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Show rhursday, September 11, 1980 Page I C--5 W B M RVj m HI In H I 9 a ...if I HEAR OUR MESSAGE- - 72 CHEVY ton. camp f shell, automatic, good conation J1000 or best offer 756 '".86. 8 21 tf . Messages from the Bible. Whatt mates our Church different? 74 CHE TRUCK- - '74 '77 350 engine. 20.000 miles on engine. RV cam. Hard top and soft top Brush bumper Roll cage. Gas can rack Ball hitch AM FM cassette. CB adio $3400 firm. short bed 350 with headers, fiberglass sleeper included $2500. Call 7566773 after 5.9-- 'fill 71 OPEL STATION Call lit WAGON - FORD station, reasonable. new LTD FIREBIRD 6 cyl.. needs bodywork. $500 or best offer. O till Slag top iuadei woik Call oi 374 1742. 6 12 tf YEAR-EN- GMC OB top, set 8 travel cover. Sale S8490. and potatoes eating onions 'rc a melons Call Jonn Fu organically grown Orders taken now containers We ft Bell Boy Hardtop o 65 Hp S2200 SALE- Bnnf-you- FOR SALE- y 3 il cabinets fumituie phone pm 17 ft Hydro swift top Johnson Sale Sl99 15 Polyglycoat Underseal & Lubrication ,5 Hp ft. White house top 50 Hp Engine Sale Fiberseal 90 2 2 old y!S '. ft Glasstron deep V, Merc hp $2600 17 ft Crestliner deep V, Merc 100 hp $2899 3tp QUALITY SERVICE PARTS NEW FISHING MOTOR 7 5 Hp Merc. S699 or 9 8 Merc $799 GENERAL MOTORS PARTS DIVISION Good selection, board motors Holiey Auto Company Mercury Cruiser Merc GMC out used Dealer id :; all DOVES, UNITS 1940 N' 12.15. x20'. $29 per Lighted and well secured. 12 $24: 16. 756-6- IV RILEY ORCHARDS caches iemon; , u'seit y .: 7 Cheiy and hauirng standard shift good cvticKKw great second car CaK HANDICRAFT SALE, qunts botstools and jtlier craft items to: 12 13 at Laisen s saie Sept E 200 Bank '.Vasa'ch Sept i2 l S Cake if RENT- FOR RENT- ',t dual--'- with BUCK NEED for bale LAMBS bedroom 3 - COLOR or it SALE- pheasants Lehi very 600 L State, American Fork APT. AF - $195 per $100 cleaning deposit. Two children maximum no pets. Call 756 6404 dcves p(oiis. Call after 5 an GENUINE GM PARTS I METAL WHITE DETECTOR- FOR pnce $500 without case ..'and headphone idling price $450 768- .M'ri case a!1.i headphone OTijinai - LIQUIDATING j648 rir 7g8 j220 of Corolla Like New Close Out $4769 each 1979 Ford (4) Futura Save Up To tJJO (2) 1978 XR7 400000 i 9 14,000 bu. Grain Bin 1045 Fri SALE fwmttf Babv E 300 '2998 (2) 50'xlOO' SALE- bed Hospital ma:::ss$50 CrfJl and $9QQQ0O Ask for Lee Ind'. RENT :i r: p- ;)'' FOR W D 109 EAST MAIN IN 756-288- AMERICAN FORK 3998- 5998- - 972 969 1969 1970 1 1 Malibu Convert 3498- - Cougar Convert 3598- 2998- - Mark III Malibu SS 396 ALL IN 1979 Ford F 150 Super Cab 977 GMG Van Customized 1977 Caprice Classic 1 977 Pontiac Catalina 1977 Monte Carlo 4 speed 1975 Mustang ...6998-4x- 4 . . 