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Show Chronicle - Page Twelve Thursday, April 13, 1989 DISCLAIMER NOTICE - The Chronicle aeservcs fa rift n deny or edit daasified tmtuaaa cm die basis of good laoc sod mmy. Rates an at follows: 16-3- 0 words $Z7Vday or $10.00week; words UJSMty week, Oaasified ad 0 deadline is 12 boob prior to the date tie ad is to ma. Ctaaaifted advertisenaents wfll art b taken alter 4M ajn. wart day i. " ACCENT MODIFICATION BY Lngaal Ans- comprehensive coarse en pronaaciatioa of American English. Pracacc aurfcnrapn jnduded. 51 PEAVY ENCORE AMPLIFIES 450 wats A Peavey Patriot guitar bo in excellent conrtima Get the package for $600 or make me an offer. Call Abo for sale Yamaha G50-I1-2 50 watts, excellent condition. 1969 SS CHEVELLE 34 center hue rims, needs hole body wort. $3,000 or offer. ClU Jason 943-484- 1. 1984 HONDA AESO SCOOTER. Silver. Runs 4 after 5 great. 1500 Miles. $425 OBO pm. 414 SPRING FEVER!? 1980 Honda CB650 CusJora wwimhhield. freeway ban. A helmet $800 OBO Ed 532-630414 '86 HYUNDAI hatchback, moving 414 must sell $3.900, '85 VW JETTA GLI black 49.000 miles. leff OBO. 414 Excellent cond. $6300 9. 487-266- 9. "74 LANDCRLLSER hard top. new radials. good condition, $2J00 best offer. 277-989- 8. - 419 SHARP 1981 EAGLE 4x4 wagon. SilverMack 6 cylinder, AC new safety, emission, brakes. Great family car or ski mobile; many extras $2750 2. 419 negotiable, may finance part. NTERTAINMENT- Union Den 7 pm - midnight. Free lessons available. Tournaments held Mondays 0 pm in OSH111. 428 OUTRAGEOUS L'NIQL'E, ENTERTAINMENT for birthdays, going-awa- y parties, bachelor parties, graduation, etc. 268-100- 1. anytime. 510 GET 30 DAYS OF great nights!! Cable TV. $4.95 install; free month basic 2 premium chan54 nels; John FOR RENT- LIVE IN Victorian luxury you thought you couldn't afford. Walking distance to U., Urge private bedrooms, utilities partly paid, share kitchen, bath, living, dining room. Cable TV. Close to 417 laundry, stores. 2 BLOCKS FROM campus. 2 bedroom apartment, heat paid. $305, University Garden 100 s. 3. 1151 E. 53 3 BLOCKS FORM U 1 bedroom wwasher 8. No dryer access. $120 mo utilities smokersdogs. 510 HOUSE TO SHARE WOWNER. 9th South 9th East area. Frple. Garden. Patio. WD. Storage. Prefer responsible, interesting large bedroom, study. 596-183- 6 eves. 420 days A messages. 364-50BEDROOM UNFURNISHED, ONE apts. 756 South Green St $170. Lots of copboard space, Tom 4874225. 417 $215 FOR THIS bedromm apartment near "IT. Cable TV available A laundry rm. Free hot water. 116So.800 R 58 1 FURNISHED 2 BDRM. wsrudy in bouse $350 per mo. include utilities. Prefer quiet, considerate grad student AVENUES CUTE 1 bedroom all newly remodeled includes washer A dryer 385 E. 6th Avenue' 59 $295mo, AVENUES, LRG. 1 bdrm., almost new kitchen, $325mo. parking, et Wis. incld. APARTMENT near University with small yard and large rooms. 418 Quiet neighborhood. Call BEDROOM 364-142- 3. NEAR U, 1 BEDROOM 1 bath completely remodeled hardwood floors, utilities paid. 418 So. 900 E $275mo. 537-153- 0. 1301 bath house completely NEAR U 2 BEDROOM remodeled. 648 12 (rear) Browning Ave. (1300 418 So.) $275mo. 1 FOR SAL- EFOR SALE: hanging wicker chair and frame $50.00 or best offer. Call Kathy. NEW IBM compatible computers. Custom built, best prices, full warranty, Richter Computer Sales 413 IBM DISPLAYWRTTER word processing computer, 256 K monitor, disk drive, software. $200.00571-964- It 427 2. MAC MAD? Hard disk drivers; 20 mb, $499.97 40mb, $599.97 60 mb, $669.97. Mad Mac's 1 160 421 S. State, 120, Orem, 224-570- 0. 