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Show cooking, housework and other domes-tic work. He finds his amusement in fishing Tem Bljlm will continue A Womas Is Seized uUl Killed, bnt to publish brandi under yearly oott Shot Recovers II ear JJody. THREE MASSACHUSETTS BLIND and in music. If at any time in the .xamn EromLucky omloal price. "Blackburn Times. the night he i3 wakeful and does not sleep The advantage to the ,atockraIer I MEN WHO ENJOY LIFE. a easily he goes into the garden and gets .A correspondent at lladras gives the public with his brand Urtzng it a a mess of angleworms and then goes are to well known to need attentloo. ;graphic account of an adventure with n a adTertiia valuable stockman tie jw .crocjodile. He says: As we were .pro- One Is a IetteT Carrier Watson W. to Fall river and catches a string of la to me mercnam. Davenport Has Amassed a Small fish. ceeding cln our cutter up the Jumbo we The third of these three men is Clar-- . Fortune and C. J2. Ilawkes Is Poet Canal (Orlssa) on the 17th ult ence E. Hawkes of Hadley. He is only the news of a woman having .BfX Lecturer and Iiall Crank. 23, years old, and for ten years he has r-been taken by a mugger and on .coming rJ::: f i i .': "t:: been totally blind. The story of his life to .the spot we tied up and waited, in (Special Correspondence.) accomxo ;the hope .that the reptile would come HIS is a story of is remarkable for what he has E!ANGE J U discouraging .the surface with Its prey in order to 1 Lower the lives of three plished under the most Serler nd 1 9 old he circumstances. When to years are unable Gink of Bearer. make a meal,, as they men who are totalmuch met an after with which accident was : Address leed under water. Presently there ly blind. It proves Utaau and several surgical operations Oaala, .a subdued cry of "Mugger hoi, Sahib!" that blindness - is pain cost him his left man leg. When 13 years the and of to the boatmen, from ,one not a, barrier old, while hunting in a forest with a Added that it had the woman's body jin success or happiJno Bewsnnp latter discharged his its mouth. We saw part or 'its head ness. It shows that companion, the a in such way that young Hawkes ' silt In ill three f the men gun ;and back above the 'water, and a!so the a tipper charge of bird shot directly arm oi its victim protruding as it swam re successful and. received under slit right, ear." In the and as a consequence some to face, s, call-hga la left aappy in their along, evidently looking for place and that with months after he became totally blind. land. Our excitement was: intense as Range :Cric1cet And yet since that time, notwithand we carefully followed its course and one of the three there has come a comMountains Slower 8eTer. his:.physical weakness, which hoped for a chance .of a shot. The croc- pensation for the great misfortune of standing is great, he has taken a four years' Deseret, Utah. Address,' odile made for the opposite bank, but losing his sight. He literally sees with course at the Perkins institute, in He ees .beauties instead of going ashore it, lay on the his Imagination. South the blind; he has os Bewsnnp long grasses and reeds in about four that are not "visible to those having studied Boston; for oratory and became a proficient feet of water, with the body in front ;of sighL piano tuner, only to be compelled to Watson W. Davenport, one of the trader altt t it. After waiting for some time to see that up give calling because of a lack lijfht, under all if the reptile would .land and as lit three, resides In Leyden, one of the lit- of strength. la left ear. seemed to have no intention of doing so, tle hill towns of western MassachuHe goes all over the country without of determined to try and get a shot setts'. He is easily the leading man Banff: Crleks' Ha Mbuntalos a..' at it. He crossed the canal some dis- the townl Many companion, keenly enjoys a game of years ago he became .K'''iw--'.,..JH,Lower Sevier. and while attending a game tance down in a small boat and crept totally