22 3798- 2698- 2698- - 1 2498- - ..2498- - IMPORTANT: BRING IN THIS ADD TO GET THESE LOW PRICES ROUGH SPECIAL A-- l 2498- 1000 sq lease. RENT- - 2 ft mo. LEHI- ig , $10-$;- or teacher. . Wb.5$ 756-447- - 2 I INTERIOR carpets, drapes, pets. . oEWING MACHINE learning activities. and snacks. Farm SERVICE - Daily lunch Hot range, 5 accepting AND SALES 30 years, ask our for customers. only. SERVICE knives, SEWING KELLER'S MACHINES, across hospital. Am. Fork-- the from Call saws, scissors, 3 child over your Experienced. HELP YOU REMODEL your let me tend my home. Lots of loving care. MOTHERS WORKING in Call home with a new addition, decks, cement work, fireplaces, etc. Call basements, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL concrete flatwork. Porches, steps, curb & gutter. Lie. TELEMARC anytime for free estimates. BABYSIT Fenced in home. my back in with yard equipment. playground SPRINKLER Reasonable rates. Call I'LL for HOUSEWORK DO SYSTEMS you Reasonable rates. Call Rain Jet WOULD LIKE Rain Bird in my BABYSIT TO Would 1:30 after consider p.m. overnight sitting in S my home. Licensed Contractor Experienced s Excellent s References Guarantee s RAINBOW Carpet & Furniture Cleaners Year 1 EXPERT SERVICE PJU -- mount for system traction of Genie' truck thorough Call Today ex deep down dirt and For grime. Call Flood smoke and damage FREE restoration, odor control, anti soil 6 24 nr. statewide service Homes - Apartments Before 8 a.m. or After 2 p.m. no - OFF Regular Price Room Powerful 'Steam EXTERIOR FREE Estimates Size $15.95 bdrm fridg. LOVING 9 Reasonable Rates RENT- (I Lindon home. Former atmosphere, Painting bdrm apt mil- - location, rasy to freeway. iooi neighborhood. We a1 pets. after 6 pm 911 ltp FOR bedroom duplex. almost Alpine. Near school EXPERIENCED Average spacious, in ... $12.75 $14.03 $24.23 785-251- t.' !l you New work or - "We clean 'em clean" RENT FOR If me W D. ,t, his in old. have a plumbing need, call plumb to please). Colin Grant 12 6 tf CONTRACTORS home. Professional - beginning students teach or tm.: fridge, Warnick - AND HEATING ALPINE PLUMBING will DRUMER PROFESSIONAL WILL Premium Call 2t IN API Fork. kinds, my home, long office typewriter. 9 11 3tp Agents' Calls Welcome! t.. ps. (am DONE- garden rotovated. field work, plowing, discing, harrowing, light grading, call for appointment or Carl. Kyle or Curtis Custom, & rinrk WORK TRACTOR all TYPING, home 785 Call Mam in Am. Fork 12 6 tf fng carpets, drapes, stove. - $230 76 Inside and outside storm windows installed Call for free estimate. bdrms full 768-810- Estimate 8 Business LEE NICHOLES or 768-891- 1 756-406- 0 church 4598- 1977DatsunB210 1 977 Toyota Corolla 1976DatsunB210 1976 Bob Cat FINANCING ON NEW PINTOS & GRANADAS - 299- 8279- 826982798- - - 199- 8- ....1698- 159- 8- PRICES GO UP AFTER SEPTEMBER 30th 1976 Dodge 34 FRED DALTON 1980 Pinto Example: Price Discount You Pay Down Payment $4816.25 356.25 $4460.00 460.00 $4000.00 Ton 4x4 1 ndD CONDITION 1979 Honda CVCC 1977 Honda CVCC 1975 Pinto 1975 Pacer WEWANTYUTOMW - ECONOMY CARS Super Cab askfor: Lg lot 35. PI. in 4BDRM DUPLEX SPECIALTY CARS 7498- - A ; i - hookup 7 STREET - job too large or too small. Design work & blue punts. Free estimates. Call 756 5377 or No PAINT AND GLASS RON'S West LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL 0 LUXURY CARS 1976 BMW 530 1977Audi100L-- S 1 979 Pontiac Bonneville new RENT- 1 comes. CONCRETE. v 25 i,al resale oi nnst fc- n A"ierirrtn lights .'.) r.MV.-- furnace before cold weather Frank's Heating and your TOOL SHARPENING Monthly) Age B5 Hp cor'tract any item. Cl(v MARVIN'S MOTOR PLAZA MAIN for .love FOR driveways Call 756 5377 on CHECK-U- and foundations footings COMPLETE A NORMAN SERVICE TV rent 720 PI. Grove. Ave ON Grove Le- Telephone units. Fun'itu'e APT for BEDROOM 1 STORAGE year tates. k5 r.