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Show Page 10 American Fori; Youths Operate Unique Business Wade Carson of American Fork is only 18; his brother Francis is 17. But an old moving van, converted by their father, Les Carson, into a slaughter house on wheels. '"We used to work in our barn and house until we had to get a state permit," Wade explained. "This is the only w ay we can do it now ." "Dads pretty good," he continued. each young man recently paid cash for a new pickup and have bought their own horses and tack and paid their own rodeo entry fees. The business that pays wages like this for three hours work each night is 3 C v f ; WADE AND FRANCIS CARSON make life easier for local farmers. They own and will come to your property and convert your livestock into slaughter truck, in one tidy operation. freezer-read- operate a meat y Family Monument Dedicated The American Family Monument, dedicated recently in rites at the Utah County grounds in Provo, was called more than just a monument by Governor Scott M. Matheson. Governor Matheson, keynote speaker, said the statue "represents the family as a spiritual unit. Just as the young boy prays at his father's knee, learning the spiritual values which guided the pioneers, those same values have brought us here today and will guide us in the future." The Governor said the family provides a place for learning and teaching community values. It is "not only the foundation, but the walls and roof of our society," he said. "He designed the truck. We're modernized, with a new power winch and power split saw. We used to do all the work by hand. We ha ve a new cooler which takes up of the truck. Three-fourth- s is a kill floor, completely lined with galvanized tin." The boys have been in the livestock slaughter business for four years. "Dad helped us till I was 16 and got my driver's license," Wade said. "He still takes care of the bookwork and supervises and makes the big decisions." The boys used to milk cows and sell the milk. "We didn't like that very well," he explained. "We like to go deer hunting and elk hunting, so we had to find another business. We never could take a vacation." Wade backed the slaughter truck up to a corral fence in Pleasant Grove. A curious steer came over to investigate and was dropped with a shot in the forehead. "They're gentle and relaxed this way," Wade said. "They don't even know what hit them. This guy had two wild steers and no loading chute. Doing it this way saves him a lot of trouble." From the first shot until the steer was hanging in two neat halves from the hooks in the truck took 24 minutes. "We can do it in 15 when we have an electric hookup," Wade explained. "We make most of our money on the hides. We get $25 a hide right now, though that fluctuates from $8 to $45, depending on our market in Japan." "We charge $12 to kill a beef, $10 for a pig and $5 for a sheep, and they have to have a brand inspection before we'll come out." The boys are brisk and efficient in their work. "The biggest one we've killed was a Holstein bull that dressed out at 1,075 pounds," Wade said. one-fourt- h News 50 Years Ago Junior officers of the high school are 9 proudly sporting their new officers pins. Officers are Morrell Ashby, president; Ethel Brown, vice 1928-192- Selma president; Seastrand, secretary. - . r f f', ' Oh, What ThurMotorists going north on sday afternoon were puzzled at a retinue of eight different vehicles with flashing lights, warning of obstruction on the freeway ahead. According to Patrolman Lee Atwood of the Highway Patrol, a portable truck scale, owned by Thorn Construction Co., was being towed by a dump truck to the nnint nf the mountain ' V A Relief If Is! when a tire blew and the scale broke away from the truck. It was impossible to change the tire, so an attempt was made to proceed slowly and exit at the north American Fork The tire caught fire, exploded the tire next to it, and two units from the A.F. Fire Department were called out to The Warren B. Smith home at 589 Main has been accepted and officially listed on the National Register of .fflfctoric Places as a historic site, according to owner Robert N. Ballard. The structure was approved as a Utah Historical site about one year ago and since that time more changes toward the restoration of the home have taken place. Ballard has done a majority of work on the outside, but said more structural work must take place before the landscaping can be done. "Landscaping plans include an elevated front (yard) with trees and a white picket fence surrounding the yard," Ballard explained. "We have already put the wooden pillars in as they were originally on the front , porch," he added. Ballard said that funding will now be available from the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service program. "We are waiting for the pending grant so the restoration may begin again," he said. The house will have seven bedrooms and three bathrooms when it is finished, the owner said. There will also be an addition of a den and recreation room in the back of the structure. The Warren B. Smith home is thought to be one of the oldest in American Fork. Smith was a prominent citizen in the town, serving as superintendent of