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Show I- - DEMOCRATIC; YEAR! A IESSON IN CHINA. Had this country been as wise as China has been in some things, It would never have admitted such, a e new horde of ignorant, vomers here as it has welcomed for the rast hundred yearsi more or less. There was no actual need, to invite the. fag-taof the world here aqd bob-taMOST ALL, .o enjoy what they cannot enjoy for THE G. O P. GETS generations, till education has done fnore for theai. America is alm.os.t evElected by ry thing else than American even Entiro,' ' State Ticket cow, with more BtuiT being poured, ip v' j Fair Majorities 41s fast as steamers can wake landings Nftw YorkGitvJ- There are too j m s Republic nary ignorant persohs in this country- The Legislature is lth the Exception of MIssissji'rid not enough vrha;are properly edn'ippi, the Entire East Falls lr itea. More saloons. and fewer, scnooj Line Vote of Juab County. Rouses woul4 he a great detriment to s -- America. and "Election all over Utah passed off quietMora point to ewer saloons would be .better. ly. Returns from the Territoryparty, and the for a Republican victory (jcovNo person should be admitted to. thej t.hoii. elected. is mate ticket pnHrn by a majority in Sovereign righ.s of citizenship or full ernor Wells is elected 2000. of , the are who vicinity nnlitiniil nartnershirr with us, The Lsgislftture will be safely RepubAmericana bv birth or naturalization, lican, they having 29, members- sure of 4o, Ine till they can read and wrte the Ameri uonofa fifftirsu nnwhershiD 7 11 Roublieans, No t.andi ucly. r.nn in.TiSnrFQ. n nd It Its Own Party Don't aBelieve Republicans Have Doubt. cross-purpos- - ' il i . f ; Two-Third- -- 7 A : law-abidin- " ; 1 , "" - j ax-paye- rs. - "'. - ; ;- -- j . ' J i ; : 61 ct re-ele- gar-uentsBho- V the-rhos- t . . " " . ; .! WALTIt JAMES - ; j i - : i ... . .K " . - Ag-ent- DEATH OF DENNIS SULLIVANHe has Been Foreman Of the re-elec- ot ts . -- , . . ; j , . ; -- :. L er - ; ' : era Bullion-See- k nh Mine for Years. Nov; 5; A fatal . accident last (Beck) Sullivan Bulliohappened being caved upon in the by night, n-Beck mine, cf waich he was foreman. Ha was caved upon about 5 o'clock last night and succumbed to his injuries !. at 11 d' clock. Mr. Sullivan had been foreman of the mine for years, and it was through hit efficient management that the ;mine has risen from a mere prospect to "one of the producers fin the territory. He largest was a whole souied; man, and his sad death has cast a shadow of gloom over theentire conmunity. Iot a man in town but will feel the vror'ing blow, for Sullivan was truly the friend.' He was born in Ireland in 181S. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn Eureka,to Dennis o f ra two-thir- ds is-su- e.. . ; 1 1 ' i j -- . r r . q u il s. u p c !e s s ttr. . big-heart- ed work-ingman- 's ... his loss. We "haire the' largest' line'- b Ijadxes?llisses .:!and Gliildrens Shoes. ever exhibited in! ;MeDhi, at nnnsu al low prices. Mn. elegant assort ment of Dressy Goods, - . i The Turkey. It won't be long now when several hundred esteemed exchanges will make to the alleged fact that playful references would begin to irost high. It turkeys be very funny if (ureys really did roost high upon realizing the approach of Thanksgiving, but as a matter of fact, they haven't seasSe enough. The turkey is a hopeless imbecile; it doesn't profit by experience or! the knowledge handed down by its ancestors. It is a nataral born lunatic, and doesn'fc know any better than to camp oa a low fence and make idiotic noises, until a man comes an ax, and it. gets it where along with Charies I got the! cleaver. Ic seems a pity to sit down and eat such a driveling and all doddling maniac as a turkey, but we turdo it, and eujoy it. Perhaps if the key was intelligent, it would ba tough and stingy, like some strong minded people. ..; . , Also complete line of Flannels, Albetross. Trimmings,.: Silks, Velvets &c. irehs, Youths and Boys Clothing, which is beinpr sold vvijbh the profit entirely for yon. We also have just; received a beautiful assortment of Crockety and Queensware, which is not surpassed . thin side the City! Ir you. want to get j'ou moneys worth call and see ue. - r. HFj j3 era h I OCT; , 3 . T; H. j ; '' . - " j ROUGH THE -- i . - Sheep;. Men's.,': , : mi 4 . - 'lv-t.