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Show "I was encouraged by Justice Blackmun's admission that, if he and bis After black-robe- Page 12 Lehi Free Press Thursday. SeDtember Utters To The Editor 27. 1979 High Cost Of tow Senator Sees Evil Funding Revisited 'Spirits' EDITOR'S .VOTE: The letter is in following response lo an invitation 1 issued the director of the three I'tah County education associations to show statistically that greater funding of public education would, in fact, lead to better educated students, less welfare, less crime and vandalism, etc, as he previously indicated. The director suggests that I do not believe education is perhaps the best possible investment. But in most, if not all investments, there is a point of diminishing returns. And 1 believe I represent our readers when 1 say that taxpayers are not longer willing to give any public officials a blank check. Educators will have to prove to the skeptical citizenry program by program, how increased funding of public education will lead to better education of our children. statistics The presented in the following letter are fragmentary and do not fully represent the trend lines of the last two decades. Nevertheless, the statistics do seem to indicate an upward swing in the quality of education, which is gratifying. I appreciate Mr. Hunsaker's contribution, and may I assure him that our newspaper will support editorially quality educational programs. entrance test that most college-bounUtah high school seniors take. Another statistic: Utah schools have had the highest or nearly the highest average class size in the nation for years. This saves school dollars, but teachers will tell you crowded classes bring forth an array of as problems-suc- h frequent disruptions and inability to give students enough individual attention. Still another statistic: Utah has identified a greater percentage of d children handicapped (and is providing education for them) than any other state in the nation. The state has a limited program to aid gifted children. In my view, much more funding could profitably be devoted to students than any others in the nation. My earlier letter stated that education doesn't cost, it pays. You seem to disagree. If you think education is expensive, consider the cost of ignorance. Very truly yours, Robert S. Hunsaker Director of Alpine, Provo, and Novo Education Associations News In 1951 Fifteen new weapons, including four 3.5 rocket launchers, the big bazooka which turned the tide of the Korean War, were received at the local National Guard Armory. In Ruling Claiming it is time the Supreme Court paid less attention to "spirits" and more to the "clear meaning of plain English." Utah Senator Orrin G. Hatch has launn ched a of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act. crusade to win The only substantial change that would be made in the law banning discrimination based on "race, color, religion, sex, or national origin" would be the addition of the phrase "and we mean it this time." The unusual legislative action was made necessary, he said, by the Supreme Court's decision upholding racial quotas in a case known as i niud Suxluwtm v. if ,ir. In that decision, a majority of the court decided that the "spirit" of the 1964 Act permitted an apprentice hiring program which provided a preference to individuals on the basis of their skin color. The particular bargaining agreement i. question reserved 50 percent of the openings in apprentice craft training programs to blacks working in a plant - even though the plant had no previous history of racial discrimination in its hiring policies. Spirit or no spirit, the language of the 1964 Act specifically forbids such singling out on the basis of race, says the senator. "Three separate sections of the 1964 Civil Rights Act state in as clear language as any legislative body is probably ever likely to agree upon that employers cannot hire or fire people simply because of the color of their skin," Senator Hatch said. "The court's majority even admitted that neither the specific language of those three sections, nor the legislative history nor precedent of the law mitigated on behalf of their decision. "Thus the Court's majority, relying upon a tortured construction, based their conjecture about the 'spirit' of the law. If the court insists upon making law on the basis of these 'spirits,' instead of the plain language of the statutes passed by Congress, we will be left with the cruel irony of a noble law written to ban forever the blight of racial bigotry being used to justify new forms of government-sanctione- d discrimination. one-ma- Days of TJhine And Neurosis' For Newsmen If I attend a meeting, I'm being nosey. If I don't, I'm not interested. If I write an story, it's too long. If I condense one, it's incomplete. If I take sides on an issue, I'm prejudiced. If I don't, I'm a coward. If my suit is clean and pressed, I think I'm a big shot. If it isn't, I look like a movieland newspaperman. If I've been on the job for a short time, I lack experience. If I've been around awhile, it's time for a change. If I don't stop and talk deadlines, you know I'm too big for my britches. If I do, that's all I've got to do anyway. If I make a If I ask for advice, I'm incompetent. If I don't, I'm a know-it-al- l. mistake, I hear about it for weeks. If I don't, I never hear about it. If I accept a social drink, I'm an alcoholic. If I don't, I'm antisocial. If I express an opinion, I want to run the show. If I don't, where did I go to school? If I misspell your name, you never forget it. If I don't, you didn't read that story. Everett (Wash.) Herald jjyj jjm f' In one American city it is illegal for a patient a dentist's tooth. this. GHddenJ) inOther statistical formation shows that Utah has the highest percent of its population enrolled in schools, they attain the highest level of education in the nation, and the state does this with fewer teachers than any other state. So much for statistics. You asked how "problem could be students" reached more to pull ef- fectively. Better still, let's discuss how all students can be reached. A recent nation-wid- e survey of K teachers showed that they favor the following: -- Reducing the number of students in classes. -Educating parents in how to help with their children's education. m Dear Editor: You stated in the September 13 edition of -your newspapers that "in Enforcing stricter the past, funding has discipline. -gone up and educational Devoting more atstatistics have gone tention to the basics-readidown." English, etc. -Your statement should Enforcing stricter school be examined. and class atFirst, the costs: Sure, tendance requirements. -education costs have higher Requiring risen in the past two standards for student decades. What costs performance. s of the haven't? about those teachers surveyed think Now, their school does not statistics on education: Some statistics give provide enough help for Utah educators a lot of regular classroom encouragement. A recent teachers when a haassessment of student ndicapped child is achievement in Utah by "mainstreamed"-th- at the State Board of is, placed in classes with Education showed Utah students who are not fifth and eleven-grader- s handicapped. scored higher than the Certainly, some of national average in math those items carry a price and reading. tag. Anything worthwhile You should also know usually does. Teachers in Utah are that the Utah and American asked to solve these national Test (ACT) problems with salary College scores have climbed increases that are less during the last two years. than the The ACT is the college rise, and teaching more ng, -- GUdd en Two-third- Flat vml Paiiii' Beautiful, flat finish Scrubbable, coiorfast Easy water clean-u- p Factory Sale Price g "Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microJosh Billings scope." ONLY For the Week of Current Interest Rate September 27 thru 10.114 October 3 paid on a $10,000 deposit for a 6 month period. Federal Regulations prohibit the compounding ol interest on Money Market Certificates. (3 lnIXi idECI T$$ IC3EI3; S) State Bank of Lehi 99 West Main Member HMO uti;rt s Glidden's Famous enamel as easy to use as a flat latx wall paint! Gives a great e a, c PRCe ONl Y Semi-glos- loo" Deposits insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corp F.nrly withdrawals urn 'Jones Paint and Glass itsEEEJ1 in nn interest prninlly io wans ano mm Dues looking fast, stays colors liesh match SPRtO SATIN Wall Paint $11.99 d recolleagues are wrong, the Congress can always correct them. could ever discrimination of racial baa doubt I that the any law, original reading again be so well precisely stated. of the "Recognizing the court's willingness to be corrected and the beauty section restates bill 703(a) 1 of my original language with two addendums: Section of the 1964 Act and adds at the end the provision: 'and we mean it this time.' Section 2 restates section 703(e) and notes that it 'accurately and faithfully reflects the Edwin Feulner spirit in which Congress acts in approving it.'" Forum Foundation in. will sink Heritage Maybe the second time the message 53 East Main - 756-639- 1 American Fork |