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Show How do you like the result? C. Andrews went to Sanpete yesterday 0 . Hugo Daprizin was a Nephi visiter yes terday. OHion3 for 50o per bushel. Inquire of A. Gadds. Children3 knee suits selling at cost at tf. Excelsior Mercantile Co. The latest styles in dress goods just , tf received at Cbas. Foote'3 Mrs. Edward Paxtnau i3 very sick, and it is hoped for the best.' "The dance iu the opera house last night was a hzzle. ' Charles Dowd and "Ernest Foote the crack Nephi nimrods, are after deer. J. H. Erickson of MtJ Pleasant, director of the bauk, was in town Wednesday. Geo C. Whitmore and J. A. Hyde made business ' trips to Salt Lake Wednesday. Harry McCune has returned to his labors at the Cullen v barber shop, Salt Lake. ... Tr.C S. Hosmer is: attend! nsr Mrs. F. L. Copening: at J uab, who is reported quite ill. Take pity on The Blade "devil" and for your brinp: some wood subscription; Albert Petty was In town Thursday and Friday purchasing lumber for an addition to his dancing hall tt Deseret. H. M. McCu'ue, who has lately gone into the- barber business in Salt Lake, was "in town the first of the week. "To those who have not already found it out, we would suggest that these nights are too cool for gate-polingerings. W. I. Birchet and Robt. Ord returned Saturday from their trip to Southern Utah after an absence of twelve .days. D W., Cazier, Assessor and Collector of Juab. county, made a trip on Wednestic in the interest of tax colday ' lection. Roy Cowan has severed his connection with the Times office, and as we are affirmed, will spend the winter months schooling. All those within to care for flies should take them in nights, as we fear the coolt ness of the weather will greatly diminish the number. I .' "J .- i- Hephl's Opportunity. f . - Tl.-- John Cole came in from George C. Wbstmore's ranch, in Emery County , . Tu fiday For X- - f P& For the hands and face use Gilead Fragrant Balm of McNally & Lunt, Druggists, Nephi. d men can obtain sure relief by purchasing McNally & Lunt's hair vi;;or. Nephi. C. Andrews returned last week from Boston, where he had been to lookTUp his wool interests. The Warner bridge i3 nearly completed and adds a needed improvement to the thoroughfare on vhich.it is located. Wilford Cole of Nephi, .after casting hia ballot, on Tuesday boarded , the Sanpete Valley train en route for Salina. The road supervisor is making greatly needed improvements in putting in culverts etc. May the good work go on. " ! to-Ti- v Aiid Bargains in iJnderwear, Clothing, Overcoats, B Dress Goods etc. where the Largest Siockls' :Car- - - : HIOJd than in Salt LtilSiud LaL-- NEPHI City. CO-O- L - C. Andrews V V---- Big Stock Yards. Lehi Banner The brings the information or, the erection of immense stock yards at that: city. The yards are due south ot the factory and between that institution and the lake. There are ten corrals in the yards of an average area of 250x350 feat. Each yard i3 provided with a flowing well and will acco'mcdite 2U0 head of , cattle, making the entire feeding capacity ot each yard about 200 head of cattle. The entire cost of con' last-week"- MexcMants . n, COAL. " ' - . EXCELSIOR CO. Leaders in Low Prices. . i - : - j "! ' -- ' ? - Stand ; Ann ID .A . gmg Might Glow That burns 200 hours at the cost of 2 cents without smoke . ' , j j Ssmi-Annu- al l , . after-dinne- r . . . i . I -.' PTPSB tiT COOPER, GO'S. & ' - . ' - heart-beseamln- ! ; j . ! ; ' : '. :- :- ! -- , f ad-vere- .e Hotel Is the only - i - tween Hephi. and Milford. a ! - ' ............. ............ - t "be-absen- : blood-purifie- r i- - - 1 - , ti-iiiiu-i. "., been-elected- f . . ; - or , - - - - ! . ' out-loo- rs - -- h , - -- the-easter- n -- dC3ldl it! - : :- - I began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was entirely liealed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as r, a tonic and. and, indeed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. Co. . - cJdS troubled for years with a' blood-purifie- 7 tha d ried to the''Leading llSi sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing" could he done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak-'- " ing a number of bottles, the sore 1 H f'rv Only World's Fair 'Ssrsapsrilla. Ayer's Pills., Regulate th . Go Persistent Use of ry Gent,' suits from $3.50 up. Youths' struction of'the yards; figures conservasuits from $3.C0 up. Boys'' suits with tively at 3300. Intersecting the corrals son of John Cole, knee- pants from 75cts. to 3.5Q at i3 the track over which tho beet pulp id .The tf. who has been, down with scarlet fever for Charles Foote's. hauled, and which extends , 10C0 feet. On each, aide of this track are constructed the past week or ten days,1 is improving W. W. Armstrong, recently cashier of mangers for reception of the pulp and as fast as possible. the First National Bank of Nephi, was practicaliy about 2000" feet of pulp The Spanish Fork Herald suspended down from Salt Lake Tuesday. He took mangers. gives On the north and south side publication last week. It's editor, Wm. Wednesday's train for Sanpete county. of the corrals are constructed. thv 6heds F. Gibson, is now a member of the and nay mangers at which the cattle can was coal of the first without Nephi part Springville Independent force. feed; There are 4000 feet of hay mangers. this week, and the scramble at the differ- There are about 900 head of cattle feeding bituminous" were Thomas Bailey, son of L. A. Bailey, ent venders for the there now, and the number will soda be , in vain. was called on a mission to England Wood wa3 the. necessary sub' : These are the largest yards increased. Mr. Bailey will leave for his stitute. t Omaha and San Francisco, between field of labor about January 10th, 1S96. James McBeth, a PayfOn stock-maDon't the people of SouthernUtah know made a business trip to Nephi Wednesto look they can save money and time by sending day i Theofgentleman came adown rt. band "beefers" with ' view of pur- their mail orders to McNAlly & Ltjmt? ; Druggists,: liephi. cuasing. Stering Coal, $4.25' per ton deCo-oover cams from p Charley Stephenson Call at t7ic Nephi for Eureka cast his ballot and livered. Por!'sale by C- - Andrews Tuesdayto reHave I'ants. Just They your returned Wednesday. Mr. Stephenson ceived tlie best ever seen in JSejt7ii reports the camp as being: quite lively at present;. north $3.00. for $1.50, Ibex Smelter. A benefit ball was given in the Acad- No one in ordinary health need become receiver for i the bald or gray, if he will follow sensible emy Hall on Friday night of the past . W. E. Humphreys, Ibex Co. was a south-boun- d passenger treatment. ,We advise cleanliness of the week and wae wed attended; The proT on A few for Leamington. the library fund of the B. Y. Tuesday scalp and the use of Hall'sj Hair Eeaewer ceeds go toschool. xvlr Humphreys was moments chat with' Academy sufficient to etecit the, information that Commencing - with last j Thursday the A. O. Smoot of Provo, closed the cam ' the Ibex Smelter several mercantile stores close their piaces will again start up in of business at 6:30 o'clock except Satur paign for the Democrats Monday night the near future, and that under the the Court House. On account of the control of Mr. Underwood too, the whenever day, entering into an; agreement iter that in bad weather there was Dot many who present accounts get out of, court, the effect. fflS Before buying your winter clothing turned out to hear him. way will be opened for the return of prosIT"1VmianNiu2ffM '4a' "YaS'BYm boot save call and from Charles at Foote's at Milan Blue perity to Leamington and that part of the r KS3uZ9 kJjm aria Miller, W employed Bf bt" mkCjk la to forty per cent. :Every-bod- y Rock mine, Eureka, twenty-fiv- e came over Monday Millard County. is inyited to call and examine our and returned Wednesday afternoon. He tf . stock 'and prices. cast hia ballot along, with ' the Republii List of Unclaimed Letteis: , cans, CZ2 The Republicans of Nephi held a rally that. and made his trip on purpose for . '; in the Opera House Monday but office at the close of Remaining in this1895. on account of the snow torm night, it was not Earnekt Foote and Charles Dowd made business Oct. 3ist, a very well attended. Hon. C. S. Varian a slaughter of five dofcea (GO) mountain Miss Eva Harry Boshard Almqulst was the speaker. a are The this week. boys phesants day as Mazocco Antonio Mechel Holloran The Bdade not long Fred L. Severence hunters, President Geo. Q,- - Cannon,. Apostle great E. Ruther Wiles . .J a go recorded kill of seven deer in two Mrs. A. E. Wiles. Bricrharn- - Younsr. Arthur Winters and Junius F. Wells, were speakers at the days. If above letters are not called for within CO Conference of Juab Stake, a confirmed days they tvill be sent to the dead letter "I escaped being dygpettie office. 