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Show e&Esit9 ii,i:3 ftt tsS edv $19730 PBMa ROOMMMIe'Me 2 bed. opt eWdep. U17 $17ymrUemdurMEoak K UKXAM SKOAL-3B- to 486: 6 486 aete U6, oobbk $89$99$169 ii corapuan NP $25 eWmore IccUe. $225 5460(789 1117 anfcon. MWS kMW MOVOKYCU LUTterWaler Fik 5-S lOT. JocU aid pa lor J200.0O! Col Cbyton ot 583-4321119 $500 RftVAROar infcvrrafon Untng to, or lor tm return 7-of a mwtoin bee. Stolen Tuesday No 2 an. Looted W. of Mmm of fin. Art. VAies RERX-AFCook . fcoCwi.ContaetSOTtot581-90201117 - 4 - 4 bit idoV DIAf1NS1ABE-$300- . $100. 1210 DEBT 1118 a modem. MAC $400. 1km mint. paymereranvaiianl bits, easy qurJlyfing. (801) 24 hours. 582-483- 1115 tor Mac I. Black WANTEM-Boar- Robert $1000 IN AST ONE WEEKl-Fo- r your foamey, sorority & dub. Hut $1000 for yourself! And a 1 FRffrSHRT just foredeno, 809320528, 75 NEED 1111 P0UO4odt swing & VAfato ost ntar PionMr Mcnonci . Very alfcrfonaaj 583-o73-1 KXXOmoW Dofcnafcn an St. fleose col 585-434- 1 17 mar s requesfc-pnoe- iHulv. 1115 BirfSrighl Col 113 TRAVEL 13S Sou, and Stale .5664402 r AeVAKDBCOUNTS-U.S.o- 1119 12694 GROUP MEMBERSHB FOR SALE-Samoney on air fores, motals, hotoU, cruttsi, oar rentals & cmtak Worti S2500 Ailung 800 Steve or MktwI 466-2893 orW 7pm. 1130 TRAVELBTS RESORT PERSONAL WHTNOTT 1 mil 13.00, 10 vuk $25.00. New 83094 tghfc. 677 5. 7 E. 533-898- COa dOTHEST Don't gat a student loon. In Tha Cbhes Comedian. 1307 S. 900 E. GAP, J Craw, Bonono Owned and Republic, Union Boy, and mora. $10-$2- oparotedbyUofUstudanh. WANTHX Board tor Mac 1 Robert Block TYPING . 1210 487-6)6- 1 1130 WORDS PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, EDITED, word processed, loser printed, transcribed, scanned. Formats: APATurobiarv'Carnpbel. Theses, dissertations, resumes, A OLE-PolGap, Spot Sport, J. Crew, United. Why drive to Jodaon, Bantow, St. George to buy outlet doling. not tSrojried seconds or fHirds. 90 of out doeSing are 1210 North Shore Outlet 370 Sa 700 Eat. WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turanian, Campbell), editing. 0 Mrs. Neley, 1210 YOU SBBOUS ABOUT IOSING WBGHiT-The- n try our natural, herbal produd-3day money to get started right back guarantee. Col (801) 227-740-2 ARE dnooly proven, al - 1119 RESEARCH?-Th- 8th Nationol e Conference on Undergraduate will be held April 14-11994 at Western Michigan University. Present your mieordi results to your peers from across fcSe country. Deadene tor abstract submittal is December 20, or in 410 Union provided ; mm 1 1130 V, Isuenes. ky der 1118 WANTHV4 receV people mot want to moke ful eme money wen everang hours. 6nr. pus targe bonuses, beenence Ccrtod Lany lor wem wio 487 7528 I LOOKMC FOR A GREAT PART-1M- E on tie LSAT, MOT. GMAT, GRE. a muet 1119 kler scores or ACT? The natan's JOST-G- SAT beet in test prep is luuking for cjjatejed dvnunec eistoidors. ff you hove what I takes, grve us a col The Princeton Itoesw 1119 Se PROJEa DKCIOkSnaeded at tie Bennion Canto-fo- r HeoleS Core Access Prated wniaS oddraues tSa medical Sheisar Se needs of Famiy rasioarfc, AND mora. Conrad PubteW seeking grod or upper dWmstuderlorrxirHirrroeHaki on oontput. Seam your pb now for neat term. Cal 801 $10 AN 1119 VOUJNIEERS-Brin- to $2000 m salary & benefits. SWsnowboard lueuduis, tfl operotors, wait staff, choiet stol, other poteens. Over 15,000 openings. For more iriforrnofan col (?06) 634-046- 9 127 ed V5906 NANNY dark. Experience preferred. Interest in gourmet food necessary. The Cheese House 1 31 6 FooeSJ Dr. 582 7758. DovvjBnt or RobbSietsanot 1117 ). your rokes and help Ptoneer Tral Stats Park get ready for wirejr! Meat at tSe Bennion Center 101 Olpin Union at 10 am on Nov. 20 regurdfess of weceSer. CortodrViulCnrislsnionot 1119 hEHXD-fa- r an r quarter Col of bobby & loddUr 95:X 487-380- . M-- F 1117 POSmON AVAIAIlEiradarof Mrwntain Trails ISMjncialion, o notvprofit Iroili oWfaiopnivnt group. . Send resume to Jan Wlang. P O Bw 754, Park Cry, UaS for more eonralion. 