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Show Page Sixteen TAI rtUl HIDE at the fcabng Pest tWnmied mranry tanning pass ST I S3 per ses&iM or 10 tans tor $35. wwrrf 6uiK tuiiry tees 3. 1 1 Arroi Press Sq Pnone 356'8 ESPCiS.ILE. aeutt female teested m house or apt sitting spring quarter Ca ASAP. 2 11 PERSONAL CtE MONTR no charge 24 hi answering 1 X6 service $10 MontiL FREE ElTiftt liSOfcBEU PtOSIAM. treatment ee'y intormatio caoei Mondays at noon Can Cr.itd 4 Family Therapy Clin ta session tnt San Lane IfllBBi IMS APTS. $250 $275 2 II pad 762 First Ave. II. 4fL Covered park, laundry nice $330 includes heat, cable Hi t facil . Ml 3321S. 1 2 bedroom Heat paid, hardwood floors. 2 weeks rent tree MWNTOWN tOCiTlOIL 1 Student discount CaU HONS PATIENTS for NEEDED t to paid $50 tor appro CaU IE I86H for eur riot spring merchandise 2050 oft on 1 .000 s of items Snooze you lose4 ec tec tot 466 E So Tempie. IE HISS, discounted wedding announcements four connection tt the wholesale market. Banque Diamonds 3S Chris. Diamonds, engagement rings, veddmg bands, custom rings 1 retail store prices. Higher quality, lowest price Salt Lake Jewelry Co 484-668-0 tor appointment. 313 invitations at Imported directly, wholesale BlAMONOS: prices, high quality, good selection, engagement rings. By appointment only 4713 486-352- commonly known as skits. Fischers with Marker 23 bindings. Save mounting ft other service costs. Used TWO STIFF ROARDS 227 once and too long $100. IS red. never used with 9 ask tor accessories $700 or otter SPREE, HONDA 213 Ron 3 RIOCkS FROM U. Duplex (or home) each includes 2 bdms. fireplace, wood turn, etc Also dishwasher, air. Ig fenced yd . auto sprinklers, eicellently maintained (rent of other V can help pay payment) by owner. 219 FOI SALE. Nice brick rambler with 0 4 bedroom. 2 baths HOUSE baniie roof, 36 , I BEAUTIFUL 00 CARAT Make offer. $1700 ml 50 carat OIAM0N0 appraisal. Investment grade 1 213 1 Special features, cathedral ceilings, bay type windows secluded, close to U. of U. Eva OF A KINO ONE DOWNTOWN CONDO Tom Cherwile Taylor 277-534Mansell Assocs 217 with motor drive MDI. 50 mm lens and 28-8- 5 zoom lens Less than one year old $400 or best offer. Contact at 539-070-7 MINOLTA 4W0 station wagon Excellent condition. $8,000 or best otter. 79 Honca station wagon New paint, runs great, $1 .400 2 or best otter. 217 86 MONO Amazing 213 UNUSUAL CARDS POTIONS. E. 213 PM NTATIOI for spring quarter wiU be held 2 19 m Union bldg room 324 at 11 a m and S 30 p m Be a Helpline crisis ORIE intervention volunteer, 'lite is either a " daring adventure .. or it is nothing at all 219 and culture taught by Moscow native, former Russian journalist 531026 225 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 6000 USE! OLOiES S newer LP S Used CO $ Hock posters Record Collector. 2021 So. 1100 484495 225 I DAWN. A philosopher once wrote "love is the only flower that grows and blooms without the aid of season " I know this to be true For it blooms tor you in the dead of winter in Boston Love John 213 RAGS. Resale clothing now open Sat. Additional 50 ott women's designer labels thru 21687 with ad. 4000 So 213 Highland Dr MT7J M JUSTY. what t condyloma' A) a new hillside condominium protect B) a designer condom C) venereal warts Marcy. Planned Parenthood 322 5571. 213 OK University Second Stake p m. $2 00 North 213 Institute. contract Austin. Call 218 UPRIGHT PIANO. 1907 Momngton & Weston. New refmished. $600 EBONY 217 BIKE, all Campy. 2 sets of rims, rarely used $550 or best otter. Steve 3 or 313 IIANCHI RACING COMPUTER FOR SALE. IBM PC JR. $400 Color monitor, games, typing tutor, perfect condition, original botes, hardly used. Cost or $899 one year ago. Must sell, 363-016-8 CONTRACT tor DORM deposit. Lance Peterson. leave message. 8 Never been used. 195 s. Cost $350. sell $250 220 obo. Craig TERRIFIC OPPORTUNITY to begin home ownership' Nice brick bungalow near Sugarhouse. Only $49,000' Low down, low interest, low monthly. Possible basement or apartment Call Les Gaymore. 582-42Probe Realtors. 220 U. SUGAR HOUSE. 2 beautifully remodeled 4 br homes. Hardwood floors, fireplace, new earthtone paint & levelors. Low down, low $50 s. Won't last! Open house Feb 21 Paul, owner Realty 5 p.m. Best Western agent NON $l50mo. H: xt650, ROOMMATE 13 hangers. 2 FEMALES 213 ! LOST & FOUND ANT WORO 219 363-722- 220 5316170 Setectric II, 2 other 5 45, W 4 30. M-Sat. 10 30 $25 mo. or $3 class. 