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Show tuH 'tme Appi pal Cm Socere and respond SAUS AiTD Sift a large 1fa. to a tloat Gail Raymond CrtsM 76S 3783 ?S-t- i TO one" $1030 pet mom Dtsne and Sesame Street Products Ho innestme.it ftet fa'ti Call Part) Plan earn etc all Shopping library pa-ithtn a block or 2 fie units tor $32 950 each pius a small amount for a carport On? year 2 old brick ntce yard Malt MfifD HfXP Real Estate 927 2tp coiied fpe-iencr- ck torn secie;ar( pari time to si Iws oai WjnrJai ttiioutn Fri(Ja American fo't qualifyiftj! BY to 8 p m Won Ft Apply at 120 W 3rd So Am Fork 9 27 3t elderly lady in competent "lie in" itn Am Fork WANTED $3 50 Fork un light iitmes floor and tops ith nivmngs 2 bdim bi level 100N sq t! finished large riek Century 21, Realty has Join me1 Fun - nent job (mullet OWNER - your choice of 3 exteriors, one tlooi plan New aiea of Am Fork 1250 sq ft with full sliding glass door unfinished basement with outside entiance fireplace l' Dbl storage shed carport Maintenance fiee brick and aluminum CIFGG RtALTY 225 5055 fva 756 4948 9 13 It 756 7947 Fork Call Ray L Realty 12 write Ann Mae, West. Payson, VIEW Lindon LOT American Fork at base of Timp Fully $22 800. $1800 improved. down Call 785 5835 or 9 part VIEW LOTS $16,900 t Real Estate IN 296 South 700 84651. We - AWARE YOU THIS OF UTAH CENTURY No 21 CENTURY Hebertson, 601 ESTATE. West AA REAL PRICE REDUCE- ESTATE see call Al Highland area. Quality throughout. 1900 sq ft and full basement on '? acre realtors improvttt lot. Save must home, quiet REALTY, SLC Fulkerson Wanted WHAT IS VERY . SHELTER? Can you A TAX afford to have one or be without one? To find out more, call WILSON and men between eves. 9 21 CENTURY AA REAL HOMES New roof, on quiet white alum, 756 6052 L. REALTY 7 1 handicrafts to sell consignment in gift shop opening soon. Gail Shults, 2tp RENTING? Very OF or PRE LICENSE Real Estate 18 yrs. or older DlKlLW See Bert, Stephen LAND REALTORS 69 American Foik Main E. Associates) provides a Test preparation Many extras, rustic design Builder anxious Will make good buy I Acre Lot in Manila wHUGE Cottonwood trees on property. Very nice location & super neighborhood Apartments for Rent in PleaAir sant Grove Townhouse Conditioned, 2 bdrm BaseI ment bdrm 1100 sq ft. apt 35 N. Barratt Ave. American Fork caipets 3 bdims quiet street. $5H 500 Call Stan 756 2238 oi RAY L. REALTY 8 23 II PROPERTY leased L REALTY 7 12 Inc. 756-009- JL AM, 135 FORK BASEMENT North $45,900. FULL neat school, 100 1 6 East home d NOW Priced right Mountain Land ERA Ask for Steve 7249, BOLEY REALTY E IT TO BELIEVE 4361. 6096 , 756-609- and it's BOLEY REALTY 3 NEWLY several lots in reduced We Marlene or 756-334- BOLEY REALTY Reduced SELL! $75,900 $10,000!!! now $65,900. 3 brick, garage, New all bedroom, double family room. Don't with four bedrooms on large lot. includes a family room and two baths. $52,900 Call Bob at or 756-608- 9 Sr. 756-503- Hillside AREA! lot! Build your dream house .63 on acre! Fresh View! Mountain lh acre Fork. Six bedrooms. lot, luxurious Bob at decor. Call MOUNTAIN or 785-501- (1) STATE STREET EXCELLENT location. One Acre between and Grand Central in American Fork. Log home HARD Sterling Harris bedroom almost J BELIEVE TO older 5 - home on acre in Highland. Family room and fireplace. Good buy $55,000.00, call use. $175,000. Phone Jim or Debbie Ragan Gayle All Brick, Nob Hill! $75,500 It's true, finished COLONIAL SPACIOUS ana new KAiYiDLtK! space galore! 