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Show Thus does the great progression; drama of mortal existence partake of the political and. religious and as we look forward into the remote future, man's destiny stretches out and mergea in to the infinite where it. vanishes to reappear on the "other side," The teachings of the foregoing, are Editor. that4 perfection physically, mentally and morally are the objects of mortal past-jSc- e THE liLADE. SUBSCRIPTION KATES J , J2.00 Ppryear (Payable in advance), J, F. QIBS, Application has been tnade at the !$ephi fqr transmission through fhe. mails as existence. The. question naturally ppjjd.aJaes tqajl matter arises as to th,e best and surest methods gATUBp4YMQINMNOY. of human effort for the attainment of those objects, or. that objeot which lfi; 189?. comprises all of tfyqse other related It objects?. must he understood that the object can ba secured only by natural forces and tneaqs, Tq that end a thoughtful: Father has anticipated i BLADE AQENTS. . at need of man and has, placed every subscription? and receipt for his disposal aod for his common use, the'air, the earth, the metals and those Yfm. Chastainj Ib,apan. Tqoel. Co. subtle ej5tnents and forces that, by am.C4.RD COUKTT. A. Oak Glty. ,Joeph combination, furnish him with the Christian Anderson, Fillmore. means of subsistence and progress. In Thos. Memmotj, Scipio. p. A, Bates, Holden. order tq achieve advancement, there jChris. Qverson, Leamington. ' must be an equitable division or disj3eo. Crane1, Kanosb. James Hatoii, Petersburg? tribution of those natural previpjons. Virgil Kelly, Ijurbank. Hvrum AdarriS. Meadow. In the present innate .desire on the Jaine$ S. lUalje,. IJinckley. "7-parti of nearly all pren to acquire larger l portions of j;hose natural ftifts and tban they are entitled tp under Of law a just distribution, is' found THE GREAT POLITICAL "L.ANP ' the great difficulty and the problem to be solyed. :Just in proportion to the aggregation or centralization of nain a the where feeling ture's gifts or wealth into the hands of Jq country a ia bo intense as a felectifew or clasi, do thosje difficul partisan politics xne ties enlarge,; The reason why that ' is Utah, and in fact throughout, United states, running an independent so, is found in that the posession of a newspaper is a most difficult undertak moderate amount of wealth is necessary ing,1 J$Qt that it is difficult to treat for that leisurs without which becomes .impossible, and subjects inaepeqaenuy mm unoseuiy to the reader difficult is convince each human unit, of force is. rendered but it that the author of independent politi- - less effective, and where the centralizapal writings is realy' sinpere and is try tion of wealth is carried to extremes, jng-ttreat bis subject fairly and in a its possessors become the masters of aqejve. . . f ' - re-sourc- NGS. SLipEr-JTSTEAQIIJ- . self-im-proveme- nt ; . . we desire to the people who are slaves to a power of judicial spirit. However, : 4.: .: .. i uicaiouu jxjiihuuj wuu- their own creation. pay t lovy vruiua ditians. and we will assure our readers From the foregoing it is readily seen that there is not a political "nigger in that jthe effectiveness of each human t,htvyoodpile," nqr any desire whatever unit pf force! depends entirely on the intinpnfA any nnft inwan a m ir f.x. intelligence of the unit and that its intremeof the political pendulum. telligence is the result of a judicious Whenever either' of the two 'great use Sof;thethe golden moments of political parties achieves a great vic leisure,; and that that is predicated on a an or a "land-slide,- " tory equitable distribution of wealth. ends of the air; x great shout triumphThe forgoing is the only consistent I' peans of victory are sung, and the poll view to: take of the inyolved in ytical chiefs and rank "anch file of the man' s existance an objects the question, of all victorious party howl themselves hoarse that presents itself is how to over the triumphf, of what? in order others, accomplish the primary object, or the o understand just what, has, or has distribution of wealth. ; jiot been accomplished, let us cast aside Thi usefulness of each sentient unit all partisan feelings and view