84060 by 1120 or cal 649-580- 6 Con sjei gceicn i $12,000 per yeor. 1117 TIME F I HAD A GREAT SUMMER JOB M EUROPE-S- o can you!! Long and short-terteaching positions available in any county wortoWe. See tie worid and get pad! 0 1210 pm. ENVMNMENTAl SALES-pt- ft, $50&J2000 ma Fkeoble hours, prohssiond Iroiring WtMTER SKI RESORT JOlS-U- p POOD SrOREDELhaquires GOURMET day, soles part-tim-e 1119 SYSTEM OPERATOR- - FronkWi Qjest Co. e hnngl Mue1 hove I year VMS experience, relational data base, SQL ond System Operator ckees. GKAVEYAKD SHFT. PWoe send resume to: Franklin Quest Co. Ernploymenl Assistant, 2200 West Parkway Blvd. SIC. UT 841 19 or fax) to (801) 977-187- 1119 comm. 1119 BLOOD DRAWING CLASSES evening & Saturday classes Day, iLw) li o bwvr vCvSs SMoV siltfrarC la, 11 - L I 1119 Eon THINK INK!" ifjciv-in-rj Largest Library of Information in U.S. C3-S51C2- STERILE METHODS PRIVACY COSMETICS BRLLIANT & TRADfTIONAL COLORS CUSTOM CASH TRADES BODY PIERCING COVER-UP- S 1103 & 9Mb SUBJECTS 19,278 TOPICS-AL- L Order Catalog Today with VisaMC or COD X;UWi ARTISTIC SKIN ILLUSTRATION fJJOi53 22 2443 KIomI Av. Owtoit, Utah Oil SZMIZSS. Or, rush $2.00 to: RtMirck lirtormatlOR Los Angeles, CA 90025 11322 Idaho Ave. 206-- A Jit' LUNCH SPECIAL FALAFEL SANDWICH w soup or sona GYRO SANDWSCH w soup or salad V ttltS 1129 f8004HAVASU. PARTBME POSmON AVAlAIUSvieS Phone 277 7816Mor Joan. 1124 . eo 037 e077 skciuties LockhJbr a hour angle the umter? Imapne doing while enhancing jow tame. Let Deer VaSef's mtemisiondreputaamjiwexceBen available in ski operations, food and beverage, and lodging. available. Part time, weekend, & holiday positions Interviews and Open Home: Wednesday, November 17, 9a.m.-3p.Snow Pari Lodge at the tase Deer Valley if We do catering for cJI occasion roajonaole) pnees I, BREAK ijapanstsbab INSTRUCTORS NEEDED-fo- r people with disabilities. Variety of shifts avail. Start $5.50hr. Assist. Supervisor positions oho avail. Apply 0 Project TURN 535 E. 400 S. On Great Winter Jobs. Large Mid Eastern Combo Plate Homous Plate Tabboule Plate Baba Ghanouch in. 0am only 485-946- E OR SEAMSnESSoitor for dating deeing stucfea CJotiing coralrudion hKrwlerloj necessary. $6 hour. Col Marie 4868766. 11 1124 We've Got The Angle oust vienjesuui mFalafel Sandwiches 'A a sef y of Lola Hovceu, AI is seeking oawpn vpt to pramoto Iwymtt Spnng eVvk m or tie West Earn $$$ Free tope! Jel (801) 576-4RJ- SPRMS FULL cannery workers; $4000mo. deckhands. Alaska fishing industry now for $1 next summer. 1,000 openings. No exp. hiring necessary. Free rm. & bd. These jobs go fasti 1(206)323-2672- a week paid $260-$39- starter, and hove cor. Cal Mo EMPlOYMENT-$700w- t FEMALE 13 earn rWtOGRAPiaSfVjIairai ABROAD AND WORK-Mak- e up to $2000-$400- 0 mo tooching basic conversorional English in Japan, Taiwan, or So. Korea. No teaching bodtground or Asian languages req. For ireormotion col TYPING OVERNfGHTH $1 JVpage, aolege . papers iSesis, etc., epel & grammar check, laser, color. $25 resume package includes cover letter, references poge, . 