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Show LEHI FREE PRESS, LEH!. UTAH NEW ORLEANS IS AMERICAN ANIMALS t: MINK BoA Spanish and French Are Seen. B, EDITH T? tor! h t little fHIS is mink fierce and sly. And steals around with cunning eve o hunt for musk- rats in the lakp. Or catch a fat old mallard drake. Stilt k Of fish and frogs he's very fond, And likes to stay around a pond. He makes his den in hollow log Or in a cave along the ho. tot al in. tter SDL- fat tai (ffi by The P. mos: F. Volland Co. VVNTJ Service) I bj RKX a if bar of New York Lights peril; world. errifylng At least that was the gained by a New Vork cou ion:: raking an evening spin on lie Jersey tide, encountered her standin; by th road with a bin suitcase ffbey stopped and offered to give her so la lift, which she accepted gladly leptf Asted wherr she was going, she re lied Newtor As that town was many Wes distant and It was getting dark. obatf if wife invited her to go home with iff. The glr consented willingly. It fliin't tunfce any particular difference. (lie said. lieu she cot to Newton. til impression le who. mi thai ft! the way back to New York, a aura stop was nade at a roadside restau bo rut The girl said she had had only i cupful of coffee so far that day '.fit n meal she ate verified her state ted Ml After eating, she seemed to re Her name la Jackie Ray, she n4 pii She had been brought up Id an w orphange. WueD she had gradated from the eighth grade, she was ! K ttpt In the orphanage to look after otb children, though she wanted to go ingtf ugh school. Finally, she was al raila1 'ed to attend high school and earn ip if to own way. When the depression rent PM she couldn't earn anything, so ject "education ended orhan she wna ft tori piM- Rather rhnn romnln In rhp e. she ran Instead of heaway. pes 's flfteen, she Is twenty-twyears ractii 'A she said. Ob f - o id sp- - m iD to her travels she has crossed the NUnent three rlmon mil hns hppn mo northern to the most ffWern borders the same number of She hna slant Itl miinlr-lnSlsl 2"K houses all over the country, iged wlias also sleDt in fields and Id hav I pekj. She calls her suitcase "home." ble 8118 carries clean clothes and a m electric iron She washes tier ly It at the municipal in ft lodging )ts But she can't Iron them there flow that takes eleetrlcltv. So she her Ironlny at f9 filline tlons the attendants elvlevD! nej" 'he privilege In fact, she em tf ",SSes Basoline filling station attenda 8ft, rr i. imn . . JHlnnna , tn " In the snmo nnlv The it pln list f8" With whom eho'll rtrto nlnne Is onsM 1 LL STEVENSON Mm L-- J estate Y V?- f v . a Jean Piccard, scleutist. rignt. and Ueuu States navy, are shown with tha metal gondola Dr. Comm. T. Settle, UnltH which la to be their borne and laboratory in their attempted flight to the stratosphere early in July. The balloon, by which this 200 pound gondola is to be carried 10 or 11 miles op, will be 100 feet in diameter. The ascent will be made from Chicago. better dish to be found anywhere. The oysters Rockefeller are served on the half shell tn a bed of rock salt on which they have been baked after they are covered with a highly seasoned puree of spinach. As good as every-thin- g else is, I think that this time 1 enjoyed most of all my introduction to the buster crab, which is the last evolution of the crab, just before it Is about to form Its hard shell i think I am right about this! I received many different explanations of ihls matter in New Orleans. At Broussard's, we find the most famous Bouillabaisse made from many different kinds of fish and which you must order a day ahead so that all the Ingredients may be cn band. 1 will tell you the ingredients as given to me for its interest, not because I soft-shelle- d The Baileys at the Fair My Neighbor SAYS: cooking a bird in the ores It lo the usual way until It Is nicely browned, then turn the Lack upward and let It remain so until done. This causes the gravy to run Into the breast, making It aoft WHEN and tender. Automobile grease, tar and ordinary grease spots can be removed by soaking the material In gasoline and then washing with soap In the usual way. When, after much service, a broom becomes shorter on one slds than the other, and the ends as sharp aa needles, dip It Into hot water and trim with the shears. The result will be a broom that ts almost as good aa new. doesn't look to be more than sre.l Seen years of age. She is built ruber slight and ber big soft brown Jqej have an expression at If she were 3rd If fe little girl alone In a large and rather Sne i tbe By late; in archltec-Ne- uart" ,a Antoine's still holds the palm after an existence of almost a century. Here