- - ; , 40-- , s ; - 4. . Ix-ni- ticket, and on the city ticket by defacing it. Democratic head quarters was in Judge and was labeled on the -' Cbappell's office outside with an artistic sign , as was that of the Republicans who., occupied jthe county uecoraer'a onjee. Ji. good one is told; ol the Democratic for marshal. Ie was watching candidate the count and at the; end everthing was in favor of his election. He felt ' to the and commenced "setting 'em up'jubilant can-Wsome odd until twenty Republican boys ballots, were, found in the county box, and counted, then the treating swapped'' over to Schofield. j VV haven't heard school-housewhether Marshal-elec- t Schofield is to stand for thoes Democratic treats.going A team left Nephi late in the afternoon who are working and went for the boys on the Nebo caDaL ' The boys had started to ,4foot it" and were met;'about half x way, picked up and hustled to town. the Just as the November sun was on ' bepoint of blushing by seeking its rest hind the distant mountains, a whoop prs " rent the air as the team came through Democrats, iUUMv so and- up to the court house. vote streets the is counties, the by tothiscoun he admitted Following person should vote of Juab The. occupants" disembarked from the the and as far Jascertained, citi for vehicle and strode rapidly toward the try as a laborer or candidate and MUlacd counties by precints; polls, casting their votes just three min- ' iicnship unless he orshe shows a clean utes before closing tima,. newRETURNS BY COUNTIES. ; bill of lading, certifying that the OVER THE TERRITORY. comer has never been a convict, crimi o w The Herald says 'There are moments nal, pauper or other than a respectre when a onejwould i ba alone. " . 0 g citizen from his birth. able, Gree-Fountian gave Allen 110 votes as 43 for OQunty; Roberts. VVellalll; Caine This tould keep out the swarm of bri- -' against 42. such and j yands, lazzeroni. anarchists are There some, and many and poniard, who with dagger, poison doubts existing now as toperhaps whether this and the is a Democratic year. :ut their way to state prison 153 272 40 360 Beaver Jto D. H. Christiansen, Democratic candithe this in disgrace Box Elder.... country; 4tS5 451 500 493 gallows date for Superintendent of Sehodla, ran 1467 1138 1467 . 1117 cost of Cache..'......-.'of the country and , the ' great 125 away aheaa of his ticket in Utah county. 218 130 246 ................. Carbou Too many quarrel-breed-- ! 537 389 416 630 a I... The three Republican candidates tor Davis.... .......... 8 8 . t.18 Ip, all time court Judges are elected by mar the Emery.....elements Supreme "9ft ...... ing, disturbing 9f, ...... Grand....'. about the same as the gover" '. jorities 247 251 307 303 just than Iron... coming into this country faster ,j nor. 691 491 449 687 Juab.. 55 25 54 54 Coalville wins the county seat of SumKane.. they cin be digested and absorbed. i 313 294 mit 427 Millard county over jPark City by about 50. Then we ought to be more sensible Morgan...: 176 213 ...... .... 20640 182 One hundred and twenty votes for the 40 25 25 hundPuite fis Aruericaus aocj stop buying former 5259 3956 4638 5187 ...... place were cast in the Park. Lake 1520 1402 1437 1295 reds of j"miltiona of dollars' worth of Salt The San Pete..Pine Washington Co. ,vote 652 533 stood 27 to Valley, 670 553 1 in favor of Roberts and the products of other couutriea a year, Sevier 1178 860 1069 668 Caine. That Tiimmit onedoan Republican down 397" 252 398 24 . ' which W3 have no real use. We Tooele.....' 