he went in, but 25 feet nearer shore a man could touch bottom. I was sitting close to where"he went over, and.'without a thought I just slid in, grabbing a loose board on the pier as I went, and when he came up I pushed the board under him and towed him into shallow water. It was all done in two or three minutes, and didn't attract much attention from the. people, tthougb maybe a hundred gathered round as he came out. He asked me to get him" a cjiair and have him wheeled to the nearest exit, and' I hurried up, and when I got it I wheeJed it 'out myself. Then I got him a carriage and as he got in he asked me my name and address, and, handing me $10, told the driver to go to the Auditorium Hotel. Afew days afterward a man came and requested me to call on the gentleman. I went there, and he asked me a lot of questions,, and finally said he would like to have me go with him to California. I didn't hesitate long. When we got to San Francisco I found he was a big gun not like' Mackey and that class, you know, but worth a lot of money. He was preparing to build a row of houses, and he put me in charge. In a week he took me off, and said he was going away for his health and I must go with him, and in three days more we were on our way to Honolulu. He was a strange man, and as he got worse he would have no one but me near him. He had no family but plenty of other relatives. After a while we returned to San Francisco, and a few weeks later he died. I felt blue and lonesome enough then, but what do you think- - when his will was opened he had left me $20,000. It couldn't, be paid to me just then, and I was so afraid that there might be some slip about it that I never wrote home a word of my good luck, but just said I was coming back. Ten days ago they paid me the money clean stuff, you know; I've got, three drafts for it in my pocket and then I thought I'll just wait and surprise her. And so my wife don't know a thing about it, and won't till I tell her But, "good heavens!" he exclaimed, "it has seemed as though we'd never get there. I've been afraid the cars would run off the track and kill me, but then I says, "Well, if I think I'm not going to get .through safe that's a sure sign I will," and so here I am. I got a letter from her in Chicago,, and telegraphed her to meet me." vJ X. "And is she well?" queried the Vady. "Oh, yes ! but good Lord ! you don't know what she's been through ! She's been darning clothes and scrimping herself to send the little girl to school, and taking in washing to get along. Even the money I sent her she has hoarded for fear of sickness. I know how it is! She'll come down to the depot shivering in clothes made for last , to-da- Address, y. Ton left thigh, double swallow band taking a bag full of presents to fork In left ear. his family. She knew this must be so Range, Lower Se- when she saw- him take a photograph vier. Address from his pocket and kiss It slyly when Cliris. Tbompsra he thought nobody was looking." At last, after examining his yatch Oasis, Ulllard Co. a half dozen times and holding it to Utah. his ear tp discover if it had not Istop-peturned to the gentleman at the Hark, silt la and two silt other side of the car and inquired the right In eft ear. BaaM time. The gentleman told him and an left brand shoulder on horses then he wanted to know if the train P. N. Petersen, wasn't late. No, it was on time. Address, Oasis "Someway I thought it ' was late," summer, but not thinking anything Utah, Range, Law said the stranger j about that only thanking God that "You'r pretty anxious to get to your I'm back at last. I tell you what it Same left I imagine," returned the is boys," he continued, looking round on Horses. thigh destination, Y at those who listened, "there's nothgentleman. and Upper one underslope "Yes; and the train's so slow; it ing on earth like a faithful wife!" and slit la left ear, and two seems to me it will never get there. some of the passengers turned away under silts In right ear. RANGE :Oak I've been five days on the road. Come their heads while their lips trembled. And the train sped on! Newark was Creek. through from San Francisco." "Do live there?" left behind, and then amid clanging' you Sims Walker "No, I live in New York," he re- bells the train entered the depot at Address, Oak City, Utah. turned, "but