1 130 E. 2100 AT THE BAY. M & 313 8 TUTORING by Ph. D. Close to U. Ph. MATH 313 213 for an appointment today. THE NAILING TOST LOVES THE Ul So for Valentine's we are giving a gift ($5 value) for "! every new set of nails ($30) Let us spoil "U We're in Arrow Press Sq. Phone 213 TUTOR to help experience I nenced 12 years 313 expe- - letter quality printer. Avenues, 213 PROCESSING WORD Papers, theses, near East (days). PROCESSING experienced Spelling checked From $1 per DS pg Close to town IE TTERPERFECT...ki. Lezlee dictation 313 Typing word processing Papers, theses, dissertations, WORO 313 transcription. Helen 278-06- 2M3 WAIT (appointments'). Exp typing punctuation, grammar, spelling correction. Avenues. Sandi, (msg TIME SAVE TYPING WORD PROCESSING 904 DS. pickup' 8 5 30. weekends 973-201Daytimes Eli is excellence, speedyl 220 313 363-722-6 experience as typist secretary. For fast professional service call: Diana Fox 32 Can check spelling, grammar, references, etc. Thorough Accurate. Experienced. Mrs. 313 Nelley. Edits, word 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing. 12 years legal business experience, $1 pp. Editing. 313 PROFESSIONAL WORO PROCESSING 10 years experience. Downtown location. Reasonable rates Quality guaranteed. Claudia at 35 evenings. days or kfm MAHAetMdT 0PP0ITUNITT ft you have sold tor a summer sales company and want to work m a management position with a top company making an excellent income, call 180237 Amer., Australia, Asia. All fields. mo Sightseeing free into write S $900-200- 0 UC. P0 Bx Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 MOTHERS HELPER WANTED 46 infant & housekeeping Russo collect Mon-fr- 33 i) experts only Apple II experience preferred 213 George MUST IE ON WORK STUDT. Skills required: typing Primary duty: transcribing audiotapes Hours flexible. Begin at $5 25 nr. 213 00 p m ) tor counseling office Type minimum 50 wpm, prefer skills in medical billing, dictaphone, word processing. $4 50 nr. Call Pam or 5 217 Sherry part time RECEPTIONIST (9-- 217 ASAP. SALES POSITIONS with the Event. Classified 84101. ad sales Flexible hours, high commissions. Display sales: some experience preferred. AffER HIRING! Writing positions, musicm.--editor also available Call 485536. 10 a p m. 225 5 CARL 8 wk infant in my home. Full CHILO time. Salary negotiable. References. 217 PART TIME 12 TO 530 P.M. Weekdays, some computer input. Must have car Send PPMM. P.O. Box 1082. SLC. UT resume to 225 RECREATION Program Counselor to work with elementary school age children at the Salt Lake Boys & Girls 12-- 6 Club. Mrs 3--6 Mon.-Thur- s. Fri. Contact to apply. Experience with Judy 466-154-0 children required. 218 SCHOOL 363-336- FOR A GOOD SUMMER J0I7 Individuyears old and up. Income Sales work with 20 year old company on a referral basis. $10 minimum per presentation. We work in 35 states Good experience, training, and environment. LOOKING als 18 $5,000-$10,00- MEDICAL VETERINARY SCHOOLS PhD to M.D program Schools comply with NEW regulation English programs, loans. Live in the USA. 33 irst Month's Vf 3 i products, etc. to help improve their competitiveness No experience needed Simple instructions will be given, you wiN visit their store. A fill out a research questionnaire afterward to receive 1 ot trie . FREE! Rent 0EPENDA8LE. ACCURATE jr 2 BEDROOM & 220-260m- APTS. DEAREST JUDE, I want to love you forever f! Will You Marry Mc 77 36 Cinema Theatre Please call 5 227 at Thur. Fri. Sit 900 East 2100 South FtMUm Of NIGHTCLUBS 485-426- I Pioneer Valley Apts. Salt Lake City Call for your personal showing. 532-259- 5 Murray 531-61- 70 268-836- 3 Call someone to buy my skiis with bindings (180 cm). Used only once. Great J 9Vi Plays KEEPING, 25(H)542. . H If you're planning to drive east, pick up a National Car Rental in SLC & deliver it. to any of the cities below. Pay only for the gas you use. Milwaukee, Green Bay, La Crosse, Eau Claire, Appleton Wisconsin; Minneapolis & Rochester Minnesota; Chicago Illinois; Fort Wayne Indiana. To qualify phone: National Car Rental Salt Lake City Airport P.O. Box 28061, 16 Lakcwood, Colorado 80228 for female group home Room board ft salary, vacation ft benetits. Meredith Frank, 220 close to CLCOMP. opens Ret outlet $6 50 an hour. Mkt exp preferred but not required. Wk nights 6 30-1day Sat. Call Mond. 8 ask for Sam. 213 NAT. STEAM PROMOTE TNE UTAN SYMPHONY S Part-tim- . 