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Show CMsiEiNCtar15,1Bl CAGLEY UDSOIJ (t U.S. Congress needs term limits n l y career plans have under-LJgosome major changes during the course of my 22 years. My first goal, at age four, was to earn a living as the kid on Sesame Street that was "doin his own thing." At age five. I wanted to be a gorilla. From then on I went through the typical doctor, fireman and police officer phases, each of which was punctuated by desires ne to be Darrin Stevens. Either Darrin would do. In high school I really started to pay attention to the political world, and soon came to the conclusion that Ronald Reagan was the best thing that had ever happened to this country. Even better than the arrival of pizza from Italy. At that point I decided that my future lay in politics, and I began to make plans accordingly. Not long passed, resentatives during the last 25 years. Politics has gone from a form of service to a lucrative career, full of stale rehashed ideas and questionable associations with special interests and "old boy" networks. Not one of our founding fathers , intended for politics to be a career. All of this country's first lawmakers maintained separate occupations in addition to their service as congressmen. They stayed farmers, merchants, etc., during nine months of the year, and enjoyed only a modest compensation for the remaining three spent in session. How would Thomas Jefferson have reacted upon learning that of people to trust, "politicians" comes in just below "Saddam Hussein." At this point, I'm back to wanting to be a doctor. I'm not alone in my distrust of our elected officials. Every year, surveys reflecting our nation's level of confidence in the U.S. Congress show that not since 1966 has a susconfi- dence been seen. If asked why such a change has taken place, I think that few would hesitate to blame their lack of faith on the changing nature of our rep- - c i some lawmakers accept gifts and trips from special interest groups (many of which are far removed from, their constituency) that stand to gain from their vote? Ours having been established as a government by, of and for the people, I know that this gross perversion of representation was never intended. Amending our Constitution to include a limit on congressional terms would solve many of Washington's problems. Seventeen states have already taken such measures and while I would admittedly be quite content to stop at 18 (the 18th being Massachusetts), the same old cronies, and the same old four-ter- While 12 years is enough time to form many alliances, both good and bad, I believe that (with the exception of Ted m GWGS7 limit in the House would prove just as beneficial. Most people are tired of hearing the same old ideas and feeling misrepresented in Washington. If this is to end, we have to limit the amount of time that a congressper-so- n can spend there, and get back to the idea of service to the people, not to friends and special interests. Until then, Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the authors of the Constitution are going to be doing 360s in their graves. x : : I You've seen the coverage on GNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC. Now the miracle cream youve heard about is available in Salt Lake. Tried everything else? Call Yamila Mu at 1 ry heard Monday on X96 M V! ) fl i) i i If I I Neways Inc. As fiy (( Ull Anything else Is partial prep. their constituents? 1 r KAPLAN touch with and make a better contribution to both the nation and vwn vi NEW 17 363-444- 4 Kennedy), most people are innately decent, and would be able to hold on to some semblance of a concept of right and wrong during that amount of time. A $595 session MCAT course is now regularly priced at $775. Course includes unlimited use of Kaplan's traning resources from the time you sign up until the spring l&CAT in 1995! Dont miss this fantastic opportunity. Call for details: This and legislative researchers employed to aid congresspersons in understanding the finer points of their jobs and especially what's currently on the table. They would help Congress to run unhindered. Knowing you're limited to two terms as a U.S. senator, who isn't going to work harder to stay in f r For a limited time only (til November 20, 1993) YOU CAN HAVE KAPLAN'S MCAT PREP FOR ognize, to imagine a Congress full of freshmen, few knowing the most important details of pending legislation or how the system works. Provided for just such a case, however, are teams of fiscal analysts Chrcnicls Editorial Columnist has one major drawback: it's dominated almost exclusively by politicians, and speaking for myself, I know that on my list eG$Bi.M0il)) THE BEST IS MOW LESS all 50 states. It would be disconcerting, I rec- All of this country's first lawmakers maintained separate occupations in addition to their service as congressmen however, before I changed my mind. Politics, I learned, tained trend of increasing ideas will never make it out of Congress unless this rule applies to IWI if , u f fc . I Jj ' . ; TdCI Cessna ColleotT ; ' ' Dial it instead of "0" and save up to For toot distant 44. oollsct oalls. Vs. AT4rT opsrttor dialed S min. lnteratat oall. |