I've been gone two years Jersey City.' The stranger was sitting and I'm getting pretty nervous. Some- at the v window silent and rigid. He way it don't seem possible I'm back." was looking! for the familiar face, but . "Have you a family in New York?" the train was too far down the track "Well; I should say," he exclaimed, to J recognize people in the waiting J There crowd, and he grasped his bags and : rubbing his hands and smiling SALT LAKE. was a pause for a moment, when he bundles and! was at the door when the took the photograph from his pocket car stopped. The passengers' who had and Morcliaiit General Gommission passed it over for examination. heard his story followed him with eag"That's my wife," he said. "It was er eyes. They saw him go stalking up taken ten years ago and looks kind o' the platform looking right and left. Dealer la- . I guess, but its all the Away up at the head of the train as If pushed one and shouldered back by I got." FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BETTER, looked at interest. with it It They was a pleasant face, a hopeful race, a .;".:' Eggs, Poultry, Game, Veal Pork an 1 Beef, Smoked aad Fresh Jisk, face to trust in and depend upon.! Flour, Hay and Grain. "Have you children, too?" queried the lady. Strange what trivial things It will pay you to ship your goods to me. I and attract us on a railway interest 10 for haadllnsr aad remit as charge pr cent, O - i . ; t d, f , 'O. i ; . S. MARTI2ST, j - old-fashione- d, ! j j i coon as roods are sold. Cam country references if desired. give train. first-olas- s : .i, v.:--- "One," be replied, "a girl eight years of age. We had a little boy, too, eighteen months old, but he died a year ago." "Ah, that was too bad," said the lady. "Yes," he responded, "and she had written me so much about him that I ASSATER, C3 W. " 2nd, South, SAUT LAKE CITY P. O. BOX -3fc.- -i- $1.00 .......... ....... ...... 1.00 ........ ...... Copper Assay .. 1.00 Bottle Samples Hand Sample Iron Assay I L S.C0 felt just as if I'd been with the little fellow right along. I declare when she wrote he was dead, some way I had to sit down and cry over it just as if he had been grown up, you know. I couldn't help it, but I think it was more on her account than the baby's that I felt so bad. She was so wrapped up in him, and had worn herself out trying to save him. And alone, too, and poor, you know. It was mighty tough." "And you've been gone two years," said the lady. "Won't she be glad to r see you, though?" S. U. land Office.) (Lato Kegtcr "I guess so," he replied, confidently. "And got 'some good news for land and Mining- Attorney. her, I I've tell you." He hesitated a lew and then said: CorrespoDdeDce solicited. TVenty. moments, was a hard struggle to live in "It Hhree years' experience!. New York at best, and when the times UTAH. grew worse I went worse on a conSALT LAKE CITY, tract at my trade at Gladstone Mich., where they were putting up buildings for the railroad and steamboat lines. After a while wages were reduced there, and when the World's Fair opened I went down to Chicago looking for a job. I finally went to helping to make the big fratnes Land Agents &Mtornoy& work they used in the fireworks, you know, but I was discouraged, and didn't know how I was ever to have imy family with me again. One day while r SALT LAKE CITY, TJT All. sitting on tlv pier, a gentleman j Frank D. Hobbs, I , j to-wor- BIRD & LOWE, k r.oota 4 and 5 TrSe Block WHITES FRANK tut Hit., been quarreling of late." said the girl utaji rnoTo, ' - with the hair looped over her ears. of "AVe have," said the girl with the dimple in jher chin, "and it was all his, fault, too. I have just finished a letter telling that it was all over." Will j?iTe lessens on Piano; Qrsa, "You surely wouldn't throw him and teach Jiards hi over with all the money he has?" said Ho lt'stn, reasonable terrris. the girl with her hair looped over her For furtber particulare, iuldrm: ears: "It wouldn't be half as easy- to Hill Gold him none. he if had back.as And get FRANK WHITEHEAD then; he sperids it just as freely as bf ' ' would ifj he were quite poor," . HINCKLEY. r "I don't care;" flashed the girl with the dimple in her chin ; "I hate him. The OasiB and Springs stag-- leavsi is awfully quarrelsome, and Otsls and IbapahFlh at 8 a. in., each Monds.J he would die before he would confess and Thursday, and arrives at terminal pclnu '..! witLIn 52 hoars. that he was in the wrong." "Well, soi would you, wouldn't you?" Oasis to Detroit, 53. CO "I? Of course I would, but that is a " 5.00 Fish Spr'ngs,. very different matter. Why he would " Gold Hill and Ipabah. 