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Show hp i he Lehi Fre Press - 1 T1 The City's Only , MllwliMMMMWMMMWMMWWMMMMMBBBMBBWBfMMWMiMMMMiMMMMMMiMMl " THURSDAY. JUNE 29. 1933 No. 46 LEHI CITY. TITAH ' f'liU,W" N ewspaper Home-Owne- d - . TO CELEBRATE EHI STAKE OUTING SUCCESS- JULY 4TH FUL AND EDUCATIONAL arrangements have been made for a celebration for Lehi ,iet 4th of July 4 the CluzeiiH ai e ciiucr unaoie resorts vna the larger cele itions scheduled for the day, or do The City Band will , rare to. the mornin Taken the citizens in under direction of ,h lively music Lj.Al)e Anderson. At 11 o'clock an will be given on the rti air program with comfortable seats arranged ljt JieshaSd for tne citizens comiort. jjy of ttend prayer Voca! IB Wat-buthl- ! ! Harold Johnson. Ward Christofferson. Nola Comer. solo Cornet solo Vocal act STAKE .CHOIR PRArrirp r KID AY IN HIGH SCHOOL Band. Beading Band. Milan Allred. Direction Mrs. Lula Selection Musical solo jaxaphone trio Vocal All Lehi Stake Choir members are asked to be present Friday at evening 8 o'clock at the high school auditorium for choir practice. Smith. Ma solo YocAl Abraham Anderson. Hershel Manning. fat Prayer Rodney Allred. The committee suggest that those ho wish could spend an enjoyable fayt-inch hour by bringing a basket lunch pel rjj eating at the park and enjoying a in? fecial hour with friends from 12 to 2. i i o'clock a splendid program of lord for all ages with cash prizes Id' a candy shower for the kiddies. There will be ladies balloon race, it ladies race, men's sack race, Lies shoe race, men's shoe race. Idies nail hammering and sawing a 5- talnser. mi lb Lt-hl'- a Cha plain, Mr. E B. Garrett. number Direction Mrs. Sadie ilusical BOYS KNOCKED FROM HORSE BY AUTO TUESDAY ON STATE ROAD Vocal solo Accordian solo LeRoy Roberts, 8, and Glen Roberts, of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Roberts miracuously Escaped injury here when they were knocked from 11, sons riding horseback on the side of the State Highway Tuesday about 9:30 p. m. by Joseph Boels 23, of Provo. Boels was driving with poor lights due to generator trouble and did not see the horse. Upon striking the horse the boys were thrown into the path of the car but Boels was able to stop before hitting them. The horse's leg latest. was badly broken, and Marshal and boys boys hobblo race, girls Christofferson who Investigated, acker race, girls sack race, boys that the only thing to do to reheel barrow race and races for kld-le- s its lieve misery was to kill it. This of all ages with cash prizes for was done. I de-tid- n TONY MARCONI IRA DERN vs. TONY MARCONI With 2 other Wrestling Bouts a nd 2 Boxing Matches at Saratoga Tonight. SARATOGA WRESTLING LEHI ve FREE PRESS TO CHANGE DAY OF ISSUE MATCHES SHOW GREAT FUTURE Beginning next week, the Lehi Free Bill Longson, of Salt Lake won two Press will change the day of publiout of three falls over Fred Spiers, also of Salt Lake, in the second bout ot cation from Thursday to Friday and the wrestling match at 'he open air will mail the papers on Friday each arena at Saratoga Resort last Thurs- week following. We are making this change, due to day evening, when he applied the airmany requests by our readers and adto In win third the decision spin plane are also being made at the city ball HAZEL PHILLIPS RECEIVES irk at 4 p. m. BEE HIVE SCRAPBOOK 9 minutes. Longson took the first fall vertisers. The committee We would like all notices and local in charge Is: Mrs. after 10 minutes with a flying tackle. of news possible phoned or sent to our fcith Evans, chairman; Miss Hazel Phillips, daughter Mrs. Rula took a with second the step Spiers Jorton, Mrs. I. L. Lott and Mrs. Sadie Mr. and office not later than noon on ThursMrs, A, J. Phillips of Lehi over toe hold In eight minutes. Ashley Arrangements a baseball ir game iusson. JOY INJURED BY MOWING MACHINE THURSDAY Colledge, 9, son of Mr. and John Colledge, received painful lid serious injury to his leg at his toe Thursday Mr. Colledge Ralph re, evening. las mowing lad to look First Ward, was awarded first place in Lehi Stake, Bee Hive classes for the best scrapbook finished this year in Bee Hive work. Miss Elsie Hogan of the General Board examined the Lehi girls scrapwere books good while the books and the girls had in most cases, not exthe plained