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Show 8 - SUMMER TIMES . JUNE 1993 QUIK ADS Ad rates: Boxed ads 55-310, 0qu ads $2. Ads must be ordered and paid by 10th to appear In current Issue. Income will be applied to newsletter expenses. Ads for community services or events—or giveaways—are free. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Town Meeting: First Wed, 7 p.m. P.O.A. Meeting: Precede town meeting, 6:30 p.m. Planning/ Zoning: Last Mon, 7:30 p.m. HOW ABOUT A CASTLE VALLEY DIRECTORY? If you think Its time has come, call Damian 6343. FRIENDS AND FRIENDS OF FRIENDS OF JIL: I would very much appreciate it if whomever borrowed, and somewhere along the line ended up with, the videotape MEN (and a couple of others) would return it without further ado..thanks, Jil 7580. HOMESTEAD HELPERFOR HIRE—— carpentry, farm & ranch work, concrete, welding. clean-up, painting. No job too small. CV & Moab refs. Barter ok. John at 259-6589 or 4021. COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES by the pros. We'll have your home looking spiffy for family and guests. First-floor windows. House & pet sitting. CV refs. Laura & Sandy, 259-4021 or 6589. Fire Dept: 2nd & 4th Tues, 7:30 p.m. Aerobics for men, women—now 6x/week. 8 am. Call 7638 for info. atte lnts u c (Public is welcome.) Sun. 10 a.m., Sunday school Sun, 10:55 am., priesthood and auxiliary Sun, 11:50 am.. sacrament meeting Tues, 7 p.m., youth activities Third Fri, lunch & crafts, Women's Relief Society uake 'e ds eetin (Public is welcome.) Sundays, 9:30 am., 259—9111 for location 5 Neighbors . . . Thoughts of love and healing to Isabel Contreras, whose mother died recently. Anne Benge retumed home last Thursday from St. Mary’s Hospital where surgery was performed on her poor feet. Her parents have been able to come home to CV and help during her recovery. Mr. Pacheco fell and broke his arm and is currently in Price Hospital. the local high school for her senior year. Ha det kul, Vanna! - Grand County High School’s most recent alumni, class of ’93: Kiri Wagstaff, Rhondelle Drake, Nichol Whitney, and Annette Williams. - Raylene Ehlers and Nichol Whitney are singing at the Rodeo. Nichol has a spot as a featured singer at Utah State Seventh Day Adventist Church (Public is welcome.) Sat, 9:30 a.m., Sabbath school Sat, 11 am. Sabbath service OOOIOOCCIOOCOOCCOO FAMILY CREATION SEMINAR. July 12-17, 6:45 pm—9 pm. Registration Family Fee: $10, includes book for parents, video presentations, crafts, and varied activities for children. Ages 5 to 105. To register, call Linda McKenzie at 259—5997 or 259-7719. Fair this year. - Jared Martineau, son of Tony and Cathy is at the Missionary Training Center in Provo learning Portuguese. GOOD NEWS about . . . - Isabel and Tony Contreras on their 50th wedding anniversary, June 13th! Love and best wishes to you both from all of your neighbors in the valley. - Thanks to Jeff and Trudine Whimey for the headstone on Emie’s grave. - Hannah Lowry, off to foreign soil, will be leaving in August for a year in Knislinge, Sweden, as a Rotary Exchange student. There she will attend He will serve in Brazil, departuring July 12th. Tony Martineau is back from the Air Force Reserves. He wanted to go to Alaska but was sent to Hawaii— Life’s tough! - Mitch and Tory are making progress on their mother’s home on Pope. - Welcome to the valley, Kaaron, Randy, Hal, and Katrina! Welcome, Diane Young, Pete Dustrud, and —JH, Gwen, Jack PM 72m: 54m 47 E. CENTER STREET MOAB, UT 84532 801-259-2650 Res. 801-259-8360 ' Leave Message EDITOR, Cris Coffey 0 259-2245 Jack Campbell - 59—51 15 Jil Kulander - 259-7580 Joan Sangree - 259-5542 Melanie Allardale Isabelle & Tony Contreras Stan Ferris Kaaron & Randy Jorgen Charles Kulander parents! FOR SALE: New passive-solar home, SW stucco design, 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Lots of ceramic tile and custom cabinets. 244 Miller Lane. JANIE TUFT - SALES AGENT PO. Box 1121 ' Moab UT 84532 CASTLE VALLEY TIMES Olivia Kulander Maria Loe Gwen Martineau Don Mabey Donovan Roberts Floyd Stoughton Lois Wagstaff Sam and Wilma Weld: HLUSTRATIONS: Chloe Hedden and the Force Sisters Published the 15th of each month. SUBSCRIPTIONS-412 per year CVSR 1903, Moab 84532 FREE AT FRONT GATE T0 RESIDENTS Produced by Featherweed Press |