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Show HOME. AND ones, which are to be worn all winter, posing of the arftcTe. She doesn't lumare neaviiy trimmed with fur. A stun- ber up her pockets with it, neither does ning little reefer of navy blue cordu- she leave- it at the office-- and rarely T inroy hai a border of the cut work, in deed, does she lose it. Her almost Innavy blue velvet, set over white satin. variable habit is to thrust it under the The coat proper is extremely short and strip of matting or carpet covering the flaring, coming just over the hips. The entry before her chamber door, where ironts are cut narrow, an an tn open it is supposed to repose in peace and broadly over the blouse waist of the safety. This, too, notwithstanding the gown, and are; fastened by a velvet strip fact that the little hump it produces set underneath. Two large pearl buttons in the carpet is by no means invisible trim the outside. A deep sailor collar to the naked eye. Nor is it without sigof velvet has a border of cut work nificance to the average understanding. and its edge piped with a cord of white What is more, there is a similar little satin. A cordj of satin finishes the flar hump before each neighboring bedroom ing collar, which sets up about the ears door, so that a glance down; the entry in so pretty a fashion, The sleeves are reveals a whole double row of such bishop in shape and very bouffant. humps; They ; speak volumes of not only the ingenuity of woman, but of ' her sublime" faith in human nature. Gowns for, Society Buds. ' The season for the sprouting of the young society bud is fast approaching Three Little Lore Soncs. and mamma Is anxiously contriving By Emily Louise Mcintosh. all sorts of pretty costumes : for this I. SURRENDER. prospective blossom. It is more difficult Your weapons were wrought at the to gown a young girl becomingly, not too childish, 'nor yet too womanly, than forge of Love, Glowing his fires! most people imagine who have not unAnd fatal their stroke, as the lightning s clevermod-isteEven task. dertaken the the V above v. sometimes make the mistake ol Resistance expires! fashioning a garment altogether too a for young girl, making her dignified look like a fussy little old woman. I firmly resolve you shall never know V How throbs my heart "When one Is old enough to wear all At the sound of your voice, at the touch sorts of gowns and wraps the matof your hand,. ter is" smooth enough, but for My resolves depart. And the citadel of my love now lie3 Captured surrendered to your dear eyes! - .iT NOTES OFTHE MODES HOUSEHOLD. AFFAIRS.. JA nd Winter Hats Are Effect Wraps for Little for Society Bads Three yew Girl J ; pore Songs. HE new hats for the season are marvels of effect, combining . assertive erectnes3 with- - the most . graceful drooping effects. As hat for instance a ; i : - felt 'reared up in sharp corners about the front and of black ftp a flare with of j l ? L,JJ. 38 fashions are in all seasons when change, ....orri iu"1' a "eeneralare even and waiting 1, W"- they abound, oddl- - more . . I -- guard over' tte top feather on v.air at the back, and L.ttni close tw LUC u or. drooping rosea hips a long spray miline' locks. There Iffn lace scarfs may hope. that long oo thft wnm- Ud.ua, o that laSteU i.ntn wnSL. eood looks depends; on the will be; able to .riling of her neck low collar without spoiling herx , t :. -- -' Bessar anf,tlt TSostonlan Last week a citizen of Boston was "touched for a dime" four times in walking two blocks on Broadway, New Tork. All of the beggars were well dressed.; It was rainy, and two of them had silk umbrellas. One of them sported a watch chain, while the tops of a couple of cigars stuck out of the pocket of another. How such men have the nerve to beg on the street in a brisk, business like way is a mystery to a man from Boston.-Bost- "; III. ARBUTUS. ; ; er - . . , -- rs , Milk Hidden In the grass, malaria but waits our to spring at and fasten its fangs la adulterated by hand, as usual. approach, upon us. .There Is, however, a certain anti' dote to its venom which renders it powerless XSeware of Ointments for Catarrh That for evil. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is this specific, and acknowledged and world-fame- d Contain Mercury, It is, besides this, a thorough curative for As mercury will surely destroy the rheumatism, dyspepsia, liver complaint, consense of smell and. completely derange stipation,: la grippe and nervousness. In the whole system when entering it convalescence and age it is very serviceable. through the mucous surfaces, Such ar is anything which will make a If there ticles should never be used except on young man query whether evolution is not a from reputable physi- failure it is to see a pretty girl kiss a pug prescriptions cians, as the damage they will do is ten dog. fold to the good you can possibly derive A lost cause-th- e clubman's excuse to hl from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu- wife for home at 1 a. m. coming factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Cows are now milked by machinery., ; '".Pi dear; The bird? Your love for me. And now that its song has roused me, Til sing 'till eternity! i.! - ? '; : The Moon's Power Over the Weather. Fallacies- - about the- moon arc numerous, such as thatNthe full moon1 clears away the or clouds;, that you should only sow beans cut. down, trees in the wane of the moon; changes on ta that it is--ora bad siga if she in Sunday vthat two fulltomoons Saturday, see the a month will: cause a flood; that old moon in the arms of the new brings on a catalogue rain, and many others,a of which alone would take-ugood deal of space. M. Flammarion says that the moon's influence on the weather is negligible. The heat af. reaching us from the moon would only fect our temperature by twelve millionths of a degree; and the- atmospheric tides causedc try Vi moon wouia only atr6; tne Daromec-riinch a pressure a few hundre3 of an the changes which are quantity far less thanfrom other causes. always taking place i II. - We lay aside the dainty flower , In memory of a hallowed hour. When heart to heari a message brings, That wakes the soul until it sings Responsive to new joy. a temoerance saloon, "It's one with a back door only.' III. W; J' r RECEPTION, COSTUME tiaa proportionately plentiful in the--S iter hats. One of 'these almost startling headwear Is pictured herewith, in .toque shape, made of hlack traided hair. It is trimmed with twisted ijiaethyst mirror velvet, which torders j tie edge and forms small rosettes in back. Then several velvet "pansies are j placed along the velvet. In front the I prnltore Is completed by a pair- of bits of ! sz& 13 j these fair young things a great deal of consideration must be given to their gowning. One of the sweetest girls who will burst upon society this winter; sports as lovely and girlish a fall as any girl could possibly have. cos-tum- 4 - ; wings, with a feather ornament risbg In the center In place of the aigrette with which we have become fa- nlliar. It is worn well back on the head 13 j ai shaped like a wide band, with curved edges to. fit the head. Don't be Iaacy. ? 1 ' iistcrbed If the novelties In millinery that are presented as Louis XVI. styles ioa't fit your Idea Just take of-history. any of the fashionable mixtures. To be sure, the sales are limited to three, four, six, etc., but that is an encouraging beginning, and the amount Is the same as though two dozen cheap buttons were taken. Mother-of-pea-rl buttons in natural are much seen, but various mothr black jthea and say nothing if they suit To tell the truth. It Is not so much that the actual fashions of that period are being ; i rarired a3 to call that milliners have agreed whatever they Invent and select pLoaig XVL," and to. make free with 'tie times of that particular gt.7 court ad the fashions of beautiful Antoinette. Thus, hats wired stiff to stand st oa one side and droop to the hair 1 fancies also find buyers. new are oval buttons, four-holQuite mother-of-pea- rl or in buff alo born. ' These buttons are beautifully carved, set with steel, etc., and are worn on the jacket suits, as three on either side of the front anditwo at the back of the waist line. The tailors often set three on each side of the fron of a skirt, open ing the skirt there in ' place of at the ' back. On silk or woolen waists buttons are placed as fancy! dictates. Three on a center box "plait is; perhaps, the best known style; Norfolk basques ften have two rows of ball buttons down the center plait; then straps - over the shoulders are studied with buttons, and a new trimming shows a . silk waist with a vest of Valenciennes lace and insertion, bordered on either side by a strip of velvet, studded with large the other are a novelty, and as such j w, of course, called Louia XVI. 2ect has so ; lily-skinn- ed , ed - . ) t , i S t - i y UJT of pretty t fashions shown for c's!ort of these little folks, mak- - quite a3 smart a3 their rs. Irabroiderj in velvet and heavy erk is the general rno-Iof trim-- " sok -- the Where Woman Hide Hr Key. is