the pictures representing different cells to be filled. The general board have outlined a scrap book as a gude to the Bee Hive girls to use as a model for the coming year's work. The stake officers were well pleased in with the number of books handed this year but state that all books must be handed in on time next year. alfalfa and turned his at the field when Ralph Pme Interested In a bird and ran petty in front of the mower blade. p akle was partly severed, the two fain tendons on the Instep being cut FThePart of the bone cut Into. only thing that saved the boys p from being entirely severed was and Mr. and Mrs. Orson Godfrey 'act that, as soon as Mr. Colledge show the attend to invited are or P the boy he was able to stop the atfamily Royal Theotre on Friday the ,rsS at once. Lehi the of latest From reports Saturday nights as guest ph Is doing as well as possible.. Press and Royal, managers, 16 Free Get It At Larsens If it's to eat, get it at Larsen Bros. Everything For The 4th Picnic You can ALWAYS get the best selection of choice Meats and Groceries at our store. GROCERIES MEATS SEASONABLE FRUITS Smith of the IT. of U. and Del Kunkel, A. U. wrestled in the introductory match for a draw in thirty minutes. Pat Flaniean, Boston favorite, won the third match with a second fall and a third deolson due to Jack Albright, of New York being unable to return after the second fall. Albright took the first fall with a leg cradle In 14 minutes; Flanigan, the second with a hook scissors, In 8 minutes. Smith and Kunkel of the 150 pound class put up thirty minutes of fast clean wrestling, with no rough stuff, but it took the big fellows to wake up the sport fans and make the ring side fans move back, out of the way. Longson and Spiers of the 215 lb. class and Flannigan and Albright, also of the 215 lb. class showed the fans plenty of grit, and fight In their matches. It was not uncustomary for one man to leave the ring, going through or over the ropes, according to his opponents choice, but which ever lit down on the ringside seats came back with plenty well of fiKht. Albright was pretty knocked out following the second fall; but will be back tonight to give the crowd another thrill, Longson's airplane spin for the third fall was plenty good, according to the fans present. These McCullough's boys from the Salt Lake Arena, open up in great shape In the open air arena at the resort and are not afraid to get a little rouph. They give the crowd three times the amusement in price of admission in about 30 seconds of fast grabbing, diving, twisting and pitching. Longson and Albright should give the crowds a thrill tonk'ht as well as Ira Dern nnd Tony Marconi who are the main feature of the evening. day, sooner if possible. A DAVID A. TIDWELL PASSES AWAY TUESDAY of David A. Tidwell, 66, a resident Tuesday local in a hospital died Lehi, He was brought two weeks treatment to Salt Lake for at GREEN VEGETABLES, Etc. 8 p. m. of dropsy. j j COURT NEWS Frank W. Shelledy, 65 of Salt Lake City, ns fined $50 or a term of fifty days in Jail on an intoxication charge here Tuesday morning by City JudKe G. A. Wall. He paid the $50 dollar fine. Shelledy was picked up about 11 p. m. Monday night by City Marshal Alex Christofferson after an auLoist had reported his poor driving to the marshal. Shelledy's auto when stopped by the marshal had a bent front wheel and fender which could not be explained, except that Shelledy said that it seemed to him like he went between a truck and an auto someplace along the road. PHONE 17 STREET LEHI, UTAH step-childre- n. I 'ill' or 10 days with sentence suspended providing he leaves Lehi City, Utah County anl the State of Utah for at least one year. If he Is caught in the state during that time the sentence will be enforced. "Yes . . A KELVINATOR It's Really 4 Refrigerators In 1" MISS PHYLLIS KIRKHAM OPENS KINDERGARTEN Miss Phyllis Kirkham and Laura Lee Parker of Logan, have opened a kindergarten for children from 3 to 5 years at the Primary Building this irkhnm is a. graduate of week. Mi.