3 13'4 baths, bedroom, 8 seat loaded! kitchen, time and effort. Whether you desire large acreage, one acre, home or business, we may help you find what you want at a price that will fit your pocket book. SOME OF THE PROPERTIES WE storage HAVE AVAILAKLK FOR YOU. MOUNTAIN snack at $94,900. John Jr. 768- or 8072, Marion 768-862REALTY (1) acres with flowing well LAND three A.F.. in It's your garage. in American Fork's most prestigious area and keep both arms and John Call legs! 756-503- three bedroom home, one mobile and one-hal- f baths, swamp cooler, range, refrigerator. Located in Lehi $10,500. Call Pat Smith or 785-501- Harr, animal Older brick home, newly remodeled. $53,000. Call Jim or Debbie 756-735- - double garage, lot, .69 acre. Unique floor plan. view 3 acres with flowing well PEACEFUL LOCATION 756 6096. Nice older brick home, close to 19 acres with flowing well I IUWI1. IMItX UCUfUUIlia, large living room, garage, part basement Priced right acres with flowing well 70 acres 23 a at $41,900 Call John, 756- 5033. or Veil. lot. covered home CAPTIVATING acres with flowing well acre tree style large family room in full Call Xenna basement. Call $55,900. Peck Highland Price oi 756 One of these may be what you have been looking for. Take the time to come or call us at: Harding Realty Co. 12 North Center American Fork Telephone 756-357- 9 or Evening 756-271- 5 baths, MOUNTAIN Jr 768-807- LAND 785 5013 (i) RtALTY t REMODELED '4 OLDER HOME 3 bedrooms, laundry room, garage, well. will consider Owner acre, contract. $42,900. Hebertson 756-444- Bob at Call Verl o or 756-608- 9 or RECREATION PROPERTY! as little as $2,400 per lot. Two lots available in For Soldier Summit. contract. Call Will carry Jerry John Call Jr. GROVE PL. (1) all brick, VA bath, family room, custom bedrooms, Marion John $12,000 Building Lot with a view, plus on contract. Don't wait! Call Jerry Seals 756-640- Jr. or 768-862- 0 MT. 768-807- REALTY BEAUTIFUL in LOT Priced Estates. Blackhawk to move fast at $16,950. Keith Call "or 768-307- 0 Jerry Seals. 785-501- IN A.F. AND ONLY Home warranted. $16,000. nice building lot. All improvements in and ready Very to build on. Call John Harr Sr. 756-503- PROVO SOUTH 768-980- (2) COZY COTTAGE IN PROVO. Perfect for couple or small Two bedrooms up. FANTASTIC! Beautiful brick home in new Lehi area on family. one down. Built last quiet year. Full basement. 1700 with 4 sq. ft. finished bedrooms. interStereo, studded street, yet only one short block to shopping or freeway access. $44,500. Plush com. cabinets. at living affordable price, $69,900.00. Call Pat 768-381- 8 or John all brick, or Call E. Peck 768-980- 4 plex in Helper is a good investment. Large rooms, high rents, always full, good Close to work. condition. A 785-402- two 785-402- INVESTMENT TAKE ADVANTAGE! OREM AREA ONLY $55,250 lovely 2 this for bedroom Prime entry. PLEASANT GROVE of this orchard ) INVESTMENT see this duplex in Lindon. Clean, 1 bedroom, unites with fire places. Always rented, country setting, lot has 30 pear trees. Will consider Call $45,900 for this remodeled 3 bedioom home, downstairs be finished to 2 can Only lot LOOKING IN Zoned Verl industrial. Hebertson and 2 to N.E. in vary. 756-608- part of Lehi. Call now, E. or 768-980- RESTAURANT Northern Choice Utah County location. Excellent return, seats 180 people, spacious All parking. equipment included exfixtures, cellent large building. For more information, Hebertson John Harr $14,900 for this excellent multi bldg. lot in Lehi. Close to town and zoned for 756-503- unit. Call John Harr or Verl Hebertson g WATER III call Verl 756-444- 756-503- (2) converted to duplex, large lot. This won't last. Call 785-501- -- Lots PROPERTY Acres Peck WITH established in BUILDING 17 FOR FIVE ACRES LINDON FORK'S FINEST Close to