- - loot brake. and L.k former. ral! (I)40'x60'xl5' $8,261 each tJJO 9tp warranty. Annual Renewable Term to Age 95 Grove PI E basement. days 6292 eves. Ask for Marv 18. 785-2- SALE- $9,752 each 1977 Cougar 9 Pass. Wagon Loaded 100 DUPLEX FOR FOR 2 'terns. mist Machinery Buildings bedroom furnished RENT- apt. with a c. no pets No smoking Couo'es or singles only. 424 N. STORE FOR TV Life Insurance Fork Am N color - $100,000 of - , S Locust Sat & & Fork. mower blades, drill bits now call 91 TWO GARAGE SERVICE good l $5,750 each Cougar Big Selection Small To Large Cars 40'x90'xl5' $8,483 each MQQQOO Like New ack. carrying racks, iets 90 mpg mileage 30'x60'xl2' (2) $2998 low 25 cc. Hcnda iiia0 1973 STEEL BUILDINGS - apt. Available ' FOR MOTORCYCLE- 1977 Toyota RENT- ' INVENTORY 1980 Model location, roomy 3 bed double walk m closets 2 bath new. - TV COLOR HEALEY Halstrom Motor Inc. 3 Fill grading hauling, ditches, sewer road base, slag, septic tanks, top soil, BACKHOEING 167 N. 300 E.. Am WECAN mo harams American Fork Call - SHARPENING SAW in my tf required 2 BEDROOM FOR 6 30 p.m. 10 a m to 2 00 p.m. per; $300 pe' mo. Call ask for Lynn $150 damage deposit 73 BIRDS - Residential or commercial, one time or monthly basis Free estimate Reasonable rates Call 756 4341. WINDOW WASHING to a.m. Expert service. Authorized service center. Picture tube RCA Leh, saf you do it. $1 off on 1300 E Mam. - 10 and B&W per mo - For all your CARPENTER? RUG DOCTOR- - Steaming mad at dirt Special $9.95 on an average room with 2 rooms at regular Lehi. nice !wo three bdrm. home lor rent, no 'am -i A building remodeling or concrete 12 needs call replacements. Reasonable cjd ai!I b'eed BACKHOEING- - Residential grading, top soil fill, culvert installation. or Call Landscavation. before 8 a.m. price. Also rentals. no fireplace HOUSE FOR RENT 9 SUFFOLK 1 5ieeps -i CHAIN HAVE irampolmes Remember for your fences & gates call Don M Yates, 768 9537 2 fl a:' 52000 0C bedroom 3 - LEHI- - $265 Noman TRAILER- standards. weekdays Sat. 8 21 4t 9 Nova 1970 EXCAVATING, hauling top soil & grading For a good Ob at a good price call Terry Larsen carriage S: Vain duplex an Super foi coid .ea;ner rent. 459 For smokers, dunking oi pets. 340 No 300 West AF. $325 00. pears Pick p3vs. " 5 Basketball 23-t- f UNITS- - HOUSE FOR Hs i'lb piCke $19. 400 No.. Pleasant Grove. Contact Dean Wilkinson 224 2044 .'. jj off just 10x12' West Enclosed SALE- he'1 nd STORAGE $10 00 DISPOSALS GARBAGE Ainge Service. I ...... Also contractor. licensed CON- Careful craft - smansfnp you will appreciate References happily furnished Free estimates on jobs large and small Call Licensed contractor - COMPLETE 28 tf Street. Call Tf Nosing Home b51 & 8 The S'aie STORAGE ''!'