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Show 1S.1C3 smokeout from page one habit, smokers will become healthier and live longer. 20mUTES mm In Utah, between 1984-82.700 residents died prematurely due to the use of tobacco, according to Christine Chalkley, program 7. a C.r tz 52 Y i ' manager in the Bureau of Health Promotion, - a division of the State Health Department. The percentage of Utahns who smoke is lower than the national average, except when it comes to teenagers. In a statewide survey, 32 percent of teenagers grades said they had smoked within the last 30 days. Of those tz O ft I tz I teenagers, 61 percent indicated they had tried to quit, but were unsuccessful. til Fifty-on- e nator at the University of Utah's Drug and Alcohol Education Center. HOURS Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal Oxygen level in blood increases to normal . 9-- 12 percent of adults said they also had tried to quit, but were unable to accomplish their goal. "I think the smokeout is worthwhile.. .even though most people won't be successful their first time.. .it gives them a chance to practice quitting and find out about resources and techniques, so maybe it will help the next time they try to quit," said Valerie Powell, assistant coordi- 8 24 1f L: r 4 "If people practice often enough, eventually, they'll quit," she added HOURS HOURS V replaced Risk of cancer of the mouth, . throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decreases 15 YEARS MONTHS Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decrease Cilia regrow in lungs, increasing ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, reduce infection Body's overall energy increases Yoonorais J Lung cancer death rate for average former smoker (one ' pack a day) decreases by almost half Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker years after quitting Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus is half that of a smoker's Precancerous cells are 2 WEEKS to 3 MONTHS Circulation improves Walking becomes easier Lung function increases up to 30 percent to 9 5 YEARS 10 YEARS Lung cancer death rate similar to that of nonsmokers Nerve endings start regrowing Ability to smell and taste is enhanced 1 smoker 5-- Chance of heart attack decreases 48 YEAR Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a 1 Blood pressure drops to normal ' Pulse rate drops to normal Body temperature of hands and feet increases to normal immri TOUCHED? Study Volunteers Paid Up To iw- Risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smok- er docent from page one Gardens in an hour tour or around the Arboretum on campus. There is also a great need for docents to operate the visitors center that will be completed this summer, Poulson said. Susan Kropf, director of development at Red Butte, said the volunteers are very important to Red Butte's very limited resources. "We couldn't do what we do without them" added Susan Fox, volunteer coordinator. Volunteer docents can receive Recreation and Leisure credit for the time spent working at Red Butte. Red Butte is looking for docents who can volunteer at least 40.hours a year. Students pay for the training program through the credit hour system and pay $80 for the course or $60 dollars non-studen- if they are Garden Members. "It's a great way to learn about snakes, and have kids think you're the coolest thing on the planet" said Poulson. Anyone interested should call 581-374- Source: American Cancer Society; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ts 4 or 585-568- 8. HI Experience history in sr 21 1 RVASG A 2 day study tour to Russia Intensive study of Russian institutions,' history, and culture Research study volunteers, 13 years and older,, who are experiencing sinus congestion, painT andor pressure, are invited to participate in an investigational drug study for the treatment of sinusitis. For information call: 8:00 A.M.-5:- 00 P.M., MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Clinic AAAA Medical Research Group as reflected in Moscow. Novgorod, & St. Petersburg. Recommended: Liberal Ed 320321. Earn 2 credit hours spring break (optional) Comparative Literature 310R. ffPPLYROW! 0HIEBUII0OM& SEHIER 150 S. 1000 East SLC, UT 84102 7 KffiMl MOB) HE TOKOilROW K0V.16TII mm GUiU DECK TODAY Exhibit; "patriarchal Mold," Barbara Benedict Daniels. Union Gallery, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., through Nov. 24. Chemistry seminar; "Quantum Molecular Modeling with Density Functional Theory," Dennis Salahub, University of Montreal. HEB 2006, 4 p.m. UTC film; "Hawaii." Kingsbury Hall, 7:30 p.m. Westminster College Last Lecture Series; "People's Stories," Imogene Rigdon, dean of St. School of Westminster Nursing. College Bamberger Hall, room 107, 8 p.m. Lesbian and Gay Student Union meeting; OSH 215, 7:30 p.m. Tunes at Noon; Michael Waterman (folk). Union Deli, noon. Hinckley Institute of Politics "Coffee and Politics;" "Your Money or Your Life: Utah's Options in the Health Care Debate," Olene Walker, Lt. Governor of Utah. OSH 255, 8:50 a.m. Mark's-Westminst- er . NOV. 16 Hinckley Institute of Politics "Coffee and Politics;" "Tibet: In Perspective," Paula Quenemoen, U. graduate who has made multiple trips to Tibet and studied in China. OSH 255, noon. Chemistry seminar; 'Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Electronically Excited States and Isometric Anions," Christopher Hadad, University of Colorado. HEB 2006, 11 a.m. Utah Classical Guitar Society; student recital. SLC Main Library, 209 E. 500 South, 7 p.m. Preprofessional seminar; "Medical, Dental, Optometry and Clinical Psychology Scholarships," Captain Leonard, U.S. Army. Building 44, room 224, 1 2 p.m. Preprofessional seminar; Dr. Frank Ayers, chairman of the admissions committee, Creighton University School of Dentistry. Appointments in the Dental Clinic (7) University Hospital. Appointments: 0 1 (day), (evenings). . Chemical and fuels engineering graduate seminar; "Hydrogenolytic Activity of Catalysts for Coal Liquefaction," Wlodzimierz W. Zmierczak, Adam Mickiewicz University and visiting professor, University of Utah. Social Understanding Lecture Series; "The Status of Women in Utah," Marie Cornwall, visiting professor. Social Work Auditorium, noon. Geology and Geophysics seminar; "Theory and Application of IP Effects,"- Jishan He, Central South University, China. EMCB 103, 4 p.m. -- 943-915- 581-895- Fe-Bas- ed Ncih-Line- ar - Sphered by ROTC THREE onr.w.1 I OUT OF KXR PSEUDOWTEUEGUALS SURVEYED CHROMY RECOMMEND TO PREVENT READING THE IRAIN DECAY. |