blind. With most men this baseball, not only keeps the score but also the Besdret, Utah Address, stealthily, along under cover of the ca- would have been a barrier to active technical points down nearly as fine as nal bund as near as he dare without and successful work. This is not the a professional scorer. He plays chess Join Y Ssltii disturbing the mugger, as their sense case' with Mr. Davenport. with much skill, is a successful angler of hearing is very keen. Peering over and is able to earn in the vicinity of the top of the bund he could see t3 Horse Grower a $1,000 year. eyes and the frontal bone above water, a.ad Deae This he does by giving lectures all and at this he fired. There was a treRANGE: over the country and by his poetry. mendous commotion, and the crocodile MouniaiD Hou He has had great success in securing Lower tferier relinquished its prey and sank, coming the publication of his verses and In surface again almost immediaten'ii id ' i nriM getting pay for them. His poetical conv Oksii. Utah. ly. It was difficult to say whether the Address, tributions have been accepted by a. monster had been hit, although the large number 'of distinguished publicaof Us commotion and fact the having Bros tions. urerson come up again at once for air, led one Mr. Hawkes is a native of Goshen, a Breeders as4 to think that It had. Unfortunately j it dealers in Short town perched high among the little porn Durham. rose between H and the cutter, jsa of Hampshire county, "t Joins hills Horses s a m prand an left that it was impossible to fire again. Cummihgton, the native town of the thigh. Cattl- eThe men then proceeded to search for I poet slop Bryant. Mr. Hawkes is thankful Upper the body of the woman and succeeded each ear. Rang he did not lose his sight until he that in landing it. The corpse was that ofj a was sufficiently old to retain the mem"TV tin. mountain woman about thirty years of age. She Leatn and I U. on the ifty between Mills' station ory of the beauties of nature. These lnSton.j Address. Leamington, Millard Co., Utah had not been long dead, for the blood memories come to him now very vivwas ooznig from a wound in her temidly, and the waving grass, the blue III Parley Alirefl ples and the limbs were still limp. The sky and the towering hills are very Horses same mugger had evidently dragged her away dear to him. brand on left I : 1 the for was limb arm, that by fearfully Mr. Hawkes says that he never exthigh.- 'Cattle shattered and all but torn off. Other close crop In left periences a sense of danger In wanderand slit in rigat wise the body was untouched. The face ear. Kange, ing about either the city or the counbore a terribly agonized expression, the Lower Sevier. try. In the city he uses surface cars C. E. HAWKES. Des Address, teeth clenched and a set the features Inj Vnit ret, Utah, i,..-;1Tn - - -- mm- , He Is a farmer, a drover and a pur- quite frequently. Standing on the sidelook of absolute horror. Unluckily we walk he asks a bystander to tell him were pressed for time, and could not chaser of wool. In the last two named when the right car approaches. He exwait to see the result of the shot or get callings he Is widely known. He makes periences a delight in walking over L ion lsft itlz Boston or New York tame brand en Wfl a. viiauw ui iuuowiug ii up witn any nothing of visiting on a alone business trip, and buildings while they are in the process Ra entirely hip of cattle. more. Willow Bprlaga. finds no difficulty whatever in finding of construction. Mr. Hawkes thinks that the senses Addresa, his way about the cities. He intends Imatrlnatlve Animals. !J:Kean3L this fall to visit Europe and to travel-quit- of a blind person become kneener than "s: ; F. The other week I spoke of the power of persons who have their sight. Flsk Springs,; extensively In Great Britain. As those of imagination. A friend tells me that he cannot He says that when walking he rarely induce his wife to go with as are much Its Influence runs into any object. If a tree or anyunder dogs