neighborhood. schools and priced to sell Call Dan 756-226or corner 768-381- l with Has all utilities nearby. Only acre. Call $20,000 374-620Gretchen Paulsen and ACRES AMERICAN bediooms and family room, lots of storage. Could be Now' Pat Smith lot exposure. Only $18,500. Possible contract. Call John Jr. 768 8072. (1) RIGHTS? LOTS or commercial-industria- zoned split LINDON AREA BUY! Go ahead and take advantage 756-608- (2) contract, $37,900. Xenna 785-402- 5 Xenna old storage building on it. Good freeway and railroad location in Orem. Call Linda PROPERTY LOT-11- Call PROPERTIES to sell. up, one down, In Lehi. Priced at $52,500. $16,000. 785-542- bedrooms garage. BUILDING tree Quiet, Jim McGowan, OREM x 88. and carpets Luxurious an BEST on lot in north Am. Fork Call QUIET AREA!! in Lindon! 4 Prices main John sale! popular redwood deck Irom floor family room. Spacious 2100 sq. ft. New! acre. 60 to pick carpet. 768-862Marion $105 030 beautiful yard complete with fruit trees and garden area. Priced for now. Elwyn 756-608- 9 MOUNTAIN LEHI AREA 8 SUBOR this $13,900 tldg. or Alpine with WILL on garage, full fireplaces, basement. Now priced at room, VIEW" from living room have car two of living room. Fireplace in master bedroom. Outdoor and master bedroom cathedral ceilings 3 bediooms. l3i 1 785-501- One $96,900. GROVE, sq. ft, four bedrooms, LAND MOUNTAIN LAND REALTY Park couple. One block from city business district. Over 1450 1200 sq. ft. in Lehi. Brick home with three bedrooms, John Jr. 768-862- 768-807- Karen $49,500! Nice, well kept older home. Ideal' for older $2000 for quick sale on this lovely PRICE LOWERED bedrooms, family DINATE Immaculate. Call $24,900. Call Sr. Double OWNER Lot made drapes, fruit trees, garden area, large lot, more ground available. $57,750. carpet allowance. $92,000. Marion condition! and Excellent rights, Lehi. Clean, New! home! Call Xenna DOUBLE! DOUBLE! double-size- YOUR OWN mobile well on one acre in WON'T LAST. Priced fireplace, OWN quick (1) mountains, lJ4 baths, possible lots. Writer & sewer Dan street in Richards 756 2265 or acres double chance to buy Fantastic Df Vt L0PMENT Properly completely up and down, plus bar. greenhouse walk-iwindow, closets, redwood deck, unbelievable LIVING commercial V2 I 9 PLEASANT to adaptable readily mK7:x m in (2) 768-980- John Jr. REALTY 4 or 756-608- 9 $24,000. area, Highland Marion 768-862- Ream's or 756-608- Peck E. New in Air! home in N.E. Am. spacious part county setting. - basement artesian LAND this 3 bed. year warranty home. garage, Four stalls, (j 768-807- 2 ENJOY THE VIEW from full on Lehi. One on Call 756-500- Finest Home Warranty N.E. in Call American Fork pass this one up. John Harr 756 in recently full Call Matietta 756-436double carport, basement, brick on one at B0LIY REAUY half acre lot. only $61,900 6096 Good tetms Spencer SAID or 756-608- REMODELED Only i 165 a LOTS REDUCED great buy Three bedrooms, one and three fourth baths or acre in 1 & ENJOY CAREFREE EXCLUSIVE 756-725- 6 17 I $56,900 Jack area, storage 756-608- information Year Warranty RIGHTS acre lot GOOD IT RATE immaculate and spacious. INTEREST when you assume this VA Four bedrooms, two and S loan, real nice 3 bdrm. one half baths, two family Buy on contract brick home, fireplace, rooms A lot of extra $77,500 rm.. double carport family Ask for Jack or features Call Marietta 756 Call at Bob Call Chadwick Realty or 9.6 this 5,000 home with loads of extras. LOWER ONLY ONE LEFT LUXURY PLUS in 756-284- 2 226 1111 HOME 1 Orem FOUR large patio, garden, landscaped yard, heated garage, walking distance to school and church. $64,950. Call Linda HE N.E. Am. Fork. Large family BOLEY Lovely four level split home, BOLEY REALTY Am. Rulon Nicholes 785-501- 3 226-111- 756-609- SE Marlene Spencer N.E. in sq. ft. home on 756-355- 7 Realty 7 acres REALTY 756 6096 DuBois 756 B Many extras include: fireplace, covered patio, achievement The Pleasant Grove Loads of extras. Call Fork. PRIME Ask lot Steve has own interiors 756 7249 -- doesn't acre l 785-501- church and shopping area, $61,900. or two bath, all brick home on for starter great retirement home, clean as a one half acre lot Choose outside basement entrance DuBois VIEW A 7261.(2) No cost or obligation 0 bedioom. three pin. zoned for duplex one-hal- HIGHLAND IN NEW to We invite you to visit our small but friendly office and look over our selection of property, save yourself American Fork WITH luxurious Elegance year-ol- cookies. 3 you're looking for. Four bedrooms, describe this adequately 3 large executive home on tf Reserve your reservation CALL 785-501- rooms, IV2 baths, brick, 23 Includes court fees, - For more for member in American Fork will be held Monday, October 1, at 4 p.m. at Forbes School. iibnhi Was Nol Hill Courts Free lesson, use of showers and program MOUNTAIN LAND RFfll TVi or Confused? Fired of Looking? 1 NEW Downtown beautifully landscaped, double garage. - BOLEY REALTY THE FAMILY fireplace, shop Am Feik $85 000. Call Doug at RAY Third place winner was Bonnie Hunter with ANIMAL LAN rllKH tiome read) foi (FUl new BEAUT sprinkling system, story w, Pleasant Grove dormers & full basement, Supply AMtK ALPINE AREA siminar to prepare you for Real Estate Exam the State 2 Barratt Builders b AF. fofJ30 at Trinity RacquettaU sauna awards Ault, special photo. "America's First 4 bedrooms, 2 family 4 756 6044 at e Just Listed ERA (Electronic Realty or Randy four-piec- include Julie Hadfield, muffins; Lisa Fausett, muffins; Linda Steiner, Swedish tea ring; Bobi Beighley, skirt; Brent lis L. REALTY E- Finally in Utah County ' Curene Watson, cake; Janice wedding Aull, sweet bread; Jennifer Soelberg, skirt; M'Kecia Miller, jumper and blouse; Laurel suit; Shelley, Brent Aull, belt and sheaf of wheat: Margaret Steiner, laundry bag; Shearon Bowman, quilt; RAY School Help Wanted apple cake, C0MM attractive starter home. bdrm. full bsmt. 4 to choose from. Under 47.000 Bank $74,900. 1550 sq tt in Estates subdivision. Call Bank of American Fork 756 7681. on Olsen, 2 both foreclosures. Granite ML SAL- FOR Michelle 20 tt siding, fam. room with frpl 3 bdrms.. WD. hookup Laige fenced back yard. Near church and school. Only $39,000. Call Stan Hadlock or RAY TIRED ESTATE 6t TWO Janice Ault, photo and special photo; and Luella Steiner, child care and garden collection. Second place winners NICE STARTER HOME Jim Adamson Kathy, Unique Phone biscuits; Rawlings, automotive Sandra. - $115,000.00 HAYWARD (25 years experience with the Internal Revenue Service) or the ages of 19 to -- Earn your diploma. For information call ext. 57; Doris, Susan, commission street. 21 ASPEN or Century small home oi duplex Commercial Income EXECUTIVE HOME in neighborhood in Am. Fork 5 bdrms, new kitchen cabinets. To and alterations. Dennis Cleaners this Piopeity in Am Fork Call Doug al RAY L REALTY 756 6052 or 785 6283 8 9 tl CALL Owner D- 2tj 8 your for INFORMATION. Nice family sell- - sewing WANTED: Women 1RAUE AA State, Hospital, 60 52 or tl Lehi, 21 FURTHER FOR experience necessary. Your success is our M Call success Carole the county. in building Individual with Call 756 6052 oi 785 6283 one block from house very neat and clean inside Call Leo 756 3101 or RAY L. REALTY 756 of openings for outgoing sales people in progressive real estate office, working primarily Lehl. American Fork, Pleasant Grove and surrounding areas. National franchise with national advertising and sales training. COUNTY only Doug at RAY I Church. Oldei building ordinance' As January 1. 