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Show Thursday, June THE LEHI FREE PRESS Thursday, June 29, 1933 Mr. and A son and heir arrived to gladJ-Mis Vtrla TLayte uf East Mldvale Wt. is n gjesi of Mr. ani Mrs, T. A. the tioine ot Mr. and Air. i yii y v,, June 26. J! other iiid Taylor. THE LEHI FREE PRESS .1 Published by THE LEHI FREE PRESS Every Thursday Phone Mr. William Tliayoe and family of Salt Iake City, were Lehl visitor, Monday evening. George P. Price, Manager Office, 12 We3t, Main Street Fesidenee, 2nd West and State Street, Lehi. Utah Miss GeraMine Taylor is spending the week in Salt Ltike City, a guest of Miss Ruth Bradshaw. Mr and Mrs. Junius Banks were amon? those who attended the temple excursion Wednesday, :: Lehi :: Mr, and Mrs, Fon Wharburton and baby of Pleasant Grove, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barnhart. SUBSCRIPTION RATES year in advance fl.00 Mrs. F. J. Nielsen of ML Pleasant was & guest of her mother, Mrs. D. J. Thurman from Friday to Tuesday. Want Ada 10c Per Line For First Insertion and 5c per line tor each additional insertion. Mrs. Ellas M. Jones and Miss Dorothy Southwick were Provo visitors Tuesday LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. Ryron L. Beck of Magna, and Mrs. Harmon McAffee of Salt Lake City, are visiting relatives In LehL Mrs. IL p. Hardy of Spanish Fork, pent Friday visiting relatives In Lehl. : : Lent ; : Mr. S. W, Rosa of Salt Lake CJty, was a Lehl visitor, Monday, : : Lehl : : Mr. W. J. Wing left Monday for a Business trip In Idaho. :: Lehl : : Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wood are spend Ing a month's vacation In Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. George Austin of Bingham, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Jennie Nostrum. : : Lehl : : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powell and family attended the Humphries family reunion at Provo, Sunday. Madge Hutchings daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hutchings Is 111 at the family home thla week. Lehl :: Mrs. E. Jewel and two children of Magna, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox, this week. :: Lehl ! : Dean Allsop of Murray, was a guest of Leo Hadfield, Saturday and Sunday, : : Lehl : : Mr. and Mrs. Alma Beck spent Sunday In Vineyard, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Holdaway. :: Lehl :: Mr. Charles Taylor spent Sunday In Lehl with his mother, Mrs. M. A, Tayjor. :: Lehl Delbert and Verja Thayne of East Mldvale. spent the week-en- d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Taylor, :: Lehl re-- Mr. and Mrs. John Sabey and family of West Jordan, spent Saturday visiting In Lehl and at. the Fox reunion at Saratoga. : : Lehl : : ft Mrs. Fred Ellis of' Provo, was Sunday guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. Nile Washburn. :: Lehl : : Mrs. Afton Oilee left Monday for a ylslt in Idaho with relatives. Miss Zina Anderson spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City with friends. Miss Zina Anderson spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City with friends. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Taylor of Salt Lake City, weer Lehl visitors Saturday, : Lehl : Dr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy and family of Salt Lake City, were Sunday guosU of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Worlton. :: Lehl :: Mr, Charles Fox of Salt Lake City, pent Saturday In Lehl and at the Fox reunion at Saratoga. :: Lehi :: Jennie Nostrum spent Sunday In Spanish Fork, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hardy. Mrs. Get a Free Family ticket to Lehi's finest theatre, the Royal Theatre, with each 50c paid on subscription of the Lehi Free Tresa. adv. : : Lehi : : BATTERY Rebuilding and Recharging Guaranteed Saturday. Magij. and Sunday la Lehi :: Lehi . 