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Show CASTLE VALLEY TIMES DECISI VE TIMES Castle Valley, Utah - Volume2,Number§8 - September15,1993 - ChoosingOurFuture Getting to Yes As our town elections approach, I find myself wondering whom I can most trust to meet my own needs. I try to clarify what those needs are. I realize that whom I trust is not the issue but rather trusting in the process and in the fir‘firafirfifirfirfirfirifirfirézfirfirfifi'firfifir CASTLE VALLEY TOWN ELECTION Castle Valley received better than ever interest from residents willing to serve for the offices of Mayor and Town Council. Valli D. Smouse and Merrill L. Brady have declared their candidacy for community. I like to think that whoever is chosen will rise to the occasion and perform their tasks effectively and fairly, with open eyes and ears as well as a talent for creative problem solving. I believe that as a town and as individuals we really do want the same: to maintain the quiet rural feeling that this valley has always had. That is why we chose this special place. There is talk of reevaluating our master plan for the future, and of course important decisions are being made at each Town Council meeting. Originally we attended them to meet neighbors and take the pulse of the community. Well, our pulse is healthy, strong, and quick. Now we go so we won’t miss the important decisions or debates. It often feels to me that we are rushing ahead too fast, with our fears under one arm and our personal interests under the other. I had to look closely at what I sensed the problem was and have Mayor. There are six individuals who have filed for the two open council seats. The candidates running for council seats are Ronald W. Drake, Kenneth Drogin, Donovan O. Roberts, Blain E. Saunders, Paul L. Sizemore and Lois O. Wagstaff. A PRIMARY ELECTION will be held on Tuesday, October 5, 1993, and will determine which four (4) council candidates will be running in the November 2nd GENERAL ELECTION.. There will be a CANDIDATE FORUM, Wednesday Evening, September 22nd at 7 p.m., LDS Church. Come with your questions and hear what the candidates have to say. —Lois Wagstaff, CV Town Clerk decided that we are so eager for solutions, for harmony, that we are tripping over our own feet and landing on each other. I think of the personalities and the group dynamics and keep coming back to my belief that our aims and development of the existing town lots, and we cannot yet see the future of the 5,500 acres of State Land in the valley (plus privately owned lands). We need to slow down, take more time, make wise decisions. But how? It are similar for our valley—the debate seems to be how to achieve them. We all know that we cannot halt the growth — More YES on Page fl POA Annual Meeting - October 23rd, 9 am - LDS Branch House Four positions on the POA Board are open for election or re-election. Current board members George Ottinger, Hank Freeman, and Joan Sangree have indicated willingness to participate again. Bill Riggs, Ken Johnson, Janie Tuft, and Richard Williams have agreed to place their names on the ballot also. If you would like to add your name to the printed ballot (sent to all POA owners), please call Ann Benge 259-5739 or 259—5926 or leave a message on Hank Freeman’s machine 259-6938 by Monday, September 20. There will also be an “OTHER” write—in space on the printed ballot, if you decide to run after the printing date. And of course, just show up on October 23rd and add your name if you decide, or are persuaded, to run at the last minute. More POA Annual Meeting Notes: After the main POA meeting concludes, please stick around for a short (40 minute) workshop concerning additions, alterations, deletions, to the Zoning/Building Master Plan. Bring your copy of Ordinance 85 -3, Revision 3-6-91. Some copies will be available at the workshop, but please come with your notes if you have some ideas on concrete areas of the ordinance you would like to address. We will break out into small groups so all will be heard, not just the noisy ones like me. Hopefully we can set some priorities to give direction to the Planning and Zoning Board, and in involving everyone present, perhaps interest some of you in more active participation on our various government boards. We need facilitators for the Break Out groups. The smaller the groups the more chance for individual input. Please contact Anne Benge, 259-5739 or 259-5926, or Valli Smouse, 259-5508, if you are interested in helping. The job is simple, and really all you do is keep to the scheduled time, write down the brainstormed ideas, call on people in turn. Leadership ability NOT a necessary prerequisite at all. Still more Annual POA Notes: If you are a Town candidate and would like to state your views, time will be available (while the POA ballots are counted) for you to inform those attending. —Anne Benge, POA Vice Chair awasareaaas:aastralaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaa |