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Show 4:00 10:40 fMJk.8Jt 10:50 O CHARLIE'S flI BONANZA BRADY BUNCH CJ 11:O0U GUNSMOKE SESAME STREET MISTER ROGERS (FRI.) Contact fl ... 1 1 1 (22153) fl il Q8ft , tl II 6:30 ((daytime)) 1:00 1 CHILDREN YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS STUDIO SEE (FRI.) Music (EXC.FRI.) CD VARIOUS PROGRAMMING 1 1:30 ZOOM (FRI.) Thinkabout (EXC.FRI.) CD VARIOUS PROGRAMMING WEEKDAY READ Y...SING (EXC.FRI.) 1 1:45 tl tl FBI THRU THURS MORNING EARLY FARM WATCH FARM AND RANCH NEWS UNDERSTANDING OUR WORLD GOOD MORNING AMERICA (FRI.) Kroftt Superstars (EXC.FRI.) CAPTAIN KANGAROO FLINTSTONES 6:30 HOTEL BALDERDASH TODAY 7:00 HOTEL BALDERDASH (FRI.) Good Morning America (EXC.FRI.) (1 MORNING SHOW SESAME STREET CO A.M. WEATHER 6D LIGHTHOUSE 20 7:15 ID MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT 7:30 GD TENNESSEE TUXEDO 7:45 CD A M WEATHER GOOD MORNING AMERICA (FRI.) 6:00 ROMPER ROOM 11 OVER EASY SESAME STREET 6D PTL PROGRAM ALICE 6:30 FIGURING IT OUT DAVID LETTERMAN SHOW 9:00 PHIL DONAHUE SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT SESAME STREET (FRI.) Performance (EXC.FRI.) CD MISTER ROGERS IMAGES AND THINGS (EXC.FRI.) 0:10 CONTACT (EXC.FRI.! 0:30 CD REBOP (FRI.6 Villa Alegre (EXC.FRI.) WHEEL OF FORTUNE 10:00 FAMILY FEUD AS THE WORLD TURNS MISTER ROGERS (FRI.) Sesame Street tl O O AFTERNOON O tl O tl O 12:00 eO O O O Q O Q O tl tl O 3:30) 1:30 2:00 O tl SttJR.) SESAME STREET TOM AND JERRY (FRI.) Woody Woodpecker (EXC.FRI.) 3:30 ONEWLYWEDGAME(FRI.)AlllnTheFamily (EXC.FRI.) VILLA ALEGRE CASPER SPOTLIGHT FIVE 3:55 (EXC.FRI.) JOHN DAVIDSON SHOW PASSWORD PLUS 10:30 RYAN'S HOPE GD O O O Pi T PROGRAMMING O THE LOVE BOAT 63 ROCKY AND FRIENDS 3:00 O DAYS OF OUR LIVES CD 2:30 Bean Sprouts (FRI.) O ANOTHER WORLD O EDGE OF NIGHT O MOVIE 'Master Stroke' (FRI tember O O O O SEE CD MISTER ROGERS CD VILLA ALEGRE ). 'Rage' (MON ), 'Perilous Voyage' (TUE ). 'SepAffair' (WED). 'Deadly Bees' tl tl t the VMtVGIC Back Into r Your ' .... -- rains isolate the school, and Blair falls in love with the headmaster after he makes a heroic rescue. (Repeat) O BENSON Benson and Gov. Gatlin become involved in a conflict over priorities when the governor has to decide between going to a conference at the White House or going to see his daughter m a school play. (Repeat) O THE INCREDIBLE HULK Achancemeeting with an eccentric millionaire sends David Banner on a hunting trip, with himself as the quarry. (Repeat; 60 mins.) O 8 Captioned) O WEEKNIGHT VAN DYKE SHOW GAMES PEOPLE PLAY Attorney Carpet... r. Lee Bailey and Pittsburgh Stealers superstar FrancoHarrisareguestsfortonight'sprogram which features arm wrestling, bull riding and a tug of war. (60 mins.) ONFLF00TBALL SPECIAL ABC Sports will providelivecoverageofthegamebetweenthe Los Angeles Rams and the Tampa Bay 7:00! O MACNEIL O MOVIE and their climbtofame. (2hrs.) SD MOVIE (COMEDY) Vi "The Landlord" 1970 Beau Bridges, Lee Grant. Wealthy young man purchases a tenement in a Negro section of Brooklyn alienating his conservative father, exasperating his mother