1 ,. zs. U-- Uebi.. , Ray's Battery Shop HAMMER BUILDING, MAIN STREET, LEHI, UTAH I ANN MACKAY, Operator I P 1 y Waves given by students $1 at the Provo School of Beauty Culture st this same address, 11 East 1st North. U i ', J i ! .m , , Guaranteed Radio Tubes thr ad g, Glenn Wing W Is your investment L. I. Wardle PROVO, UTAH 11 EAST 1ST NORTH ..j protected? tell your friends about Provo Beauty Salon . 1 Professional Permanent Waving A wave to love and want -- Special Offer! TERMINALS, CABLES and GROUND STRAPS that you'll Mr. were ) ADVERTISING RATES Display , . ,30c per inch 10c per line Readers AH Work Mrs. fcia Mr. Norman Scown. Mrs. alt. tiyron neck ot Mrs- - ! Entered at the posloffice at Lehl, Utah, as second class matter One ana ot uiagh -- ter Mr r.A bco.n Fd Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miriam, Mrs. LWutv, , ter, childand M. S. daUSMe:,1!haff!'i Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bone repot ted k ''djiwg fi ." Miss , Mary Midslev .it GrCiVe. C. lUgW. and Mrs. ,fl fUJ pleajsant Lei.: :: eown at were Sunday sTJests -John for City, ral rvies f children. Mrs. J. Nile Washburn and " Mrs. loxi C Alice Tuckfield and Mr Xoml2soa morn-lu- g e.", Wrfinesday. hn Van and Beverley, Monday of James Comer for a visit with Mr. Washburn's Pleasant Grove, were Sunday guests :: Lehi :. wenSou. hiaho. sister, Mrs, O. Scott of Menan. social Mr. and Mrs. Herman A beaut II ul baby daughter ) tanding among the weeks : : uem :: Lehi :: awivefl rectptloB -- mtr Miss Mary Wilcox returned home fjm.;,.,;s- was the wedding H. Horace Hadfield were Salt and Dale ... v.Gray rfl Mrs. James t American Fork Hospital oa ' M7 Tuesday. Sunday following a month's visit in Florence, Lake visitors, t heir daughter, of day. June 21. All concerned honor in E. Jewel Lehl:: Magna with her sister, Mrs. were joic-inover the new arrival. - Buekwalter, who aim and family. Miss Lela Coates and Mrs. Richard in . on :: Lehl :: Wednesday, married :: Lehl :: City. Tuesday in SaJt Bone If liKH XCIlll'. Members of the Lehi Stake r Mr. and Mrs. Art Heck and daugh:: Lehl :: an hundred enjoyea guests on Calilocal Board 13 In Nevada, of Los Angeles. ter. Barbara, enjoyed Friday ev' Mr. Elmer Jackson onfl refreshments In eaist T ata T...1 in Colt . "tH j fornia, arrived in Lehl, Sunday for a aani-Jiiec"HJic uomg jjit,. endows a evenFriday Ward chapel. Third the work. Those particinatins. visit with relatives and friends. in?. Many guests irooi aiu-and family and Mrs. Dolph Hunaer :: Leal :: n.. Jnudson Mrs. Wil.liam 11V h vu , .. .. of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Durrant of Fork and ai Carson, Miss Thelma Goodwin MU.slC lor uaimns m. MonAmerican Fork. spent Thursday at the pie. George Strasburg. Mr. 'visited with Miss Beth Jackson, A a xr home of Mrs. Durrani's parents, Mr. nished by "Bill's Syncopators.' and Mrs. Buekwalter will make tneir and Mrs James H. Gray. :: Lehi : : home in American Fork. :: Lehi :: Mrs. Nettie McAffee and Mr. Harj : Lehl : : Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crane and mon McAffee of Salt Lake City, spent Oak-- ; Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Dalton of family ot Draper, were at the wedding visiting relatives In Lehi. of honor Sunday, reception held for Mr, and Mrs. Ben land. California, were guests :: Lehl :: Mrs. at a unique treasure hunt and wenierj Mr F.tfrnell Eattwnan and family BuokwaJter Thursday night. Crane is a Bister of Mrs. Buekwalter. ma. Tuesday evening. The treasure Theatre Lehi it-- Mr. seekers scoured the town on all sides night8 a8 Tuesday and