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Show olately Independent Ab ' Political, Social or Religious, Is the Bladb. Tle Truth Without Far or Favor." Motto: ' ;;. Terms; fS.QO per year, in advance, 9 Six months, fl.QQ. ... r Oo r On all questions whether I ; XLS 7 VOLUME III. i v. "' i Country People Read t The advertisements in the Country Par,era) and a, Tle BLADE has the Largest Circulation of Paper i a Central and Southern Utah, It offers the best possit medium for NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, NOV. 16, 1893 NUMBER Onions for 50c per bqshel." Jnquifeiof A. Oadds. D: W. Cazier returned from Salt Lake City Sunday. THANKSGIVING DAY. t Jas. Schofield was a m-- f III i nqrth-boun- d pas- - aenger Tuesday. Henry Adams came ' down from Salt Lake Wednesday..;" Wv I. Brown went to Provo Tuesday uu iub uaue case. r;: W J. Norton oame in on Tuesday's train from the North. ChUdrena knee suits at cost a" Excelsior Mercantile Oo'.selling tf . Roadmaster Latimer came down f ronv i the North Wednesday. it The latest stvls in dress .goods, just received at Chas. Foote'a Jf tf. A tramp succeeded in boarding the Muuu-uuHa- u passenger Tuesday. C. L. Hyde went to Provo SitnrrJav as. a witness pn the Hague cases jnov. 2Sth., is set apart bv inursaayUievelnd as Thanksgiving ; ; i 1 ufg! I . 'S ; J . -- i i 4.aos. ix. Ingram was called to Provo Monday, , as. a witness on .the Hagne pases. J. H. Erecson of Mt. passea oa nis way through Nephi Monday to Provo. By Acting Ised Richards. C C- - on Goycfior After Acute Dronchitic Acfci"g Governor Richirds has issued CXTEED BY USING the following Tnanksgiving proclama W. I. Birchett, the popular insurance tion: Territory of Utah, Thanksgiving proclamantis on a (,rip to Beaver. mation: The cheapest stock onderwearvsH Iy y isver mmdfril of thp hipocino from our Heavenly Father it is becomingj mbited in Nephi at Excelsior. :tfs in us as a people to show, our aporecia-tib- n A PnEACHDVS EXPERIENCE. The largest variety of dress goods at of his watchcare and protection over lowest prices at Cnarles Foote's with grateful us, and .tf. hearts acknowledge r O ... ,. : rv n Mitt tuuuiicsa Mrs. . John Hicks presented her husband 't'J "Three months ago, I took a vio,, 1U UdSlOWino1 nnnmJnnt and with a fine baby boy crops in lent ns increase, cold.which resulted in an attack the from of first oreservinj? the , week. pestilence, strife and violence, and in of acutei bronchitis. I put 'myself us to.. the thrphhn'd nt bringing :t Crowing roosters have made their vi vuicvit;- under medical uj anq and at tho. treatment, for aevoutiy nought sovereign tvj- rend of two iq many of our exchanges this Charles C. Richards, months was no better, acI, lnerelore, ting srovernor of thp of Utah'.-I found it very difficult to preach Teams were encasred in loarlinty in pursuance of law, territury and in coDformitv :t the deoot Triursday, to f be taken to with the proclamation of the president of (ind cppcludeti to try Ayer's Chtfrrv . r illmore. the United States. desifnaiimj Thnrn,, Mrs. V. E. Candland asd children sre the twenty-eightday o November, 1893' in a visit to friends and relations in San- as a day of thanksgiving and prayer- - do . ueai, ine people to Jay aside pete count v."".""J' aucusioraea duties and appropriateA mapquerade, bo we are informed ' menly observe that dav hv 111 be given in the Opera house next and works pfoharicy; and iq so ar.inr. doing, that all may have reason to feel thankfui Mrs. L. and .C. Olmsted of Osceqla, and rejoice, and the further blessings of v;Mr. Aev.v have moved to Nepal where their God be secured, let us generously re' member and administer to the wants of Miuguter win attend school. those who in , the accumulation Nephi merchants are expecting to do 6f