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Show Its iay. June 29, 1933 fHE LEHI FREE PRESS Farm and Home N ews Furnishd by Utah County TV -- iie slate r.ned this sni counties hive ''I'r.alions Kile eat. ill recog-s:ta- n and maJi at- to fight f.j CLUB NOTES ... at t- i 1 chtruii-kl- i ..r ... Thursday, June 29. 1933 jjt-.-r- y V... in the future. rpid:y. It is during this stag- - of its Previous ti the naasleUis coat se- development that .damage to corn k) quence In "Movie Crazy" which done. the new Uuga-aiakln- g When figures. Lloyd the worms lea we re rc;frsin at me home ju o res fully grown Winn, Tut-sdifiern.on ratl t!s greatest series of continuous the . . tar. out L by uually .1 boring I.... through ITU. t, 4 s spent in sewing on pro- uui mere are "r Uughtr, the football scenes and the the bucks, and drops to the ground. It cases f complete elimination o:k. Refreshments were served. tastd suit CTH01) GIVEN FOR ' episodes in the "Frrsh-niaa- .' the soil and bores down to a hat L u have Lbt ' etn observed from this brush on in., PREPARING POULTRY . Becllon tu "move process. S .r depth of from one to nine inches, 1 FOR CANNING anv i, 17., mt- Makrrs Club met kt the Ia "Movie Craby." one ga rolls into Ht-r- pupation takes ,iiay quesuon whether i ,i j panicle place. During ' f,rot'fs has een beneficial; lso, ' of Mriba street. Thursday even another, and to the aatisfied aniaie-inw- it this it ia very delicate'and belp-Ic-iit has tatien the responsibil- - '"-- f ?nd started on the on of poultry for older ,rye" t. proii-cthe preparaU second In of Lloyd, neither dialogue nor ' When the changes have been . the baU from the individual seven important brown m.Va' ,Uh and pajamas. i"1'- - arc Delicious music Is heard in the entire ball room , which usually take about completed, U nw the hands f fat refreshments were served according to Miss Elna Miller, Ufore situation, which runs virtually the 14 days, the moth emerge jarS" nutritionist of the Utah Flour Luld indiidI. . has length of an entire reel. from the soil . . 1 m i n is mat K n n hi "otu .if. on as resu!U The Senior LV.uble D .cause a stale flavrr t a , Club en I There are three, among the numera Agr'cunuriU ojicgc The control of this pest lies mostly the P in comes that the state tertained their leaned chicken "gere they are: partners at an outing ous laugh factions In ''Movie Crazy." in land can counties destroying the pupae In the soil no in the . . before! on American longer 7 Kill poultry Fork Canyon, Monday which stand out In relief, and It Is goday , Tf carry t ' me : . Datt a e is its delictate and helpless in dps during fV.;,...i " ana -evening. The group enjoyed a deliol ing to be difficult to find any two perg. Kpmnve learners i" "i g0jcook the chicken until ltnatr. inf.JtJ TiW period. move rT- -i nsinir a liehted candle. , lmoof r U3 Kuppr, rollowed t.y a treasure rons who will agree as to which ls the This consists of three practices: nor can they nay hunt, games and a bonfire program. funniest. raeatr"""-- at a P Wsh the surface of the chicken S.15 ,ot , taxes unless they are cleaned Rotation. Do not plant corn on (1) Those and were: ana w warm. up present Dean Mrs. UdalL . ... . There la a test scene which for The nnl v ol,.,.i.. xrofhly qujiy, y -same ground two years la succee-o- n. the prKiuction- Inei and olti.. Lucille a soft brush. procesintr u" f cfi and Vater, Johnson, using and Emily novelty h laughs, will be difficult iBS'J . i the problem pall f , Bertha Powell. Beth Butterfleld, Beth to surpass; the (2) Deep weekly cultivations, v w uuve .meat. is bv means poultry or othori' coat . , magician's Ease in ciear wm Li;.Mr fall plowing to destroy the r'-ui(1) Deep t7i 1UI III Mavis l lurrer. m ana S Elda Nelson piode and the fight which cUmaxes Johnson, coia cooker which is n piunge """m.jr jl traces of soap, proper order. Miss ProCTam that will, if possible, elimin- - and Jennie Walker of Pleasant of last generation. the If these eggs u the Grove, one of which would '. llu " story, any . ter. . 'liner warns. AW .i... L ., three J means pro-practices are used the corn ear Aita teunderland, Carl Evans, Ralph have been, sufficient to carry a feature innoi weeds, it in cold place from 12 to ces,ed at a t worm can usually be kept under f 240 f dilch-ban- k treatment; and Arthur PowelL Ueber, Dale and length comedy to successful results. uLrs remove the animal heat F F' fe"Ce HneS' Horace HadflelcL remVal f make James is L? available Edwards, refrigerator f tlVati"- Wayne Sunderland and Eldred Fox. WARNING TO CLEAN-U- P 7 "r J,VSSw Process may be done in j a '"it ls evident that a year's clean The young people were chaperoned by A SHORT SESSION, PLEASE Processhours PLACES OF PEST BREEDING Sea ing canned poultry writ n cultivation will aliminotA fkn , Mrs. Bi3hop William and """-il,,,Had field