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Show Thruaday, April 13, 1989 Chronicle - Page Six r i Wearing shorts is easier on budget Editon self-proclaim- non-conformis- ! i c , Anya M. Dahrowska ,: ': Sophomore-physi- cs 0 t: i Who does Grant Sperry think he is CO 7 , ed brain-damagi- non-conformis- t all of us, he meant everybody in private schools. We ain't got the money. d Here we go again. With the echo of Tamarah Hardesty's nicotine-induce- d ramblings still trapped in the Union Terrace gas chambers, yet freedom fighter another Editor: surfaces to exercise his right to smoke Who the hell does this Grant Sperry 'em all. I should be annoyed, but after two years of journalism, think he is?! Does he really think himself so pious and righteous that he can nothing can faze me. Frankly, Mr. Desinghe, I'm tickled get away with calling himself a "student pink. If the morbid compulsion to barbe- prophet"? Is he really so ignorant of socicue your lungs and pollute the atmo- etal courtesy that he can't understand sphere on a daily basis represents your why people are offended when they read I can hardly the T word in print? idea of Is this the same Grant Sperry who ran wait to hear your definition of alcoholism or drug addiction. Should you for ASUU vice president under the "Who decide they all fall in the same category, Cares?" banner? Is this the same Grant Sperry who will we then designate a cozy study area for those who want to comfortably pass advised the U. student body to "dose" out under a table without having to themselves with LSD so they'd underworry about someone stepping on their stand it better? Is this the same Grant Sperry who, I.V. paraphernalia. of other And how about the welfare along with Mike Kaly, wrote a message to prospective U. students in the spring Let's not discriminate against the anarchists, and the ter- quarter catalog IN CRAYON? Is this the same Grant Sperry who, rorists (provided they can keep their ashtrays away from their explosives), when he ran for ASUU president, told and the dreamers with unbankable his constituents not to vote for him? majors, and, naturally, the crazies who (Exactly how much of your campaign funds did you waste in the process, wear shorts in the winter, and--m- y of costs! Have the God, Sperry?). you thought AND NOW, Sperry refuses to apolothe costs?! Quit smoking, Mr. Desinghe, and gize to anyone for using foul language in switch to wearing shorts. It'll still be his pointless letters to the Chronicle cold enough outside to satisfy the rebel (which is read by almost every U. stuin you. And it will be a lot easier on dent). half-choke- :i ng "It is the Ultimate celebration of Life, Lust and L6ve. No other film has matched its visual panorama. " THIS WEEKEND AT THE UNION MOVIES Presented in conjunction with ASUU Friday - 9:30 pm, Saturday - 7:30 pm, Sundaay - 7:30pm m, Second Feature at the weekend: CATCH 22 based upon the novel by Joseph Heller Thursday - 7:30 pm, Friday - 7:30 pm, Saturday - 9:30 pm ts? your budget. You can indulge in the pop art of e all do. Just be sure Gandhi to update your quotes. I have a feeling that when he promised room for Give from the heart. Grant Sperry, you're a jerk! Lots o' fecal matter. Monnon-bashing--w- ' . Dan Davies Physical education ! ! GROW WITH A FIRST-RAT- E MEDICAL TEAM . .... ... h . . ; .. IffirlJJlIllS;!-- J1St';fl3'"t;its . ' -- - Rh p 'V"- - p'.'f" II J i Where you go in your profession often has a lot to do with where you start. If you want to make the most of your potential, look into the many opportunities available in NAVY MEDICINE. MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIPS UNIQUE CAREER FOR MATHSCIENCE MAJORS UNLIMITED CAREER POTENTIAL FOR NURSES The Navy Medical Team offers a professional career plus the unique benefits and rewarding lifestyle as a Navy officer. EXCELLENT MEDICAL FACILITIES COMPETITIVE SALARY & BENEFITS NAVY OFFICER FRINGE BENEFITS STARTING THE SPRING QUARTER BLOOD DRIVES ij Thursday, April 13th 9:00 !; a.m. 4 p.m. -- ! UNION BUILDING EAST BALLROOM i A Navy Medical Programs representative will be on campus on i. Friday, April 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Make an appointment at the Placement Office, or call ahead for NAVY OFFICER You arelbmorrow. You are the Navy. 581-268- umvERsnnroFiraiH i; BLOOD DOriOR PROGRfiEI ii 6 for information ! gggggggggggggggywyyyiuywyu 1 1 A Nursing Booth will also be open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the School of Nursing. Call ! information. l I " m .. V ft ' - jii - ' 1 - ?1 |