0 WHY PAY MORE? I buy and sell used Macintosh. Orem Mad Mac's. 1160 S. State, 120, 421 TROPICAL FISH SPECIALS! Algae Eaters, Zebras, Goldfish 2$ 1.00, 10 gallon aquariums $9.99, complete starter set $47.99; 50 gallon complete $219.99; Aquatic Plants; Marine Fishes. 2. Salt Lake Aquarium, 4689 So. 2300 East, 425 A COMPUTER BARGAIN Wang Personal with monitor and Computer Model matrix printer. . The unit designed for word processing. Work stations, archive unit also avail. 5. Make an offer, our loss is your gain. Call ' ' - ATTN: UNIV. DEFTS. budget bargains (you get first dibs) Macintosh 5 12 computers, a I28E Mac, external disk drives and Imagewriter printers. Call 8365. PEAVEY ENCORE AMPLIFIER 450 watts and Peavey Patriot guitar both in excellent condition. Get the package for $600.00 or make me an .offer. Also for sale, Yamaha GSO-11- 2 guitar amplifier, SO watts, excellent condition. Call ltt t - tin f r -- I FOR SALE - Tama imperialstar DRUMS (black), 8 piece. Rack System wAnouno A Sabian HH rymbate. 1 414 DUPLEX WPMT. less than rent. 2 Bed each side - liberty Park area. New paint. Carpet, appliH48S-92ances . Will take contract!! WS66-929Ann Mountain west Realty 414 TOTALLY REMODELED Art Professors Home, Rare gum wood, breakfast nook, formal H485-925- 0 dining - Will take contract!!!W566-9291- . Arm Mountain west Realty 414 FOR SALE BY OWNER. Luxury I bedroom condo. Prime location at Arlington Place. US So. 1 loo Ea. Call for 5 Open House Hours 414 PRO TOUR Cmtunon Touring bike. after 5 8 $300.00 15s. Excellent condition. pm. 414 533-094- JOIN COLLEGE REPUBLICANS! Next neeong is Thursday April 13, at 530 in room 319 Haw Bldg. Everyone m welcome. 413 Rebecca Owings speaks HOMELESSNESS: from experience on Sunday, April 16 at ML Tabor LttthtraaChuKa.175S.7O0E Pothick dinner at 5:30, presentation to follow at 6:15. Freewill offenng for homeless. 414 "IMPRESSIONS OF AMERICA" photos by Jan Tikhonov at eh ZCMI Center Mall April 10 through April 21. 421 A VIEW FROM MOSCOW, a lecture about Gorbachev's Perestroika. Thurs April 13d) at the Unitarian Church. 7:30 pm , 569 S. 1300 E. FREE 413 'NEW NATIONAL SECURTIY and SDI evening Wed April 19th at noon. Union Ballroom. 419 ' STUDENT DISCOUNT tanning pass $25.00 for 1 month with student ID Olympus Hills Hair Co.. 510 419 BRAND NEW YAMAHA DX7S synthesizer, perfect condition. $950.00 Call Steve (801)277-972- 0 after 6 pm. 417 WEDDING SET: BEAUTIFUL diamond and gold retails for $1,200. Selling for only $800 5. OBO call 418 AVENUES TOWNHOUSE. 2 bdrm, 3 bath, 5. $74,995. ColdweU Banker. Ann 2-- CLOSE TO U starting at $235 a month I A 2 bed available. Dishwasher, covered parking, and more. Call Louise at 515 APT, pool, covered parking, gas 1 BEDROOM paid, $275 414 466-760- SHARE HOME: OWN bedroom $160, studio $1'85 or share a room for $145. Utilities incl., close to U. 582-990426 MACINTOSH MEMORY, Imeg SOJ memory modules, new $210.00. Call Pro Rep Marketing 4. Days. 426 A BOSS DD--3 digital delay pedal $180, a Boss 5. or Heavy Metal Pedal $130. Joey. 419 QUEEN WATERBED, PADDED rails, mirrored bookcase headboard, 6 drawer pedistal, dark oak 0. 419 $300.00 Roger PERSONA- - L- why not? Visit $3.00. 10 visits 519 $25.00. 679 S. 7th E ph. 533-898STA-TA- in purchasing an IBM Computer or need information about financ-in- g a computer give me a call at BRAND NEW STORE: Mystic Lingerie, wigs, hair pieces, costumes, make up, make overs, manicures, nails, and swimwear. Open 11-- 6 Mon-Sa- L 421 1258 E. 3300 So. phone 486-055PALM READING FOR parties. Entertaining-uniquc-fu- 414 486-153- GENERAL MANAGER) applications available at Union front desk. Deadline April 7th. 414 (1989-9- 0 PREGNANT? FREE SERVICES: pregnancy tests, counseling, medical referrals. Call SL Crisis 62 Pregnancy Center LIVE CONVERSATION (4278) 1.50 1st min., .59 additional min. Toll if any. 62 WORK WHEN YOU want Earn up to $8hour. Sell Avon, free training $30 in free products and more. University territory now available. Call 0. 