the mat- - of force is measured by its intelligence .". ter from tbe ' standpoint of stubborn and trie social progress of those units will facts, on the aggregate of their Before proceeding with the subject depend entirely intelligence. jSo long as the majority of in hand it will be necessary to briefly those units can be deceiyed into voting examine the object of mortal existence. for measures that will tend to centralNot the objects that actuate indivi- ize thje wealth of the nation in the duals because they are so varied, sel- hands! of a few, iust so" long will the fish and whimsical as to render ' a of wealth continue, and treatment of thern. impossible within aggregation in just proportion to the centralization the narrow .compass of a newspaper of wealth, and of power, article. But wa will take the object will it be difficultnecessarily to", decentralize that should engage the attention of wealth and to wrench the liberties the of , the aggregate, unci that is the happi- the pebple from the grasp of the money g ness, and uniform , progress power, of the human family as an entirety. The; only principal that has ever been , Pot that thsy ban be immpdiately utireyeal&cUto mortal man that Vr ill ac law of hulized, for it ia a the of . 4. 1 1 - ; - . - ed so-call- - well-bein- weli-know- n man progress jthat, like the nshular theory of world organization, reforms ' have small beginnings, and like; the wavelets caused by dropping a rook into the placid, bosom of a lake, a radiation of force extends in every direction and ynth strength as they re from cede the centre of disturbance! In order to mnro tTtariv imlrstnnrl 'the, u.nmnint .aiul tn nwi(nt r.hn nr.n. elusions more forcibly, it will be eoeos-sar- y to base ofir rocaaip natural ', law, that nevcf has ehawaod,, nor can vary without preeipitating disasters as wide a the universe, Th very first law of nature, and to A'hieh we have frequently referred, is that no effect can exist a the absence of a cause, and that no eilect can be greater than the cause. quantity of gunpowder liore in the of a gun will propel placed a bullet of a given weight a certain distance and into a plank a certain depth. The same amount of powdei of the same strength and under the same atmo3pnerio aacl oilier condition's, wib produce absolutely tho name effect. E.ieo grain of powder is an atom or unit of force, and by itself would b or if those grains were spread cut and se:ltrrtd n.nrl cimnlHiw.nc-l.exploded, their power to do efTective work would h.j imnaired "hist in nmnnr. tiou to the scattered and vmr.rvnfltYnH iJt condition of those units of force. Each human being ;sa unit of st.eia.1 V ' fin rirtlf ever-lesebin- g J 1 - m a. - c . . - to e;ieh of those" hutu'io Ruita. and to the aggregate-- with the same absolute results as to fleets as it wdl to all ro-called nhvsical torces. iach human unit becomes a force for good or evil just in proportion to bis or her intelli-- ! gnncc, or the lack of it. and the quality or that intelligence. The greater the mteiligeucerboih natural and acquiredr the more clearly will' the object, of toaticnt life be presented. Such an intt'iii;;ence will not only grasp the refcut but the "past and future,, and out of tLe history of the pastr both and vit:iTr or 'rather meatal; with its progressive trend, I 'i'u t!; of mankind i: .r ;rrn at, the conclusion , , : . ' epi.-Kjn- t f'-.tuj- o i"f--Mhili- ties nf!) wealth (decentralization complish and distribute it among the people is Under the opera- that of ion of that principle the people not only share the profits with each other, but become their own employees. If the present process of centraliza" tion of wealth; continues until the entire property of the people is absorbed by a few thousand! persons, it will require a revolution of violence to aocomnlish hat which, by every principle of jus tice and, equity, ought to .be acheived ' by peaceful; methods. In view of the foregoing irrefutable doctrine, it stands to reason'that those laws, (or National polity), that give to all citizens the freest possible sxereise of personal liberty in industry; manufacturing ancl commerce, and that place the fewest restrictions thereon, will render the introduction and practice of less difficult. ..Whenever the industries of any nation become' monopslized by a favored . ; they have helped to weave. In those very efforts to do something, they know; riot what is found a great hope that education in political tscience will come to the people" before solu. it is too late to effect a peaceful ' ' , tion of social problems, 5 mum iimiT mm mm Will soon be moving their Flocks to the Winter range in the Western part of Millard County. . 