249 ...... ....... there shoijJd be accorded commendation jjr .......... Uintah 19 : : ... vou!d take nothing from any other Utah... 2430 2556 2487 2401 for his "grit." 340 363 465 432 Pro 7o Democrats elect 6 out of 10 city country except pay therefore could be Wasatch 426 173 417 Washington and the marshai;Sharp. The councilmen, 1393 ..... 1817 2043 1741 Weber.. Tuade In something other than gold. Holorook mayor and Republicans American .cl(th; and m:ilce of 18553 17481 18102 15620 carry the balance of the ticket .Total recorder, 1072 2482... ... treasurer land justice. Plurality be good enough for any Majority. "Taken all in all, it was galAmerican citizen. They are good lant fight ever, made," says Judge JUAB COUNTY, Fowers. "The proper thing for Demoenough for those who are entitled to ' crats now; to do is to assist in these the iufluehce in .this country, and all 221 135 235 f 117 incoming, State adihinistrationmaking Eureka..... Ir a success. 21 13 21 13 Those who will ......... runners abroud for styles and fashions Juab.,.. it represent the ' 37 comprise 64 65 36 vvill of Levari the people, and as such the Demo on Should be mader to pay tax twice Mam,moth 37 51 34 "61 of Utah will heariilv Bimnort. 44 47 V 41 crats 47 Mona. . 'the value of their goods for everything NepUi.. 212 258 188 them. 236 16 IS 23 a f foreign make they bring into this Sillier City .17 FROM AFAR. - 687 .4941 691 449 country. Protect the .American by ' ;Total Jn Kansas the Republicans elected the Fifjsh Springs and Detroit count not in. I Hiking the tax on foreigh importation Chief Justice. At Denver the prohibitive. . Stop creating a demand county ticket MILLARD COUNTY. was defeated bv aRepublican fusion of taxnavern anrl or gold in order to have something 40 40 39 39 Populists. ,vith which to buy what our enemies Deseret V. 129 97 125 91 ... Massachusetts Fillmore Greenhni can-l40 - 33 40 . 33 Rep. by 65,000, and the Hoiden... produce, and il we in this country is Legislature : ' 79 86 35 30 Republican. r make articles quite good enough KanosU ' 37 32 Meadow.-..-....22 ; is 18 17 19 Pennsylvania elects the ' Rsoubiican lg for Americans, then let us go with; out Oasis 60 61 50 49 candidate for Ti'easur by 150, 000, a gain Scipio we can produce them. 15 16 1? v 16 overlS93 of 15,000. Oak Creek. Pre rent the cooiing of foreign money , Total....i. ....... 408 31S 427 294 In New Jersey both sides claim the - lenders who make paupers of the rest Governorship, put the Legislature remains Republican. Later 31 returns the give at us and this country is all right just in the Republicans Republican pluralitv over state of New House, and 11 Senators, sure. The as it is. ; That is, it has enough of peop-i- e rribuna gave the following York, outside ot Kincs countv and New yesterday York Ciiy, 119,000. and of laws', and a great'mari' which table of tne Legislature: Senate lu Nebraska . the Ilepublicans . elected I ;ould f weil be; sparer. America Republicans.. .... . . .... . . . . . . .11 Chief Justice'., Tne anti-silvDemo.'. . 5 crats made jTor American s and never mind Democrats great gains. 2 Doiiibtful ;.; In Virginia the Democrats won a ma what becomes of the resist he vyorld .18 jority oi the Legislature, uo long as we. do i not Jura--- . IQ Jive in" ; Total .. against Rspub- auu Ilouse iicau xropuiisu iusion. ' other countries.:! .V .31 Republicans. Iowa has been carried' bv the Remibli- . 7 Democrats.. . cans an increased by plurality, Doubtful.... . I7 with 1893, The Populists maae compared gains. Total... ,45 In Virginia Republicans make pains GOOD ENOUGH FOIV ANr JIAN. of PoDulists and in the through a combination Or, a" majority ofi Legislature, witn nine doubtful seats to RepuDUeafis on the 'tairsr election" We staud by our: friends and our hear- froui. Col. Robert Q. Ingersoll admits that he friends are those Who stand by us. is stiU Pagan Bob'' and tha lection in lias not changed his lack of For God Ilinueif hath said iu Here is The Rapublicans of Nephi acchieved a xeuiucicy i"u the election of faith. 