so and that they sion Service at Tmon AND ODOR NUSIANCES Remove entrails -. i Now, when our state government Is only a. iiKiwn 01 me"7 iana Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson. in their enclosing mem- intact in the state under cultvation, the injjnan confronted with the need for further : : : : Lehi The City Health Committee appeals NICOTINE SULPHATE festation is reaching out far beyond curtailments In expenditures, even In The Bee Club under their Busy ' lead clean-u- p into sections, rinse 5 Cut chicken any possible its necessary functions; when the asREPELLS DOGS, CATS the cultivated areas especially along er Miss Phyllis Smith, were entertain to every one to - and to eliminsource for breedingpest the streams, which makes the battle ed by Mi33 Marlam Lott at the home sessed valuation of taxable property ate places of stenches and bad odors. Gardeners who are troubled with 1' 'k to be everlasting. has established a new low level; and of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. S, Several complaints about chicken cats and Jogs may Forces must be gathered in relent- Lott Wednesday. The keep them from girls spent the runs and hog pens have been made. when tax delinquency In every section of the state has reached ominous running over flower beds and ruining less vigilance to hold the lines and to afternoon sewing pajamas Tou people know who the offenders shrubbery, by spraying the plants keep at least the good, irrigated lands the express proportions, taxpayers are please clean them up or we wlll with nicotine sulphate, of the state free from weeds and that leadership In both houses or hope The Double D 4H Club held their be forced to make according to personal Investispecialists of the United States De- capable of clean crop production. meeting Thursday and divided Into gations and insist on these things be- the legislature will see to it that the The state department of Agricul- two groups. business of the special session will be) partment of Agriculture. The ftrla In tha first taken care ot ture will help; the Farm Bureau has group are, Beth Butterfleld, Lucille ing Such a spray solves the conducted with dispatch and promptproblem This is the fly and pest season very neatly as cats and dogs don't like a weed eradication program; the Ex- Johnson, Ines Johnson and Bertha carriers of filth and disease. Please ness. This could be achieved If our legisthe odor of nicotine. They give it a tension Service will give its best ef- Powell. They served breakfast to the do your share to eliminate them. between now and the opening wide berth. Their sense of smell is fort, but these forces are not suffici- second group girls who are, lators, Emily City Board of Health. of the would prepare and Inso much keener than that of a human ent without a session, program Powell, Mrs. Helen Udall, Beth Turner themselves upon and agree the among best formally effort AJta of each and individual the that Sunderland being The girls are METHOD TO CONTROL spray can be diluted so course detailed of action on a farmerdefinite, tinder will be the it inoffensive Mrs. of to Jennie leadership A long bare room, with any person. CORN EAR WORM the or named subjects, subject, by the Nicotine sulphate is widely used as Johnson, beamed ceiling and paneled Mr. and Mrs S. E. Littleford and candle-lighte- d Governor. behind a The an walls; second group then cooked and By J. C. Hogenson, U. S. A. C. Exteninsecticide. When it is diluted and on, Jack, Mrs. S. F. Littleford and altar a towering figure in debates and discusLong drawn-ou- t served breakfast to the first group, benefits' the plants it applied properly sion Agronomist. black robe and hood; below, Mrs. and son, be would sions Roy, Grant Littleford dispensed with and all and doesn't injure the buildings, walls Memberslp fees were also collected. The control of the corn ear worm Is extaneous on the step of the dais, two and home would be excluded, matter returned Wanda, daughter, or walks. It can be purchased at seed 0 a rather difficult problem because It attendants; befrom Montpelier, Idaho, Saturday, with result the that the financial burfore the altar, ten initiates and fertilizer stores in packages EVANS REUNION ENJOYED cannot be handled by spraying with wnere In Mr. em. involved Liittierord call would be so den been the has in pure white, blindfolded BY A LARGE CROWD any kind of chemical poison. labeled with directions for diluting not to aggravate an alas and with hands bound; beployed shearing sheep. negligible and applying or at the county agriculWhen Its life cycle Is undestood, hind them ten yellow-robe- d ready serious economic situation. It The David Evans family gathered office tural Provo at cost. at however, its control becomes a rather would furnish- sponsors; farther back, an Mrs. William Ritter and Mrs. from Salt