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Show THE WOMAN'S WORLD. BLADE, Every Saturday ied . j j at IVTEllESTl.VO FOU A Boon MAID for Scrawny- Women. - - UTAH. con-lumptiv- Wt. ..Caleb W. ; j Geo, Bartcb. Wo. H. Kin g. 8. W. Smith. fr5& i ,,Jat3c i i -- trrxn ... ,.hf GOU AB .Loa. Lke City. " R.lt Lake Citr. Lak Citr. Bait Lake City. j. Hugo Deprezin L. Jactrman T. SnlllTun J. . .D. W. Cazier Thomas "Winn A-- I .Edward Pike V ..rJ EBBtlce jcCsffl-.- " s r.l A. Hinckley g. &-fiSfe---;3- ' gjjg but-neatne- Wlllard Roger. Joseph D. Smith Sidney Teeplea, D. C. Canister Sz?..Z... ss, Hav-tfcai- ea everything on earth Is now starting bs-- 'dtt' alp I; -- !j - a R s. Lore, formerly - assistant Is znter at" Calvert, Texas, nam His with, embezzlement. , u If fca tad tampered wltn letters a iKIci'gaa man pursued an Illusive :: tirccgn a swamp for over an evident 13 that he 13 no soon. S.il 20 hare to prepare Pletzel In i:;Ma. It Is gratifying to know :ia district attorney thinks he has respect to the R3 Itiwould show respect will showj rendering the the Red Cros3 society la Cuba. of Carefully compounded. Hail or express orders promptly atteaed to. Large Stsck at Salt Lake prices. SOUTHERN un-:a- ry of England, ha3 been :3 prison' for a term of one year rjirj. This )Beem3 to be gunning J; The di3cultlea.t ! i ; OSTLER & 00KEY, laws game z&zi. are severe. I j lr ';:t;i' Lyons, the convicted Chlca-::rierer, sayshe is willing to live sike of his' family. It 13 unfor-th- at he didn't think of thi3 be- -' v w ' ; - ri sometblng incongruous iTirstoa putting on the skates ili will promise to be In when 13 The First National Bank y r3 .rcusly CAPITAL SURPLUS the condensed ia c: races: .A win. ! " ' , Marlborough is exciting of His ty the; killing of lot3 of Sator lHlll hears that ' In All Jts Branches; .'' I ;p No tiresomo layovers. Close connections in union depots, I j . Gbo. C. Whitmore, President. W. W. Armstkonq, Cashier. Vlce-Preside- . ; ni. Frorr . i ' i TUtetti - J - To the Ureat liivers ana aubdim Ocean.. Elegant and thoroughly modern Equipment and C. OSTLER J, M. . And positively the quickest roato J. H. Ertckson. ; Manufacturer and Repairer of BOOTS AND SHOES. Chair Cars Reclining In which the seats are free to holder of regular train tickets.' ' All kinds of shoes made to order. j Workmanship Becond to none. First door south of Tabernaole, i 1 ; NEPHI. MAIN STREET, Call on or address S. V. DARRAH, GENERAL MERCHANDISE COMMERCIAL FREIGHT AND PASSENGER A110 PRODUCE STfll DESERET CASH Salt Lake " City, East Main Street, - - General Passenger , Utah I'A-- j & Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Mo. DE3EIIET. I Mill Work a Specialty. Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. GRACE ' . j H. C. TOWNSEMD, spot cash. JIIO. DEVSIIUP, MGR. - OR , at bottom prices for Goods T AGE Room 21 Morlan Block, AT THE BROTHERS' Lumber Ysrci Mill ' OSTLER & ' 0CEEY, Mr. Mohair, A.Jaantjr Gray but she should "cookies." Womankind. with regret, half cnizy not mind, for these new ones wm w j ed r ; ihisv. j Grtfice Brotl"0rs, - - - UTAH. i 'Mountain Lhi.L tifd Irrigation Co. OSTLER & ALLEN, , (Jfficet Court House, Fillmore, Utah. tiger Householtl Hints. off nresentlvi and the! days refused' to caiiinc suda Before boiling smoked ham Soak It fashions changed all of another on the ground that whenare hours! cold water for twenty-fou- r In gone by. den Tfish to It should be entirely covered. extinguish the THE DESERET DAIRY GO, French and English Etiquette: With a nice, clear fire, five mlniltes ilAS FOR SALE There Is as much difference between Is sufficient time for broiling a beefas In there be should one be thick. to Inch Cuba is It tarbarlty French steak the aud Svnor Sagasta must have the English FtJLL CKEAM CHEESE. the pro Is between