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Show 1 Free Press - Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1988 - Page 8 Meadow School selling Education tee-shir- ts susc Back-to-scho- ol honor roll night at Meadow Elementary Meadow Elementary will hold its annual open house Thursday, Aug. 25, from 6 to 8 p.m. Parents are invited to at any time. Teachers will be available to discuss the coming year and will have disclosure documents for the school year available. Parents will also be able to buy lunch tickets, register new students and learn about bus schedules. School will begin this year on Monday, Aug. 29, with class beginning at 8:30 a.m. Sego Lily to host back-to-scho- ol night The Sego lily PTA is sponsoring on Friday, Aug. 26 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the school. Class lists will be posted and teachers will be in their rooms so children and parents can meet them. PTA workers will have booths and tables in the main hallway where information will be avail able. Parents will be able to purchase lunch tickets and PTA memberships, sign up to be room mothers and class volunteers, and pick up safety guidelines and information on the proposed tax initiative. All parents and students who will attend the Sego Lily School this year are invited, according to Jeanette Allen, PTA president. Open house to be held at Lehi Elementary Lehi Elementary School will hold it's open house Thursday, Aug. 25, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Parents are invited to attend any time event. A genduring the eral PTA meeting will be held from 6:30 to 7 p.m. Following the meeting teachers will be on hand in their classrooms to meet parents and discuss their programs for the coming year and to talk about their expectations of the students and their parents. Teachers will have disclosure documents describing their plans for the year to give to parents. Parents will also be able to conduct preschool business at the open house. Staff members will be on two-ho- With preschool business taken care of, students can report directly to class on the first day so that classroom instruction and orientation can begin without delay. The first day of school this year will be Monday, August 29. School hours will be 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Beginning Sept. 12, school will be let out at 2 p.m. each Monday for teacher planning time. Refreshments will be served throughout the evening. The disabled individuals have worked in varying situations from serving as aides in the Educa- tional Department at the Utah School to working on a production line at a cookie factory in Pleasant Grove. "These individuals are being trained so they can have the oppor- State Training and jecome part of the work force. "By getting a job, they all of a t" sudden feel real good about themselves. Some of them are no longer in the social service system and are on a reduced program," officials involved in the program said. "They can help themselves. t like everyone Finally they else." FRIDAY, SEPT. 2nd. 1-- 5 Youth Dance, Recreation Center, 8 p.m 4th SUNDAY, SEPT. at City Park, all day Art, Flower, Senior Citizen, D.U.P. Museum at City Center, 7 p.m. Band Concert an Program at City Park Carnival Bandstand, 8 p.m. MONDAY, SEPT. Sth Kiwanis Club Chuck Wagon Breakfast. a.m. Pari; 10K Race, by mail or contact Joe Worthcn. Mammoth Parade, 10 a.m. D.U.P. Log cabin open 10-- p.m. Kid's Crafts, south of bandstand, free, 6:30-9:3- 0 SATURDAY, SEPT. 3rd Triathlon begins Spring Lake 8 a.m. Call Joe Worthcn. Cladttan Best Ball, Aero Modelers Radio Controlled Races, Jr. Hich lawn. 9 a.m. Kiwanis Horseshoe Tournament at Park, 465-366- 9 8:30-2:3- ' 10 a.m. 0 . Firemen's Water Polo at Recreation Ccn- tor. 10 .m. Children's Parade starts at Post Office, up Main, and end at park for treats, 10 a.m. Carnival at City Park, all day Bazaar at City Park, all day Free Swim, noon -- 5 p.m. Coin dive. Park Pool 1 p.m. Onion Contest at City Park Bandstand, 2 p.m. Talent Search at City Park Bandstand, p.m. Horso Races at Payson Downs Race Track. 6 465-366- 9 noon-- 4 p.m. Carnival, City Park, all day Bazaar, City Park, all day Art, Flower, Senior Citizen, and D.U.P. Museum at City Center, noon-p.m. Band Concert, noon 1 p.m. 5 Program of local talent at City Park Bandp.m. stand, Helicopter Hides at Parkview School, p.m. Horse Races, Race Track, 2 p.m. "Hello, Dolly!" Payson High School, 5 llirough September For more information, less. 465 2277 10, .J --v1' 3: I -- located at about following proposal: 1985 N. Jeffery David Kunz 900 West and Morris David Kunz - Zone Published in the Lehi change from RA- 1 on ap- - Free Press Aug. 24, to GC-- 1 proximately 2.5 acres 1988. mini zcj ui HiTiiikri t; 111 Jl Football game, PioneersDixie Friday, 5 p.m. r nmii zr. w Free press to be celebrated by Utah Press Assn. This year marks a momentous event in Utah's newspaper industry the Utah Press Association, an organization representing over 50 - dedicated newspapers to stimulating the ideals of a free press, celebrates its 95th anniversary. Norman Hangerter. KM) approximately statewide community leaders and political dignitaries, honored the occasion by attending an open house at the UFA office. To symbolize the goals of a free press, the governor helped plant a tree in front of the office. with "This is a particularly momentous occasion," said UPA Executive Director Nancy White, adding, "We're looking forward to