Mrs. Thomas Powell, daugh- through fields and all over the town.j mana&erg of Lehi rf ter, Bertha and son, Dean, spent Fri- finally unearthing the treasure at the Press and the Royal Theatre. day in Bingham and Salt Lake City on Carter ranch in the creek where the :: Lehl :: tired travelers enjoyed a welner roast. business. Mr. and Mrs. George Scown of Salt : : Lehl : : Those participating were: Dr. and Lake City, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Dalton, Dr. and Mrs. Eddlngton, Mr. and Mrs. Booth Sorenson, PHONE 8-Fred Scown and Mr. and Mrs. Mis. Hazel Young, Evans Holmsteod and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Goates, Mr. an Norman Scown, Sunday. Freda Peterson spent Friday in Salt Mrs. T. F. Kirkham, Mr. and" Mrs. 1. and Mrs. Herbert If yon have any news of hv M. Davis, Mr. Lake City, Mrs. J. R. Goodwin and children are :: Lehl :: Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Curtis, terest, any advertising, any jok several weeks visiting with Miss Thelma Evans and John Worl- Mrs. F. D. Worlton, Mr. and Mrs. M. spending Green. Fountain or want anything is in relatives printing ton of Salt Lake City, were guests of S. Lott, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Worlton, the Mr. printing line. Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Worlton, Thursday Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Worlton and Cassel Wllles and Bert Wright reMitchell. Servie with a rmilt. R. D. and Mrs. and Friday. turned home Saturday from Montpeller : : : : Lehi where they have been employed, shearMrs. Clarene Qulnn, daughter, MarMr. and Mrs. Booth Sorenson entergaret and son, Jay left for tehtr home tained at Saratoga, Thursday evening, ing sheep. : : Lehl : : For Efficient Printing in Independence, Missouri, Monday, In honor of Mrs. Elmer Peterson and Amof Osterloh Mark Mr. and Mrs, following a two weeks visit with rela- Mrs. Sentell Young of California, who See erican Fork, moved to Lehl this week tives and friends In Lehl. were visiting Lehl relatives. Dainty to Osterloh H. of E. the take care LEHI FREE PRESS luncheon and swimming were enjoyed home in their absence. Anderson B. and Mrs. spent Mr. A., by Mr. R, J. Evans and daughter, : Lehi : Telephone 8-Sunday in Salt Lake City with the Helen, of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mrs. F. D. Worlton and son, Dean, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Evans, Evans Holmstead, Leo Ball, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. with ill is pneuAnderson who very Freda Peterson, Ralph Harris, Mrs. of Salt Lake City, Satur Worlton J. monia. Jennie Nostrum, Mr. and Mrs. Heber C. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pow- day. :: Lehl :: Dr. and Mrs, M. A. Da Hon and ers, the guests of honor and the Sorenl Coates of Salt Lake City, Miss Ethel of Oakland, son family, three little daughters 227 280 45c i0 was a Sunday guest of her parents, 226 Calfornia, arrived In LeW, Thursday 245 Mrs. Jennie Nostrum and Mrs. Annie J5e 60c Mr. and Mrs. Luther Coates, for a visit with friends and relatives. Webb entertained Bee Hive girls 224 7k 171 50c :: Lehi :: Dalton's Mrs. par- at the home of Mrs. Nostrum They are guests of low. Others Friday vortlonately Miss Lela Dunsdon of Salt Lake ents, Bishop and Mrs. S. I. Goodwin. Your Old Tubes Tested FREE. evenng. Those present were: Clarice is vacation at her the spending Beth City, Martha Larson, Fitzgerald, deliveries. Free calls Mr. Art Paxman and Miss Lillian Thrasher, Emma Simms, May Stras-bur- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dunsdon. Morrison who are attending summer Marie Lott, Ila Webb, Nola : : Lehl : : school at the B. Y, U. at Provo were Clark and Myrl Fagan. LEHI, UTAH Misses Arleen Norlne Fox PHONE 47-Goodwin, week-en- d guests of Mr. and Mrs. FreeGail Webb, Lexie Bateman. and Reva man Royle. Build Lehl, not another town. Goates formed a party to Saratoga, KENTUCKY Friday evening. A laugh will get more business tow Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thurman and BURLEY TOBACCO LEHI Mrs. Howard Lott motored to Idaho a serious, heavy attempt to gain aMrs. Sterling Durrant and children Falls. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thurttention. "Direct From Grower To You" man for a visit nnd Mrs, Lott to join Old Kentucky Burley Tobacco Is the of American Fork, were visitors at the cream of the finest crops Kentucky's James H Gray home, Thursday and her husband who is employed there. bountiful soil can produce - ripe, rich Friday leaves - smootn ana meiiow - witn : r Mrs R. B. Worlton entertained the that Lehi : : rare flavor and Mrs. Mrs. social club at her home Thursday. and Mark Dalton, Mrs. Dr. that only proper "aging" fragrance Marie Austin, won high score prize can produce. We bank on it you have Claud Curtis, LaPriel and Arleen and Mrs. Sadie Southwick, consolation. never tasted or smoked a finer flavor-p- d. Goodwin formed a Saratoga party more satisfying tobacco in all your Special guests were Mrs. I. M. Davis, life. Monday evening. L: : Worlton, Mrs, Margaret Mrs. W. Lehi : : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coulam were Jirkham and Mrs. F. D. Worlton. Salt Lake visitors Sunday. Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Slater of Doris Broomhead of Salt Lake, who FIVE POUNDS have spent the past week at the Colorado, visited with Mr. and Mrs. SMOKING Chase Featherstone a few days last Coulam home, accompanied them. TOBACCO week. Mr. Slater will be remember : : Lehl : : ed as one of the riders that preformed Misses Pearl and Jessie Fritz of at the last rodeo held in Lehl. Salt Lake, returned home Sunday fol: :: Lehi lowing a month's visit with their Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McM...urrin, sister, Mrs. Bert Wright and ther Rich, Ripe, Old Fashioned Leaf Mrs. Rulon McMurrin and two childOur Old were Kentucky Burley is no more garndfather, Mr. J. T. Jackson. ren of Los Angeles. California, like manufactured tobacco than day is : : Lehi : : guests at the W. S. Evans home, like night - guaranteed free from Mrs. S. F. Littleford and Mrs. Grant chemicals and all other adulterations Thursday. that conceal Imperfections, delude the Littleford spent a few days the past :: Lehl INSURANCE COUNSELOR Mr. and Mrs. Junius Banks, Mr. and sense of taste and undermine tlie week visiting relatives and friends In Sold health. Pleasant Grove. Cheapest and Best Insurance Mrs. Freeman Roylea nd Miss May- We use the same method our grand:: Lehl :: metta Royle attended the sacrament fathers used In preparing tobacco for LEHI, UTAH even Mr. and own use their Mrs. Cedar trace H. E. Osterloh at of harsh every Fort, "Sunday meeting ness leaves it - - nothing to "bite"' were pleasantly surprised ing, Mr. Banks was the speaker ot your tongue or parch your taste. flight by neighbors and friends Tuesday two the evening and Mrs. Royle sang wishing Thousands ot tobacco lovers the world vocal solos. over swear by Its inmitable smoking them a very successful trip to California. :: Lehl :: and chewing qualities, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gough and family REDUCE YOCR : : Lehl : : 1A We sell LOST 1 Steel Square, return of Salt Lake City, spent a few days in visitors BILL Sunday rect at the Luther Coates M. L. from Taylor. Reward. Lehl the past week visiting with Mr. the grower home were: Mrs. Carrie Free, Miss this Mr. and W eliminates and the