1 ' Notice to Creditors Estate of Jolm Fleming, deceased;, Notice is hereby jfiven by the nntleviprned, exeentor of the last Will and Testament of John Fleming, eee:ed, to the creditors of, and all persona having elaiujs against the naid deeeased, to exhibit them, iih the necessary Tonehers, within four month after the'tirst of this notice, t Denis publication 21 Commeras aforesaid, at rooms 20 and Kiejy, cial BloeV, SltLake city, county of Salt .Lake. Utah Territory. Dknis KiBlv, Executor of the Xast "Will and Testiment of John Fleming-- (?est1asefl. Dr.C.S,iiosmer5 ' i Physician and siuyeoiu eye:-cntO- Residue? At , Second dopy flOUKS: 2 to 4 p. m. IZt Oo-o- p tstor,--' Dated October 21, WALTER JAMES, ol Bla.ok Rock. J. J. RqgejSj fty: or Executor. ' Has Just Laid in Large fact and significant It is a singular THS Supply of GENERAL that the available men in politics is MERCHANDISER And usually the man whq ha$ nq definite fVESTRN; Gauge Tli8 Missoari Pacific R'y conviotions, and.whoqe chief merit lies all in his ahilityto gracefully stradddQ RAILWAY! difficult and dangerous issuegJ The If you &TfB gpipa tcr logic of a republican - form, qf goyern . THROUGH THE ment is tq the effect th.at the people Kansas City4 being left free to chqose thein own " the Season. Fpr Coming St, liOUlS, officers will naturally saleefc the strongj Chicago, est and best men,; which is, to say the Pelts will be Bought and Meals HOOKY. WMWi New Yorkj men whorq they: have most reasqn to t as Furnished Usual. is a this in practical sense, trustj but pr any other not true. As a; rule, the njeri who are Choice of Three Distinct Routesf poir.f Jlast see JhaJ your ticket reads vja' ' mm most courageous and houest in the' ! ANI THE Black Millard Rock, Co., Utah. m r.iiQQnur Mnnitin nut of their views, and. who can be ikw niivwyuM I UMIliy MOST MAGNIFICENT BAILROAP JCEf! II relied upqq to follow a given course at None But Ayer's at the world's Fair. Coaches, Quick Time, and Superb , Elegant Koad-beany cost, have the greatest trouble in make this line thePeople'a ' the Ayer's Sarsaparilla ' f exttra enjoys securing nominations for cfqce. The ordinary distinction of having been the blood purifier allowed an exhibit at .Two Fast qualities. which should commend them only Express Trains Daily the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturtd popular favor prove, to be a disad- ers of other sarsaparillas P 35 p.m.. Ooenf Iav by every EACH WAY urrwstiif to obtain a showingsought Leave Pueblo 7:00 p. m of their goods vantage tq them as political aspirants, means . 5:45 p. in..Kansas were ,AnlTe but all City, turned they under the away and the prizes that they seek are genArrive St. Louis.....'..,.'.. fi:55 a,, m. OGOEN, S< LAKC AMD DENVER. application qttbe rule forbidding the enm. Arijye Chicago.:.... of of much erally obtainediby competitors patent medicines and nostrums. try The of the World's dipision fair authoriless force of character, but superior ties in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was ELEGANT RECLISIHG CHAIR GABS! as follows: cunnjng in evasifln and compromise. in effect Ayer's Sarsaoaril-l- a Call jupon the nearest ticket agrent or address.' is nqt a patent medicine. ' This happens so often that it is not does not irm to tbe list of nostrums.It It belong II, B. KOOSER. .. is here bitect Canrveciiofl3 made in Union Depots. necessary tu cite special Examples: .ny on it8merits.,, Commercial Freight & Pass. Agt. , manwoh4s ever attended a party S..II.aSfINSON, ' Loaii to . Pass. Mpney Agt. Traveling conveniqn hasjseen thai sinister influTHE WESI. Salt Lake City, Utahi, any amount from one hundred to ence in question at wxrk, for it is al- tenInthousand Or II. G. TOWNSEND, dollars. On improved farm ways preseqt where tbe object in view