1, O. F. Anderson; P. M. This Saturday and Sunday. by taking Ayer's Pills in time." of is the many. Ayer's Pills, experience a rallv at Mona The Republicans-helas an pill or as a ' lapt Saturday night. Thei speakers were whether for liver complaint, indigestion, S1IK to Silk and riax to Flax ; John T. Miller and A. Ca2ier of N,ephi, remedy water brash, and nausea, are The weaver flatulency, and JUnius T. Wells of Salt Lake. The invaluable. stays his shuttle's moan Nephi brass band was in attendance, r. To rend thealieii thread , Four Mile creek coal will soon be That ruins with its fatal tone exitThe Blade calls the attention of iits Nephi msrket in a limited The beauty of the red. readers to a comnfunication from C. placed on the The newly constructed road Its coarse, discordant, ugly tracks v & quantity. Co. a wherein states , of Andrews it of a is work. It will add imfine piece in the East Who wishes to logentleman timber gathering .ud there No gloss nor gaze can screen, petus to) the cate a wool scouring plant in our city. as well as means of getting to and ;from Silk to silk and flax to flax , team ran awev . Clown may not mate with queen. Ralph Nevvby's yester the miuB. day- and.; came rushing down to Main The superiority of Utah honey over And lives are marred when two shall tread street, from the direction of Hague's mill. that NEPIIL of California is fast being recognized feet With in front of Charles They' were stopped a as result this and dense narrows led, heavy life's year shipments The a ways no store with result through Foote's rf damaee; are made East. The Nephi Co-o- p And steps jar as they meet. beig W. J Henroid, who has been- suffer- hare received some letters from a St, Such soulless tracks severe attack of kidney Louis firm commending the excellent ing withis a convalescent can Ho outward screen, gloss our and we hope quality of trouble, product. Silk to silk and flax to flax, will soon be able.to be upon the streets The City and County Collector's o3ce been in i'attendClown may not mate with queen. again. Dr. Miner has closed on the 20th of this month will ' ance. "; '.: '' to getbeout MaeSt. Jonn BKAMHA"Li,. the delinquent list. All persDemnrast's Magazine for Octobers. lliss Elfie Fobte left' Wednesday fot sons not 'paid 'up by that time will be From will she where Payaon 'undoubtedly paps the winter' with the family of Hyrum published. D.' W. CAZinn, County Collector, Lemmon. Nephi regrets to loose her EDITORIAL KUTE3' 'Abraham Okme, City Collector; society, but we congratulate Fayson on The south bound passenger Wednestne change'. day had a race with a deer just about at The 1il add is fully aware thatit liis station. Oasis Ammoa row counT. G; of and Utah line Juab Nebaker the Winimer, w mile and crossing Unh, been JJescre, the subject of considerable Edvard Simons of Payson passed through ties. Mr. Dter ran along side of the criticism, and that tottiosewho train for a mile when its course was Nephi ' on- Wednesday's sodth-boun- d be-that, in- the last Sirst-das- s passenger. The gentlemen were en route chanped off through the hills" by the. re- knew not of the motivewhich issue Of to mining property in southern Nevada port of a revolver in'the hands passenprompted that might, on : to was in which they have interest and will one. be a The the'fcurface, pretty charged ger. partisanism. sight some fifty days: lfas is goes anticipated everything , v A cup of muddy coffee 13 not wholewater will be'turned into the "canals of Without mental reservation The some, neither is a bottle of muddy medi- the Mt. Nebo Irrigation COiraDout the Blade' extends hearty congratulations to 5100 One know a reliable and 20th of the present month. Nearly cine. way ' to Senator James P. DrLscoll. and to skillfully-prepare- d hv acres cf arid land lying under the ditch . its freedom Sediment. Ayer's Sarsapar- - will be brought under cultivation the every other successful candidate in , ilia is always bright and sparkling-- be- - coming' spring.