he will go alorfe., him, as men, and he has, in consequence, O Ton left thlxh, While Mr. Davenport says that- he thing else is in his path he is aware double t wallow discovered a method by which a tenderwill go for pleasure, there is a shrewd of It. The air seems more dense. While fork In left ecr. hearted man can in his railroad train, if the teleup pup bring that he goes for the purpose riding in a are suspicion Range, Lower the unnecesshould it near the track and th 6 without way go Addreas of studying the wool market of Great graph poles to curls. iMmm sary suffering is either party. My Britain. This has a vital interest for. car window is open Mr. Hawkes is conto keep in his yard friend's method Oasis, Millard Go. for very frequently he is the fident that lie can count the number; a big butter-tu- b and a thick stick. him, ; Utah. owner of several hundred thousand passed by the train. When his dog has misbehaved jhe Thi3 fine sense aids him in enjoying of wool. Of course, he Is unable pounds ' to chains a close it the a ball game. The calling by the umup jMark, Hit hi tub, gives it right and two slits couple of cuts with the stick, scolds it to read, but every day his wife or chileft ear. Bans dren read to him the trade papers, and pire of the balls and strikes of course ' . :. PF II inbrand on left energetically, and then sets to work to in this aids him, but he can tell from the way he keeps in touch with' the sound shoulder on horses blow the barrel. With whether the batter has bunted, larrup every P. N. Petersen, markets of the world. falls tub that Oasis the howls the sent upon dog Address, Low up a fly ball or a daisy cutter into Mr. Davenport goes anywhere alone, j tJUh, Range; andt struggles. By the time my friend Not ex ce nsr. he is seen leading his the field. hasfWorh himself out upon the barrel horseinfrequently When the people begin to move along a country road or the around Same left thigV the dog has received all the moral good him he knows perfectly well streets of a village of 7,000 people, and on Horses, i could have been afforded him that a has been struck and is apfoul by a drove of cattle to a daughter that Upper slope and one under slit iu a thundering good whipping, and is driving house. Perhaps he has an assistant in proaching his vicinity, but he isis also left ear, and two repentant and conscience-stricke- n litjfor the under slits in right of a boy, but occasionally he aware that if he keeps still there shape next ear. RANGE :Oafc the three days. In fact, the imagin- has danger of being hit. only the help of a shepherd dog. tleMr. Creek. ative animal fancies that he really has Unlike Hawkes has made something of many blind men, he does not .Walker. had a beating, and is as sorry for himeven carry a cane. He has almost con.self as if he had been My stant use for hishands. He is Addrasa, Oak dty, Utan. equally friend's motto is, "Spare the tub Hid at home in a or in the streets pasture spoil the dog."; Being a kind man, he of a ':: city. hated the severity that is necessary to THEIR DENOMINATION. TELLS the training of animals, and his disa where he Is not When visiting ' covery has removed a great burden familiar with the city SALT LAKE. V;:f streets Mr. Davenfrom his mind. He can punish his jdog a and tells hires the drivcarriage immediately after sit down and en- port 'General Commission Llercfiuni and his to to such as him er take he deplaces dinner a thing that, in the! old joy sires to visit. He handles large sums of days, could not be thought of. He tells money and j tells the denominations ' of Dealer in- me that he has never found the plan t'.y Of course, with silver bills. various the to miscarry, and he has tried it on or gold he has no trouble. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, dozens of dogs. Jerome K. Jerome. Mis memory is remarkable and exPork Veal an! Game, l Penary, ?SjBesf, Smoked and Fresh Iflsk, f , r tends to the voices of men and women. V A Trifle Mixed. K him today and conHoar, Hay and Grain. ,; One of the 'most reverend minister If you should meet f a few minutes he for him with It will pay you to ship your goods to me. I who is not away on a vacation went ta verse w as call the other day on one of his most w ould kno you instantly if he met you CLARENCE HAWKES' HOME. eiarge 10 per eent.