property or on water ftock. General Maqgaer, Qeneral Pags. and Tcke Agent, Traffic Manager. T. O. Winn, County Recorder. bt. Lourl, Mo. is to secure the' largest possible number F.A. WADpEIGIJ, Qen'l. Pas. gent. of votes for a ticket, Ia the nature qf things, the mqst outspoken and aggressive man,, the one identified most conspicuously with the principals and purposes of his party, should be the most available man for, a nomination. .When such a m.an is taken there is surely less danger of mistake and disappointment than wben one of OF OUR SUCCESS, the opposite kindis chosen; but in nine cases out of tenHbe latter is preferred, because of a belief that he can ppll more votes than the other and usually this 4hory holds good. For some inscrutable reason; average voter does. not like to support positive and uncompromising ;men. IJ seeiris to PI CTO have a suspicion that such men will prove to he impracticable and unwilling LOCAEi TIME CARD. to make concessions and combinations ' for the purpose of promoting the in In eflfectiDec. 16, 1894. stations-Train and depart arrive terests of peace," harmony and general daily-afollows : North-beun. satisfaction. The result is that one of Stations. ' Leave Leave Arr. Arr. the first lessons the politician learns is 8.30 an. 2.00 am.... Ogden .... 8.00 pm 5.45 per j 9.30 am 3. 10 am Ar Salt j Lv 7.00 pm 4.45 po i that of keeping his opinions to himself 7.15 am Lv j Lake Ar 4.35 pm Also complete line of as far as he can. and of putting himself . i 7.41am pm Sandy.,.... 4.05 Flannels, Albetross, Trimmings, Silks, Velvets &c. 9.12 am .. Fairfield 2.25 pm in the way of being regarded as a conand Youths Mens, Boys Clothing, 11.05am... Eureka.. .13.45 pm r ; 8.15 am..Lehi Juneti . 3,30 pm which is being sold with the profit entirely for you., servative parson, which generally 8.25 am Amer'n Fork 8.20 pm We also a have assortment beautiful received of just means a doubtful quantity. It is nec8. 32am Pleas't Orpve 3.13 pm and QUeens ware, which is not surpassed 8.55 am . ...Provo.... 2.50 pm Crockery essary for him to pursue such a policy 9.14 am Spanish Fork 2.32 pm this side the City. ,. i. 9.32am if he would be regarded as an available 2,17pm, If you want to get you moneys worth call and see us . 10.35 am ...Payson... 1.25 pm ..i.Nephi.... man when his party is looking for a .11:15 am Arj Lvl2.45 pm . 11.35 a,m Lv Jua,D fArl2.30pm candidate. This fact is that the peo1.05 pm Leamington 10.55 am 3:05 pm 9.25 am Oasis as smooth favor be men, ple they may 4i50 pm 8.37 am Clear Lake 7.10 am Ar j Mil- f Lv 535 pm called, over those who are blunt and 7.50 am Lv f or4 f Ar 5.15 pm palestric; and tHat is what is signified ....Frisco."... 4.00 am 9.40pm ' '" o Arrive Leave when we talk about the vjrtue of availTrains run souh of Juab daily, except Sck G. H. t. T. . PARKES, Superintendent., ability in politics. St, Louis OATS" . Two through trains dailv- front Salt: (Republican.) Lake to all points East,, 1895. PQLITlQAli AVAJkABILITY. ep-?- 3 tandard gheep Men's : - ; STAINS! ex-pressi- qn . - ! WALTR JAMES ; . j . ' ' ' mm. m - mm m i . . 4 Fav-prite'ftont- e. ' tf" . j " 1 i m . - . .....-9:B0a- - j 4 j j i , i ! wmmmi We have the largest line of Ladies,Misses andChLildrens Shoes ever exhibited in IXTephi, at, unusual low prices. An elegant assortment of Dress Goods. thj XiSMfn Mr. ; - s i s South-bound- .. d , . I , ' . ; i -- ; ; r;-- . - Globe-Democra- - i - -- GOLD NOT, THE STANDARD IN THE UNITED STATES. m.3- see O-ul- x ; - - Sak t Through Pullman Palace Sleepers fr Lake to Chicago without change improved Tourist Sleepers. Free Reclining Chair cars. Elegant day coaches.. The only line operatiug dining ear service. ine snortesi aEa iastest line to an points i east. r 'I . ! . The. statement that gold was the originally declared standard of value in the United States, of America "is not true. In 1792 the amount of silver which was put into a one dollar coin as a standard of value was by Congress and the President fixed asi was intended for all time to come. Then its value was used as a unit to deterdebt-payin- E, D. WICKIN, Agent, Nephi. EJBurley, Gep'l A?t Dept.,' City Ticket Oftiee, 01 Main st Salt Lake. .'LLjRiUjax, Gen'i Passgr. and Ticket Agt. . XD. . 