and delighting his sister. (2 hrs.) 7:30 O ME AND MAXX Norman is angry when he learns that Maxx's constant companion is an imaginary 'perfect father' and substitute for Norman. (Repeat) O PEARL The emotionally charged story of how the lives of both civilians and military personal were changed by the events that occurred in Hawaii prior to and afterthe bombing of Pearl Harbor. Stars: Angie Dickinson, Dennis Weaver. (Conclusion: 2 hrs., 30 WIFE NEXT DOOR A newly same apartment complex. Stars: Granville Van Dusen and Lee Purcell. 0C9 MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT STATIONARY ARK "Trader 6D MOVIE (ADVENTURE) Horn" 1931 Harry Carey, Edwina Booth. A in Africa, river a down son his and going trader are surrounded and captured by warrior natives. (2 hrs.) THE TENTH MONTH Stars: Carol Burnett, 7:30 Keith Michell. Dori Grey, a successful divorcee, learnsthatsheispregnantanddecidesto keepandraiseherchilddespitepressurefrom her brother and her lover. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) O HAROLD LLOYD TV FILM FESTIVAL LAST OF THE MOHICANS 50 YEARS OF COUNTRY MUSIC Fromthe Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, Glen the Campbell, Roy Clark and Dolly Parton areLor-etthosts and Johnny Cash. Ray Charles and a Lynn are the special guest stars of this country music extravaganza. (Repeat; 2 hrs.) MOVIE (ADVENTURE) "V mins.) 0 "Adven- Of Marco Polo" 193S Gary Cooper, Basil Rathbone. Production about the thirteenth century explorer and adventurerwho introduced gunpowder and spaghetti to the western world. (2 hrs.) CD EVERY FOUR YEARS In the first of a three part series on the Presidency, host Howard K. Smith uses an exclusively commissioned Gallup survey toexaminewhatqualitiesthepublic looks for in a President. (Closed Captioned) tures 9:00 CD POLDARK I. INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS fD ODD COUPLE NEWS 10:00 U.S. CHRONICLE Hanging On' CD MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT 60 BENNY HILL THE TONIGHTSHOWGuest:EddieHarris. 10:30 (90 mins.) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE OLD FRIENDS, NEW FRIENDS 'Orville Harrison'and'ChrisChirdon'Avivid memory ot a Thanksgiving dinner in a New York City jail motivates Orville Harrison to help others get out, and stay out of jail. (Closed Captioned) CD ABC CAPTIONED NEWS 6D CBS LATE MOVIE THE JEFFERSONS: Simply Beautiful! Just call us. The Sleam Genie magicians with Iheir mobile truck mounted cleaning plant will come directly to your doorstep And the magic will begin! FRESH, BRIGHT, AND CLEAN SMELLING All WORK GUARANTEED Call the Sleam Genie Professional O WASHINGTON O DALLAS When 6:30 9:00 OOQ O WEEK IN REVIEW Luther Frick finds his wife and JR. E wing's business card ina Waco motel, he convinceshis friend, Payton Allen, togo with him to the Ewing ranch for a little revenge, but JR. isn't thetarget, it's the Ewing women. (Repeat; 60 mins.) O WALL STREET WEEK 'Oil Stock: Windfall for the Investor?' Host: Louis Rukeyser. CD CAMERA THREE Shodo: Path of Writing' (Closed Captioned) t Mother Jefterson'a Fall' Nobody seems to havetimetorMother Jefferson, sosheresorr. todesperatemeasurestogetsomeattention (Repeat) 'McMILLAN AND WIFE: No Hearts, No Flowers' Stars: Rock Hudson, Susan Saint James. (Repeat) believe in magic atler we've finished. Our trick is,? 'making tired, dirt embedded corpet look NfcW again... " " "Chino" 1973 Charles Bronson, Jill Ireland. In 1880, a is befriended by 1 runaway whohelpshimrunhisNewMexicohorseranch. (2hrs.) THE DUKESOFHAZZARD With one body missing and another stolen, the Dukes have their hands full trying to prove that they're not body snatchers. (Repeat; 60 mins.) O O O Vith Our Steam Genie Carpet Cleaning System! O CIVIC DIALOGUE O MOVIE (WESTERN) 8:00 W INDEPENDENT O BIILMOYERS' MOVIE mins.) WALL STREET WEEK Oil Stock: Windfall tor the Investor?' Host: Louis Rukeyser. 0D ODD COUPLE NEWS 10:00 CD MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT IB BENNY HILL THE TONIGHT SHOW Guests: Erma Bom-bec10:30 George Wallace, comedian. (90 mins.) FRIDAYS CAMERA THREE 'Puppets in the French Style' AcelebratedcompanypfFrenchpuppe-teer- s O ASK NBC NEWS O SUPERFRIENDS ROCK O MIGHTY MOUSE, their artistry. (Closed Sandra 768-951- Ext. 57; Doris 1, or Kathy 2, T U o 4, 8 $1.75 - ft llpf n O O O , - ', their - - THE LOVE BOAT A ghost, husband-huntin- g for hie widow, spots an attractive pro- spect. Guest stars: Jimmie Walker, Vemee Watson. (Repeat; 60 mins.) -H "Dark Victory" (DRAMA) 1975 Elizabeth Montgomery, Anthony Hopkins. The love story of a terminally ill woman whose relationahip with her doctor enables her to carry on. (3 hra.) SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY OLD FRIENDS, NEW FRIENDS 'Michelle Knight and KimLemon'HostFredRogers visits with two young gymnasts, both just 13, who hsve choosen this difficult road to excellence. (Closed Captioned) Hp ADOLESCENT SUICIDE 7:30 til SUPERSTAR PROFILE: GENE WILDER 8:00 BJ AND THE BEAR BJ gets help from s pretty marina patrol officer to search for his O MOVIE not be the answer to pest control. 'Nova' examines the repercussions of and alternatives to the powerful poisons man now employs. (Closed Captioned) (60 mina.) fl ' Q O MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL GAME OF THE WEEK New York Yankees vs Boston Red Sox or Pittsburgh Pirates vs Montreal Expos (Region will determine game to be televised in your area.) THAT NASHVILLE MUSIC S3 ODYSSEY O O FACES O Hawaii Golf Football! - 27, 1980 ty of Hawaii Football . Travel Agency 15. committing MIDMEIM 225-760- 0 SLC52i-946- 0 Get ftnarti; mm .Jifpjt O TMIW 12-ho- I'UGH CULT hiving Buck becomes obsessed with lesrning the identity of the girl who looks exactly like his 20th century girlfriend. (Repeat; 60 mins.) Limited For This Personal Tour PPHP They're U mini-seri- tember I il O O 12:30 fl fI Optional Tours for non Golfers Visit the Polynesian Cultural Center, Pearl Harbor - See the Richard Chamberlain (left) stars as an English navigator shipwrecked off the coast of Japan during the 17th century, Yoko Shltnada portrays the woman who becomes his interpreter and lover, and Tothlro Mlfune stars