9- victory 4i principle involved,. "It you Iqy& me, matrniiicent ITuesday . A,' large vote was polled not- Chicago was carried by the Republi;fbc;J my sheep.'" In other 'sANonla, see jWithstaucilos the inclemency of the cans by 30,000 majority . The Eighteenth but lacked nearly one hundred Congressional weather, district elected a Republithat th(j3 who are briuiu.; farth 'meat of a full vote. Thw entire ticket was can oh a bimetallic platform. imd wool find iambs are k&pi kUve vbile victorious, by majorities city froiu ranging Democratic of 35,000 to 50,000 ' SO. majority 2 to ofxicera were The elected u t u eir good work, the in Mississippi.; liihle js f ul folia vote about 70J0." .Populist wmu; Issue was fought on silver, "and the re&ult of instructions .i'l this &estr Stand is a victpry for the bimetaliists. Mayor, or&a ;is "at the .1 iy friends of the E. R. BOOTH. In New York the Republicans elect fc head of tha procsssion"- No man can their State ticket by 70,000 and the Legis' lature Ilecorder, serve God and ilammoa. No man can Repuolican. carried New York City by 20,000Tammauy OSCAR GOLDSBROUGII, to 25,000 bs of help to a cause 'unless .he- helps on the local ticket. tnuse who are the hewers of wood, the Marshal, ' Maryland was visited by a landslide, the, of SCHOFIELD. Republicans electing theirState ticket drawers water, the lamp lighters, JAilEo 6000 and a majority of the Legislature. by the torch bearer-- and the workers for A Republican United" States Senator is . Treasurer, rocuits that the army of - supporters " elected to succeed Gibson. ABRAHAM ORME. Bushhell Rep. is elected Governor of anay be larger each day continually. Ohio by a plurality Justice of the Peace, 100000. In standing. by our friends, we must i The Legislature is approaching Republican axour. william si tan J by those who are in the front and Foraker will succeed Brice ia the United States Senate. Coxey polled 40 ' ;ra iii as well as those 10 all the", inter- -' Councilman, COO votes. Uato ALFRED LUNT, Must hold uo the' ' JOS. F. WRIGHT, Jiiuds uf those who are opening the1 g Notice to Creditors of ate John Fieininy. dccen.ejl, JJ( Ivrii by t!i" uik1t yptice is hfreby exeeutorof the last Will and Tcstiiin. I'it, ct John .I'1! em in?, deceased, to th" u :. )" and all persons bavin 4'lili1v - ul t I' le'e;iMed. to exhibit them, with the m Will soon be moving their vouchers, within tour mouthaf;T !, t.x:t to Iiirlv. publication of this notice, Flocks to the Winter raue XI ami 'Zl ('( ontor iik afoi'osstxl. at LET US GIVE THANKS, a cial Ii!ook, SvltLake ity, conn t. of alt i, iD the Western - part of Dkm- Kii:u T, Utah Territory. Exeoutor of the Last ill and Millard County. ''t of John Flemihsr, peceasetl. proclamation Issued Designating Nov. 28, Dated October 21, Y7ALTER JAMES, ct Blaok Rock. J, as Thanksgiving Day. i J. Rogers, Atty. fur Uxecutor. lias just Laid io a Large Washington, November 4. President Cleveland today issued a proclamation THE . Supply of GENERAL designating Thursday, November 2Sth, i V' ft t IA,?.. as Thanksgiving day. The; proclamation MERCHANDISE And is as follows: The constant goodness and forbearance of Almighty God, which have oeea vouchsafed the American people cjuring RAILWAY! the year jus, passea, call for their sincere mm of devout gratitude. acknowledgement To the end, therefore, that we may with , thankful hearts unite, in extolling the ;;j;ATH loving care of our heavenly Father, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United For the Cominy; Season. States, do hereby appoint ofand set apart the present Pelts will be Thursday, the 2thi day Bought and Heals month of November, as a day of thanksbe and observito and prayer, kept giving Furnished as Usual. ed by all our people. ocour let usual 'On that i day ijs frogo Ch:rco of Three Distinct Routes, of cupation