- Some 25 teams are now this Judicial and JSenatonal district. times:Eat ss in h'amiony witli tho uuu not a decoction. doing fall plowing in the vicinity of the and in bo doing, we fuily realize that cause it j.a nix "it,. defeated as Medicine The California just as good men have been Co. arrived enterprise. . are have those on that a this was of week tear town the froni 'first The weather the ju North and as the' weather was too cold and stormy the week. In this city it began to' snow a flowing well of ; On tbn premisfcs-ito permit of out-dofree entertainments Monday afternoon and has continued at rh; purest water on earth. leit the the on Wednesday; intervals pretty much since, but., would s Diseasdparty for city The Blade is fully aware that last Bright Tra- water is a guaranteed Specific with a view of returning within a week not lay on the "ground long, '. making .it Saturday's afforrlod soeminsrlv ..... issue of the Kidnevs. as Or their licence has besn paid and very disagreeable for ped's'trans and so, water to" be pure found absolutely Ii has boon analyzed and because, of they say they" don't propose to "loose it. those doing Outdoor work. It has been good grounds for criticism we are , And at of and this ;ui(l contains not. a trace of lime. cool, period supposed partisanism. industriously L. C. Nevada ComSupt. Hyde, in more the been Bladder, Sheep had lass storm in Stone aware that criticism" was' freely besor, It afso a positiva cure lor from his herds last Tues- the year tho returned pany, towed. Personally we had no interest, and is a certain remedy for Constipation. after an absence of six weeks. Mr. expected. V . Black,-Gday deto'W. to reier in arc we For teHiimoninls the late campaign. The greatest permitted Wm. Quigley, the president of the Hyde has his sheep on the "winter to was on owners of are The of Hunt and Mrs. Atnandu Kelly of Deseret, whom where there is good feed,! and the range the the sire outpumBi.aps, company part others for that near those look to ice Black them and many similar went of Utnh. see results such without Ilcck, carrying deposits Ilurhunk, Virgil Kelly loss is most excellent. through Asked as to the through Nephi on Friday of last week have ben indicated in today's leader in Salt Dake City and elsewhere whose, names-vvik en route to Chicago. While at Black as would innure to the pence and prosfori south-easter- n mining bo furnished-oapplication. Mr. Do Rock he made all necessary arrangements a Nevada, says Hyde Lamar is th'J Dzsuket IIoupb is first class in every particular,of the entire people of Utah. ir great camp, that Pioche is looking up, for the mining and handling of the stone. perity we have no and in other camps that have been held Regular shipments will bo made from Under those conditions f s ft to" oiler nor retractions to inback by litigation, are now preparing to now on and the product of apologies G!0L1S, popjiefor. make.1 ahead,-a-s uiarkt-. settled.- dustry placed ocr nine-year-ol- Dy trie la-pe- te , Bald-heade- .. st the-Xj.ea&t- ' : . : . - CIFE SAVED - higli. t ! ma-chiae- hibited in Nephi at Excelsior. tf. 'I be largest variety oT dress goods at tf. lowest, prices at Charles Foote's Jf hn T. Miller was in Eureka last week in the, interest of Bchoo? matters. an election The Nephi Orchestra gave on House at the. Opera "Tuesday parly ' AND A v ng - f next-February- . . - - yes-terd-j- y. Selectman A. L. Jackman of Levan was in town yesterday. Jmes E. Clinton of Salt Lake, was in Nephi Wednesday. ' W. I. Brown made a business trip to . Salt Laks last we&k; Election day brought many a Nephite wai'derer home a jain. Tr.o question : "How did the-- lection suit you?" 1 ..a cheapest stock underwear ever ex- , ' County Court was ia session p-- Editor Blade: We are in recopt of a letter from a sjentleman in the East who has teen in the,; wool scouring business far the years, who is looking-upasta twenty-tw- o llocation for such a plant in the West He has arranged for a complete new outfit of machinery to be delivered to him at some point by the first of This machinery cost him at the factory f 6000. 00 and he will pat in this for stock in the comoany and asks the citizens 01 the town in which he locates, to furnish the ground, put up the necessary buildings and pajr freight on the machinery and take the same in stocije. Jle estimates that this will re5000.00. quire aboutstates IJe then that if he can get one million pounds of wool to scour during the year that he can guarantee a dividend of 12." per cent on the whole stock annuillv- - Tnis plant would handle two a till a half million pounds of wool per annum, working ten hours per day, and of course the more wool handled the larger the dividend would be on the stock. Now it is for. the citizens of this town to