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Show Thursday, June 29, - Thursday, Junoc . 11 II THE LEHI FREE PRESS 1933 - u arctam at lance baraiOgd, 25J uiy for Gents Free Swim Pass With Every Dance Ticket Dandnp Everv Saturday Nieht 4m EDamee JJnU y Carnival c, Ladies I0C! s 1 MARRIAGES BENSON-SMIT- H Mrs. Samuel Mitchell and Dean Smith of Alpine, were married In Salt Lake City, Saturday, June 24. Mrs. Smith Is Well known in Lehi, and the young people have a large circle of friends In Lehi and Alpine offerng congratulations. I Commercial Banking Savings Department y Safety Deposit Vault jr Insurance Bonds Surplus $20,000 Capital $25,000 I I Miss Afton Strong of American Fork and Dale Briggs, son of Mr. and lii Mrs. Eugene Briggs were married in the Salt Lake Temple on Monday, June 26. The young people left Tues4 day morning for Elko, Nevada, where 11 r Briggs is employed in the Elko ft Drug Co. Mr. Briggs was employed at the State Street Drug before moving to Nevada and has hosts of friends in Lehi wishing the young people success) 1 and happiness. i Telephone 83 I S l State Haitlk of ILelii MAIN STREET LEHI, UTAH Everything for the Hay I Kate Mitchell Benson, daughter of STRONG-BRIGG- die Timpanofe-oThey are working on ia trail the rest rooms and tables and Parley's Ame'ri.an Fork, Prove at the canyons, a new rangers' home camp on the Station Fork American between connection on a and its.lf, Hansen Timpanogos Cave and the caves. beImprovement work on the road has tween here and Silver Lake Flat new been completed opening up a tourists. and campers for playgrounds $ This road wa3 improved to make rapid camp transportation possible between and the excellent landing field on the flat, lin case of serious injury a camp worker ran now be taken directly to the hospital at Salt Lake City by air. Thi work was all done by horse and man power. The distance between mile. camp and the flat Is about one above two miles Silver Lake is about Silver Lake Flat. The flat is about mile long and 200 yards wide. Harvest Hay knives and sections, guards, and ledger plates, rivets, pitman rods i and boxes, forks and fork handles. Gilchrist Hardware anty A HOME INSTITUTION Phone su- it t 5-- J MAIN STREET one-four- th LEHL UTAH STUDY IN THE EAST David Whimpey, son of Mr. and Mrs. m Solo "The Flag Without A Stain" Abe Anderson, Reading DeVere Evans. Trio-'T- he Story of the Fla"-M- rs. on Mr. was An operation performed Lula Anderson, Mrs. P.ula Dorton, Lehi at Van Saturday Wagoner, Henry Mrs. Leota Peterson. Hospital. Music Gail Webb. exercises. Closing w. Mrs. J uougn is receiving medical treatment at the Lehi Hospital. FIRST WARD was performed A minor operation on the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. The program for M. I. A. conjoint H. Barnes, Tuesday. meeting next Sunday night In the First Ward will be given under the dJoan Evans, little daughter of Mr. irection of the Gleaner Girls. One feand Mrs. Ruel Evans was treated for ature of the program will be a demon. an infected hand, Tuesday at Lehi stration of the Gleaner project, "Tret-- t Hospital. sures of Truth.' Music will be furnished by the Ralph Colledge, eon of Mr, and Mrs, Gleaner Girls' Chorus and by the John Colledge is receiving treatment Junior Girls' Chorus. for injuries to his foot which he received when he ran in front of a mower IZTA I ON OF THIRD Friday evening. THIRD WARD RELIEF SOCIETY Hospital Notes Church News ROYA THEATRE a GET YOUR The Student REFLECTORS Fraternity Murder "42nd Street" Road Maps Women FREE Saturday, Sunday, and Monday July 1, Zand 3 Here ' Central Service Station "The Big Broadcast" La-ver- de - You Are Invited Tuesday and Wednesday, July 4 and 5 HAROLD LLOYD rx "Movie Crazy" tug-a-w- ar Everything At e. - jrtta LEHI BOY TO SPANISH FORK NEXT FRIDAY EVENING Tonight and Friday, June 29 and 