serving Utah for the next 95 years." The Utah Press Association was established in 1893 when 13 of the state's publishers and editors met to formally create an organization which would address their mutual needs and aspirations. Since then, the UPA has matured significantly and now offers a variety of services to the state's newpapers, including an advertising placement service, clipping service, an educational program designed to enhance journalistic excellence, and aiv ongoing campaign to lobby the state' legislature. Commenting on the endurance of the UPA over the years, Nancy White praised the state's newspaper work force. "Newspaper dedicated, hard-workin- n 3 m' 1 muc spainB (SPECIAL TAGGED ITEMS REDUCED AS MUCH AS 70 L OFF) I V7 - "" mm y INTERLOCK KNITS cotton. Full boltsSuggested Jaa I Includes fabrics only. Tags MUST remain attached to bolt to allow discount over 30. Does NOT include Upholstery, Fur,- Vinyl or Special Reduced Items listed below. Poty - 70 JJ our regular retail prices RUGBY STRIPE KNITS retail to $4.98 yd. Designer lengths. Suggested retail to $3.98 yd. 50 to 60" wide are people 60" wide and g she said. "The conscientious," community papers not only report what's going on, but also chronicle the history of their communities. They are invaluable." White concluded, "The reason the UPA is here is because a free press is the cornerstone of a free society." SMITH DRUG CO. 6 rjf X I PLAID SHIRTINGS WHITE ON WHITE SHIRTINGS Black and white only. Full bolts. Full bolts. Suggested retail to $3.98 yd. Suggested retail to $3.98 yd. $,flo $,flo 45" wide 45" wide And Your Health 24 W. Main Full bolts Am. Fork 756-356- PLAID OUTING FLANNEL GLUE retail to $2.98 yd. Suggested STICKS Suggested retail to 19' ea. 9 (o)Q 45" wide con-linu- 8 p.m. Safe for Eye Redness Medicines used to remove eye redness due to minor irritations provide temporary relief by const rilling small blood vessels in the eye. The U.S. Food and iKDAi Drug Administration recently announced (hat products now on the market for relief of dry. red eyes are safe and effective. The products to which the FDA is referring include ephedrine naphazoline hydrochloride. phenylephrine hydrochloride, hydrochloride. 4" length POLYESTER HANK ELASTIC CUTTING BOARDS Suggested retail to $1.79 pkg. Suggested retail to $6.50 ea. Pkg. V x ea. 8 yds. 36" CONES OF THREAD 100 polyester. Suggested x 60" HALLOWEEN PRINTS retail to $5.49 ea. Designer lengths. Suggested retail to $4.49 yd. i and tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride. While all four ingredients are safe for routine use. they generally should not be used by persons having glaucoma. yd. 6000 yd. cones 45" wide CURTAIN & TABLECLOTH LACE BONDED QUEEN BATT . The FDA also announced that products containing these four ingredients must, by March 1989, carry the following warning: "If you experience eye pain, changes in vision, continued redness or irritation of (he eye. or if the condition worsens or persists for more than 72 hours, discontinue use and consult a doctor." R.o.t. Suggested 2 lb. polyester. Suggested retail to $7 98 ea retail to $4.98 yd. yd. 45 to 60" wide 90" x 108" call Cwcn Love- 2 p.m. PCT 20th Year Reunion. P.H.S. Green Room, 5-- 7 p.m. "Hello, Dolly!" P.H.S., 8 p.m. e, There will be a public hearing held Sept. 13, 1988 at 7 p.m. in the Lehi Council City Chambers located at 105 N. 100 East to allow public input on the Perry Thomas, Pharmacist Schedule of Events Carnival at City Park, 5 p.m. Food Booths City Park, 5 p.m. Hello. Dolly!" P.H.S.. 8 p.m. Fireworks at Race Track, 9:00 p.m. full-tim- Public hearing ea. Golden Onion Days Labor Day Weekend September 465-913- 3 To be named to the honor roll, a student must be enrolled taking 15 or more credit hours and earn a quarterly grade point average of 3.60 or better. arc-jus- Payson's 59th THURSDAY, SEPT. 1st. Payson Community Theatre presents "Hello, Dolly" it Payson Hij;h School, 8 also p.m., ticket information Sept. 2. 3. 5. Kierstan Smith of Lehi received the honor. Governor hand to answer general questions, to sell lunch tickets, to help clarify bus schedules and routes, and to register students new to the Lehi Elementary attendance area. tunity to be status during spring quarter at Southern Utah State College. along .iEmployers of handicapped honored at luncheon Employers of individuals with handicapped were honored during a luncheon tohonor employers at the Timp Industries sheltered workshop in Lindon. Alberta Hall, coordinator of the employment program, said 18 ? employers from Utah Valley were honored at the luncheon. Z "We felt we would like to Z show our appreciation to these Z individuals and businesses who Z have allowed some disabled people to have the opportunity for a work Z experience," Ms. Hall said, She said the supported em- i ploymentprojecthasbeen inopera- - tion for the past two years. During that time between 40 and 50 handi- capped youth and adults have par- - ticipated. A local students was among the 237 students who earned honor roll lit) royal blue with a Mustang symbol, Anyone interested in ordering a shirt may call Laurie Cooper, 768- 9773. The Meadow Elementary PTA is selling tee shirts as a fund- - raising project. The shirts will be available by the first of the year. They are SEE YOU IN PAYSON! According to the June 1988 issue of the FDA "Consumer." a similar warning will be required for eyewash products. toCMDUCfcOOO mrrTrpnr.o cxXr (3SHXEEP (MflMMMI3 fliiili 1 |