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Show T in IBM waS US MOVE E. Sou ary ivntoi Tempi FOR RENT narU Wodwd.dc.W s. ROOM M bak No anolang or or 84158. (9 ROOMS K) tub. t 83 4X4, Good oorxfen. 92 SATURN SV5 aid. . Asbnq W30Q. ........ after the competition. G.C GRAND ac, nice 582-80- M i, 1130 oSaroDa! 111 conlinurly. $i25,wJ H30 " SUS, SKI dOTHNG, ROOTS, RtCCRS, ROOM FOR for logic, $100 deposit. Free unit, cable, ut. of 1115 v(.SmolanaXCol581-1339- . 1210 562-202- 0 HZ) FREE ENTERTAINMENT W.C roViiorahbi. IM UTAHI Dane, parlrwi, drinldngi buddni, Opaaton standrng by now. 2.63mia (9378) Nashvik. Temuet rushing, McBride had nothing but praise for his defense, which had a running back (Williams) starting at cornerback this week.; "Keith has never played in the 1210 OAiOON CAR CD - LOADEDI Sel in dok. fit. lor aifer$300obarVcn582-0573- . - - EDITING- WireWt Despite giving up 294 yards Moral Col You al good. since high school," secondary 1210 it 1118 EOT SCH0LABY Teidboob & diuertatiora 6. grey, groy . Lowtet DOtM CONTRACT FOR SIE- - Muet con keep my $75 depotrHll Fumiihed 3 barm, living room, bedhroom & kitchen waccauoriei. Dorm oonkod may be appted towardt ceSer dorm room in any Contract hal laafabk Contad Maureen O 585-476ovailabfi NOW or can bo bought for winter quarter. No Sell winter driving. 4. mom. Th VANCOTT APARTMENT door, air, (tareo, power window., fuel AM-- 2 inioctod.$2500ooo581-1968- WE for (lemeuoBe). 562-25- 1 OPEN TO: Any University of Utah student who has studied or traveled abroad .International students also wekome to enter. COMPETITION DETAILS: Entries must be typed incidents, conversations or anecdotes about a crosscultural encounter. Maximum lengtnil page. See the International Center for further details. ENTRY DEADLINE: All entries must be in the International Center, 159 will not be returned University Union by 5:00 PM December 1, 1993. Entries V great do car Gt-1- & Aw 1117 9717. 1130 - FOR SALE WOMEN'S LEMANS CENlUBONhlSpeed Racing BiU, equipped, only riddai Moo $ 1 50 596929 ireirior, good body, runt great, nia newty rebut kantmisiion, AC, cool green oalor. OA SUBARU- first-and-go- 63094 79 VOLVOxceW lino, 18 M OiANNa ONE - Computon w end oornpore-Stev- e rd 51-ya- rd So.900W. LOWEST PRICES M UTAHI DIAMONDS: large ieteckon, high axttf. Sndal tab, wedding bondl, OKxnond eamngs, quotty poarft, torma brocaWi, oalrnad Rai Mountain opprobok ovaioble. Everyihing vAoto Pomandi Co. 272-694- GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from $100. Fords, MercecW, Cui am, Charvi. Surpluk Buyars Guide. (1) bi 33-ya- GUARANTEED AUTOMOTIVE the U Bookstore 2nd Prize: $25 Gift Cerlif icate--bm to read up on your next journey $280-$31- recovered an Air Force fumble at line. McCoy hooked Utah's Deron Claiborne for a with up strike two plays later giving the Utes at the five. McCoy then hit Henry Lusk in the back of the end zone on the next play to give the Utes the lead for IV' 151 playing cornerback Williams UKE HOUSE-- onaiaai & be todudai uttrM No emoUdrink RENT a aa mrauy, pleoeecolfaoaOBerMiaJutBly'. to travel in style Yergensen field goal with 2:28 left in the third quarter, then the Utes got a big break when Keith todudrng al utrW Pmato oenigtaav P.O. Son 8773, SIC BRM HJRNBHED Ain$300montV oW 6pm. 466-195- 0 won $3.25doy , propriety. Ratal on as folowj: word $5.50doy, $22.00week The $13.0QvMaV 16-3-0 ad a dak downed od deodtne 12 prior to to ran. GaueSed ooWluemenB wi" ad be tolan aW 1. aoedackool58l-704about For irimofon pm workday. tn Uapra wai fce CSroradeJ desre Id njn honest aoWtnanianfc, 3 you how any proof or evidence to 1st Prize: $150 Globetrotter Backpack from Council Travel The Utes got another Chris TO U-- l barm in a largo 3 bona apt $170 mo $100 drpoA 415 So. Unaeney St (1 380 Eaa) Col 538' 1116 0466. mm tirl to dory donifcod ocWeemenb an So bean of good toaa end Eixoumrs Here or Abroad? long. CLOSE DISCLAIMER t from page twelve 1130 593-911- ROOM KX RBtT-i- n anoWtat 3 bedroom Vifaaidi liama. Good $180 rndudei al uCtte. Sham waS 2 moa 0 1115 oWCoUaato 364--1 799 or Hob NOIKZ - Th Chronica ma HJtes WO 1 ItlTERESnXG CROSSCULTUML Shop, 488 Vidrjo Mari-lti- 4 . McBride said. "He played disciplined defense. We asked him to cover one-on-o- option one-on-on- and play the ne You really have Marcus Woods, e. credit Crawford to give him Cedric and Chris Newman...those guys really did the job. It was really all on the perimeter people. The down people did a good job." But make no mistake about it, it was Jamal Anderson's day. With the ball at the Air Force 38 yard-lin- e and a lead, the Utes wanted to run as much time off the clock as possible while generating a scoring drive. On first down, Anderson went to left side for a run. On first 10-poi- nt tiiitiiiinn Great Country & Wettem Cormedions, 1 801 (Locd line). 6394 Hi' m 19-ya- rd I down from the Do: arefeTlx go: sions XX ft (o T Jot Acade 7 Housi f .J1 f Advising ii HI! ii Identi ing Student Affairs Phone: 581-706- 6 8:00 a.m.-5:- 00 p.m. Monday Friday Union Main Desk 5:00 p.m.-8:- 00 p.m. Monday Thursday Staff are available on a walk-i- n basis to help you. -' r r II ' 'I FT I I 'a Cfc ran I I 0 270 University Union , line, rd mm 1 Campus Resources OfSce '- n"r 19-ya- Anderson either ran over or carried nearly every member of the Falcon defense with him as he went another 17 yards. On the next play, Anderson went over for his fourth touchdown of the game, icing the win for the Utes. The drive? Three plays, 38 yards in 35 seconds. It was just like the Utah sports information advertised: ALL JAMAL. v . : II j I rr I III I Student Health Service wasatchccsFogg, m I f 1 I Jamal Anderson left a strong impression on Utah fans in his last game in Rice Stadium. The and senior rushed for 145 yards ' scored four touchdowns. IM THE ARMY MURS5S AREN'T JUSTIMBSfilAHc). THEY'RE IMCOIXIAMD. Any. nurse who just wants a job can find one. But if you're a nurs ing student who wants to be in with your level of experience. As an Army officer, you'll command the And with the added respect you deserve. command of your own career, consider benefits only the Army can offer a $5000 the Army Nurse Corps. Abu'll be treated as signing bonus, housing allowances and 4 a competent professional, given your own patients and responsibilities commensurate weeks paid vacation-yo- u'll mand of your lifeXall CI ALL YOU CAN CI. be well in comARMY |