30 i la b ternc Lemuel Whimpey left Thursday mornGet a Free Family ticket to Lehi's ing for Washington D. C, where he finest theatre, the Royal Theatre, with expects to enter one of the universities each 50c paid on subscription of the at the nation's capitol. At present he ofadv. intends to investigate the courses Lehi Free Press. Unithe Washington fered George by BIG CELEBRATION AT versity. Enroute he will visit the Weekly Program 3 Liu Century of Progress Expositon at Chicago. Mr. Whimpey will join his sister, The City of Spanish Fork Invites Miss May Whimpey who resides in to InitiUtah attend all the County Sometimes it is well to think twice The man who lacks faith in his own ation Ceremonies of its new White-wa- y Washington D. C. ability seldom accomplishes anything. and then keep silence. David is a graduate of the Lehl Lighting: System, on Friday eveniSchool and a student of the Brig-haHigh ng-, June 30th. Never cast aside old friends for The wise man knows how little he Young University of Provo. His Thi3 celebration is being sponsored new. knows of what may be known. him success. by the Employees Club of the Salt many Lehl friends wish Lake and Utah Railroad (Orem Line). An excellent program Is being ar- JUNIOR TEMPLE EXCURSION ON SATUDDAY, JULY 8 ranged by this club, of all Utah County talent, each town along the line furThe Junior baptism excursion will nishing a part. be held on Saturday, July 8. Lehl will be represented by the will be four boys' and four girla There Lions Quartet and solos by Max Smith, ward in Lehl Stake entitled each from A barbecued prize steer will be furto Any boy or girl who wishes to go. The Third Ward Relief Society nished by the Spanish Fork Livestock to notify the bish&p of are urged go officers were released Tuesday dressed will which be Association, at once. and Mrs. Jennie Johnson chosen; and served by the Sanitary Market and their ward FIFTH WARD as president with her counselors iUE City Bakery of Spanish Fork. After PUPIL AN APT unnamed. Mrs. Sadie Trinnaman will cerethe program and barbecue, the The M. I. A. conjoint meeting will be held over as secretary and a set monies of turning on the new lighting Policeman: "Miss, you were doing be held in the Lehi Fifth Ward, Sun- line up of other officers chosen, The system will take place, and all of this an miles hour!" day evening at 7:30 where the follow- outgoing officers are Mrs. George P. sixty dewill be followed by a dance to the that splendid! I ing patriotic program will be given: isn't "Oh, She; ReMilt Barnes, president; Mrs. John Brenu, music of lightful Taggarts learnt to drive yesterday." only exercises. Opening first counselor and Mrs. Luther Coatee, Orchestra. cording Speaker Edward Southwick. second counselor. A special train will be run leaving Lehi at 5:15 P. m., and picking up What two eminent itics patrons all the way along the line, wiU At m. 6:30 reach Fork at p. Spanish say of our new serial LEHI'S BEST AND CHEAPEST AMUSEMENT which time the program. will start, and something will be doing continuously. Tickets for this celebration may be from the Orem ticket purchased agent, or other employees, for 75c per couple, which will include train fare, Your last chance to see the Miracle Show of 1933 prcgram, barbecue, dancing and prize PUT ON BY THIS STATION AND SAVE YOURSELF MONEY drawings, and all who go; will be invited to the regular yearly party, to Every car must have one put on by July 1st. be held later, at Glengary, given by Milton Propper again the Salt Lake & Utah Club. chooses a unique locale which Let us do Shop Fourteen Stars 50 Featured Players 200 Dazzling Chorus For any further information, call or in itself might lend rare exBeauties Nearly Two Hours of Breathless Entertainment for the see the agent of the Orem. citement to any novel, let 'the dirty work' alone a