this uuoxuess mis year ana are worla's goods have been the least favored of our Father's children, reauy ior tne. rusn. mi. enow in testimony whereof, I have hereunto me storm this week is making set-mthe sheep men rejqice. and caused the They are ;now tbeal.) great seathand of the to be on to tho winter range as fast Jiurrying affixed at Salt territory twelfth day of November, 1895. ui8- Buits irom 53.50 up. Youths Charles C. ItiquARDs. -.vo iium fo.uu up. r . : suits With Bythe governor: uoys' irom to pauts ?icts. 83.50 at Charles C. Richards, ,;''co: WU4UC3 ruoie's. Secretary of Utah territory. .v j ; - . ' . ; . ap-oearao- ce ! i ; fi-if- .t . , ; h - - rttiio-iniV- . r tt. u Ionian gves an account uedver of a man having hi house stolen. ' What nn i proclamation , ( Advertisements. 2 . ' . y i The second District court opened a ottvcf asi jonaay with Judge Barch - , CWQ loc3aes of the beautiful" rr,Su5 weunesaay. a general iii uu Htoves was a result. rush for coal W ill UUU 7, Sylvester Boswell killed, a deer in Pur The animal was shipped fcu a otucner in Kpringville. Don't the people of Southern Utah lsnow ' . XT t. can save money and time by gooai rown to move to, but IUiey sending C NT . mail niinn rtPlf uui piiU;e io move away from. has Beck Pleads GifHty. John Benkr.' Bectc and Champion k"i n or in company appeared before .I udfo Mining U.jlr r CTty this week acd entRrrl a nia, guilty to an indictment which chartrpd mm with unlawful cohabitation. plea of not crulltv. thn'etttW euilty And the sentence of tho nmitr" nifiHr.jtu oi a Sijy ijne by A T Mr, Beck, oupied by tar. less time than the sentence! of an orrilnarv iiatit;iaman uV VOUXOU. . nertnia week. For the Least Money, ... 1 t'.i1 t;.' w 2 A Pectoral. The first bottle gave me, great relief ; the second, which I an now taking, lias relieved me .almost, entirely of all unpleasant symptoms,, and. I feel sure that one "or two bot. ties more will effect a permanent; cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's; Cherry Pectoral."-.- E. M. Brawley D.B., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt.. Publication Society', Petersburg, Va., If f prospects anead. uugui, Druggists, Nephi. TTT It.' Before vbur winter ,r.ifi,? iroru the Manti Messenger v , , buvine , II vivhuiuk that Bird & Booth of this city are located uu uuaiics rwuie s , ana save from .. .'U'rj-to. forty nont ll!1 uittuu jur some: time to come in the tvventy-nv. J. hrtflW io i n rri f .11 interest of their profession. our examine: stock and Drices. tf. By Hall's using . . . "IS The Mercur . hn mn Mercurv nasta , assumes the second mile stone of its PYistnnno uair ""w'uiou V tO nuest.iona uaiurai coior oi youth, and grown like camn the in whio.h ia it urant and strong, pleasinennMict, as Steadllv cmwrn irifrt. entered a plea of guily with full . knowCV success ontioued ledge of tho court's oower in ti firomial to the Nephi Co-o- p you, Bro. Higgins. es, Cherry for and was ready for sentence. vrnrH a wool inat all miA and pleasant, your rants. They have lust re smile that GOLD Judge Howat then said-tMEDAL, AT THE WORLD'S FAIR the court adorns the countenance' of that ceived the best ever seen in JVejihi he believed ttie of ends would Lunt'is all accounted fnr be subserved by a fine in th justice k, AVER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPAP.ILLAS. for $JM0, ttorth $3.00. arrival at his home of the .first a asked baby, that the maximum asamount be xne mother and Andrew Nielson, who has on a as fine as could is "".Auesaay..be exrected. doing mission to Denmark for someybeen Without arrivtime, any further questions, Mrs. ed homo Monday. Mr. Nielson Laura wifft nf .Tr..n! a J ud ge Kingasking Starr, fined Mr. Beck 30U. has en- Starr mtlw !TT 1 nnn rt i n-itVr deceased, of Juab, was