421 Marilyn ROCKY MOUNTAIN Sports STRESS? Massage 1054 E 3900 S.. Suite B. certificate available. 51 gift 1 LDS ROOMMATE WANTED ASAP $90ma 15 utilities. 4004 S. 1300 E call before 10 am ask for Mark or or after 10:30 pm.. 262-151- 3 Quia. 42 HOtSE. BIG yard... $140! Oak Cabinents, new carpet, paint, windows, in garage or 466-583414 CUTE 415 University ROOMMATES WANTED Street, $135.00 per bedroom, furnished house. 2 3. 419 bedrooms, $275.00 unfurnished. SERVICES NATIVE FRENCH speaker and former teacher will tutor French at any level. Call 602 WANT TO IMPOROVE YOUR grades? Our tutroing service includes note taking, retention, test taking, recall, imput, stress control Improve your academic performance. Ruth Jones Learning Center. 54 486-811- NATIVE SPANISH with Bachellor Degree in Psycology Tutors Spanish at any level Call 582-93- 414 TYPING- 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing, edit 12 years legal experience. $1 a page. Call Diane, 62 QUALITY TYPINGWORD PROCESSING. Reasonable rates. Accurate, fast, ck. spelling. Call Laurie F. 52 TYPING English M.A. Former Teacher $.85 a page. EditingCorrections ftee268-114- A 62 9. TYPING EDITING WORDPROCESSING IBM computer, word perfect, letter quality print- -' ing. Dissertations- - Theses- - Manuscripts-Resumes- -. Equations-- Forms- - Tables. 25 years experience. B.S. Biological Sciences. Fast, service. Diana Fox (272-405421 FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER EDITS, wordprocesses dissertations, reports, texts, manuscripts, resumes. Also editsrevises chun-ked-Word Perfect files. Foreigngraduate stustuddents welcome. Specialize in 62 ies. WORD PROCESSING, TYPING Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turbian, 62 Campbell), etc. Mrs. Nelley, 467-432- 0. DESK-TO- P Word Processing PUBLISHING Letter quality printing, check spelling. Rush orders OK. Call 467-7- 5 13. 428 WORDS EXPRESS Quality word processing 20 years experience, evening to morning turnaround time. 484-471- 3. 62 WORDPERFECT. Copying, binding, cater to studentssmall businesses. Same day ser-vi466-76062 Lynn - MIGHT BE PREGNANT? Find out with a free pregnancy test. Complete privacy. Birthright. 54 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Annual EDITING- WE EDIT SCHOLARLY textbooks A disserta0. tions for logic, style & continuity. Winslow's 62 - YOUTH PLACEMENT aduhsjungles. couples and families needed lo provide residential care for teenage youth. Prog, support St supervision prc-vid-ed. 7. Paid positon. Call 407 $$ MODELS, ACTORS $$ desperately seeking hour. No faces! New Spring Accounts. $10-$5- 0 414 experience MATURE HELP WANTED Mornings, weekends, part-tim- e inventory takers. 10 key experience helpful Must have transportation. Call John 2784646 9 am to 4 pm-- 49 Frustrated with love? Whether you ore looking for romance or just attend, we con help you find that someone special. CAMPUS CONNECIION Data sheets are now available main desk of the Union at the after 3 pm. 1 413 487-133- 0. economics, reading, English, math, etc.. at 1400 Glendale Intermediate School ( grades ). S. 1400 W. Give as little as 1 hr. per week! Call Michelle weekdays from 8:30-3:0- 0 pm at 974-831-9. 52 ATTENTION STUDENTS start at $9.75 several 2 call now! openings in retail 9-- 5 pm 427 INTERESTED IN WORKING With homeless children? Vol. needed to tutor reading and math For more information to children grades K-- 6. 