and in our accustomed places to thanks the worship join, rendering and Tu:i Giver of every' good and perfect gift, ' for . Black Rock, Millard.Co., Utah.have returns rewarded that the bountious KGST ?.1AC::iF!CE;iT RAILROAD .5SEIIERV our labors in tha fields and in the busy None Eut Ayers 'at the world's Fair. marts of trade: for the peace and order that prevailed throughout the land for Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoj'a the exttra our protection from, pestilence and dire ordinary .distinction of having been the calamity, aud for other blessings that only oiood purifier allowed exhibit at jTso Fast Express Trains Daily have been showered upon us from an the. World's fair, Chicago. anManufactur.our and with hand: open thanksgiving, ers of or every sarsaparillas aouht let us humbly beseech the Lord to so in- means other each vat ErTv.;i.EJf to pbtain a showing of their roods, cline the hearts of qur people unto him, but they were all turned' SALT LAKE 'AND DEIWER. away under the that he will not leave us nor "forsake us ot the rule forbidding the enas a nation,- but will continue to use His application try of patent, medicines and nostrums. mercy and protecting care, guiding us in The dicisi'on of World's fair authorithe path of national prosperity and hap- ties in; favor of the was Ayer's Sarsaparilla piness, enddwing us" with rectitude and in effect aa follows: Saraaoaril-l- a 'Ayer's virtue and keeping alive within us the is not a patent medicine. It does riot patriotic love for the free . institutions to the of nostrums. It is here belong which have been giyen to ua as. our na- on itsmerits."list D';rc:f conr.cciloris r.adls r hnif.T Depots. tional heritage, i jit 11, i lJ "And let us alsof on the day xof our i X.UitUUU. i to toani tha remember frtoy thanksgiving especially In any amount from one hundred to poor and needy, and by deeds of charity, dollars. On improved farm D.C.DODGE, S. II. BABCOCIi; let us show the sincerity of our grati- ten thousand ' or on water stock." Trafllc Manager. Oqneral Manp-aerproperty tude." ' T. C. Wink, County Recorder, , F.A. YADLEIG ll Gen'-- Pass. ; .2724. ..:;!.! Notice Ifbr Publication. Land Office at Sat Lake City. Utah f 2oth, is hereby given that the iollowing-v,..T.ANotipecoftior h:u fiififl nntip.ft of. hix intention in support to... inakc. final commutation proof . : 1... uuvut-beforji ,i si pruui wm of his claims anoi linax saw of Court of Juab clerk the the County Utah, at Nephi city Utah, onII. Decern County, K. No. 1. 1895, viz: frank L. Copeningr ber 11123, for the SV H Sec. 3 Tp. 15 S. R. 1 W- Henamesthe foUvvin witnesses to pcove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land,' vilz: Isephi M. Taylor, T. T. Jennings, and Alexander SulTaylor; Melton livan all of Juab, Utah. . Any person Who desires to protest aprainst the allow anee of such iroof, or who knows of the law and the any substantial reason;-undeInterior Depart men t', why regulations of the not be allowed, wall be given such proof should an opportunity at the above mentioned time the witnesses of and place to said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claim ant. Brnos Gkoo, Register. V. A. C. Bryani Att'y for claimant. Oi-tob- .i . . . 1 1 e r - .. - 21-2- 3 . ; ; : two-thir- ds . -- SECURE THIS COURSE.. - the the' friends can fight to f.isttcr advantage and to better eN feet. It will not do to say that you are; -"he friends of a cause and yet wait till is ere cause 'wop. the you put forth an ,vay bo rest, of a dollar, or many of that matter. Those who Jeave the lighters in tha front rank to isui'ler Mid fuU wounded, or weak from lack of foad, deserve no part of the vicany of the rer tory, nor do they deserve ' as success ward that comes following the-locontinued efforts of the faithful. Stand by y our friends. .jfTort Xheui for j; f SID WELL, MARTIN LARSON, JOHN ELLISON, i EUREKA CITY ELECTION, d - Book-keepin- In the Eureka City election the result was as follows;' Mayor McCrystai (D.) 223; Kirby (II, i 227. Reoorder liillway (R.) 156; Pierce ECHOE3. (D. 300. Treasurer Fuhriae (R.) 221: ' Total vote poled j 4512. Blue (D.) 233. Marshal Ilenriod (R.) Some stickers were used; 211; Lewis (D.) PJ0. Justice -- Smar (R.) The election opened ba time. ; 21S; Watts (D.) 1G3. Council Ilatlield 299; Alberg (R.) 103; (R.) 2S6;Haniis Both sides worked like Trojans. Bowen 237; M. D. (R.) Spriggs Considerable good natured raillery was Bowen (D.) 201; Snliivan(R.) 271; Shea 220; (D.) indulged ia by both parties. 