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Show 12 - DECISIVE TIMES - SEPTEMBER1993 QUIK ADS Ad rates: Boxed ads $5-$10, Quik ads $2. Ads must be ordered and paid by 10th to appear in current issue. Income will be applied to newsletter expenses. Ads for community services or events—or give-aways—are free. Call Jil, 7580, to place ads. TIME FOR FALL PLANTING. If you have perennials that need thinning, call me. I'd love to come and dig them up. Thanks, Jil 7580. COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES by the pros. We'll have your home looking spiffy for family and guests. First-floor windows. House & pet sitting. CV refs. Laura & Sandy, 259-4021 or 6589. HOMESTEAD HELPER FOR HIRE— carpentry, farm & ranch work, concrete, welding, clean-up, painting. No job too small. CV & Moab refs. Barter ok. John at 259-6589 or 4021. GRANDMOTHER wants to check out Castle Valley and spend some time near her two grandchildren (and us) while enjoying the quiet beauty of the valley. Grandma Honey is widowed, loves to paint, garden, walk and take in the sunset. If you have a home here that you’d like to rent for anywhere from a month to a year, or if you need a house sitter, please call me, Jil at 7580. P.S. She is thoroughly charming and has no pets or bad habits. WHOEVER picked up or found the magnetic key box at the postboxes, please put it back, or call 2245. If it's a prank, 'tain't funny. If not, thanks! HOUSECLEANING by CV couple. Regular cleanings $30 each. Also onetime cleaning and small-home repairs at reasonable rates. Dependable, honest, experienced. Moab and CV references. Rose and Damian 259-5815. HOMEOPATHIC study group forming. Homeopathy is a gentle and safe way to treat yourself, your family, and your pets. You will learn about remedies which you can use for illness and first aid. Once a week, prob. Wed afternoon. For more info call Jil 7580. COMMUNITY CALENDAR P.0.A. Meeting: First Wed, 6:30 p.m. Joint Road Report: " " 7-7:15 p.m. Town Council: First Wed, 7:15 p.m. Planning/ Zoning: Last Mon, 7:30 p.m. Fire Dept—NEW TIME 2nd & 4th THURS., 7:30 p.m. Aerobics for men, women—now 6x/week. 8 a.m. Call 7638 for info. Latter Day Saints Church (Public is welcome.) Sun, 10 a.m., Sunday school Sun, 10:55 a.m.. priesthood and auxiliary Sun, 11:50 a.m., sacrament meeting Tues, 7 p.m., youth activities Third Fri, lunch & crafts, Women‘s Relief Society Quaker Friends Meeting (Public is welcome.) Sundays, 9:30 a.m., 259-9111 for location Seventh Day Adventist Church (Public is welcome.) Sat, 9:30 a.m., Sabbath school Sat, 11 a.m. Sabbath service CASTLE VALLEY TIMES EDITOR, Cris Coffey - 259—2245 Jack Campbell - 259-5115 Jil Kulander - 259-7580 Joan Sangree - 259-5542 \ Cf DANCE, DANCE, DANCE! Come jorn us for a free lesson in jitterbug (a.k.a. east coast swing) at Joan Sangree’s new house. The lesson will be taught be Steve Paul, whom some of you may remember dancing at Laura and Mitchell’s wedding, or more recently on Damian’s birthday. He’s a fun dancer, a good teacher, and sympathetic to Ann Benge Merrill Brady Ron Drake Ken Drogin beginners. The lesson will be held on Saturday, September 25th, starting at 7:30 p.m. The lesson will be followed by free time to dance. Come alone or with a Randy & Kaaron lorgen Joe Kingsley friend; no partner necessary. Bring something to refresh yourselves as the evening heats up. Call Joan at 5542 for more information or just come! Donovan Roberts Blain Saunders Judith Shroeder Paul Sizemore Valli Smouse Floyd Stoughton Lois Wagstaff Sam Welch Andrea Wheeling 3:: :3: Published the 15th of each month. 353 {If SUBSCRIPTIONS—$12 per year {:2 CVSR 1903, Moab 84532 if: *FREE AT FRONT GATE 5}; :-: TO RESIDENTS* CVSR 1911 TO PLACE ADS: Moab, Utah 84532 (801) 259-5739 Jil Kulander - 259-7580 Produced by Featherweed Press Castle Valley Times P. O. BOX 1903 MOAB, UT 84532 When you see streamers at the post boxes, the new CV Times is ready (each month from the 15th to the 20th, or until we run out of copies). Call any staff member if you are missing an issue. ii: |