1. please contact the Bennion Center 581-48- 1 CHILD care afternoons, must have references and car. Call Kevin at 414 PART-TIM- E JEWELRY sales. Close to U. Salt Lake's finest jewelers has opening evenings, PART-TIM- E weekends. Must have retail experience. Honest, motivated, friendly, personality a must. Send inquiry to Box4111,SLC,Ut 84101. 413 CHILD care afternoons. have references and car. Call Karin at 414 APPLICATIONS FOR MAYFEST bands, food booths, and arts and crafts booths now at ASUU 234 Olpin Union. Info call Sandi 58 1 6866. 413 - SUMMER NANNY: Cheerful, responsible person with their own car to chauffer and entertain three school age kids. Will guarantee 30 hrs. per wk.. Refs. req. call after 6pm, Terry or Howard HELP WANTED part-tim- e work, mornings or afternoons for a bright person with a pleasant attitude. $3.7Shr. Call Mealnie mornings 265-16- apt 414 RECEPTIONIST NEEDED for mmm WOMENS LACROSSE Team needs members. No exp. necessary. Call Jenny 582-- 5 35 414 $800 contact Melanie, Mornings . HELP SERVE DINNER lo the homeless. The Salvation Army has begun providing evening meals to the homeless. Volunteers are needed to serve. Any evening S:30pm-7:3- 0 pm. Call die Bennion Center for more info. 51 PENGUIN NEEDED: PERSON to wear radio station mascot costume. Weekends, $5.00 hr., Dave533-930- ' 413 5. WANTED: AIR FORCE opportunities for math, science and engineering majors. We also have scholarships that cover tuition, books, fees and more. For details contact the Department of 6 or stop by room Aerospace Studies at .: 2009. Annex Bldg. 517 . CONSTRUCTION STAKER PAVING is seeking students who desire a career in the construction industry upon graduation. Full-tim- e summer, 0 for fall. Contact Barry at part-tim- e details. 417 BALLET TEACHERS NEEDED! opportunity, excellent pay, part-tim- Great e - HOUSEKEEPER 2 TIMES a week in Aveuea home. Highscooi students welcome to apply. Transportation and references necessary. 417 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNI-TIE- S available May through September. Write Nora today for more information. Holiday Inn Resort PO Box 1468 Estes Park, CO 80517 ' SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME earn $5,000 a month part time in a National MLM Co. 566-860-0. 419 PETE'S- - UH PRETTY new restaurant and bil-laroom needs staff for all postilions. Also need days. Opens May 1. jazz pianist. Call 359-12- 417 - LINE SERVERS, CASHIERS, dining room help, production workers needed for the Union Terrace. Well work around your schedule, work in a fun atmosphere, receive discounts on your food, and periodic pay reviews. Apply in the University Food Service Office on the lower level by the Deli. 425 -J ' WATT STAFF. DAY ft NIGHT shifts, apply in 2:30-- 4 KX). The Country Club; person lues-Sa- l 2400 S. Country Club Drive. No experience nee-- '. HIRING COCKTAIL opening call 359-888- WAITRESS Immediate 175 W. 2nd So. Kaviar 419 CUSTODIANS needed for early office, morning shifts. $4.05 hr. Apply part-tim- e personnel, Annex Bldg.. Equal Opportunity Employer. 520 PART-TIM- USED 4 WHEEL A.T.V. will buy or trade. Have runs good. 1978 Datsun 0 416 (303)586-233- Club. 8. 417 418 E l(itniiiiiH4.ilii4U ;rdni!iiu','n i)4.ijn mi T0' ' 'ifllit Dli1:!raiii M'i '90 i a.Mlily IJ3F.H. Jil(iJIM4.jT a nMiii if'1 fl" i'l ): i Hi 4TMi ii .tir5 WHJtf IF YOU D0.TT GET INTO THE GRAD SCHOOL Mm DANCING TnWni'nnnaTW 1071 East 900 South 355-814- LSAI April Fun 10 ndprt ttrot, day shifts svslsbls. cstssr ExcsSsnt We serve homemade" Middle Eastern healthy vegetarian food prepared ' from scratch Deli sandwiches Falafel sandwich with pocket bread - $1.79 ; Middle Eastern plate : includes Taboule Hommus, Call with free Coke - $2,25 nd tvtnlng opportunity. wttti ttis msdtcsJ ', & 'PCwflnWl Classes Begin: 1 -- BWaTaTVNnarannanT OFYOURdlCaCE? Sure; there are otherschools. But why : settle? Kapfen helps students nisc their scores and their chances ofleiiigtKbnt-te- d e Into their schools, Act is, nooriehashelpedstudeiptssoorehlijhert - SII)aITIlMrMuMAIu1MQnTan ROBERTS BELE: :ANB MARKET snd dsntsi at.nt.