Lake, Mldvale, California, simple, though continuous, process. outer ring of watchers; and Because the spray evaporates in Mahaa of Clearfield, returnAN INSPIRING EXAMPLE OP WISH American Independence, Mlssonrl; by the dim doorway a solitime and will be washed off by rain, Margaret The adult of the corn ear worm ls ECONOMY IN GOVERNMENT ed from the a at fishlngr Saturday Silence in trip tary guard gray. Fork, Ogden, Spanish Fork. Cotton a moth which lays Its eggs at random it will have to be renewed about once and flickering shadows . . . head of Weber River. While Uiere wood and Lehi, at the First Ward on any part of the corn plant, One in two weeks and after any heavy or Impressive as was the It is not necessary to use a net to they visited with relatives and friends Saturday evening at 5 o'clock, in female moth lays about 1000 eggs durtableau of initiation at Mu long rain. Livestock should not be and catch a flying rumor. and family reunion. a successful report very Beta Sigma it was nevertheling a period of about 12 days. permitted to graze on vegetaton that pleasant trlp ess normal and prearranged. Lunch was served, cafeteria style on There are usually from one to four has been sprayed with nicotine Lehi :: Then suddenly another Actor Cheap wedding rings often seem to the lawn of the chapeL In a year, depending upon generations sulphatetook part; an actor invisible .the best results. Miss Jeanne Coleman, Carol Proctor get Following lunch the group adjourn the length of the worm season. and deadly, who instantly-madand Cliloe Fife of Logan, are In ed to the amusement hall where The eggs hatch in about eight days they child's play of the solWEEDS Black ravens are brave, they never Chicago, staying at the Royal Plaza enjoyed the following program. The after they are deposited. After hatchemn ceremony and left horshow sum the white feather. are temnts. attending Apai They ror in its place. six children of the late Bishop Evans, ing the worm enters the ear and grow The weed problem is an important mer school at tne How did the Intruder enuniversity 01 present, were given an escort and one and especially right now, before ter? Or was he there all the Chicago. They will visit the World's nuirched around the hall and each in time, beneath a brother's many of our weeds go to seed. Thru Fair and points of interest. troduced to the assembled kinsmen hood? And why did he the south end of the county the farms Lehi A tableau of the small children of strike? are covered with White Top and seed Cooper and lone the family was formed presenting the Mrsi Josephine These are the questions to prevention is about the only way were Salt Lake visitors, "Future Family Association.'' that challenged Detective Erickson handle these large areas- Utah count- Tuesday. Tommy Rankin, the same Prayer William King, determined ies weed problems is important that Tommy who :: Lehi :: 'America' by the congre Sons to he nuts had hard thought have no finances to fieht them Mrs. Margaret B'ek, Mrs. Sarah gation. crack in The Strange Disis a ' It from the county stand point. Tlerrv Mr3. Josephine Cooper, lone appearance of Mary Young Two musical number3 D. J. Thur- matter of loyalty to fight these Erickson and Lela Smith were Provo, and The Boudoir Murder. Every care that has gone to modern designing In nian family. Here's a tougher one yet! fields of architecture and home furnishings has farms. own the on our weeds visitors, Friday. Two vocal solos Mrs. Lillian Nelson matched by that designing of modern plumbbeen Dieetor William Peterson of the :: Lehi :: of Midvale. In the smarter type of home there fixtures. A. C, Extension Servce has an ining DUST! DUST! DUST! Minutes were read and reports of is which found will be on weeds, plumbing furnishings that give to the teresting article the committtee given. an bathroom Lehi impression of surprising charm, of follows: the Free In last week's issue given as Mrs. E. J. Roberts reported on her where we have been accustomed to accept utility. One old philosopher has said that Press an article appeared called Dust, research work in Washington D. C. are A visit to our store will be of interest as indicating Dust, which said that the citizens of opposing forces to one's progress Song Margaret and Jay Qulnn and and to the newer fashions in plumbing. integrity eat dust Arva Tht were beine forced a test of one's ability Watch for the opening Wing. on was it life. PRICES LOWEST NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Just neglect to cope with needlessly and Reports from different members of chapter for you will be Let Us Give You An Estimate On Your Plumbing Weeds are certainly an opposing some one's part. We would like to the family on of the intensely interested in or Repair Work It's FREE. force to successful crop production say this, that there are citizens