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Show 4 - CRISPY TIMES - JANUARY 1994 More NEW YEARS from Page 1. During the passing of the twelve months, experience has revealed certain things which we had not suspected. New demands perhaps caused some of us to behave in a manner strange to our established patterns; we felt shocked, side of pessimism, but this makes for the dour mood. Or I can use memory with creative discrimination. I can lift from the past those things that reinforce me to lift the ceiling of my hopes. My past can become my tutor. In whatever sense 1994 is a new year for you, may it find us all eager and unafraid, ready to take it by the surprised, enraged, or delighted that hand with joy and with gratitude. The such was possible for us. Perhaps we shared a relationship that opened the world of wonder and magic. If we are old year dies, the new year is reborn. Long live life. And if life lives long in blessed, it means we are wiser by far us, may it live well. —Donovan Roberts Those of us who enjoy hiking in our small local canyons know what unpleasant situations can result when grazing is allowed in these beautiful and intimate spaces. When our BLM area manager Brad Palmer first took his job in Grand County, we went on a field trip to Negro Bill Canyon. He was shocked at the amount of destruction he saw from cattle and was actually worried that the BLM might incur public health liability for allowing such severe pollution from cow manure in a stream in which children played. But he soon learned that this type of abuse/ than we were at year’s beginning. pollution was standard practice in the The new year reminds me that some grazing industry. In the Comb Wash decision only 10% of the 72,000 acres in the allot— things are finished, rounded out, completed forever. If I have made serious blunders, they are made and all my tears cannot unmake them. I may learn from them and carry my hard-won lessons into the future remembering mistakes and errors not with pain, but with gratitude that new wisdom enables me to live the present year with deeper understanding and greater humanity. But this is a new year. It may mean the discovery of riches in another human heart and the secret beauty of one’s own. It may mean the first encounter with tragedy or radical illness, the first quaffing of the cup of sorrow. And it may mean an encounter with God on the lonely road, hearing one’s name called by Sacred Mystery, high above the noise ment were effected by the cow removal order. To have even such small areas set aside for human use represents a revolutionary change in local BLM management policy. g In most grazing allotments much of the land can withstand small amounts of grazing (a more precise statement is that the irreversible damage was done long ago). What is Dashiel Kulander exciting about this decision is that small areas (such as streams and other riparian areas) of a grazing allotment may finally have to be managed for Cows Lose Court Decision priorities other than cattle grazing. The small canyons around us may no longer have to be sacrificed for commercial grazing interests. While some of this change will In a major new court decision, BLM has been told that the interests of answered, life releases smiling energies the general public must be considered never before felt or experienced. come slowly, it is reassuring at least to The end of the year is not the end of when BLM makes decisions to allow know it is coming. (And I have heard the book, it is the end of a chapter in the grazing on public lands. This decision that the cows are to be removed from requires BLM to remove cows from book. As I look back upon the past Negro Bill Canyon through an arrange— five small canyons in the Comb Wash twelve months, I am confronted with a ment with Nature Conservancy not Grazing Allotment in San Juan County question: What do I do with the past? Of related to the above court decision.) until an environmental impact state— course, the past is in a sense given. We —Jack Campbell have no power over the passing seasons, ment can be prepared to decide whether it is in the public’s interest to have W months, days, moments. They belong to W grazing in these canyons. the past. The wheels of time move forward always. The past should be accepted. It cannot be undone. I cannot put it back into solution and have it crystalize itself once again. But I can relate to the past in ways that are redemptive. If relationships failed, it is possible to recognize PM 24:46 W that they were not so out of line with either our intent, our purposes, our 47 E. CENTER STREET hopes, or our dreams. From this new MOAB. UT 84532 vantage point I can seek to redeem the 801-259-2650 past and receive the benediction of healing. I can remember the past in terms of JANIE TUFT - SALES AGENT P.O. Box 1121 - Moab UT 84532 unpleasant things, using my recall on the and din of daily rounds. If the call is Res. 801-259-8360 ° Leave Message |