Surely woman's ingenuity she takes Witness the way the summer hotel or care of her key-aWhen a man takes up boarding-houshis abode at such a place he lugs his It at the key around with him or leaves he as event ofilce, and in almost any woman has But likely as not loses it. sure way of ds- discovered a new and un-equal- j rrcsent, though the longer and t improvement Brings comfort and 1 iwnen to meni tends personal enjoywho live betThe many, rightly used. and life with ter than others more, enjoy less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the heeds of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in: the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties 01 a pertect laxative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakperfectly free from ening them and it issubstance. every objectionable Dyrup OI J igs IS ior saie uy anis uiugmangistsln 50c and $1 bottles, but it ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute 11 onerecu 1 . . e. ed. Bryant Up to Date. So live that when the obit writer comes Thou go not with the trite "no flowers," Doomed to a jot lost on an inside page, But with a big spread head and leaded j type, Like one who was a bug of size, Whose going casts a gloom, likewise ft - pall ! remedy, Mas. well-trie- d Stftp for Children Teethinc- - The summer daisy makes summer Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2 trial bottle free y jitcases Send taUr.iQine,931 Arch tt.tala.fcr. and the editor know? tbe The value of good clipping. Corn Salve.' "Hanson's Xlaglo refunded.; Ak you or wool-grow- er i money Warranted ta care drugeist for it, Price 15 cents. Envy Is an acknowledgment . Cure- for Consumption both la G. W. Pattermy family and practice. Dr.1894. son, Inkster, Mich., Nov. 5, It is queer, but a lively bolt- often resiklta... in. a dead lock.. I use Pisos - - Denver Directory. n HARNESS The best $30 dou- - - ble Concord Har ness in Colorado .Tiy for $18. harness with breechine $16. $25 steel horn- stocK mmij paddle for $15. $15 single buggy harness for $8J0, Do not by worthless imitations but order direct from us and get the lowest wholesale au gooas stampea. prices, catalogue free. 1413 Larimer j Street, FRED MUELLER, yenver, Colorado. Goods sent for examination. - blocks from Union House 2Depot. American Keiiauio $2 per Day. Hotel. .Denver's oiti AVI Female Fruit: Pills positively restore au from whatever cause; price SI. irregularities, Call or Address GtAVI MEDIO AL Oa, 717 Platte Bt, Denver, Colo. Lady Attendant. 183i. JEWELERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS, send your sweeps and waste containing gold and silver for treatment. Prompt return and highest cash price paid for gold and silver bullion. Address 1736 and' 1738 Lawrence Street. Denver. Colorado. TKEATJED EVERY GIRL WANTS A FELLOW to look nice and clean. lj We use nothing but pur soap and water; gives a finer finish, more pliabetter and Stays Clean ble, holds to shape we wash them, what! the Much Longer when fellow? Ohl Noi His shirts, cuffs and collars. Young Fellows, club together; send us $5.00 worth of laundry at one time and we pay express if within 1,009 miles, and charges both ways Denver prices. Agents wanted charge you only in all outside towns. Write for 1248-5price lists and Curtis St 0 particulars. Queen City Laundry, THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT new steel horse whim. Wll On their common-sens- e hoist 25 tons of rock 300 feet each shift. Is just as safr FBEJJ. Cured with. Vegetable Remedies Positively Have cured thousands of cases. Cure eases pro- nounced hopeless by best physicians. From first dose symptoms disappear;' In ten: days at least aU symptoms removed. Send for free book testimonials of miraculous cures. Ten. day's treatment free by mail. If you order trial send 10c in stamps to pay postage. D&. H. H. Geekk & Sons. Atlanta, Ga. If two-thir- Vu order trial return this advertisement to us. DRf GUNN'S IMPROVED I I A Mild Physic. On a Pill lav n Doha. A movement of the bowels each day is necessary for health. These pills supply what the system lacks to make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the Hives, and clear tbe Complexion better than cosmetics. we To convince They neither gripe nor; aicken. will mail sample free, or fall box for 25c. Soldjoa, every Eft where. DR. BOSANKO MED. CO.. Philadelphia, and reliable as an engine. It can be packed anywhera a acK can go. jxo cos wneeia oi clutches to break. 