living family. following the mysterious, Goates. and the battle is on. Are we losing in Lehi on the heaviest traveled street Calvin Reading lines rebaffling action. that have never had their street or gaining? Are the front Piano solo Matilda Slade. weed of patch sprinkled, regardless of how many Comic Stunt and Song Mrs. A. E. treating from the edge will go times they have asked or how many Manning and Mrs. Sara Taylor. or are they holding and again sent In. PLUMBING and HEATING forward signed petitions have been Speech President Wallace Hodge of Wiltehouse Linen Finish heavy in for farms dust PHONE 23 the eaten have over who When you As one travels California, LEHL UTAH pht stationery, 24 sheets of paper the state of Utah, one cannot help but only five or six weeks this year are Election of officers. STATE STREET envelopes to match for 25c at thousands of willing to eat dust for twenty years us the with William Wing. be impressed Prayer Free Press. adv. to the grow we have done, and allow us to use Following the program the evening acres of good land given some water on our street for twenty was spent In dancing. ing of weeds in to turn It the beginning of agriculture The following officers were elected years we will be willing would like we been time a prehave For weeds to you. back some the coming year President, James for the state, to stimulate fair play. enough Bountiful; First Evans, certainily sent; should some people have all the Mrs. E. J. Roberts; Second Vlce-lesaction. Such weeds as Why and integrity 'thlnsrs in life? We are told dent, Evans Anderson; Honorary Vice, pigweeds, purslane, pover Well you have etc., country. free Is a America Hnndelions, grass, Mrs. Rose Backer; Secretary and 1 look-- ; me, are show to wlll Treasurer, Miss May Lott; Rps.virch, become so common that they sets 1 U ? 1 M associates in the There have been two or three Mrs. E. J. Roberts; Historian, Mrs. ed upon as constant lnclud out, and in A. Mr.i. attacked of city fathers go Condolence, been i Willes; Christie have They gardenss. M hoed up a, ing that many mayors. B. Anderson; Entertainment, with certain procedure; and Signed, ( Lott and family. thev came through the ground there citizen taxpaying eating dust xow Another season. disappeared for the new "MOVIE CRAZY" LAUGHS -- form effort a has come PPTTVTON HELD and RUN INTO ALL-TIM- E (rm.nlls i , and more p nweriui, Mi'LENGTH 01 u 1 1 n. A form UU in S the tA it... . rondel enemy a running mi weed ,ith of the family or a of J rt Lloyd Smashes Traditions in Making About one hundred descendants , p1I entrench. close friend 1 ho roo rein another a system. Mirthful Uproars Magician Scene the wllson Fox enjoyed family ill. is New conunut and e,l worried You're Funniest. Jty s,irat0ga, Saturday. . relieve your cut up if now surface genealogical family worry y. It's telephoning. 'fence lines, comml;ee were elected, a program The longest series of big laughs ever ick, personal and cha social and in one motion picture seluncheon lTrai ro a from ditch credited to Harold Lloyd's are pr,8ent quence, the situation "Movie Crazy," with . , state. l.uest - (. thp ways, uniu production, a cuiiimu..--.imi to beindivid from an Constance Cummlngs, the first the u in released of has art comedian the or program, spectacled Diplomacy is tact, hearing a high e 4 and 5 ml ,p a moi LUrtPW comes July which Distance two years, Long over out of tight places. L spreading operator will be glad to the Royal Theatre. interest; rate, cjuietiy 10 tell a light hung at like you the rate. the land and the is Eight minutes of consecutive Experience "Incidents have been rolled ,.inR the stem of a ship. ing too rapid weeds a these of "Movie Crazy,'' ''faction" one in the progress 000 acres ot fall because ne according to reports of the picture at doesn't man a on L 1.2-- 0, and Many 0 different previews on the Pacific land , the uhyin doesn't try. Mountain States Coast, giving Lloyd, as well as every putes the spn" w U. th progress a living other comedian, a record to shoot at for work to proporior same better is he It made from the to live without working,osin? than : uA in wonder it A; ii e t.rort fcas been ef- - '.1, . i -- J.t - f0! r"f fl j Mdjhh b-- v iZi nottT 2io i, m. 'V tte!' i i. T ' ... ! full-gro- . H "t 1 M rZ ' T ' -- W Kfe 2fd r.f " T r. "it ' ,Z fc- Our New Serial The Student Fraternity Murder well-plann- - blue-gown- e A New Day in Plumbing Fixtures - u-- U-S- - M . S. LOTT P FKJE1E! Vice-Preside- "How red-root- s, A Family Pass to Royal with each Is tUc paid on suDscnpuon. - Tom? i y" Je f Wt - v Send In Your Subscription niTtrnntv Today J ; oau ",r,! One Year for $1.00 Six Months for 50c Nacres lJ ass'-mbel- r,adrigM-of-!!W,Tr,m1n- i LEHI FREE PRESS laugh-uroducl- "- ( "y The Only Paper That Sets and Prints AH Local News and Ads In Lehi. - one & y |