-S.-f- GIMkrill5th tt's not 6KI April 1st too late to start 6RE! Test Dates: iSAJJune 17th 974-660- 4 BatwMfi M0 fbth la nm GMAJJune 12th GRE June 3rd 515 South 700 East lhsXh$trgt$gks,lm k 2850 South 1935 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 363-44- 44 WeVe moved to Trolley Corners. -- . ek available a iacfll 414 1 1 MODEL WANTED: I need attractive people to sit for drawings and paintings. 582-147Jerry. 4S4281 Mid-EastGre- u ;!m ttHi 265-16- APPLICATIONS FOR STAFF positions now being accepted at KUTE student radio. Positions in programming, research, sales, A management now available. Pick up applications at Union front desk. Deadline April 21. 421 sue Falafel with pocket bread - $3.99 SekkrdieckiiMl on for 50 e WORK available for computer and logic design and progranming, electronic repair and construction, and niisc, construction work. 8. 413 Ph. PART-TIM- E 909 C 21 063 Baba-Ghannou- lam-5p- full-tim- employee company. Some word processingtyping A filing required. Office experience necessary. - 420 4. $2.69 363-372- 7 414 TEMPORARY HELP NEEDED Mon. April 17th thru Sat April 22. Responsible people needed lo go to various location is Salt Lake lo pass Must have car, hours are 0 out quesuflnaires. am,l pm A 4-- 8 pm. Apply in person Utah Market Res. Level 3 East Concourse. No phone calls please. Refer to Angel 414 LOOKING FOR MODELS and dancers to train for shows. Call Dances and Modeling. 737 L 200 s. For more Mo cafl Must PART-TIM-E Chawanna with free Coke s SOCCER REFEREE. Boys club 13 rwursweek. 19. $4.00hour. Bart 485-OlApril 414 NEED TYPISTS TO WORK in own homes. Must have computer and letter quality printer. ; - BIKE SWAP idmsskxiShSelerlee-Mofsale- 414 0 TELEPHONE RESEARCH PERSONS hr. weekly nights, downtown 4 hour. Call Kevin Gyro MCA spelling, sheerfuL reliable, legal experience per-- f for apt erred. Melanie in Mornings 265-16- INTERNATIONAL ART PUBLISHER locally based art greeting card publisher has two sales positions available. Base against commission. Career potential. Experienced sales only apply. 3 for interview. 427 Call . 517 Sat. April 5 Secretary wanted, full time, Wordprocessing 70 wpm, dictaphone, good results guaranteed. Term papers, thesis, dissertations. rcrx)m ADOPT: WARM, UNDERSTANDING couple wants to provide home filled with love, laughter, and security for a newborn. Legal and confiden3 collect Pat and Frank. tial Call (212) '.: 414 Legal E.E. student. Includes WANTED: Part-tim- e shipping, builking, circut boards, repairing assembles, 15-2-0 hrsTweek, pay negotiaibe. Call Jim at mornings. 415 Keyboard Systems, 943-788- 8 INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH HOME-LES- S CHILDREN? Vol. needed to tutor reading For more inforand math lo children grades K-mation please contact the Bennkm Center 581-41 or Z 426 Stacey Bess at the shelter UXPEP'ENCIi, 418 TELEMARKETING - 5.00-9.0- 0 per hour salary and Bonus. Wort evenings A Saturdays, You must have a pleasant mature phone voice 486-428- 8 MAKE 5000 A month part time with a nationally known MLM Co. with free advertising. Potential income unlimited. 415 ACADEMIC TYPING, PROFESSIONAL VIDEOTAPE- - ANYTHING YOU want to remember. Weddings, parties. Reasonable CXFCC5 FOUNDATION 414 Deadline April 7th. BABIES CANT PROTECT their human rights. Help stop unneeded and harmful surgery. No " more circumcision. 