store for the American Fork about 15 years. He was also a member Co-o- p of the City Council. Smith was active in the LDS Church, e missions. He also serving two served in the presidency of the 67th Quorum of Seventies for about, 18 years.; served as the first bishop of the' Fourth Ward for fourteen years; and served as Alpine Stake Patriarch for 20 years. "He was sealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith as a son," Ballard said. Ballard added that Warren Smith was also a polygamist and had three wives at one time. He spent six months in the State Penitentiary with President George Q. Cannon because he was living in plural marriage, Ballard said. "He also sang with the Tabernacle Choir," Ballard pointed out, adding that Smith was very involved in music. Smith was born in Nauvoo, Illinois in 1844. His mother, Amanda Smith was at full-tim- Another attempt was made to reach p when the fire flared up again, bringing one unit back from the fire department. Finally, one end of the scale was y lifted onto a by a front end then lifted the other end, which loader, and the two vehicles carried the crippled scale off the freeway. the low-bo- control I ho blaze. Medicare Claims Out Of State of Unless the Department Health, Education and Welfare changes its current direction, Utah's senior citizens will have their Medicare claims handled outside of Utah beginning next year. HEW's Health Care Ad- Financing ministration (HCFA) issued a Request for Proposal for a four and regi- onal experimental contract to process Medicare claims for Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. the Haun's Mill Massacre in 1838 where her first husband and son ,,.,were killed by the mob. She remarried and their family took the westward trek to Utah in 1846. When Warren was 12, he moved to American Fork. He married Harriet Annas Harrington, who died in 1901. Smith passed away when he was 91, in '"' be would claims to Blue Cross and Blue Shield President H.G. Pearce his company has written to protest HCFA's request. Regionalization of the Medicare contract means processed for the three state area in one location. Pearce said Utah Blue Cross and Blue Shield now handle the claims for 110,000 nearly beneficiaries filed by 88 health care institutions According Historic Am. Fork Home Named To National East 72 ZS - CSegjisffeir TffK ' ' ' - 1 1 . - It - . 1935. Ballard said restoration on the house will be temporarily slowed because he has accepted a job in California with Milne Trucking Company as an accounts executive. He and his wife, Trudie, will be living there with their two children, Rachel and Sarah. Sarah was born Sept. 15 in the Warren B. Smith home. She was delivered by Ballard and a midwife. McKay Leads Anti Abortionists Rep. Gunn McKay has again moved against the financing of abortions with public money. McKay, a member of the District of Columbia appropriations subcommittee, this week led a successful fight against Youth Exchange Program Accepting Applications Any high school sophomore or junior may now make application for Youth Exthe 1980-8change Program, it was reported by Lehi High School Principal Neil C. Christensen. Any local student in the above grades interested in this program is asked to contact one of the counselors at the school for an application. is This program sponsored annually by the Rotary International and is open to any 1 qualifying student. Deadline for filing applications is November 1. Each year ap- proximately 30 students from Utah and Idaho participate in this foreign exchange program and the same number of foreign students come to this area to attend school for a year. Those students who qualify for this program are expected to pay their own transportation to and from their host country, as well as have from $300 to $500 spending an attempt to remove a ban on publicly financed abortions in the nation's capitol. Debate on the abortion issue was renewed as a House and Senate cocommittee nference grappled with the fiscal 1980 District of Columbia budget. The House had a ban on imposed publicly ROBERT N. BALLARD, owner and y m wmf restoration overseer, notes that the home was named to the State Historical Register last year. ': financed 1118 abortions, but the Senate had voted to remove that restriction. The conferees have reached agreement on all other items in the district's 756-766- 9 4 768-969- 6 money bill. L'u'' . As rjl & , SVLYJ T" z EUREKA VACUUM The Warren B. Smith home was recently named to the National Register of Historic Places. The structure is located at 589 East Main. $10,000 Deposits for 6 Month Period wim-ow0- 0' RATED n trr Special Factory Outlet p Earn the highest possible interest rate VALUE Attachment Set 10.114 September 23 Octohoi With Every Upright Sale Price $189.95 3 In Stock Includes: d098B Frame V rets Accessories Available additional money for expenses during the year. Host clubs normally pay a nominal monthly to each allowance student. j'i-it.rt- - DREW PLEASANT GROVf SANTAQUIN 'If HI ' board Mattress Heater CLOUD 9 WATERBEDS Tuck liner 99 N. 1 00 W. American Fork Set up kit 756-320- 8 w. only NEW EDGE KlNER lot Onrmin umn a Comptett UM Of IwralM to tmt i toM Overman Appliance 338 E. State Rd. 756-451- 1 |