90 per cent is will bend wrought iron and steel and 50 before breaking. Over in nse some running 6 years without one. we mase norse-- ' dollars M H V hoists atexpanse, prices, $25, 60, ?5 100 1125 . ' ..itiJtn :i::::E:it!siii!:::::::KL I snd on up. Send for an illnstratad circular to WHIM CO.. 1222 Curtis St. Denver. Oolo. ' THE TH J "53 Thnes a Teat." nrI HERE are few famous writers in Great , Britain or the United States who have not already contributed to TheYouth's Companion, but some illustrious recruits have been found, Who, collaborating with the old favorites, will enable its editors to make the paper notably brilliant during the coming year. x v Statesmen poets, famous scientists and travellers," eminent lawyers rs will provide entertainment and Instruction and delightful for our friends and subscribers in a richer measure than ever Deiore.x, j ; Remarkable Offer story-write- Free to Jan. i, 1896. 1 New Subscribers wher will cut out this coupon and send it AT ONCE with name and address, and $1,751 wiU receive graphed in 14 ; FREE Calendar, lithocolors. Retail price 50c. The Youth's Companion every week till January 1, 1896. t FRBB The Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Double Numbers. And The Companion sz A "Weeks, Full Year to Jantiary, 1897. Send Clieck, Our Bistinguislied Contributors. The Dean of Salisbury . The Princess Louise. The Marquis of Lome. Bishop Cleveland Coxe. The Lord Chief Justice of England. Bishop Doane. Sir Beniamin Ward Richardson. Sir Edwin Arnold. The Secretary of the U. S. Navy Camille Flammarion. The Secretary of the Interior. Justin McCarthy. Admiral Stevens. The Secretary of Agriculture. Admiral Markham Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes. W. H. Russell of The London Times. Admiral Elliot; ' Charles Dickens. Frank R. Stockton. Archibald Forbes. W. Clark Russell. F. D. Millet. General," Nelson A. Miles. Andrew Carnegie. Hon. Thomas B. Reed. . ' Post-Offi- ce ! . i And tl , breeching j $20. double team 1 of MINING, PE1NTINQ MACHINIST Bepelrs etc.! Pipe threading and cutting. Freight elevators. Nock & Qarslde, H15-1- 7 18th st. lEst-ibiishe- . With $25 ASSAY OFFICE Chemical Laboratory. ! ! E. E. BURLING A M E'S : Our Handsome y of the good fortune of others, ; ; daya l?erve Kestorer. Successfully Examiner U.S. Pension Bureau. Late . that and pleasant at the summer resorts. free by Pr. Kline's Greas FITS AllTIks storped o Fits after the tirst day's use. n last war , 15 adj udicatiug claims, atty since. J 3 yTa iPrincipal KNOWLEDGE If the Baby la Cutting Teeth. use ld and VnsLOWs Soothdjo IffSMSlOMwlsaSBSSES W Prosecutes Claims. . , Be sure QOQOQOOOOOOGQQOOOG f7 H H e, The long been avoided that It Mngs some lines of the face into start-- i prominence, and where these lines blonde, with eyes good ones the wearer is distinctly She Is a the a cherub's, and as blue and ; as big gainer by the effect. smoothly parted yellow hair clinging in soft, wavy masses over her ears. Her Wraps for Little Girls. gown,1 is gray, a soft; dove. gray of the raps for the little ones are an important item for this season. There are softest sort of cheviot, showing a mixture of black and white. The skirt is en and stiffened Paquin, abnormally full bodice is a The to a startling degree. slate-colorvelt. ft. perfectly round one of vet, smoothly fitted, and fastened diagonally with three row3 of tiny silver buttons. A silver collar and belt add chic to the gown. The sleeves are of the ; .tot. cheviot in gigdt stylethe tight lower arm buttoned snugly with rows of sil- buttons. .: ver buttons. To complete it is a street coat of cheviot in box fashion, showing Kingsiey Up to Date. bishop jaunty little pockets and huge Be good, sweet1 maid, and let whoever sleeves. The prettiest feature of the rig will be clever; is the butterfly collar of chinchilla, Do noble things, not marry them, at whose soft grayness harmonizes so tennot fpr long. least A huge derly with the gray of the gown. up for life, and death, and is faced with Don't tie vast hat of neutral tinted felt forever, thar black and massed with black plumes. For titlers now are going for a song. 1 " WIPES OUT .Promptly and Effectually. j er-of-p- earl ? 