160 Field (D.) 271; Hyde (D. ) 171. (D,) Mona gave a to the Republi cans of tnree onmajority the state ticket. ' The marshal's deputies when aked as "MLLMORE to how business was, reported dull., lias moved over from Lucian Noyes Qa,b co,?nty last year f ave Cannon ' '. 60, Rawlins (D) 471j a plurality of 13S.(R) Oasis. The snow made it. but the John Huntsman, who was hurt at the enthusiam of voters disagreeable, wasn't in l, dampeded' is rapidly recovering. the least. Marshal Goldsbron-- h Douglas Tomkinson .has purchased a and discussers of politics deputies 100 feet residence of John Jackson, Jr., and will neptthe from the polls during the day. residoat Fillmore in the future. A lively discusion of political questions Fillmore is having a boom. New brick and candidates took place on tne street buildings in different stages of construcand in good range of the polls. tion are seen in every part of the city and ' Conveyances were conspicuous, and many more are planned. were as was they appreciated, too, conversations .that were heard from the patronage ttiey received. judged onPolitical every corner and in every household Several chalenges Were made and sus- in our city, and the little groups of wO tained as t the city ticket, but for State men freq neatlyareseen discussing the politand county officers they were permitted ical situation, a thing of the jast. to vote Snow was falling heavily and yesterday,Jcted The right to vote of W. W. Armstrong some of our cmzeus who have jiegl was questioned by Dan. Brown, Ballot to PJpk their apples are sad. was allowed on the state and county Fillmore, Nov. 5, &. looking y. J. Commercial 'Arithmetic, by mail, at . j Op.o-Fourt- Regular Prica ii 1 o a limited number of persona, i This course will be completed in 40 lessons. No charge for diplomas. Address, ' CAPITAL , OlTY , lOHMBRCIAL 1.0LLEGS West S ixth Street. KANSAS. TOPEKA, saw-mil- lowesA j , j I . ; ;.. T- : - ! s One Price-Th- at ; HYBB & WliTMORB. the Lowest to alL 11G FU-V.E- ; 21 n. exchange Eays: Somebody who wauts to exolaiu what the editorial "we" wigailio?, s:iyp. the meaning varies to suit the circamitaocts. For instance, when you read that we expect our wife home to-iy," "we" refers to the editor; when it 13 'we are a little late with our work," it includes the whole of2ca force, eveo the devil an"d towel; lf we are having- a boom " the tovrn ia meant; "we receiy- ci ovor 703, OO'J imniigr; mts last year, it embrace:, the nation,. but we have hoj oh " only refers to the ill of the man w o talies the paper tw7o cr ti.rio year;. without paylojr for it. To', advertise our Collj?e we will give a thorough course of instruction in Doug and ble and Single Entry Also our line of Fall and Winter Dress-Goods-, in all the latest styles and prices. Having. bought our line of CLOAKS and AVUAPS ' carlyj we had the pleasure of selecting from a full liDe of 1895 styles which are now " displayed at our store. ' a I - U I 11 4 . . . ONION If you are going to range V Write immediately to theyour sheep west of Deeret I TINCKLE Y, For prices onj grain. Bottom Figures - CO-O- P Is the LEADINg HOTEL of NEPHI A Hack Meets All Trains, Free to Patrons. Two Sample Rooms. Nesjess to. Business Centre MRS..C, R. FOOTE, i ' ; . Proprietor. . j ' Sheep-men- s' Supplies a Specialty. t H -- Superintendei C?(r. mifcs from. Oasis Station.. j I |