114 envelopes & personotzed labels. t lv4l share lbdrm in large mils. 2 bdrm duptox.$335 tolal$167.50 aoch 1 130 Washerdryer, drsrrwoeSer. NearU. 583-9- 1 19. 1118 . 1 ErraAiymentAlosko. 534-759-8 1116 TRAVEL 1794 MATURE FEMALE ROOMMATES-I- d Types Great for Studer, l Mas' be ckaandabW, da. No ewpenence. We kan.80m-- INEXPENSIVE m- 2 1 WANIED-JobsA- tor boys, 8 & 12, early morning & CHRD sometimes ofter school. 486-990- 9 1116 REAL ESTATE ' Y9, o the Delta Canter. Part-tim- e positions avoiloble: 'concession stand attendants, hcrwkersvendors, lead cook. Apply in parson ot (Sa Host Morriot offices inside the Delta Center, 301 W. South Temple, 1 1 tor oppoirament.l 118 or col 325-220-0 HOMES from $1 U repair). Detnquent tax 0 Bit Repossessions. Your area (1)805 ROOMMATE TO SHARE MCE, FURNISHED 2 to BEDROOM - washerdryer. Great tocatiorr-C- bse 11307 $235 rjerrnoreS. 575-795- or COME JON THE ALLSTAR TEAM OF HOST MARPJOTtst GOVERNMENT ROOMMATE t your Hispanic Board tor Mac I. Block & White Monitor. Cal Robert 1119 property. research convwuracotton it 1116 LoccedaboiSaTnpWt5aSE. 11 jC&rarie$t TYPMG PLUS CALLIGRAPHY WP5.1, laser, tax. Beautiful resoti. Quick, occurate. Couelte transections. Barbara 487-8231. 1210 1116 UNDERGRAOS DOING 1210 ' 5 you con eat SpogheK & Garfe toast far $4.99 0 126 ot Ruth's Diner. pm. l participate in a o muttiei-iiecj- Anglo baby is between 6 and 9 monrhs.Pteasa coll Fabrana rronco at 9246817 or 581 4782, leave your name ond phone number k age of boby. 1210 Earn up to $2000-$400- 0 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT-h'sheriemo. on fishing vessels or in canneries. Marw oompanies provide transportation ond room & board. ireWotion For more cal: I 55 ext. A5906. papers. Programs: WP6.0, WP5.1, MicrosoftWord. Graphic AutoGidriarvard FltEE pickupdetvery. Carolyn fir, needs cheap room to study in 1210 FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER adits, word processes dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngraduate students welcome. 1210 GET I0WER YOUR RENT PAYMENIS-rnol- e rant Col doyton ot 584326. Typing, experienced, accurate, near "U 467-369-4 WP5.l,$1.25dspg,$4minimumScndi 1210 lAOO-A- GRAPHK IMAGES Typing Service. Typesetting. Editing, grommor and spel diedung. Traraoiptions. Colege papers our speaatrty. Custom resumes wrrlten and designed to get and delivery. For w best you hired. Free campus pick-uwork col 560-3001210 CALL & Whit. Monitor. Col SPAMSH TUTORMG- - any level. Notrve Spanish ipeakar. Ooa-on-it the best way to laorn. $6.00hr. Coll to (leow message) jcUduie ituoV Kasion.Karina 585-453-7 ITS VOLUNTERS-T- ALASKA Hi GUYSI WANT TO LOOK GOOD? Join satisfied paopU tor fie bee $7 hoirout oround. Imp, short, olden, modem. 1 you eon apfain , I con out I. Bomii 2480 So. Main. M to 1210 Flo 6. 4860052 NEH) EARN $$$ FOR SCHOOL applying earkeling & business Col 467-- 1 145 et. 13. 1210 IsrwwksdgeNOWt WANTED! 6. 1119 6394 FOSTER CARE: ROOM IN YOUR HOME FOR A TROUBLED YOUTHT-Agenc- y training ond support help? rrea tests and other 484-46- 1 ft TOP DOLLAR PAD FOR YOUR CAR, TRUCK, VAN. Runs or not. 485-5- 1 1). Irs worth your erne to col. hems, patches, or special to lit calage buagat. Teresa at b,t310, rWGNANTT-Nea- d ft a 1116 1210 on how to apply and quotfy. RMC Eresrpraas, 5442 SoUh 900 SUC, Utah 84117. 