7.5Q jf..tL rnDVDiriUTri t probably remind me of it next time - i Fare for transportation out and return oe men have no tact. Besides, he actualCAIV I OBTAIN A PATENT? fares. Address, and answer ant an honest opinior ly gave Lulu a bunch of flowers yesBroinpt who have had nearly mJZl DAVIS F. &(.. in the patent business. Proprietor, terday." Commit experience A Handbook confidential. tiona strictly "Well, he was something of a flirt conceminar formation Tn tents bow to and " before them Bent free. Also a catalogue mii " ical snd scientifio Itnnltn mont "I don't see how you come to know taiien ttironcn Munn & Co nv,k. noticoin the Scientific Aiiierip,V specialare anything about it. But I'm sure I thus brought widely before the rubl e 4' GK don't care (how much, he flirts after out cost to the inventor. This .splendid issued weekly, elegantly illustrated. h. hv this provided he can find anybody to larpeet circulation of any scientitia work in flirt with." world. i3 s yc.ir. Maniple copied sent fr4 WATCHMAKER, Building Kdition, monthly, $2.50 a torV "Oh, some girls will flirt with just copies, '2. cents, i'.vcry number ca'utni'V utah. to is in There nephi, anybody keep practice. tosi'.'w houses, witn plans, enabl Lulu but you say you don't care any Watches and jewelry promptly n desiana and eocure contracts. Adfirf-latest more?" MUMN & CO.. Nf.w Vqwk. paired. Mail orders sol Iclted. "Of course I don't; she is welcome to what I have refused." "Oh, she won't believe that; he will " tell her " "I'm surell don't care what he tells her!" And Made a Rush for Her. the well dressed rthrong, was a little woman 35 or thereabouts, in a well worn black sack and a dress faded and poor, but neat fitting and well brushed. She had a look almost painful in its intensity, filled with both hope and fear, and eagerness of suppressed excitement. She was looking half be- for Detroit; Fish Springs, ?jid Ibapahl - iiuu nappy. ..vveii, my friend, you found her, UiCJ smilingly. A. found lw les!,y2u?" turned the stranger, "and there's going to be a rejoicing such as she never dreamed of. You see Fv got some viiujui -- rioni-i,no.r- ,'L e , He--h- e i ; ' i . -- -- one-ha- lf " elf i OS fi-t- a ' A. Gardner, f ' ti'! Vit.-- ', ; , , , . i nVKm-A- ;. "Of course not. If you did I would not tell you! that I saw them out driving together this afternoon." "Care indeed not I! Did they were they having a very nice time?" "They seemed to be. By the way, I never noticed before" that his nose was quite crooked, did you?" "Crooked indeed! It is perfectly straight. You ought to wear glasses, 'even if they are not becoming." "Yes he is an awful flirt. I believe he would make eyes at any girl who .would let him. Why, there was Nellie, , who -- ' i It is not his fault if the girls will run after him!" "Humph, I don't know about that.. Besides, as you say, he has an awful " temper, and lit is just as well t"I don't see what you know about his temper, I consider it very good, and I ought to know." "And then his stubbornness. Is a great fault, You are quite right, after all, to throw him over, and I don't doubt that Lulu why, what are you "He; is not a flirt. and Harness Saddlerj GEO. W. WILLIAMS, P A."5TS03ST, MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Harness Saddlery, Buggy Whips. Nose :Bags, Colic ' Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. 1 Fine Buggy Harness - a Specialty. ' Wholesale HEATED BY STEAM. f1 F 0 ELECTRIC CALL Pi 'j1 j If 01 - doing?" "I am tearing up the horrid letter I wrote him. I I have been treating him badly of late and I shall tell him that our quarrels are all my own fault! and I hope you are satisfied, now that you have tried to make mischief between us and failed!" "Well, I've done my duty," sighed the girl with her hair looped over her ears, as she went out, "but I have cerof being bridestainly lost my chance maid." Chicago Times-Heral' and Ketail. Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity and it given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention, j L. HOLBROOK, Prop: y TEREtCfiflMBfflffi.POM As Soon as She Saw Its Contents She iDropped It. This afternon, when 'business was heaviest at the Terminal station, and people were crowding in every direction to take their respective trains, an innocent looking bundle slipped from beneath the arm of a stylish ly dressed woman and fell to the platform, says the Philadelphia Bulletin. The bundle lay directly in the path of the people, Many daintily gloved hands wrere extended toward the package, but withdrawn as the owners recollected themselves. A little knot of men formed around the package, each trying to make the others think lie had other business than watching n the parceLj Finally a man of this business city, could stand the suspense no longer. A. boy was taken to. on side, and when he left the was seen putting something in his pecket. He walked over and picked up the package, and, elbowing his way through the crowd, handed it to jthe man. ivho had tipped him a nickel, The package was quickly undone, and, resting side by side were a large slice of cheese and a half pint flask .filled with liquor, flipping the flask into an inside pocket, the man was about to walk off when the same stylishly dressed woman came up to him. "1 understand you have a package tllat belongs to me" Leads All the Rest. . j AWARDS. Support Unm State Fair 1894, Medal. nui fta Gold . Industrie . well-know- train. Three Cream Baking Powder Gold and Medals. Keep Superior Quality Flavoring - nga 1 "niftEF I tMOH CRcm ' TKREe thitos lOtoMB iU?cWN Your : Extracts Gold Medal. one N Best at . ! Quality and Display of God Water. Home. MANUFACTTJRED BY HEWLETT BPOS Useful Invention. The latest medical invention !s a small but, intricate machine not move SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH than an inch and a half wide and of the same height for the purpose df Spices Pure and Ground Daily. registering the pulsations of the htait. The inventor of the new regUitw,, which is looked upon by medical tan who have ejxamiLed it and i seen it work as marvelous, is a German Has a full line of-residing in the upper portion of the city. The pulsations are registered on a small slip. of paper whih moves through two wheels in a ma similar to that of a typewriter. As the blood flows from the heati a And is selling dow n at Panic Prices for delicate metallic pen, very sharp a&d Pay Down. filled with ink, makes an upward' Either for Cash or Produce at cost. stroke the throb, accompanied by the flow of blood towards the heart, causTravelers and Sheepmen will find me ing the needle to make a downward supplied with stroke. Philadelphia Call. A clock-mak- er BOX JOSEPH A. LYMAN: General Merchandise, -- a-n-er : Plenty Good IHnongrh. Treetop I want to get a few pulled if you ain't too busy. ; all-fire- d tta Dentist Will you take gas? Treetop Nope kerosene is jjood enough for me. HAY, - GRAIN - AND - STABLE Highest cash price paid for Sides and Pelts. Don't forget JOSEPH A. LYMAN, OAH CITY, MILLARD COTINTV . . . . ; j TS! Headquarters for Sheep, Gattle& Mining Ik DIDN'T WANT THE BUNDLE. i BELLI d. i wildered at the approaching throng of passengers, but did not recognize the broad shouldered man whd elbowed his way toward her. Nor did he see her until a few! feet away, and then he just dropped, portmanteau, valise, bundle and everything, and made a rush for her. The little woman gave utterance to a Suppressed "Oh!" as she saw him and put her thin hand nervously to her face, and that was all; they simply stood holding each other, while the passengers went by. The gentleman and wife who had talked to him tarried at the entrance until the couple cameferry up, ra- - ln . she said. The man excused himseTT and went down into his pocket. The hand was withdrawn and extended toward the woman. ,. She gave one look at the flask, and with a glance at the man that might have killed at forty yards, turned around and went to her ; W. Q. M STEWARD, - SALT LAKE CITY, tTA3 tei t3. at OEce, First lUtlonxl ' " ;- Professor By Gilbert A.piert ,' Jno Detsnnp LAND and LlIKli: It,' .Attorney' at - Law. - Collections FroBBtly Att ratclied Her CJiwms She Ctl F. PARI Y, SAMUEL A. KING, lis Tribune. as valuable as an advertisement Is to thu merchant. CtES .u,. j 1 1 G. . VK I1 |