417 " HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER (OR ANYTIME)? Don't want to be tied down by rigid restrictions? Jet there totally unrestricted from Salt Lake for just $358 ow or $599 it!!! or from SFO or LAX for no more than $269. from Denver or the Midwest for no more than $229, or from the East Coast for no more than $160 with AIRH1TCH, as reported in Consumer Reports, NY Times, Let's Go, and national network morning morning shows. For details, call or write: AIRHITCH, 2901 Broadway, suite I0OA, NY. NY 10025. 417 March of Dimes OR) nWIMIM 0 GENERAL MANAGER) applications available at Union front desk. SALT LAKES ADULT NEED HELP SELLING your car the hassle free way??? Call Michelle or Wendy TODAY! Ken Garff Auto List 417 Support the (1989-9- EDITING and writing service. Professional papers, dissertations, grant proposals, etc. Your office or mine. Pick up and delivery. 421 Free estimates. E . 62 Garage Sale Fri. April 14, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sun. April 16 9:00 a.m-5:0- 0 p.m. Furniture, clothes, toys, cameras, jewelry, drawing: $500.00 gift certificate to Nordstroms 414 EAGLE-EY- give babies x She ill tt advantage CALL NOW!! SIX busiest agency! Earn to $300 day. Acton, owlets, extras. No exp! DO YOU ENJOY WORKING WITH YOUTH? We need volunteers to help with correcting papers, classroom activities, PE, aerobics, borne -- Help - ROOMMATES MALE STUDENTS share large home 1073 E. 200 S. $165 includes utilities. 51 IBM-X- T COME TO GUATEMALA THIS summer an work on a service project with the WSSC- - call 52 Craig at WANTED- CASH PAID FOR used Westers and Lineman p sneakers. Motorcycle Gear. Dress Boots, shoes. Vintage Clothes, collectibles, estates. 359-514-5. ALPHA-OMEG- IF YOU'RE INTERESTED EXPERT WORD PROCESSING Making yen look good! Tech. papers newsletters, reports-csante- saaanascripts. Word Perfect V desktop 8 DATA pub. 25 yrs. exp.- - fastaffordable MASTER The Professional Touch 52 BARTENDING CLASSES great summer jobs, fun A money. Tuesdav-Thursdevening classes. Bartenders Incredible 487-826- Z 62 PROFESSIONAL WOMAN RELOCATING. Seeks to share house for the summer. Call Bonnie collect; (313)884-896- 6 (day). 511 425 Free 467-67- SUNGLTTZ: THE NATURAL sun lightening at the Olympus Hills Hair Co. student discount 510 $35.00 ask for Wolfgang - 6. DIAMONDS: guaranteed lowest prices, large selection, men's & women's settings, tennis 1 . 62 bracelets, everything wholesale. 486-35- 2 292-414- 4. 3 9. ' 418 ONE ShmianoSlS.$150.0OcaHDerek58l-55l3.41- DELTA, 1 WAY TICKET SIX to New York. or 418 April25.$150,Toni32l-117- 1 at the CHESS CLUB FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR SALE 26 Centurion Lemans RS '86 1984 6 CYLINDER ENGINE and transmission for Jeep or AMC car. Low miles $400 534-127- -E- FURNISHED 5 BEDROOM Near U. tents total $860mo. $73,000. 277-880- 6. 418 ed to students. W VW GOLF 5 apd. ay low maL. treat cond. $5.700080. 46734 eves, weekends. 421 414 guitar amplifier. Call Dave 359-53- 01. 418 1. AUTOMOTIVE 9. FREE TO GOOD ACCURATE TYPING SERVICE pick up and delivery. 52 Part Grocery DISCOUNT WITH UOFUI.D. Applications are now being accepted for Union Board Chair ti KV5 CIRCULATORY PROBLEMS? .... ; The University of Utah School of Medicine's Vascular Center is determining the safety of . a new laser angioplasty device in opening obstructed arteries. If you have circulatory problems in your legs which cause pain when walking, nonhealing ulcers or foot pain at night, you may be a candidate for this Food and Drug Administration Approved clinical study . Please consult 4 1your physician or, for information, call (80 1) 58 -- 830 1 extension 8301. or l . 00-444-8638, Union Programs Chair Applications can be picked up in the Union Main Office; and are due Tuesday, April 18th at 5:00 p.m. . |