- for handling and remit a He s keen takes Interest a later. 'toon as goods are sold. Can glre year esteemed, parishioners. The lady, who a study of anatomy. When he grasps counter rsf erences if desired. Is a very devout person, has a little in politics and alldeL-ce-the affairs of the your hand he is mentally taking your is a good and in his r, and the camera in his daughter of . the lisping age, to whom world,, largely directs the manage- photograph, she has patiently taught a number of town he affairs. aided by one's voice, and so a Mr. Davenport is now. hand is of ment When minis the if you should ask him,' pious litt.le hymns. old, and is reputed to minute later, to find that ha ter called Dotty was in the nursery be- nearly 60 years be would ' surprised you have gained a competency of $60,000 will tell nurse maid the from I; by beguiled you j ing nearly accurately your his own efforts. a crying fit by the recital of "Mother solely by and weight and many other of The second of the three men is Ar heightcharacteristics. OFFICKl Goose" melodies. Her mother sent, for nold Scott of Bernardston. He, too, is your been child when had the and In his lectures about the country he VST. her, 60 60 yearc old, and his blindness 2nd, South, SALT LAKE CITY nearly room into Is she the in a constant school. It is a school in jwas ' brought drawing to him as the result of a premaP. O. BOX made to give her unwilling hand tc came broad sense of the word. He studies the explosion many years ago, on a there not only the motives and moods the minister, and finally was coaxed ture of July. For many years he has Hand Samples. ..$1.09 to say some of her little hymns that Fourth of those he meets, but also the quaint-nes- s been totally blind. His calling is that 1.00 mamma had taught her. Dotty though Jron Assay and dialects of the people. This of a letter carrier, and he serves the 1.09 a moment and began: popper Assay..... he fall , hopes to publish his first volof Bernardston very efficiently people 3.00 Battle S&raplei ume. 'j Yentle Yethu's, It will contain - about 300 of his , and throughEvery faithfully. morning Meet and mild out the year Mr. Scott makes his poems. Have you any wool? rounds and collects the mail and deThe nurse caught it later on for IfilT livers An Insulting Inquiry. it at the postoffice. child's head with moonshine .the ing of of the each arrivals After been "I've importinsulted," said Meander of the "B-- a, (Lal Jieglbter U. S. Land Office.) black sheep" order. ant mails he Is on hand to deliver as' ing Mike, "I never was so down-tro- d - Land and Mining Attorney. .promptly as he collects. The postmas- an' humiliated in my life." Proof Thereof. ter or his assistant hands the letter or "What's happened?" inquired Plod e an is "Here Chug-wate- r, solicited. Twentj-thresaid Mr. item," Correspondence to to ding Pete, anxiously. name Mr. the Scott, giving paper who was looking over his morn- which years' experience.! it is directed, and the old blind "about a man that fell from letter carrier paper, ing UTAH. without the least hesitaSALT LAKE CITY, "Cheer up. Wuss things hez hapthe thirteenth floor of a sky- - scraper tion and papers in pened." the letters arranges the other day." order in which he desires to deliver "Nope. Never. 'Twas a job in a soap "Did it kill him?" 