-4the Utah Agricultural ami College has taken a siKoial course in kindergarten work .tt the Palmer lnstitue at Detroit, Michlg.'in. last winter. Miss Parker has iilso taken kindergarten training at the Utah Agricultural College the past year. Miss Kirkham has enrolled twenty- three little tots, the past week and ex-- ! pects a large number to enter this week. This is an excellent chance for Lehi mothers to enroll their small children under capable leaders for a very small charge. . . s ! ' j j j urged present That is one of the nice things about buying a Deluxe Model Kelvinator you get complete refrigeration 4 refrigerators in the one cabinet four separate anrl distinct temperatures each necessary for complete refrigeration and each fully automatic. And Kelvinator actually costs no more than other good electric refrigerators. For Further Information Call LEHI 78 Convenient Terms of Course. ago. in Nephl, but j Mr. Tidwell was born he had lived for the last several years MISSIONARY WIVES AND Fork. In Spanish in Thl and PARENTS MEETING1 and He is survived by four sons, Roy The MiBsIonary Wives and Parents of Los Angeles; Tidwell Holland will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Robert Tidwell of Wyoming, 1 one daughter, Max Rothe, Thursday, June 29, (to-Thomas Tidwell of Lehi; 8 o'clock. All members are at night) Creek Mrs Hazel Ballard of Trail to be Mont.; and four Buy 4 Refrigerators Mr. Williams of California, the man convicted of steallngjgas last Wednesday in the local court was fined $10 , MAIN The Lehi stake outing at Saratoga Johnson, troop J; second place, Fred for mj passed into history yesterday Person, twP I thlr1 Plce, Russell as the most colorful, educational and Schow, troop 5. I BUCCe&sfui Of IDT Vi Rope spinning First place, Bruce tlmnl Lelil Slake troop 1; second place, Grant turned Evan", out by iiple Russell auto and bus load and popu- - Evans, troop 1, third place lation w;i small indeed on Wednesday ' Scnow trooP ng Knot Tying First place, Val afternoon, for with picnic lunches and Richard nd kins Mitchell, nulls packed, all who possibly place, nJ tn,rd Place, toop t. could go, were on the lawns at Sara- -' trooP toga, running races, playing ball or! Hot cake cooking First place, Cecil Zimmerman, troop I; second, place. greeting friends. The swimming events were enjoyed Ar,and I;usHoni troop 4; third place, by all and a large crowd finshed a troo' 8' Flr1 Aid First place, Del Peterson, "perfect day." dancing to the music of the Greater Melodlans. troop 3; second place "Wilson Lott. The Boy Scouts bonfire program of tro,'P l- - tlllld P,ace tr0P ' Message relay Troop 1 first place: Tuesday night, with approximately! sixty boys between the age of 12 and troop Bl P"c; nd tr0OP 15. full of fun, pep and p,ac vitality was an ,thlr1 Swimming First place, Lynn Hun appropriate Introduction for the da to follow. The boys with their lead ter, troop 4; second place, Clyde Morers and dads spent the night beneath gan, troop 6; third place, Richard the stars, altho not niany of the boys Mitchell, troop 2. wanted to sleep until Just before it wu Diving Junior Carson, first place, time to get up at 6 a. in. the big duy troop 1; Clyde Morgan, second place, troop 5. began. At 8: IS the boys had completed their Pennants were awarded to troop winbreakfasts and their field event began ners, and medals for the Individuals, la to tMe place, and continued until 11:30 the afternoon, at S:30 o'clock. a. m. Troop S won the Urge pennant for most was won points of the day, and troop 4 Marching by troop 4; second place by troop 2; third place by won second place pennant. Baseball and horseshoe pitching troop J. Handicraft First place by Val proved popular sport during the after Watklns of troop 5; second place, Rus-a- el noon. Girls Introduced play Schow of troop 5; third place, The Bee-Higames. troop4. ground Harmonica solo First place, Fred Pierson of troop 5; second place, LOWER POSTAGE COMING Mileg Shepherd of troop 2. Signaling Semaphore First place, Washington, June 22 (U. P.) A Merlin Loverldge of troop 6; second letter for delivery In the same city or place, Donald Tate, troop 1. town In which It Is mailed will require Signaling Morse Code First place, only a two cent stamp on July 1 and MIKon Russon, troop 4; second place, after. The rate on mall for outside Wllliard Loverldge, troop 6. destinations will continue at three Tent pitching First place, troop 6. cents. second plaoe, troop 2; third place I If yon trust to luck for anything ire cy Friction Flrat place, Robert you will be lucky if you get it SPECIALTY DEPARTMENT State Street Lehi, Utah |