in thia joyed his mission, but is glad to get oa Thursday and will annlv'.t.n h 0aL home again. In Memory of T. E. Tranter. administratrix of the estate of her Kim. . In the First District Court This Week The little son of Thos. Tranter who band. It Will ht fl n a rl iroroo nr.llnni at Your has darling boy gone away, died Sunday last of scarlet fever was to that of Courtland A. fitarr whn' mo Provo Witnesses for the Not ho tarried long ' here; buried Tuesday. The funeral services application for papers last week. ' gave him to you for Prosecution. were held awhile, at the family residence. Alarge The City and Countv 'Hnllpphnr'a nmnn Ood To comfort, bless, and chejr. number of people were in attendance This week the caee of the United States will be closed. on the 20th of this mnnth But you are called to part with him, vs. Alma Hague (making false entries o out the delinouent list. All get Orvilie S. Thompson of Scipio, was a bo full of life, so young and was called in the First district court pure. on. not paid up by that time will! be His earthly mission now is done, passenger this week from the south -- t. District Attorney Judd and Soecial U. S Luis x lu house ia iloaven ia owuuro.' 'r nompsou Is a Counsel Johu A. Marshail D, W. Cazier, County Collector, the race for .air. victor in uauijaiie, the Legislature from And he is yours though gone to Heaven' th e government and Brown &appeared forAbraham Orme, City Collf ctor. Millard county, against W. A. Kay. Henderson. AJ ,Ki1s ahd W. N. Dusenberry for the In Manti last the defendant.! The indictment Some good work was accomplished on Thos. Sutton Temple, Wednesday, He's safe from sorrow, pain, and sin. charges, and Miss Ada Carver, Of which we all mnst have a share. both that the Court house this week defendant, while cashier of the First by the flxinir rothi8 city were united in matrimony, And of the water pipes that carry UAUK 'UUi" 01 "tt on the 3rd dav the water lhe young people have The Blade's may God comfort yonr sad hearts. of January, 1891, Jaepm; from the roof, as the water had His a made , freely marred spirit in give; entrybank-haa wisnes ior prosper- To help you bear this ujjiakuiauounauQ the appearance of the. unnAr nnrtinr. the balance 000k, showing false so hard ous that trial the A fine was the building somewhat. loaned Ingram Brothers 575 on their-notAnd in the Gospel light to live. given in the South wark reception relief hall on when in tact the bank had not loan-j O. There is some lively hnstlinp- nn tva Thursday afternoon, J. ed Ingram Brothers 575, and that the B. J, Clayton and family were the part of sheeD owners, in trottin,, entry was made to defraud the First Natatfa? wiQter of The streets range. uaua. ol aepni ana to deceive Result of Judgeship. surprise loyous Thursday off Nephi are busy thoroughfares any It was tetolallv nnloofcpd-fr.- r i,w caused The following gives the complete re. nuwiuigjjioe appointed by the compoy that, and numerous different ftnn)ra night, o aner um, surnits01 irieuds to unaing exauaine the treasury are on the road to the desert. numerous apolo- turns of the different counties, on the affairs of the bank. rounding him, he made of for the the condition that the house Was Judgship Fifth: gies luesday the potion for a continuance It Was thought bv man thot in that the furniture and effects were all was streamer which overruled,! and the empannelinp- off hunir in frr.niLi m a jury to moving to Salt commenced. Pr .:-Opera bouse all the week of the election. torn up preparatory "': 0q After securing a jury the opening statewas to remain there in readiness for the to see vjiiy mis wees. JNepm will regret him leave. . ment of the , caso. was made by Jnde? ' Counties S' next campaien. bat it. finally i 4. m p ' Xf Marshall; then