as the Japanese warlord who is plotting to become Shogun, supreme military dictator, in James Clavell s SHOGUN, the epic to be colorcast on NBC over five consecutive nights beginning Monday, Sep- ADMISSION: ages 6:30 Coll Now As Space Is Very 9 12 up GD THAT'S HOLLYWOOD JOKER) JOKERI JOKERI DIMENSION FIVE SUMMER FIESTA LATINO FALL PREVIEW BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25th CENTURY 7:00 FLASH GORDON AMERICAN BANDSTAND LONE RANGER-TARZAADVENTURES; IN THE NEWS BILL MOYERS' JOURNAL TWO'S COMPANY 11:00 6D LAUGH HOUR WAY TO GO 11:30 NCAA FOOTBALL 30 MINUTES NOVA 'The Insect Alternative' Although almost 40 percent of the earth's crops are lost each year, dusting crops with chemicals may Coach Karl Tucker and his wife, Joanne will conduct a tour of two Hawaiian Islands. Visit Kaui and Oahu. Play four different Golf Courses. Play Princeville, Kauai Surf, Makaha, and Kuilima 20 South Main, Pleasant Grove $2.50 sents an unusual perspective on the White House as seen by Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. Eric Severeid reports and Bill Moyers wiH provide an introduction. (60 mins.) October 20 224-3729- " Senior Citizens ON THE PREFIVE PRESIDENTS SIDENCY Utilizing the best material from the CBS television archives, this program pre- 8 AFTERNOON In ID IN 12:00 NAME THAT TUNE fl GOLD fl SOLID NEWS fll TO CHOOSE 'How to Stay Free' FREE U this final apiaode, Milton Friedman shows how power in the handsofafewelectedreprensen-tative- s is the greatest threat to freedom. (Closed Captioned) (60 mins.) THE NEWS FAT ALBERT; fl OLD HOUSEWORKS ,c RbttflMBflfl THEATER 1 EVENING 6:00 Golf The Magic Islands of Hawaii KARR ENTERTAINMENT WORLD $1.25 fl U O POPEYE; IN THE NEWS 9:00 fl JETSONS; TIME OUT O PLASTICMAN FAMILY fI MISTER ROGERS 9:30 H JONNY QUEST; TIME OUT O THUNDARR; DEAR ALEX AND ANNIE SPEED CHALLENGE ( I ONCE UPON A CLASSIC f GODZILLA 10:00 0 O HOTEL BALDERDASH Game 785-496- QUE P ASA? SPORTS UNLIMITED AS WE SEE IT WALL STREET WEEK 'Oil Stock: Windfall for the Investor?' Host: Louis Rukeyser. II BYU-Universi- Phone 5:30 fl HEATHCLIFF-DINGBA- WELK SHOW fI fI fI U O -- 756-234- O LAWRENCE HEEHAW THE NEWS OTOMANDJERRYCOMEDYSHOW;INTHE NEWS 7:00 OFREOANDBARNEVMEETSHMOO;TIME OUT FONZ AND THE HAPPV DAYS BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD RUNNER; IN THE NEWS RICH: SCHOOL. SCOOBY 7:30 ROCK 6:00 fff SESAME STREET DAFFY DUCK; ASK NBC NEWS 8:30 ABC CAPTIONED NEWS "EARN YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Alpine School District has a special FREE program for you. For information 756-967- O IN 6:30 f Stock: WMfal the Amazons" 1945 Johnny Weieamuller, Johnny Sheffield. Tarzan crosses the path of a tribe consisting solely of woman. (90 mins.) SPEAK UP AMERICA Tonight's showwW 6:00 focus on a member ol the Ku Klux Klan and also takes a look at women in sports. (60 mins.) SCHOOL. HECKLE-JECKL- 'ON I I I I I HOUR; HOUR; COUNTRY ROADS fl U WALL STREET WEEK for the Investor?' Host: Louis Rukeyser. 