determine whether or not they will secure this concern. It will cive to a number of peopla as the employment be arraded before scouring. wool must It would make Nephi the wool e?nter for the southern pirt' of the state and would assist in making this the bankicg and wholesal? center also. If Nephi expects to be ben fitted by Statehood we must go to work and build up our town. There are towns in S County waiting 'lor just such propositions and would close the deal in days. thirty Let us throw off our lethargy, go to work and secure this enterprise and then go ahead and secure others. .. Respectfully & CREAM 0 ; ' Liver OUR EXCHANGES Territorial News, Culled and ' Condensed for Blade Readers. Richard Grahhm has hwn mndfl .nist..' master at Meiburn. a new nostolileo in ' Sanpete county. Sim Ducrins. the Prnri salcon man who w.s fientencftd In ninw months in the penitentiary by Jude Bartch npon conviction of adultery in 1895, has been pardoned by PresJune, ident Cleveland. Patrick Coughlin' was sentenced to death by Judge Bartch Wednesday. The murderer choso ubeing:mi.shot as .the manner ? j j that he will be shot until dead between ' the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 2 in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 10th day of next December. Joe Lee, the Lead Mill blactpmith," 1' ucvAdpni was the victim of a verv serious last Tuesday, by having1 a car of heavy' timbers fall on him, fracturing his hip.". It seems that he was caug-h- in the brake I rope. and could not help himself,t and it is almost a miracle he was' not killed. Bingham Bulletine. There i3 still another industry started ir this city, cultivation and patronss of '. which will cause considerable money to remain here. Mr. D. It, Gills Sr., hag'' commenced the manufacture of etnve'v pelish, shoe blacking, wash bluing and iiquid glue, all, of which are superior' News. articles. We learn from a Soanish Fork corres-nondeto the Soriui'ville iDdenendent that W..E. Smith, of Kavsville. was hrp. last week on business. He succeeded in-- j extricating his newspaperin--plant irom the , maze of legal difficulties which Free? B. Smith had it involved, and has taken it to Kaysville where he will establish . paper. Ilereis'tbe way an exchang-- under stands the new game law: "Book agents- - ' may be killed from August 1st to October 1st; spring poets .from March to JuiV; scandal inongers from January 1st tc December 31?t inclusive; umbrellu bor- ' rowers from February 1st to May lst ani from August 1st to November 1st. Op tn season all the year around cn life insur- - . ance agents and fellows who borrow theii neighbors' papers.' Over 27,OG0 tons of sugar' beats have h&en received at the Lehi sugdr voiks: this eeason and it is ; expected that the this year will be much heavier than , crop of that last year. The great feature of: this year's crop' is that the beets conlait; a greater percentage of saccharine metier than formarly, dsubttess cue to improved methods of cultivation. It is expf-ctethat the output of sugar from" the wovks this"year will be'. very large. . Judge Barteh, 'sitting in the Fo District court, yesterday sentenced l?ieC George, Coughlin's companion, to a !if .term - of imprisonment at hard labor, 'George having baen found guilty oi 'murder in the second degree for the kill UltraJKdward Dawes last July. ing ofwas asked for by his attercy.3t; ency because of his extreme' youth, he' bexny only IS years of age, but the Judgt thought bestto disregard the plea j of . ll. A telegram' received at the ofllc Mm-JoChurch of the Firt Presidency Chattanooga, Tenn.y evening, from the sad intelligenca that . 1";mC'X Daniel Jones Stewart, of Ada:.nvslle, Beaver countv, Utah, had died in his Held of labor from typhoid feaver. No furthei not information was given andof it. is rils-sion the Known nt present, what part field Elder Stewart was laboring in . And General T w"fIl-1cnm- - vn ' - , 4. , 4 t nt ' , " ; , . -- . , .. ju-vey- ed Monday evening a old child of Mr. Dan Letham piaj ir ' in the yard of the family resldc-iicphi. fell into the an open cellar. child's a L. an head struck bottle, which " ;-- a o fn-flicti- ng a serious aud painful"' r't'tc ;. was aid 'n-- d eye, Surgical right at once and the injury attend htiai to. It not yet certaiju what the result'of wound will be, but Ptronp- nors tertained for the little onn'' Viv,. '"' " ng cpvery.-EveniNews; ; ' : - fc' . |