Mr. Brown,' for the d reports are to be credited, Will Burdisappearance in time for Sabbath. fense, the objected to any testimony being' and efficient ton, county clerk The demand for Aver's Hair, Vin. ; will soongeniel v. be a icaauu iDai tne license to issuing 550 marriage Ml ment ' : d such a false entry, and indict himself and Miss Emma charged if ther Lunt. The iten;" Bed.v.:v.v.v.v.v.v"-SI i1! note in question was a genuine note Americaj Spain, Australia, and Tnrtia cards are out and the wedding will take Iron nas Jcept pace with the hom . . . nmomr,. uexc inursaay at the home of the entry would have been made. He' . " piacw t nn Hhinh 6uc" I, WasMnton''.:;:V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.'. held 417 unue-eiecw uw the prosecution would not be that m neo tnaii these in the deception opera pie know a good thing when, they try it house in the evening rmiLted t(? SQow under lhe indictment at 8:30. The Blade Total 1654 1945 ? the note was forged, and offers advance congratulations and good Geo. W. Cropper ir. . of they could not, they could not prove if wishes. . ...... a false" .. over .... 91 Majority. NeDhi in Jaat ped -ThiiroHut,n, j v Ult: L1L The miWu entry. A stove that objection, was overruled, as Mr. uropper has been to Lehi with Rtnr.br was an objection mysteriously, disappeared to the appearance ofB or ii. v . Saunders. Qeortrm w ia from. the cellar of the Union n "Hotel, about TRAIN Judge Marshal,.-TALK. be sterling young men of Deseret. andw special United States . year ago, has been located in The The counsel io case. the i ha o r o f a ..v. will soon Blade and Sanpete office, iac6 gives Qr nlpoq but what we came by this its not inferred its time to makeValley The first witness called by the prosecu-o- n . .. .it !.. ure..Qiawuicuj tuai close connectionschange with by it honestly: notwas ueorere C. VVhiim the u. P. southern old the express. withstanding that a newspaadage of the bank. He testified as to bis con xi is reportea that Andrew per-man takes everything he gets his On Tuesday, Geo. Busby of Salt .Lake. nection with the the iron king, has had agents out in th4 bank, also the defenda not news oarnng item. wcuuauunj, ouuiuivaiu bu JLeaereL . ivi r 15as-b- y ant's, also in regard COUntrvJ tn ..vcww Inndta to the person who . . the is thief However, will out . to and whethtwu Detroit go a K. uuuverrpn - urn n mil district of the book in January, and tv 111 lto '' . er the matter will be known, 1894. nadchyirge over , look Charmed mine with a view He had not made the vi,c uuuung ana nshlng park; Other The Blade to say. dropped is not for' to startingthe whictn entry upon it sometime in up the indiccmentiis eastern capitalists nav - ito -- v .UVBUUUUS and could not' Without exception the Charmed January. James McIIatton. a stockm is one of !xar P?ltiv?iy tfcatbased, U. the defendant had. tlie best claims in in Mona Detroit cattle Tuesday The BLADE district, and When Mr. Hague went to the legislature-iYou may eat cheao foori and nnt k and Wednesday of buying wishes George abundant 1894 witness: went Into the sucthe Week. He present bank to uuu ujr ji uut you cannot to cess. succeeded in hold of a u,ij tucuiutuBB tv.k iook aiter the He business. discovered! and has taken them tn varrann positive A Mr.and Mrs. W. Aldrach were Salt that something was wrong, and had If ruu uao anywitnout SUOStltutn frn injury. whence a train load will be shipped next Lake passengersC. from sent for. When he came down to Ciear Lake, on Saraapariila, you do so at the peril of week over the Rio G Mr. JMephi witness asked Vednesciay. Aldrach he has says what wast- " McHatton reports TItah .jilt-;several teams at work on the Clear rLake wrong. He had repliedhim that there ujtviug oyer's, and no other. condition, although