.' - at Ken Don CO. STRUCTION Would you playground equipment. Call BLOW ON ACCOUSTICAL CEILING t REMODELING ALPINE my tf - Call - at 768 commercial space lust $300 per Lease month could possibly thereafter at slightly continue bath cheap Nice kitchen 5e! & roawnaNe 768 9154 9 t,ose 14 5 15 1 Free Estimates. Call 768 3136 12 6 tf like a neat fence around your yard' Call today for a free estimate by a month ait Qi Chimney 5tp through the Christmas season 2000 square feet of prime Fork Main Street. American NEW - ,1 i'p S999 65 GM MORNING Realty 91 in night. Call 2t Day or S usf Aue TRUMPET beds 720 e a Utah 12 or 768 8830 for Fuller Brush products after 8 a m all day til 10 Lehi. Apt. p m oi 50 W 200 N tf CHILDREN TEND fireplace CONTACT JIM HUNSAKER $125 - stoves. 756 4763 Quick. Century 21 Wilson & oi225 4745 raced good cond $500 FOR Call higher price. Citizen PEARS ' captains bam !?52 alter I 1 Ljcusi Ae o' i 475 t 300 5 - apiece RENT- KILL Alpine home Monica wood or up 8 21 tf It paint for est. 8 CHAIN LINK FENCING piece ef inish and Day 250 MB ELSINORE HONDA 8 ft Dorssett top set 75 Hp Johnson Sale s 1999 iafts s Home - title, Clean YARD Am. Fork. Berendson Remodeling FOR RENT plant CONN FOR dep 21 768 3420 never SPACE mo $125 Robmson hgni pick Tomatoes Cali Ken' - OFFICE 111! SPUDS FOR SALt FOR 15 ft - 17 and Bodyshcp 756-353- Carrots SALt- RoadrunH t.cel cond more See to $1300 Worth n appreciate 756 .7:6 at'er 5pm BARTLETT ana ft motor Sale Complete Service Main Cantaloupes for sale noith of Highland Church Call Carl Day 756 41 16 76 Lowest Prices W. 880, Crestliner Cuddy Cab, Merc 200 HP. OB Sale 56995 14 ft Crestliner Bass Boat. Merc 402 electric Sale S2000 19 17 297 FOR newly 768 9760 mi. canning WE CLEAN CHIMNEYS; sheetrock. papering. 288tp Sleep 6 to 8 people good m p g 'or con i Vldi win's Motor oV!ii 756 2880 Am frjik j 2U ;t TILLING AND remodeling, 23' MOTOR HOME FOR RENT and kitchen ADDITIONS, bathroom carpentry, ATC90 Itive wheeler, rebuilt $400 00 !6 6!p and Lelu Spiingwille. Carpets, & d hookups, drapes an cond and appliances No Call hi 756 4976 4 10 tf FOR SALE TOMATOES fm 911 rvhldnd TRAILER HOUSE BASEMENTS, bdrm apts in Alpine 2256 6225 Nc 2!p board New 16 ft Nordic Top, Merc 70 HP trailer Sale S6599 ft Crestliner, 8 TOMATOES 14 ft order call To Seaile Larry New 22 ft Crestliner Norseman II, full cabin, sink, ice box. Merc 898 S16.731 Sale S12.999 i SALE- - TOMATOES FOR New 22 ft Crestliner. cuddy cab, 90 gal cjas tanK camper top, Merc power, 260 PS, SI6 983 Saie $12,999 I. neeiv- -i Buick D CLEARANCE Pontiac - GMC! Buick - O 16 ft 10050 GOOD FOR LOOKING 2 - all 1 al 8 expands 1 West trailers ARE RENTERS: )il Backhoe 18 Pontiac Call 6 2 it 756 4 552 01 V- - for WATER FOR SALE 111 & sand sale for 9 6M FEELING WITH tor 1980 Year End 3579 756 Close Out on ! steel. fid's: 2 FOR SALE- - 1969 1965, 352 eng.. 4 spd.. extra tanks, overload springs. 9 11 Itp $50000. f I SLAG PRODUCTS dirt. Call John Roundy gravel, 765 4096. Also 1973 dump truck 6000 Series, good cond. 8 passenger radials. ex. cond. Very WE SALE- - fill 9 Holley Auto Co. opeciai Lhampihire and Ewes. Aij adult geese 9 11 i'p Suffolk and 6 I'm up. give to reach. TRUCK Pontiac Buick 511 Cucumbers, tomatoes greeting cards. Call Venoy Turner 756 2737 8 14 tf FOR WINN DITCH '68 KEEP THAT GREAT Don't sometimes hard 1973 needs work. $200. Call days or evenings K 0 or Randy. S- FOR with LANDCRUISER TOYOTA Chev $149- 8- f T, rWTl jO? P0yr I HURRY LIMITED TIME mtn 111 DAVE SCOTT DON H0LMSTEAD n 48 months, 10 ipr. I |