the English and Japanese turned several times during like the good-naturcz canary and ; j NEPHI CITY, renominate William B. for the supreme bench, he 3 , . iU T;;" BANKING GENERAL . There fca3 been a great 'es3 in the last two cen- - ' ; . the wearing of ancestor excited great at Saratoga by "ts. Pacffld RAILWAY. I A howU e -- 350,000 337,500 . VIA . iiri j Butier, Lard, Sausage - ' Cuk. A . -- of the history ' A foul. - rare and ask for a ticket that TtzZ denying them many sweetmeats it re-- , ALSOand careful planquires much thought of wholesome ning to provide a variety not tire of It. food so that they will I think a child's desire for unwholesome foods can almost always be overManufacturers of and Dealers in . . . . . come by frequent changes inthe regMouldings, Windows, Doors, Hular diet. Mixed Coal, & Hardware, Paints, I try to have a little different lunchCoffins, ; Caskets, Pickets, eon for them to carry every day, In etc. Wire Combination UTAH. Fence, NEPHI CITY, which is always Included a bottle of ; to mail orders and the Southern Trade. attention milk when the weather is not too hot; given Special bread sandwiches, filled with (meats Free delivery to any part of the city. By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City to or cheese scrambled egg, chopped fine, point fruits are always the basis 6f the H E. L. COLLIEK, (J.E. luncheon, with a little jar of fruit of some kind, or apples or oranges, or bananas, something of the kind ivith all its Branchei cookies for a dessert, Instead of the Engineering in cold pie so often found In children's lunch baskets. I find, too, that chil- Land and Irrigation Work a "Specialty dren are very fond of the English biscuits that you can get in tin boxes at Land and Irrigatlox Engineer frr r Ontrel Land and .Irrigation Co., any grocery now, and they afford a Co., Clour J.s pleasant change from the regular; Fillmore la ti i: d Irrigation Co. and Whltn j "? UTAH. NEPHI, ST. LOUIS, OR UTAH. I at night her falling will overlooked by her nelgh- - -- - Be e r s, j secured a prior lien on law . & tUNT, - NEPHI, KANSAS CITY, SOLICITED. TRADE M'NALLY I r going to CHICAGO, ; ii sure case. i society. I ; :::.tj la general by If you are . I ::ea ha3 to October 28 u trial for murdering :u ent ; presl-aspira- nt or he would not Your patronage solicited. DRUGGISTS, ' Ex-Presid- It and Bologna. MoNALLY & LUNT, - loco-i-rs Amerl-jtffhnau&- Mutton, Veal, Chipped Beef hs w, lii Baltimore tunnel electric teat sixty miles an hour. se-win- ed j Greenwood Andreas Peterson. .IJohn 8tyler. James Gardner, O. C. Holbrook. . ..Alma Greenwood. ann ;i'J i much-be-angl- ' COUOTr DIBECTOET. iilSD tTr ' C.riaoaford ...sT . . .muam ocke7 : . fj Choice Fresh Meat Rna.irlttff in kll called ta attention Its branches. Special Or hU new style. Universal feed ehino doea all Its work inside of tie shoe. Two doors north of Union, Main St., Nepal. jbA - ...Fred W. Chappell f!hr Foot? 4 HAG-US-, Hate anl Shoe Boot cheaply-ornamente- vrtk.H. Harrl. Lewi. OBW...:-- "T Tuod A. V. HARDY, -E , -- 1. . Bryoa G roo. &h' Aodpaem t es - TSsSlTOK1AU . G-EORG- Some Ingenious dressmaker has designed a sort of necklace collar hat is a bon to scrawny women. It sets Honaea for nomeA Boon for Women-French Scrawny; nd low on the neck exactly over the coll.nBHlx Etlqnette-T- he Game of lar bone, and Is a circle of velvet! snipPbotograph-Hoaieh- oId Hinti ped here and there, to insure eat to the'shoulders. Below the velvet a soft In frqme houses there Is, frill of delicate lace is set, and a little unluckily, an almost Infinite variety of colored puffed yoke of the same may cover the throat above it to the neck band; or paints. When one passes between the the collar or necklace may bei conrows of small and d nected with the top of the bodice and