1 GUTEN TAG I WILD KINGDOM ' 4:00 I ROU NOTABLE I I WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW I ALL STAR SOCCER 1 NBC NEWS 4:30 I FAMILY FEUD I CBS NEWS I HARVESTING YOUR GARDEN &9 MOVIE (ADVENTURE) "Tarzanend MORNING OOQ demonstrate Captioned) 0 3:30 SEPT. 13, 1980 CD O O O Championship fight between Salvador Sanchez and Patrick Ford. (67 MMS.( AS WE SEE IT 'Manual High School. Denver, Colorado' ((Saturday)) 6:00 Jar-ae- y' fl U SATURDAV ' Uaaa: Mr. that her new sailer is Though dangerous, Lilks is fascinated by his arrogance and wealth before she becomes the victim of Squire Abinton's violent rsga. (60 nana.) Soesd Captioned) -(DOCUMENTARY) "MiaSMles FrofliBeyondEarth" 1977 The bizarre world is otpaychic phenomena exposed. (2 hrs.) ADAM 12 3:00 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Today's show Wagner. The murderous competition for rich but dangerous sponge beds take precedence in this adventures of Greek divers, their rivals in business and their specialcode ol ethtcs. (2 hrs.) RAINBOW CARPET CLEANERS 756-406- 0 LEE NICHOLES call Susan THEATRE O MASTERMECE warned -- In CD fl O 4:50 NETWORK NEWS JOURNAL Campaign '80' this first of a nine part study, Bill Moyers a look at the events, people and isprovides sues important to the 1980 elections. (60 9:30 Dagwood emeara jelly on an irate stranger who. as kick would have it. lama oat to be bis. new boss (90 mins.) U.S. NATIONAL 1:30 2:30 USFOrroSPECTACUXJMOUnttedStelee Invitational Gymnaatics Competitica. 2) International Motorcycle Jump betweea Gary Wells and Karel Soucek. (60 mina.) ( "Destination (DRAMA) GoM" 1953 Richard Wtdmark. Martin MHner. U.S. aoldiers join forces with the natives to repel Japanese aasautts in W.W.N. (2 hrs.) MOVIE --(ADVENTURE) "Beneath the TwetvaMlleReet" 1953 Terry Moore, Robert LEHRER REPORT Red Skelton. The biography of famous in O nU "Three Little Words" 1951 FredAstaire, 0couple discover that they are neighborsdivorcedthe MY 2:60 WEEKNIGHT O SO DICK VAN DYKE SHOW 7:00 O THE FACTS OF LIFE Torrential 0D DICK (EXC.FRI.) CD SESAME STREET DOCTORS 1 2:30 JOKER'S WILD ONE DAY AT A TIME MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT (FRI.) Villa Alegre (EXC.FRI.) 8D MOVIE 'Broken Lance' (FRI ). Crossroads' (MON), 'The Earl 01 Chicago' (TUE.), 'Forsaking All Others' (WED ), 'Mighty McGurk' (THUR.) TEXAS 1:00 GENERAL HOSPITAL GUIDING LIGHT VARIOUS PROGRAMMING (UNTIL tl O 6:30 ofCalifornia Governor JerryBrown.HostHugh Downs. (Closed Captioned) ZOOM THE VICTORY GARDEN 1 LOVE LUCY I PM MAGAZINE TAKE ME UP TO THE BALL PARK An outer space baseball promoter matches a sandlot team from Earth against his space TIC TAC DOUGH OVER EASY Guest: Jazz pianist Les McCann. Host: Hugh Downs. (Closed CI NEWS DO ONE LIFE TO LIVE ODICKCAVETTSHOW(FRI.)lfinityFactory tl EVENING 0 O NEWS 6:00! ALL MY fl 6:50 O 5:55 IV 6:00 S(C.FRI) CI O O O SEPT. 11, 1980 Contact -- f LOVE LUCY PM MAGAZINE FACE THE MUSIC TIC TAC DOUGH OVER EASY Guest : BemiceBrown.mother " MOVIE (COMEDY) "Bloadas's Swj U Moment" 1947 Arthur Lake. Anita Loeiaa. U I THURSDAY 1 1:00 1 1 DIMENSION FIVE REPEAT f BOO ((Thursday)) O ELECTRIC COMPANY (FRI.) O VlwLA ALEGRE (FRI.) 3 (EXC.FRI.) O HOUR