C. James Mrs. cents Gough eighteen a Jaunita Free and Mr. Denver, all of and LIME FOR SALE Suitable pound Revenue Tax - all manufacMrs. Bert Gray and other relatives turers' White Washing, and middlemen's profit thereby Ashton, Idaho, Mrs. Pearl Bonneru Plastering, FMl and friends. They returned home effecting a saving to or and two children of Nampa, Idaho, and Work and Disinfectin s. Andrew you of 50 more. No fancy packages, no deco- Miss Jenevleve Perry of Salt Lake Thursday eveniner. rations, just quality and lots of It. :: Lehl :: City. The S. I. Goodwin family met in a FOR SALE CHEAP Good 3 bu"" :: Lehl :: MONEY SAVING PRICE of home Dr. Gasoline Stove, Ice Box, medium family reunion at the Mrs. Elmer Jackson, Mrs. 5 lbs. Can PMOKING SunPhyllis Send us Goodwin Park One at . I. City, Harold Model T Ford Coupe, Show and ttii.i. on for SB Dollar Cash "'" "cock and son, Dick, are visitintr dinner chicken delicious a Stools, where 3 day, Lunch Counter Cases, CHEWING Idah0 F!"s with Mrs. o. or Ex-,- n P. 2 S. I. Jackson, was enjoyed by Bishop and Mrs. press Money daughter, Mrs. Glenn Wilkenson her Caah Register. E. H. Osterloh. . Goodwin, Thelma, Arleen and LaPriel Order (no personal checks) and wT,,, ill inn ll rtlffff. sun, aui . : . a- I've Paper Hanging, Paper Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Curtis will nrnmntlv pouna --Lof "Burley Tobacco."' dW ehl :: Calsomining and Painting and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph pnekage Five pounds of Old Kentucky Burley HutdiM Mrs. Ethel Peterson Dalton of Los M. A. Goodwin, Dr. and Mrs. Angeles, reasonable prices. Ralph will make 40 large packages of smokCalifornia, who has been a guest of State Street, Lehi. and three children of California, and ing or 5' twists of chewing. her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. J, Evans, Dr. and Mrs. H. I. Goodwin and The Lehi .Free Press is the r the past two 35 weeks, returned In cents sets J daughters. silver and RpSend paper printed in Lehi which ' will ship Postpaid - one home Friday. :: Lehl :: prints their ads, etc., in Lem:: Lehi :; Dick Evans, Roland Tidd, Rn eldon pound of Burley Tobacco as a trial A offer. will 6 trial convince Evans. you. The Relief Society Stake Board met Goates, Kpith nnd S?t,,r,ln Butter Wrappers printed at We have thousand of requests" at daily Don Leslie Hansen. Ronald Trice, Saratoga Friday, where they held 100. Anytime. Why be satlsfi for "Samples'' our margin of profit Alired and Ersel Fagan, returned home Is so small we cannot comply with their regular board meeting. Follow- anything but the best ing the meeting the board members Tuesday from Chinook, Montana, these requests. We da not ship C. O. D. orders to do whore they have spent the past month bathing and a dainty luncheon. The selling urge of good &Wi so would require a large staff of clerks ' : : employed In the sugar beet fieldss. : : Lehi influences Orders mttst In be people whether English language The boys report a pleasant trip but Theodore Mahas of Clearfield what to buy and where to a IMOEPENDENT all seem pleased to be hack In Utah. TABACoO returned home Saturday, TYPEWRITER No. 5 U" having spent Lehl other the boys also el the report They past month visiting with his grand- Good Condition. Priced to GROWERS ASSOCIATION tf In Chinook, well and working. parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Littleford Call bargain. Real A McCLURE BLDG., FRANKFORT, KY. :: Lehl : Lehl Mon-Jar- Lehi, Utah 8-- W Mrs. 29 f WANT ADS . PR NT j LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES FORM LETTERS CIRCULARS HANDBILLS UJJ -- BUSINESS CARDS STATEMENTS Lehi Free Press Set and Printed in Lehl Build Lehi, Not Another Town en-Joy- ed 8-- |