framehouses which disfigure our sub- the throat band by a series of straps NOTES OF THE DAY. urbs and the many, "parks" which run of velvet, each planned to come just for miles beside all our railroads, one paper claims to have a cor could almost wish that paints had nerold the youngest in respondent 4 years ; world.! er been invented. Are our carpenters the A naphtha spring has been opened at and contractors and khe buyers of Grosni, in the Caucasus, which throws their wares all born color-blin-d that Jets of the fluid to a great height. tney can endure "without suffering the A . Lowell man, while on a hunting varied patches of hideous coloring that rush past our aching eyes? Red, blue, trip recently, succeeded in performing green, yellow and sometimes all four, the remarkable feat of killing two foxec or even more, on one luckless house! at one shot. But the fault is not altogether in the The cities of London,' Glasgow and colors. A red house may be even beauare considering the quesManchester tiful If the tint be dark and soft, like tion of establishing a system of municithat of the sumac berries, and half pal fire insurance. hidden in masses of green. But It is There is a hen at 'Danbury, ' Conn., an affront to the eyes when spread over the boards of a high and that must be going In' for a course of calisthenics. She has just jaid an egg house broiling on a sandbank by an unfinished poadwayj withinj the shape of a dumbbell. out even a bush to shelter it. The In Turkey even objects of prime neODce much-deride- d "white house with cessity are sold on credit, and in that green blinds seems now to be gaining country, as well as in Russia, the time favor, and It has at. least the advanallowed Is, in most cases, twelve tage of making no ; pretentions to months. cheer and' comaught of the transac, jln Spain four-fiftfort. With plenty, of green about It, tions are done on a cash basis while in It also is even beautiful. Besides the whlte.andthe deep soft; red in suitable New in Neckware. Portugal great liberality is shown and a is there situations,5 good combination where thinness needs relief, and, li quite long credit is generally allowed. of cream color real cream, not made need be, puffs of gauze may fill In bejThe late drouth in New Hampshire with chrome-yellobut by mixing a tween the straps. A variation with has killed thousands of young trout, little yellow ochre with a good deal of the same effect, and very pretty for many of the small breeding brooks white lead) with white trimmings; and a girl whose youth excuses her slim having dried entirely up this season there are a few tints of gray orjbrown ness, Is made by a collar of close set tliat were 'never dry before. which may be used to advantage, but roses, worn Instead of the "velvet fcircle only in two or at most in three shades, the gauze used matching the roses and MEN OF MARK. and always of the same color using the connecting straps being of satin . Jj the lightest for the the! of ribbon. house, body An Ohio man has started va nickel and the darker ; for trimmings and popular subscription for Mark Twain. window blinds. All attempts at stripThe Game of Photograph. afor George Lord of San Bernardino, Cal., A novel and interesting entertain ing panelling are odious. Even to be the world's oldest Mason. is ter one has done ones best tot secure ment for an evening party Is the game Hissaid softness and unobtrusiyeness of color, of age is 98 years. "photographs." It is'somewhat simone is Impatient for vines to grow and Harrison expects to with their cool greens; In summer or ilar to the game of authors, and the spend the months of November and by the hostess December at Saratoga.. changing hues in autttmn, or jby the cardsnomay be preparedcare with which delicate tracery of their denuded