he has to pay a fair reservoir levee. People are but wrong at serious,. locating nothing in order to Clear Lake price Rich, of St. and a stora .will tmnn" Ko. and that he defendant) was to blame buy them. . for J. L l TT., J went snrougn jNephi Anthony. .J cu E. south-hnnnviu. Q Rognon was a r d baturdav uu4 uimore will soon have an- wuasever mere waa wrong with the funds r ri from southern Utah. The Swinger boys senger Wednesday as far as Starr's. Tn other healthy rival for the honor and of the bank. lie then showed witne8s accompanied him.Mr.Rich was reurnintr some notes which he said were company with the gentleman ware some ducats of the county seat. from his "stumping" tour. He railroad w no officials After h Mrs. namA that witness and defendantirregular. Daniel Rutherford and son "Dany" with dnn has made in the neighborhood says the came down from Prove last puraose of look of 100 talked much about the matter. had not" and Thursday The first witness called ThnrRiovmn.n. many different adjacent to the canal, with . a view of went on to their home in, Oasis. Some vaujnuwiiis ju was .qiiglad, towns m Utah and the fight was making known its exRfillfinp.ipa three months since, "Dany" was held ing by the prosecution in the Hague case R gnon informs us the is pre- to the jury for breaking into David Day's was Mr. C. L. Rood of Salt Lake City. This is the time of tho year when paring for business nPTt.company He was called as an expert to testify as to ATof. store, Oasis, and for whinh Inhn snrint nhn.u his many careless farmers lose most of their erials for the flnme and pipei line are now wsalso tried and signatures on the eight notes in evi acquitted. 'Danv" dence. years profits by leaving their tools on the ground and work 'rapidly pro- has been reprimanded objection was made, by the" and home defense An and machinery, vehicles, etc., out doors to gressing. He thoueht water would hA and it is hoped has learned a sent he waa withdrawn till 2"-lesuseful be rusted, warped and rotted hr k stored in the reservoir commencing today. clock in order to permit counsel to- ion of the destructive elements, w.- iEleven thousand fruit trees, prtnaiatinfr on prouuee authorities the question.-"era see that theie things are kept in out of apple, pear, peach, cherry etc.. have A Utah Boy. rfamesiaricson. and .1. n. i.rnn,noo of the weather this oeen oroered and will be put in the comwintftr. v " testified. Considerable &. ia a letter to the Ogden, S. coin dollars by so doing. has the ing spring. He was fixed for hnntintr aa foUowmgof the rise of aNews, Knouss said her son nf rTt.h had been took place. United well as anythincr. and a3 the train rnliH and adds On Tuesday. Dr. D. Ol AtTi States At' employed by not only credit to Pa.Ati been contemplatina: movinp- - hia.V-- n Judd r away Mr. Rognon and party were seen whence he hails, of torney Stat- United the injbehalf but the whol territory ea to examine the books of Salt Lake City for some tim wanuering througn the storm in a directTJu ion the . ..iuiBuau or tne school bank His opinion waa that t.h Nephi a mi considerably north of therdam. nhnr preceeded by; his household a large departure, nonor lue oi u director i flock of were hand wrote the signatures to the notes- teing noticed feeding geese goods. Dr. Miner came- to this town- a which is that wrote the! body of the notes, the- - ' viv3aiy 1urcnestra. ma vmA upu rye vtuooie. W msicai talent credit roKaffords. Their rehearsals areMiefa and the entries in the balance" xccaiuu, buu ui lumiCTDe, and has hnilt hel i book slip a note signed by Price Bros. except in LUIS CltV an uFiaific pm,i,n;o ! r"' wch ho In regard to this note he had some doubt. r,V.at towns. The othprVrAhr 'npnnil (surrounding ! use Vnnh n4Wi I. Brown was called. He had been