03 What Buttons Are Used. Shirt waists are worn with stud butf tons in enamel. As the season advances buttons cannot be ignored ; tliey are appearing In plain and elaborate costumes from for dressmakers. eign and domesticdouble-breasted The single and pique vests worn with jacket suits have a sin gle row of small buttons, or a double row of large or j small to the linen chemisette. Hard . nut buttons above "54" are. buttons of this ma scarce Four-hol- $ terial are in good demand. A tasty four-hodesign Is much used. It has In the middle a jnarrow? polished bor der: then follows a dullpressed ground and the outside border, which is pol v:, VSs. ished in two colors. As .the revival began here in the spring it follows that pearl buttons are most in evidence. The outing suits of woolen fabrics, pique, duck and such cotton white suits as well all accord with the large white and shaded pearls that may be found to harmonize with; j : i . le I If he were fed' regularly the shark, wo ui-not be half, as ravenous as he Is. WalkJner woulrf often be a pleasure ar easily were it not for the corns. These peets removed with Hindercorns, l5o at drugrgists. The plant of happiness cannot thrive- wit front the aid of cheerfulness. Monthly for a pood Collector aud Salesman in every town and county In united states. Alan or woman. Permanent position for suitable person. Write for the position at once, W. A. BRUCE &. CO., 258 B 'way, New York. ' BACK VIEW. The more nw men Parker's Ginger TobJo the more Its good qu alities are revealed indlBpell-ia- g colds Indigestion pain and evsry kind of ... weakness. !rty Vflgblng! to make some money quickly and needing steady employ-me- n t should work for me selling' medicated wafers. Address A. M.. Dam, M. D., 212 Columbus ave., Boston. W'AXTKD ( .. . Her, Sox2U6, Kocnester, . ; :ocqcoccooooooooooc t . daily..; and the like. XJLl ARTIFIC Catalogue. Geo. K. Fu N. x And as He keeps us there and here, And guards our heart's great treasures, dear, I'll pray He'll keep thee, too. V & Such ills as - ITree My heart sings on, of years to be Of all this means to you and me'; i-W4- - Bods forlocatinjr (fold orsllverore, lost or hidden treasures. For particulars address M. I. Fowler, Box 33?, Southington, Conn. i -- tbey. operate 40.000' miles of railwnv. Hubs.? that the number- of dally through express and mall trains is 204; accommodation, suburban and passenger (J70: merchandise and: freight trains, trains, 288; graln,r stook and: lumber trains, 100 making a total of 1,32 trains-o- f all classes in and out of Chicago rll!3FR AI And very Nature's voices tell The love that comes with us to dwell, When earth is glad and new. .) ht ST. JACOBS OIL papa ?" - ' ' ternally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists; price, 75c per bot tle. Hall's Family Pills, 25c. , "What's Chicago's Hailroads.. The Chicago Tribune has published a tabla railroad compashowing that twenty-eignies have terminal stations in that city; that ccooooocooooococooo internally; acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of ' the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in What matter if the days sped by Till spring breathes on the earth and sky, ) shade trees. Again, how many rented places are devoid of trees of all kinds. ever stopped, to Has the land-ownconsider that a small orchard, a few yard trees around every tenement house will greatly enhance the value, attract and hold a better class of ten ants, mane me more enjoyame ana that too at practically no cost? We tell you there is a great deal of selfishness when we look abroad and see how Motors for Observatories. stingy! and selfish many are with their The great Terkes forty inch telescope, at tenants, and oftentimes perchance some Lake Geneva, will be provided with a sysgood farmer rents his farm and moves tem of electric motors Dy which its several may be operated and regulated. The away and is so selfish as to reserve all, motions clock will be wound automatically,. driving yes, all the fruit produced, denying'even also, Dy an, electric motor, wnne, m Keeping these electrical devices, the elevating owe with this to his tenant. Land-ownefloor of the observing room about seventy tenants and the public generallya feet In diameter will be made movable by their of hydraulic rams. The astronomical duty by planting at least a moderate means of the future will resemble a observatory quantity of trees. This is a wise pub- great machine and dynamo shop. lic policy. Ornamental Tree Growing. Like a Venomous Serpent The way to my heart, Gov't P.cport L" vs? Lf How many farmers and others, too, whose places are destitute of fruit and A bird flew in at a window And wakened a stormy soul, That lay in troubled dreaming In anguish beyond control. , ifi Post on .Etcfcir.". - " The VaTne of Trees. II. A CADENCE. '; i -- I The window? Highest ofatt la Leavening rower. . 3.nd More Than One Hundred; Others. RJsk. or Express Order, or Registered Letter, at Our ; , THE ' |