1980, you must have begun construction in the unincorporated areas of the county, otherwise you lose your status If you are thinking seriously about have now IN AM. FORK Only $32 000 Excellent coiner location across street fiom school one block from Utah COUNTY WANTED BESl tf ARE members in American the Fork look lop honors at the State Fair, alter winning in the County Fair, in order to qualify lor slate. First place winners include Deborah Coombs, Ja nae muffins; Twenty-tw- 5eet Octobtf In Height Reduction and Nutrition Class Mill be offered Bowman, Janice Ault and Laurel Shelley. Absent, Brent Ault, Linda Steiner and Curene Watson. of REALTY or State Fair At Class! to r. bottom row, Jennifer Soelberg, Bobi Beighley, Bonnie Hunter, Julie Hadfield and Deborah Coombs. 2nd row, Luella Sterner. Lisa Fausett, Janae Rawlings, M'Recia Miller and Margaret Steiner. Top row, Michelle Olson, Sharon WINNERS ate. 4-- 166 WEST MAIN SUPERB Isis LMLi K5 Take Top Honors Hills 3t WANTED Weight Reduction Members 4-- weeks. Call or delivering. ; anywhere. Shows may be held in a home or in the Leany's Store in Lehi and are presented with a slide projector. For more information call Leany's of Lehi, Other special items will also U' on sale. Plan to lx- - there when the sale opens Ijecause the goodies disapjx'ar just about as quickly as they are put on display. country acres, southwest with well and building permit $39 000 Call 768 9337 9 20 2tp LARGE presented easily lor. of Lehi an hour $5 demonstrating toys and gifts, best hostess plan, no collecting Part Time Attention ladies social clubs and groups! Style shows features Ladies and Juniors new Fall fashions are There is no muss, because they are ?tp Averages REAL your 7t8 3540 attn improvements 5 30 pm 927 It tt HELP Redmed to $50 HM ChiKJsf All 3 bediooms 2! FOR SALE baths 2600 sq ft basement 2 unfinished fireplaces Close to schools landscaped and chinch 744 E 420 N Am and experienced real estate agents. We ill tram you. It you think you would like an exciting career in real estate call Clint Wilson 756 3591 7 5 time SAM HOME ne HELP WANTED 0R 3 SCENIC D- Robinson-Wilso- need of Flans are currently underway for the Pink Ladies Auxiliary annual fall bake sale The bake side will be held in the front lobby of the hospital on October 18 at 2p in This is just before the ojx'iiiiiH of season, so plan now to do "your baking" in the front lobby where you can purchase homemade bread, cakes, cookies, candy and ail those goodies that the I'ink ladies are noted 27 It 9 WANTE- HELP left and Pan time Ul time Call $6 00 per hour 95 N 200 I Am )en NIV HOY!" LOl 113t loom plus $400 $450 per month Call 756 2594 or 756 2812 9 27 It HEIP 756 7j01 Choose bath fireplace $59 900 Call 756 carpets 7238 See at 950 N 370 f 9 line ho can no longer Board alone one mce loi $39 950 Style Shows Available Bake Sale r BUILDING 4pm to oner By 92721 Neea cabinet HUP WANTED finishers assembly line omeis and ood norkers for late shift oman Ionnouse COMkACl 422 No 5th Wei! $25 000 5000 down at 13 to 25 years No closing costs no calculator mar.aato'jr CaM Geri at 756 6084 tK,,en the hours oi 9 00 and 2 00 to ap pomtmenl 9 27 ?! hae Ifct plus a small amount lor the ne ali belo Thfyre rarpoi! appiatsal cost and e re a;tirig CfNiURv 21 to shu you GOlOiN Wibl INC 37 9100 or 785 5074 9 27 3t LFHl aea T)pe63pm adaption? ARMED aen. By Oh t bedrooms. Pink Ladies fork Am CQfcaOMlNiU tiic m REALTOR or (1) |