4 tien'l Mngr.umaBg ju.wetjnson, S. H. H.Clark, '.! Oliver W; Mink; E, Ellery Anderson, John W. Doane, FredericltfR Coudert, Receivers t f g mine and declare how much gold should be the equal of the dollar's worth of ilver as legal tender for; debt. Thus came the silver dollar and the gold dollar.- The ciime of secession was no greateV than was the crime of demonetizing silver. The people of the South, from listening to those who advocated our line of Fall and "fvinter Dress Goods, in albthe latest styles and lowest few, competition is out of the question. secession as a remedy for their ills, and Also ' .. Even ah united but impoverished people the people of the entire country are prices, HaviDg bought our line of 'CLOAKS and WRAPS alike suffering from listening to those could make no headway in early, we had the pleasure of selecting from a full who seceded silver from its forcibly against a class who possessed all iine of 1895 styles, which are now, ' the wealth. In view of all of the fore- original place as legal tender. . at our store,. displayed r . "I going we ask; in all candor,: if our 'j. national polity it such as to give any The potato crop of the United States hope for an equitable distribution of Anil further, are not the this year is 232,000,000 bushels, or about wealth? 100,000,000 bushels more than the crop teachings of tjho recent political uland-slide- ,' of 1894. .No doubt this has. something proof positive that the unit of do with the low price potatoes are to social force in these United States at in this fall. The onion unprepared to vote intelligently selling also ptah is the largest, ever known on matters that most deeply concern harvest in America. themselves? Three years' ago, Grover Cleveland w wnu& was elected President by one of the The 'silver people should not lose ' most stupenduous- majorities ever re- heart because the goidite press of the corded in the history o elections. The East say the silver craze is dying out. size of that victory was inexplicable These people have told many other; lies even to Democrats who went wfld ovev valim mm wrnam Man before, and the people of the country that "landslide' which they mistook for appreciate this fact and take their an endorsement of their policy. This statement a& to the If you are going to range your sheep west.ot Deseret silyer question with Write immediately to the yeaF Republicans "are rejoicing over a grain of salt. CO-OHINCKLEY their "landslide"' and which they regard on For prices grain. Bottom Figures.. as an endorsement of their policies. Sheep-men- s j Supplies a Specialty. Neither of those parties is right, the The Nev York Board of Health, anof antitoxin has people have not endorsed either of nounces that the-'uthose parties. It i& merely evidence cut, down the mortality from diphthoria of unrest on the part of the voters who-kno- and croup iu that 'city 43 per cent. not which way .to turn, in- order There seems to bo hut one opinion of Sup3rin&ndeut,. to extricate themselves- from the the new-- remedy in New York medical i.esbe: at centralized wealth, which circles, arwl Uvat i& highly favo;;Uio, Ttoxw v.iiles from (lasts Station.. ' - r on ET.E co-operat- 1 TuEY.. - ! - . - r : 4 . RAILWAY One Price That the Lowest to all: ; are-entirel- MDEi & WSITI0RE. TIME TABLE NO. Effective-Thursday- , Stations:- - ; 1 10.55a 11 :20a 33. 0 11.50a '33.0 12.05p '29;0 12.23p. 23.2:. 12.40p 19.6' 12.50p 16.0-8.01.23p ) , . L45p : ' I J . Ar.'-- . Lvi Nehpi Salt Springs Holloway. Fountain Green Draper Moroni"1 Chestex - , - Dist. from Nephi 5.0 10.0 14.0 19.5 .23.5 27.0 35.0 Ephraim Ar. Manti ' Lt. ' 45 0 ' No. 2 Daily 10.10a 9.56a 9.43a 9.33a 9.00a 8.40a 8.25a 7.57a 7.3da . Trains leave Manti for Sterling.Funk'e Lake ' and Morriscna at 2 p. m., Monday's; Wedns day's and j. Friday'. Returning arrive at Manti at 5:25 p.- m. Direct coanections .Nephi 'with 'Unios Tadific Railway from and to Salt Lake CitT: J Ogden, Eutteiand intermediate points," and af .... pninte East " P - -- s and-We&- t. Stop on signa.1.- . - 5 Theodore Rrtjbick; Pres. ct.Qen'1 - - DisW. i 43.-0-. " , South No, 1 Daily - . 1095. August ist, North; .. .. 14i j -- i Manager; Salt Lake City." v 1 , '; . . II. B. Kerr, ' , s.j; |