we get the famous oysters Rockefeller, the pompano cooked In a paper bag, the Bisque d'ecrevisses, the broiled buster crabs, the frozen stuffed tomatoes, the potatoes souffles, the omelette souffle. The pompano is a delicious fish, and when it Is cooked "en I'apillotte" with a sauce worthy of It there Is no His fur is soft and brown and sleek, And twenty trappers worked a week Before they gathered skins enough To make your grandma's cloak and muff! PT'. rera- ' lh bisques." "Jambalayos" are many and varied. Oysters in season as well as frogs legs are featured. Of course you will hear that food Id New Orleans is not what it was before prohibition. Be that as it may, It Is still possible to get food that Is delicious and individual In character. The standard of the hotels and restaurants is higher than in most places, and food Is generally reasonable In price for table d'hote meals. Thera are still a few famous restaurants And when he raids a chicken pen He's not content with one old hen; But kills much more than he will need, Because his heart is full of greed. a luca f " Jn French "d J"04 ne & i "e V M. BARBER 01(1 ref? ( bat n a !. r a truck driver. They are glad of pany and never get fresh, To remove machine oil stains, rub with a little butter or lard and wash with warm water and soap. Naturally, she has had many unpleasant experiences. Several times, when she been unable to turn the (C Ignition switch, she has leaped from cars going at high speed. Generally that does uot worry her because practice has made her expert But there arf occasions when she hasn't time to unload her suitcase. Then she loses her "home." That means that at the next town she has to find a lob and work until she earns money enough to buy a new suitcase and more clothing. Jackie Ray's story Interested me. After my friends, who had picked her had told me up and sheltered her, relative statistics certain about her, to homeless, wandering girls suddenly became real. Oh. yes. there's one oth er thing. She could have stayed as in a pleasant home long as she desired Rut after bath and a breakfast she suitcase and was quietly repacked her on her way. t93S Bell 8ypdlcat.-W- Nt) Service. Mite Detroy Ancient Giant red Durban South Afriea.-- A giant and 100 feet high tree. milkwood Vasco da which was standing when In 1407. was the port sailed past Gama It had so ravaged by white ants that for safety. down cut be to 1111. br the Awoclated Ntwrotpara) WNU Service large; If small, broil whole. Season well by rubbing with salt and pepper, mixed with a little oIL Put the fish on the broiler and see that It Is browned well on both side. Butter fish well and squeeze the juice of a lemon over It Garnish with parsley and sliced lemon, and serve with Maitre d'hotel sauce. ;a.:.v to the eyes are ii How It Started Kevulon By Jean To Improve the Shining Hour' IMPROVE the shining hour I" said a notorious lover surprised flirtation. The expression In a popular one in modern speech. More or less synon ymous with "making hay while the sun shines," it is perhaps less popular, though more graceful. While the latter quotation has more the flavor ot thrift and the Idea of creating or earning or accumulating something, "to improve the shining hour" means merely to make the most of our time, though this may be to enjoy oneself as much as possible! The saying Is an old one, having In his originated with Isaac Watts which apMoral Songs, Divine and 1T20. in peared Is a Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. think you will ever make It, even with "ther fish possible to obtain. In New Orleans, it takes the following Ingredients to make Uoullla baisse red snapper, red fish, sheeps head, green trout, hard crabs, buster crabs, river shrimp, craw fish, tomato tuice, bay leaf, thyme, saffron, olive oil and white wine. Each restauraat has Its specialties-th- ere Is the Shrimp Remoulade at the Trout Marguery at and so on. An article on New Orleans food would not be complete without mentioning the coffee and doughnuts at the French market which ts open 24 hours a day. Here fresh French drip coffee and hot doughnuts, fairly sizzling, are served at counters. The doughnuts are unsweetened and you sprinkle them liberally with pow dered sugar from the shakers on the counters. la Maitre d'llotel. Pompano To broil pompano, split the fish In the middle of the' back If the fish ts Gala-toire- s shrimp Salt Pepper Cayenne 3 hard boiled eggs Tomato catsup Lettuce Boil the shrimp and pick. Put theru into a salad dish, season well, and add two tablespoonfuls ef catsup to every half pint of shrimp. Garnish with ietuce leaves and minced hard boiled eggs. & 1931 Bell Syndicate. j uazznngi, brilliant, that's I A (larWee UaJ, tMe Weat ef eare. ana wealth laa af pleat, appartanM caablaea. It la the heat al Inter auantela Pralacta, Let ae anlte la an treat ef art r Hav tk depreaeiee), av cmn aaipiaraMat, ana eareelvea. ear ta ajeiihkar Patranlaa Hem Iadaetry. Inalat aa latemaaataia Had Geeaa. --. ,- " ' , c'.; j .- -- . , TOUI DBUCC1ST FOB A APEX AN INTEKMQUNTaIM HAIR OIL PKODUCT Marriage guidance bureaus art conducted in California, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. PLANT SPECIAL ! ! ! For Immediate Delivery-Cabb- age Plants $2.50 per 1000 Cauliflower Plants $3.00 per 1000 Co. Porter-Walto- n Salt Lake City, Utah North Carolina State college claims the largest textile achool building1 in the South. NEW MOTOR OIL gold with a Money Back Guarantee Insects sometimes become im mune to one poison, and another has to be tried. GIGANTIC Fireworks Display July 4th "Swim In Water Fit To Drink" FREE dANCING -J- erry Beesley's Orchestra ILAGOOM , , ,, .. ' . . ...r,.ia.s at Keyser. was or " memonai view Tne Llncoln. Onera, mother of Abraham Hanks, of Nancy elation. marking the blrtlip';"' of the Nancv Hanks asso- - ihP fiiMliciitlon of a monument ,, h. th crowd of S,XX) which greeted him at the waterfront on his arrival from London, the Vice President struck an oratorical pose and shouted :, I ' ' j OR THE READER Literary Kditor (liidlgimntly ) Vov can't expect us to accrpr stuff like this; it Isn't poetry at all. It's simply ! EMMA ALDOU8. Bait Laka, V Ke4 la "Dawacr Iaeaeaa". WNU Service. Huenos Ayres. Vice President Julio A. Rocs claim not only the distinction of having successfully negotiated a favorable AngitKArgentlne trade pact, but of having made the shortest public speech ever rittered by an Argentine politician. Aaked to address an enthuslatk K, comes through THIS WEE KPRIZE STOHY 40-5- 0 5,000 Argentines Rally to Hear One-Wor- d Speech .. toll, and and indo- -, lence. When one gets to love work, his life Is a happy one. Shrimp RemouUde. Poet (unruffled) 1 see, something wrong with the meter. "She'. Pleasure not by egg yolk Put butter and flour In saucepan and let them blend without burning. Mix well over a slow Ore, and add Add juice of lemon and consomme. parsley, and let all boll about 15 minutes. Take frotr stove and add oik of egg well beaten. Mix well, stirring constantly, until smooth.' Serve with fish. (Never add egg while sauce Is on the fire, as It will curdle Immediately.) gIR. , nes ee. Fifth Sauce. 1 - Aa4 that' ae PATBONtZI B8MB INDU8TBT tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour 1 pint consomme Juice of ball lemon 1 tablespoon chopped parsley rote . leva riifa. "ereoa", 1 r - roailToa Srni.fti. . . . . C'J nonce mm wnen d Oil Wltea folk aae the beeM Tkev 4m'I uke ear leea, Fee Weal pnimcU are Ifce Is Marked Birthplace of Nancy Hanks - Binding com- It was true, she said, that she was going to Newton. But she didn't Intend to stay there. After a short visit she would be on her way again. She has hitch She merely no destination. hikes here and there. She doesn't know what is to become ot her. The wanderlust has become such a part of her being that she cannot stay tn any one place. She wouldn't advtse any other girl to follow her example. There nave been many days when she has not eaten. And there have been many more when she wanted to stop and rest but had to keep on going. Sally Sez es r08, lnauenceFre0Ch Tb who came Id such numbers 0rleans Lr came fruux the during the Revolution gulden age ci cookery ' brought to the young ,"nce world many of the famous dlshei of SPanIsh Influence aaaed more pungent and the result gives us a seasonings special type of cookery applied to the delicious food typical of naturally Louisiana. As one would expect, the seafood the outstanding note. Pompano and red snapper are among the most famous fish, although trout is well considered. Shrimp, both river and are used much. The small river lake, shrimp Is more highly prized than the others. Soft shelled crabs "buster" crabs, flaked crab and crawfish are prein pared ail sorts of delicious ways. -The the the Lh in Ready for Stratosphere Flight NOTEDFOR FOOD Please send me full details about the new Frlgidalre that uses no more current than one electric light bulb, and also the super models. W. II. BINTZ CO. Moulton church, Northants, England, has a team of young women bell-ringe- do ff )?J.JJ p ",k tot the beet ..WBJ rtl(U ehaaM aa Intermeantala made Send above. U doodl" giailar roar (torr In proee or vena ta O. P. Product! Celann, bex 15ii. Salt Lake Citj. If tor appear In thle eel a m n rea will relre cbetk for jn rr - $3.00 Week He. SI W.N.UCett Lake QtT |