with expense. The stems in winter. tr soften nil rmdU the pictures are collected and the tax A nopef ul View. ties of outline or tlnk Harper's Ba- upon the general Intelligence of the as are in evidence the Dr. Griffith John, one of the greatest zar. guests guessing contest progresses, and attests to the Of living missionaries, expresses this success of the evening. This is the opinion: ' "There are at present in To Relieve Slendernes. A trick to relieve undue slendernesa way it is done: Gather the pictures China about: 55,000 communicants, of people as they appear shows a remarkable Increase Is pictured here, and lies in the three In noteworthy small cuts in the papers and the which 1889. There can be no doubt as wide box plaits of thejdress goods on magazines. Cut the portrait around its since of these five the bodice, between wiich soft white outline neatly from the paper on which to the marked increase as prosperfive be next with the If is and it ears. it apply neatly printed silk shows, being caught In plaits at to a communicants card, , our China ous, glazed visiting will, at neck and waist and permitted to "full'' mucilage have card. the If between. This is a never failing meth- numbering jou j;he close, of 1900, number not far short cards you must also, have of od of increasing' the apparent width twenty-fiv- ee 90,000. We are on the eve of great cards with simply the numof the figure, and the other dimension twenty-fivside in numeri- changes, and great changes for the betcan be made to seem greater) by per- bers ranged down onewith No. 1,! leav- ter iso." order, beginning mitting the silk to puff out well. The cal a space to be filled In with the material of this dres3 is navy blue ing, name of the picture corresponding foulard figured with white, the skirt ' each number to be written,! Each with is plain and belt and collar! are of with 'a numbered is guest presented white satin. The sleeves are finished card and a pencil, and to is with draped Wholesale and Retail epaulette of dark cream guess who the pictures are expected are as ' they "I fiilpure. : about, and to write the names Lovely lawn house gowns, or rather passed on The one who guesses the his card. boudoir wraps," are shown set on a greatest number correctly receives the yoke that follows fichu lines over the prize, and the one who guesses the bust and under the arms, the gown least, number the booby' prize.f-.Necoming York Recorder. j falling free therefrom. The woman of these; novelties makes the; PORK who has Indulged in bargain gowns BEEF School Luncheons. And then their food healthy boys VEAL and girls need plenty of food,- but it MOTION must be of the right kind; and while AND MATRON'. Sf , GOSSIP Insuring Consumptives. Cincinnati, Oct. 21. (SpeclaL) Re ports say that a leading life insurance company is accepting risks to the amount of $300,000 on lives of taking the Amick Chemical Treatment for lung disease. The Amick Chemical company, of Cincinnati, is actually paying the premiums on- this insurance and presenting policies to their, patients. This company claims to have the most complete statistics on consumption in the world, and that these' risks are good, providing the patients take a course of the Amick treatment. j of a parish Is called a cure, and the curates are called vicaires. ' . Dealers in and Manufacturers of f J y- - HARNESS, j j - ta --3 recently when he urged aiopt the Spanish type of Thanks. In spite of our e have not reached the level Leon yeL We are not way. -:it Minister to the indignant becausa one :"3 was arrested In New 1.? - 2U t ! ! n ! a tt.