1118 of frsrnendous soernerej vduo, in tm Union Cab baivDom, 915 AM, Wad. Nw. 10. Heme 5 vdue. return, iwMvd Repeat tvrwncbus miiJ STnCHEST-Akeratia- EARN MONEY READMG BOOKS! $30,000yr income poteraol Datah. (I) 805 9628000. Y 9717. 33 IrV s now oaapeng appkecaom in person of) 5 pre Tues Sat 26 E EX 523 1115 IWrClUADSAVAIAetttorrrorfs THg RtCS LOST 1130 1126 - LOST AND FOUND- While Monitor. Col & 1 HAVMG TROUBLE WITH SPAhtSHM can help) Notrve Spanish speaker. One on one tutoring. Any level. Cal to sdiedulea stody sesskm. $6.0Qhr. Koma 585-453-7 FUNDRAISER RAISE UP TO to $10,000. Cut morenly CONSOUDATION-SIOO- ai HELP TrV sttnes. fcannnQ ewrancL oooMRno tor cook poaieavAapV 113 - Ltrtnw 1116 ColStaaVjSrAfaat263-lTl-l DAIA ENeTYtaftiee 5 Mue have eksto erary know how to use tSe oampuler, 50 wpm. & use eBweemants. 3 1116 $6.00perWoJStolSrAaionsol263-1l1- M PAOODA RtSTAtJLANI-t- AND EDfG-Cov-ar Pork Of. WRJTWG es. Col Naicy WANTED PREGNANT? FREE SERVIOSagrancy tosh, ccwsatng, inericd reterrak Col Pregnancy Resource Center 363-54324 hours. 1210 299-822- RESUME 1119 oabbk 1117 PKPESSDNAL iators. ($125 dsposel Bnon GRAPHK IMAGES We con do orrvtwigt NawsUars, RjrVik gnpheC dewgn- - BtajuOfconi, dmfc and gRBhk dpAit & Ioqjol Color ana blaaV & kim wonrang. Han iwaluhan Col 560-300law outoul Cofar tow pnneng targe antor wad prooetssng, typing, louro 466-5-4 1 2 bsr, caar 1210 ; DIAMOND IMG SET-1- 0 anal oVronds dkmond Appraised S500tak Cbm mOw, TYPMKuel orxuroto. WP5.I. Spel check. 300 dpi ksser 126 pfrOorJecs. $135 pp. 966-398- SERVICES bi araueok) WBOfa. Dot lesuiiMS. 1118 BCRM eortisj,teJummtosdtocihofaai 2 S edeng, bedroom. 268-314- uLu e Gnegrl Iweor dawntownl 2 H LWisrgraund parkesg. tm wel eMspbyad. 24 yr. old moW. ROOM Stereo Muemadn Set (319. Any 366. Memory: 2 TO SHARE TOWNHOUSE. FEMALE DAY tk .:..::.. 0 1 M Q-i- i J iu tit 7ni PAN E$E. RESTAURANT mm I r -H IMS. S EXPIRES raUVtMBER 30, 1983 VALfD ONLY I PLEASE PRESEWCaXIPONORUOFU O BEFORE ORKRMGI 1 I IVCC kiOT ADDI V TA ei ICUI trveVI cipiiuh Illl441lla1 mwm Rtssi OUTSIDE WEST UICXXE ENTRANCE AT THE COTTONWOOD MALL T T Tm glad I joined the Army National Guard because it taught me so much about myself." "I get a great feeling of achievement from learning the discipline, leadership qualities and skills to succeed in my civilian career. And I serve my community and country by being one of the best By being trained and ready" Being an Army Guardmember gives you more than just a paycheck. It gives you valuable life experience in learning how to reach your ultimate potential. Isn't it time that you found out what it takes to be the best? Accept the challenge and call the Army National Guard today. UTAH DEER VALLEY" UTAH I A . fwimtMfhtrltmrilmaicJll-tl4n-0B- . Deer VJlrj a at Equal Optmmitj Emfhjer mid pmwtti SFC HOLT 586-512- 9 AmericansAtTlieirBest The Army National Guard is an Equal Opportunity Employer. ' KESl loox roa oua TII3 COUPON IVE.IY CHOICE Limit One OreW Per Coupon Limit One Order fmr Coupon 2S RofflU Expiree 23 Refill ixpire 112193 112193 ZZrCZ7 222 So. 1300 E. 7800 So. State 582-720- 0 255-590- 0 Umft One OreW Par Coupon 2S Refilb brpinM 112193 BUY ONE, RESTAURANTS AUTHENTir nWFFK OYRO CHOM3 Of CMOQN OR ieeF, SasTVByTTH OHK3H, TOMATO, AMD CUCUMMt SALKI ON TOA&TOffTARRfAO. RESTA U RANTS EXTRA THICK FRESH OREO SHAKE "BIST SHAKI V4 SALT IAKIMJTAH HOUDAY RESTAURANTS BACON CHEESEBURGER 14 LtV OMRMORJB) leaf MTTY, TOWeO AMfJUCAN LITTUCt, W OaHSi A IRAN 1A03H SRRV W OMON TOMATO A STfOjAL SAUCL GET ONE FREE |