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Show Chronicle - Page Thirteen y, January 17, 1989 r n r. v s n .. New York City Seattle Phoenix t99roundtrip $99roundtrp $99roundtrp r f! " 0 y Denver Chicago Boston t99roundtrip $99roundtrip $99roundtrp 4 IP! Si in it , lY iiMMMmM Fort Lauderdale San Francisco $99routidtrip $99roundtrip Los Angeles $99roundtrip 99 rounatrip airi ares on Northwest Airlines. - A special offer for students, oniv ior American lxdress Lardmembers i If you want to go places, it's time for the American Express .Card. Because now you can take advantage of new travel on Northwest Airlines only for full-tim- e studmts who carry theAmerican Express Card. And, of course, you'll enjoy all the exceptional benefits and personal service you would expect from ? privileges "' Travel privileges that offer: full-tim- .. . " $99 roundtrip tickets fly to any of the more than 180 cities served by North-AI- Two - NORTHWEST R west in the contiguous 48 United States. Only one ticket may be used per six- - LINES -- LOOK TO US American Express. ; - The only requirements for privileged travel: you e stumust be a Cardmember, you must be a Airlines Northwest dent, and you must charge your tickets with the Card : ; Getting the Card is easier than ever because now you can apply by phone. Just call We'll take your application and begin to process it right away. What's more, with our Automatic month period. Special Quarterly Northwest Destination Discounts to 25 off the lowest available fare. tl)roughoutl989-u- p 5,000 bonus miles in Northwest's WORLDPERKS where only 20,000 miles gets free travel program you a free roundtrip ticket to anywhere Northwest flies in the contiguous 48 United States or Canada. Approval offers, ' . you can qualify now while you're still in school. Apply now. Fly later for less. Apply Now: RELATED SERVICES I An Amancan Exp Jan 22 . Eiprau company hTJTir UjjSV) I: 14 is? 990 1 582-720- 0 Jan Jy 22 255-590- 0 " vm iTniH GOOD exp FOOD Jan 22 good FOpD & GOOD TIMES 1 7800 S. State '. 1989 American Express Travel Related Services Company. Inc. . GOOD LB BACON CHEESEBURGER 222 So. 1300 E. Current student Cardmembers automatically receive two S99 vouchers in the mail. Some restrictions may apply. For complete offer details, call y? 990 AUTHENTIC GYROS With Homemade Greek Sauce 222 So. 1300.E. 582-720- 0 7800 S. State 255-590- 0 14 LB HAMBURGER WITH SWISS & FRESH MUSHROOMS 222 So. 1300 E. 7800 S. State 582-720- 0 255-590- 0 |