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Show EMfcf.KmKtoMS.1C3 B B M til fl fl II I. Letters 1:1 Dead Ancestors Control Your Life W- - This Family & Consumer Studies class will show how patterns of behavior repeat themselves over and over, from generation to generation. Behavior is a legacy handed down to you just like Aunt Sophie's crystal bowL This will continue until somebody calls it to stop. In this class die student becomes a psychological Sherlock Holmes and looks for the psychological dynamic that caused this behavior to occur. " .! i fsi ll'n- - - ii !:. it;iix aOlaii If Effective gun laws needed fV V Development of Family Behavior Patterns Editor. I agree with Mr. Gehrke that a certain amount of gun control is necessary, but I strongly disagree on the form it should take. Mandatory background checks are a good idea. However, waiting period laws, such as the Brady Bill, require waiting periods so that background checks 582R-- 2 -I- tO 9734 (3 hours credit) I inn. o:uu-o:3AEB110 Instructor Polly Johnson Sf "imiiiii KIIW ndex Jin ar. U may be conducted. They fail to require that checks actually be done or that law enforcement agencies assist in the check. The automatic background check at a time of purchase, similar to credit cards and check verification, would do a lot more to keep hands out of the people who shouldn't have them. Background checks also create an ethical dilemma for mental health care professionals. At what point should they breech the doctor patient confidentiality for the good of the general public? EUROPE'S Oil SOLE Iff Please note 582R-- 1 is NOW 582R--2 same class, different section and index number. For Further Information call DCE: 58 gekj? twn& (muEcn IIS II ., $222 tflDHID $250' $255' .SOON $325 1UKICH ILflN $325 I0NE $325' $325' VENHR sn ona; LOU HARRISON $195' $222' LONDON maeagaf :.:x:f ' ,;,::.:.::;5::, fx... Vv :, n r' r HllJlc3.ci " learn nothing from the war on 12 Hound Trip Taxes & Gun control laws restricting ownership of certain weapons will be a waste of the paper they are written on. It is already illegal to carry a concealed weapon or carry a loaded weapon in your vehicle (unless you have acquired a license to carry) and it definitely is illegal to shoot someone in the commission of a crime. Do you think someone is going to care if the gun they use to commit a murder is illegal? It adds another year to their sentence if convicted and they do plea down and get that charge removed altogether. Did we Restrictions Han Bppli SecDrihj Charges ot Included drugs? More laws do not decrease crime. The only way to decrease crime is to increase the probability of getting caught and punished. This is why capitol punishment has failed. It cannot be used as a deterrent unless people convicted of violent crimes are put to death and the chances of that happening are slight The punishment needs to be worse than the criminal's everyday life. Taking someone out of a violent atmosphere where they aren't sure where their next meal is coming from and putting them up in an air conditioned room, giving them three square meals a day and letting them watch cable is a step up in their life. In either position they feel they have no choices so how can prison be a deterrent. It obviously is not. It's part of being a criminal, just like paying taxes is part of most law abiding citizens' lives. A gun control measure I would support would be registration of weapons during resale. When a private party sells a used gun, the purchaser and seller go to the police station and register the sale of the weapon. A fee to cover costs of this service would be paid to the police and the instant background check could be performed.. The waiting period laws have no bearing on the sale of used guns. It may take seven days to get a gun from a licensed store, but one can be purchased out of the classified ads in less than one hour. We need some gun control, but it needs to be in a form which will do some good. Tod Botcher graduate studentchemistry 0 U'iJUU IJOUMLJlJiJ tJ u 053t7pcv 3 0 i In n Starts Tomorrow! mm r FTfl H Parking in Riverton? 7 DO DO Gigantic Selection of Special Value Merchandise! DO DO Dd Dd 3d in From Every Bookstore Department 7m UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE UNIVERSITY 8&UUUUUUUUUU OF UTAH CAMPUS r 1 Proof of Immunization Requirement. The University of Utah Irnrnunization Policy recruires all new and transfer students to have evidence of immunity to or appropriate vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella. Remember, noncompliance registration hold. Don't wait, do it now! For more information, contact the Immunization Immunization clinic hours: Program Assistant, - 585-600- 9. Wednesday & Thursday, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Wasatch Clinics 555 Level i'JaKSi Student Health Service |