mystery. In this small admission of ONLY 10c and 15c. O When you want Accurate, complete Real politeness, cle&n story, the walls of the fra! GOOD SHORTS. One ALSO You Can't Afford To Miss This air in your tires, CELEBRATES 85TH maps, the best obsurroundings, honest, ternity house are for the first our courteous attainable, given BIRTHDAY time open to everyone and prices and workman-hiptendants do the away while supply make it ttractiva under circumstances in which lasts. work while you Nearby states for women to deal own ritualistic mysteries its The sunshine workers included. surprised sit in the car. with us. are part and parcel of the Mrs. Margaret Beck on her 85th birthmystery of a startling and day anniversary Friday, June 23, and unusual crime. The council chamber on initiation night enjoyed an afternoon of program and STARS STARS STARS a college fraternity is a at social followed refreshchat by dainty Staurt Erwin. Bing Crosby. Burns and Allen, Kate Smith, Mills ments. perfect setting and throughout Mr. Propper has most Brothers, Boswell Sisters, Arthur Tracy and many others in DON HOLDAWAY, Mrs. Among those present were: Manager successfully caught the uniam riTM atmosRachel Anderson, Mrs. Rose Timothy, and state r,asi Street Lehi, Utah fraternity versity phere. Mrs. Christie Willes, Mrs. Celestla WALTER YUST Schow, Mrs. Edna Banks, Mrs. Sarah in Encyclopedia Berry, Mrs. Mary Winn, Mrs. M. A. Britannica Book Notes. All the great stars of radioland assembled in one great picture. Dorton, Mrs. Mary A. Clark, Mrs. Let's Go! ADMISSION ONLY 10c. ALSO GOOD SHORTS Kirlthajrn, SIra- Lela Smith and One of the most admirthe guest of honor. able features of Milton Propper's newest novel is the complete authenticity of REFORESTATION CAMP the college background. The HOLDS DEDICATION A Special Family Picture for the holiday reality he gives to the University of Philadelphia forced To visit our store and me to accept the amazing Camp F. 5 of the Forest Army, the examine our merchandise. story as the official account first camp in Utah for reforestation, We know we can of an actual murder. You'll and situated on Granite Flat, Deer please you. be more familiar with the Creek, American Fork Canyon, held BATHING and N CAPS buildings and campus FLASH LIGHTS Its dedication officials of the University of ceremony "Wednesday VISOR HATS afternoon and evening. Philadelphia than you are PATENTED MEDICINES with those of your own alma The program for the days events was: HOT WATER BOTTLES mater. ball game at 4:30 p. m.; beDAY EDGAR, author of tween barracks at 6 p. m.; camp fire TOILET PREPARATIONS In Princeton Town. STATIONERY The comedy sensation of the year! The Monarch of Mirth at program at 7:30 p. 'm.; at which Lieuat his very best I Two years in the making and worth it, enter- tenant Colonel Mutcher of Fort DougWe can assure every reader tainment for the whole family ! The kind that sweeps you off your las, J. W. Gill man, supervisor A. G. that this is a real masterpiece Nord of the Wasatch Forest service; feet with enjoyment! of detective fiction. MysteriALSO GOOD SHORTS Captain L. V. Eggers, W. O. Stevens ous, baffling, unusual action SPECIAL MATINEE TUESDAY, JULY 4TH, 3:00 P. M. and Ranger Vivian West gave talks. and a college setting. An All Seats 10c At 9 p. m. vsitors and forest workers ideal story. Be sure to read Evenings Regular Prices, All Seats 10c. adjourned to one of the larger buildA FULL LINE OF everyinstallmentasit appears HOUSEHOLD PROPRIETARY REMEDIES in then columns. ings for a barn-dancU TELEPHONE Sfi.w ctrEET f , At the present time there are about ,, fllAliN 13 COME AND BRING THE FAMILY 225 men aod boys serving at the camp. The most lonesome fellow is the temper is like sunshine; it one who is stuck on himself. sheds brightness over everything. Good fir I E3I OTTER SONS isical id |