'asked Mrs. Chug-wate- r. the ' . them. a small village and, of factory." Bernardston is "Kill him? He never knew what hurt course, in the winter the roads are not A Memorial to Her Pet. him."; ., cleared of snow early in the morning. has on one of her roadsides a Lowell "I might have known it," repliod Mrs. This makes little difference to Mr. nose Loin Agents her thoughtScott except that he takes a little more large urn, which is jkept constantly rubbing Attorneys, Chugwater, fully. "Thirteen is such an unlucky time to cover his route. Every day he filled with fresh flowers at the expense covers several miles of territory and he of a wealthy' lady who resides in the number!" rarely makes a mistake. He is a bache- vicinity ,as a memorial to her pet poodle, SAT.T LAKE CITY, UTAH. la animal that the is only The sheep lor, lives in a comfortable house which which was killed by the cars at that izzAe vicious by petting. hi own a and find? time to do all his point. to amn.1. in ecn nub Our StockralSBrs' ; i (CARRIED OFF BY A S All DEL A. KING, Attorney at r - Rooms 4 and 5 Eagle Block, SALT LAKE CITY, : - :re-.ceiv- LAND and MINlufj - Law. - t nd-m- G. W. PARKS, , LIGHT FROM HEAVEN. CTTOCCXDILE. ed :.;;-v;::;:- LMiiini Coileettes Frsnptlj Offloe, First National ' UTAH. FRANK WHITEHEAD bank Blg., i. rnovo, - - - ..-'.'.- Professor CTi:B ; '" :: t '.-.;'- I j - les"-r-n- Ho for Detroit, Fish : Springs, Gold Hill . i FRANK WHITEHEAD, at - Oasis to Detroit, " Fish Bp rings 8 a. m., each Jlondry Gold Hill and Ipabah, " Spr-ng- s, C3.00 6.00 - 7:50 Fare for traneportaMon out and return cs fares. Address, sad one-half to-th- j ; , ! 0 j ; - - a 1 1 : t cent free year, Building Edition, monthly, ISOa tear. Sinelo cents. number contains Every copies, tiiul plates, in colors, and photoprapbs ofbeau, nen houses, with plans, enabling builders to showthe latest desipns and secure contracts, jilresq MUNN & CXX. Nt:w VnK. :mi .".Wa.T.' 5 re- nolioited. j baddlerv and Harness GEO. W. WILLIAMS, AND IMPORTER OF MANUFACTURER Harness, Saddlery, Buggy Whips. Nose Bags, Collar : Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. j ' ' !. , - ' 7 Deseret in . : ;! and vicinity, and hin been extensively used Our goods given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. have1 f CLEOTRIG CALL BELLA HEATED BY STEAM. - ... -- WATCHMAKER, " ..fodLfgafc.-and- , p'. . .nlitl0 iinnfllnnf inl A II,. 1 formation concerning l'n tents and bow to ob. tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan. ical and scientific boohs sent free. Patents taken thronsh Mnn & Co. recelvn pnecial notice in the Soicnfilic Aniciirnn, and thus nre bronarht widely before the public with, out cost to the inventor. This panm issued weekly, elofranlly iilustrated,splendid has bv far th any scientific work in th largest circulation ofhnmnle cor.'es world. &', a 4l-- G. A. Gardner, Mail ordfv OBTAIN A PATENT? CAN F, DAVIS, proprietor, paired. V I COPYRIGHTS. . j NEPHI, UTAH. Watches and jewelry promptly cAVEATS.TRADEMARks ! i ,; . .. stage Usxtt and Thursday, and arrives at terminal point within 52 hoars. The Oasis and Fish O Mia and Ibapah . ao-"- - HINCKLEY. , . s . and Ibapahl - aft w Will give on Piano, Orjran x teach and t Uwi yrUTg"'l- 5! iiandf ito., reasonable teniis. For furtber ddn.e.' I ntD e rf - t L. HOLBROOK, Prop. - , Co-Tie- siu,h a a, i.e.. r. . - Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle & Mining Morv PROVO, TJTAJEX THREE GROWN i'Uffli. BAKiMlf : i Leads All the Rest- $ - j j i ' S. Support i 3Slms .O. AWARDS. half-killed- MARTIN, J Home StateFair Gold 1894, Medal. Industries and Three Cream Baking Powder Gold Medals. Keep ) ; ! CKtx ? Superior Quality Flavoring twvH twee THrra ij?an CRonr f3toM Your : Extracts Gold Medal. Money - first-clas- . W. Q.M STEWARD, Best -- Quality and Display of Bods Water. at YJ Homer. ASSAYERr "'.';. : ; . ........... UANOTACTORED BY ' HEWLETT jBIOS CALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Prank D, Hobbs, b'-- a, j BIRD & LOWE, & . ! - - - - I . . . Spices Pure and Ground Daily. : . - - 9 BOX 6SS I JOSEPH A. LYMAN General Merchandise, tlas a full line of- - And is gelling down at Panic Prices for Pay Down. Either for Cash or Produce at cost. . . j Travelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied with HAY, - G-RAT- N - AND - STABLING Hishest cash price paid for Hides and Pelts. Don't forget JOSEPH A. LYMAN, MILLAJID ): OAH CITY, COUNTY, ' ' j : . : : , |