MAGAZINE th ao century explorer and adaatsTr introduced gunpowder and spaghetti tottta western world. (2 hrs.) f I AMOTT ANOCOSTELLO - C SI Thursday. Sentpm r. hpr DICK CAVETT SHOW Guest: Hal Prince. (J 1 1 VARIOUS PROGRAMMING ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW(FRI.)Bugs Bunny And Friends (EXC.FRI.) NBC NEWS 6:00 1 1 ABC NEWS (FRI.) News (EXC.FRI.) 1 1 M.A.S.H. MISTER ROGERS OVER EASY 69 WILD WILD WEST (FRI.) Gilligan's Island (EXC.FRI.) HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 5:30 ALL IN THE FAMILY (FRI.) ABC News (EXC.FRI.) CBS NEWS ELECTRIC COMPANY CJ MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT BEWITCHED (EXC.FBI.I U O 2 -- program providing amueing aad antartaiaiag glimpses of American culture. "THE NEW FLAMBARDS AVENGERS: The Eagle's Nest' Stars: Patrick 'Prisoners of WaT Willi the O ableassietanceofDickandWilnelm.aP.O.W.. Macnee, Joanna Lumley. (Repeat) Christina restores Flambards to a working 10-.4-0 I I M.A.S-H- . OICK CAVETT SHOW Guest: Hal Prince. (arm. (Closed Captioned) (60 mina ) 11:00 OF SAN FRANCISCO 11:10O STREETS Parti. ABC CAPTIONED POLDARK I NEWS 11:30 MOVIE (DRAMA) "FoMntatnheea"' 12:00 1 1 TOMORROW 1 2: 10 OmERV GRIFFIN IMS Gary Cooper, Patricia Neal. Architect with dynamic ideas designs a housing protect 1:10 M NEWS but finds so many changes made that he dee- -' troys the buildings and is brought to trial. (2 hrs.) ABC CAPTIONED NEWS 1 1:30 1 1:40 1 1 SECOND CITY TELEVISION FRIDAY THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL Host: Chria-toph12:00 SEPT. 12. 1980 Cross. Gueats: Queen. Geneaia, 1 Nicdette Larson. Irene Cara. (90 mins.) ' EVENING VIRGINIAN 12:10 NEWS 6:00 12:50 U MOVIE ADVENTURE-WESTERN) CI ZOOM "Broken Arrow" 1950 Jamea Stewart. Jeff Chandler The story of ho one man's courage O ONCE UPON A CLASSIC 'Dominic: Lucy Aa Beever prepares for an assault and Harriet' helped to bring peace between the Apaches on Stainton's castle, Nick lies unconscious and the Arizona settler's in the 1870 s. (2 while Wardle digs his grave. (Closed hrs.) NEWS 1:10 Captioned) LIGHTHOUSE 20 4:30 1 1 CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS C-- IB MOVE AD VENTURE) M bires Of Marco Polo" 1936 Gary Cooper. Basil Rathbone. Production abort the "NO HOLDS BARRED' Kelly Monteith host this cowedy Part II. EXC.FRI) Pa ee CBS LATE MOVE O Comedian ANGELS-BARET- TA PRESENTS A SIEQl FILM awrra iPGIwarr' MMilMTiifTI See MAXWELL SMART as AGENT 86 in his first motion picture. font Cinema Cinema 2 1 PG ggjZM ' 1 ai,,,ajppi""s'; 9:20 Sat. Mat. 1:15 3:20 Eve. 7:15 -- -- CLOSED ENDS SUNDAY Sept. 16 having time : ' jjr 'sjZ CTlN. lives,, committing i " 7:00 'T! & 9:00 p.m. Saturday Matinees Saturday Matinees jLKrJ' 3:00 t I Show Times 7:15 & 9:00 p.m. Shows ff; & 3:15 & 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. it DON ADAMS is MAXWELL SMART in Bring this ad with you and purchase an Adult admission and your companion will be ad- mitted FREE. A1RpLAN starts Sept. 17 DWWMSntiimiSiWiijnlli.'THENUOEeOMB' BBBBISBBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBH I ','''V, |