ot. h , TiZu n"r r "1 iOVTea ana wish him icaviugumicgic.iiis Daton Over 'a director of the Nephi bank in 1893 andl success in his new field, o manv .t n . Stering- Coal, $4.25 per tan deuwn . O.UU i .. , 1S91. He knew Ingram Bros. Had not The reading gisrera by the- Jobnson iou.a in .. so the uignmea . place, note. endorsed uucu Bros. the Ctw hi Ingram livered. For .lf.H sale Bros. Monday nicht was Andrews by iua,uv musical neon or. Mr. Marshall Is the signature- a simu-- -The party consisted of Aron- and' U!ilBa lo tne sweet Strains lation of yoar handwriting? Co & uloai,lu thepiuuu-ueformer Johnson, Dy ine well Mr. Brown JNo, 1 hardly thing it ' is. the tones of the voice and theexplaining or uuuer one our own ia. .""'. latter He did Mr. Marshall Mr. Brown, did you thp msu pianist Ot the Chnrnl boys. ao 7 Campaign Echoes, r tlnir.V f . ever nave a conversation wita Mr. HamiM the- reciting . . The State ticket in Carbon county was musical Dooy. of about 500 which gave-athat the centla-me- n carried singers. The itf- regard to a loan- to Ingram Bros, inby the Republicans by 145 majoruraoian organ at the large thoroughly understood their University spring oi ibUd! but lost the COUntV SUnprinfonHonf - " The entlemtm stated at the cTn uuusr nis swav at the ity, Mr. Brown Yes.Choral 23 of that their object in com schools by votes. union concerts. Mr. Marshall What was it?' We must not forget to make mention ing to Nephi was, to form an .The- latest returns indicate Objected to and the Question m -t-iL that of the St. Thomas class.. They would .give- ten. the choir and orchestra, ravvn. will nf consist, Legislature which they would select the hQr The witness knew nf nn direction of Prof. McClellan. .u , and 2J Democrats.. In a caucus ct all under the vv from the clasa and put om a nlnvn Brown than himself in th .Tr.,. w have been since They organized again the 22 " members.. k Republican will noo. the summer vacation and are doing ex- he lived, and ha hVMrWIU"y where' ceeda of which should to th(i.r essary to a choigc. On a full vote in th cellent none in the work. They rendered Marzo's 32. votes will be' ia that Legislature, Mass G and in Court necessary ad last Sabbath beautifully nighU 1,11 for tho election, ol Unlt3d. States Senators. to the o'clock. perfect satisfivctioo- of aI4 present. terday moving; H And Bargains in Underwear, Clothing, Overcoats, Blankets, Dress Goods etc. Go where the Largest Stock islcar- ried to the Leading .Merchants ; 1 - e . ... - 1 . , -- ;1 - ; Pectoral Ayer's Z.-- : , ! - :."r 1 iMRCANTILE CO, Leaders in Low Prices. : -- ; . iife-journe- i y. , e, . - nts - ! - u-oy- r"". Ji - - - Stand r : ' - .... Hang ing Night' Glow ourns uu nours at tne cost of 2 cents without smoke or smell. ATI COOPER, PYPBIt & GO'S. H, --- widely-seDarate- j-iia- L no-fals- t c. . i a- - ' ... ruu 1 I NEPHI. 1 - inft: - . b-- o j'as ! Mr-Hag- ue , - . 1 was-somethi- ng rrL0? I. , JJesere, TTahy. one mile fi oic Oasts station. is the only First-clas- s Hotel be tween Wephi and Milfor d. ' ." cross-ex-amioati- f ou ? . Rates in Harmony with thQ times. - - , ' i bladder and all ether urinal trouble-?- . In order to show our faith in this we make the following- proposition- water, If any oue atllicted with any of the troubles above enumerated; , are rJ(A relieved in one month, and curecUn three months. no charge will be made for hoard. M is nrst class in every nartririrrar. to-wi- t: . f j ! uuo. i r L V, 1 I 1 tm l' j 1 I T X - GOAL. " - j i otT - . . J C5 W have a well of the famous Deseret LUhi Water on tho premises-.and which is a guaranteed cure .for Bright's and all diseases of the iCidnnys t. - - - T7 ln7. "j.. - j t, f - A prcpriotor Ml - - - ess.. - . the-meetin- - npni.u . o-- GiOCS, : . - - pie-proo- . - i i if - ! 'I |