-- nm r n nr t Vl ft and costs. All good the Monroe doctrine, broad as it is, cannot f the Western heml- ri:e j punishment for un- - -I- crE-3 : " 5 ' - - -4- - - i 3, a few 7 - V--o ' f days ago that a was walking along a that obstructions had L tracks from a burning in in- -. She knew that r " ' r. vas almost due, and ; way ahead, took eff -the train. Now 'ged ' have done if she had in bloomers? Phlla-.-,'''Vhat could she have go to! and get thee a " ;r the simple 3. She could 7 n hers ".If to that train : stopped as ttill as "; cess. and even more between! the English term as a the Bretons. Blancmange and encore shape," for a "cornflower wish for more of an you that a sln unknown to are execrably sung song other certain In the French and and French are diametrically opposed.: For Instance another while an Englishman accuses one of taking French leave, 1' of another, "II s'en va a TS?alS" When an Englishman a lady on the street he Sres the Inside of the pavement gives to the wall; the: Frenchman he? the outside, next to the gutter. more walls of France have than In skirt a lady's for In England one carriage ?assS another on the left. In France a hostess the right. In isEngland go into last the Jfa party in France to leads she room a when lady England, know not does Gentleman who nuot?a p dis-rceabl- es . d4 "J t'-i- - he rwient rencn uuu ram I lrabXK"Z rr'in NOSE SACKS, ETC. i We also carry a full line of Horse Furnishing: Goods Sheep Men's ; and Cowboys' Outfits. WE GUARANTEE nm ! "Perfect Sa.tiiictiori j Kntrar. add two eggs beaten light and the soui ANTEED CUIiH far I ' ; one-ha- lf j RESTfiREDvTSy MAOfSOOD ul cure you of all ner- t:on of a famous French physician, will quietly as Ixst Manhood, rpatia, such Kerr-oufT VCU3 or diseases of the generative Seminal Emissions, in Debility, Vnhis Buck, the A,)) Insomnia, V. r. Marrv. Kxhaustmsr Drains. Vanooelo and A s Vtc,, cH without separating In uavre English. cream. Mix smooth with three and Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladd E? i on the can newcomers cups or nour. nave tne mixEnglish W J j 11Sh rrsldonts, and Havre of ture as soft as possible, roll out ano TutinkesUla op Application. summer home cut verv lightly. Bake in; greased HUB. J. P. GIBBS, l?rop. fhe rranfe vicar or rector pans In a moderately Quick oyea. UTAH. DESnnBT, ;isir HOPPLES, o ur products a trial. ' ; 1 ilk, Butter and Cheese., Givi '.. tea-epoonf- should be :W - 1 o "- BRIDLES, DESERET HOUSE. :- " of its j ; --tl- ';':('' Ueseret is noted for the fine qualitj crack. N. S. BISHOP," trunk is quite gone by The round-toSUPT. and the newest and most convenient so arhas no tray in the lid, but is ranged that It can be set close against the wall and opened without being j moved forward. Wash flannel when the sun shines and In cold water, and they Iwill be sweet and will not shrink. After they are thoroughly rinsed (and in cold water, too) hang them up to dry without wringing' at all. Esalparters far UIHIEa of one green grapes. Wash gallon Cover with water and cook till yoit and county Newspapers from all pasta can mash them; pour Into your jell efCity Uuh. bag and strain. To each pint of juicO Ore specimens from Detroit ssl ci3 add one pint of granulated sugar; boil where.' is and it ten minutes, very fast, ready ETery thing RESPECT ABLE. to pour into glasses. A. ViAwlaz WU cf For cream cookies dissolve one of soda In a little warm waadd to one cup of sour cream. THE PtlBCST WATER ON EARTH. ter, andone This Water Li a CUAJQ cup of butter with two of Ca t2t Premise Cream ! tS AND, j Either washing soda or borax Is said to be better to use in the water for bathing purposes tban ammonia, which hardens the skin and makes it hi SADDLES nrrnnr i - "! act co - ell thenorrorsoi imitne unumj kidneysana and TUtrn anmnn i strengthens CirrilMCXi; ': ihft rpp.,son flufferers nre not cured oy ui-- I - nnw - AlfcA CO.. O. nox . m Saa ";rrm-.iTi- po . C(?J1 avul.m FranclHCO, Cal. r.. ar0 troaUedA "..f For KUe lV |