521-165- 1 Located at Primary Children's Medical Center Annex off 13th Avenue and F Street. Equol Opportunity E.nployer An IHC facility. MFHV 00 - Students $2.50 with Ijfiljyl) M-- 100230 pm. 220 PI that students who live "on campus" have a better average GPA than those who don't 581-629- 1 3 Ask for Doris .HUmJ 1 1? 1 J Our math may be otIier hiqhly lnusuaI trinIcets & $1,000 Grand Prize, over $5,000 total prize value. 141 winners. No entry fee. All types, topics, styles of poems. New poets welcome! Your poems also considered for publication. Send up to three poems. 20 line maximum for each poem. Please type if possible. Send to: American Poetry Assn., 250A Potrero St., Box 8403, Santa Dept. UT-1Cruz, CA 95061. Free Brochure. t I D. Uncommon caihJs 5, season! evening hours. Call e unconventional, but it does save paper. Kinko's makes two-side- PRIMARY CHILDREN S MEDICAL CENTER PHONE t U NANNTHOUSEKEEPERf RIEND needed for child, age 11. Mom travels on business 0 Room and board plus small salary or 363-805-5 220 through Tuesday POTIONS E SALT LAKE CITY s 2713 LIVE IN COUNSELOR Weeks LOVE Responsible for working every Saturday and Sunday as well as holidays. Hojrs 320 12th AVENUE referen-ce- NIGHTLY 7:15 & 9:15 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER rjjjjujjjjjjjjjjjjj DRIVING EAST? reasonable rates, MOUSE Residential Living 1 PART-TIM- 219 bargain. Office of 303-969-82- Resort Jobs Unlimited a I UNLIMITED Tropical Beach Summer Jobs PROFESSIONALLY PREPARED COMPUTER LASER TYPESET WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE GUARANTEED RESULTS FREE CONSULTATION Swimming Pool Yr. Ftound Jacuzzi 6 Blks. from Temple Square Air Conditioning RESORT JOBS I Resort Job's Unlimited is now seeking applicants to work in tropical beach resort's (or next summer, in the hotel and restaurant industry. There will be 3.000 robs available in place Ske: Florida. U S Virgm Islands. Hawaii. South Carolina, Granc Cayman and many more. We need your response now to reserve your job for the summer months. Buddy Plans available Fee involved. First Impressions Resumes o. 219 for interview. WANTED: 45 W. Broadway : . individual AND NEAT to work full or part time in receiving, shipping, and delivery for local hydraulic firm. Must enjoy working with figures - PROCESSING. Prepare now for your career with a job winnign resume from . . 218 free items above 364 9559 Proven Student Service, 212 601 1888 quality spelling check. ATTENTION '87 GRADS l t Free dinner tor or tree ski passes lor 90 minutes ot your tune Market research firm needs individuals to pose as prospective customers of our jewelry store client to determine quality ot service LAST CHANCE) Box no. 406, In wood Station flY- MY. 10034 313 FOX. 539-02- to care for 6 mo. in N J area Call Ms. m 5 p m , (9 PROCRAktMERS for video games. Assembler 213 basics. Call Robin 219 OVtMSi AS JOBS. Summer, yr round Europe. Saturdays. Marketing, general office. CRUISELINE 944-444- 4 313 students grasp the wk Summer. Careen Good pay. Travel Call for guide, ext. cassette, newsservice. (916 3H3 192; AIRLINES Macintosh 512K w letter quality printer. Call Diane. WORO 217 9469 WORK STUOT STUDENT needed 20 hrs typing general office work. Call Jim Redding 8 wletter EXPERT you face one t Will edit. Emergencies are my specialty. Only TYPING. IBM Computer printer. $1 per page. Free Tutoring available. Call Call EL adult female interested in house or apt sitting spring quarter. Call 4 466-496- 6. ran CCII experience it s tough to rjet a too without a fob it s tough to get experience Air Force R0TC can offer both Department of 6 213 Aerospace Studies PROFESSIONAL TYPIN6. BA in English. 90tpage. TOU ot the Hardest lesson in life: Without RESPONSIBLE, WANTED IBM PC, PROCESSINfi TYPINB40ITIN6. TEACHER. PAPERS) Make correc- documents to computer compactly for future 1. reference or revision. 467-65213 II. PROCESSINfi NEEDS you may WORO PROCESSING, TYPING. WRITING tions quickly by transfering printed 227 TYPIN6. IBM Select U 272-595- accurate and High. Call Cindy 350-703(weekends, evenings). 466-760-6 PAGE. evenings and weekends 0 WORO PROCESSES. COMPUTER. Resumes, term papers, manuscripts, etc. Same day 313 service Lynn WNILE YOU 213 313 3 correct spelling WORD PROCESSING, 313 3 SCULPTUREO NAILS, just $25 with U of U ID at Fingerpaints Nail Salon. Crossroads Mall. Offer good thru v'entine s ay Call SET OF ITALIAN U Jan fast accurate Please call Sue Foreign graduate students welcome. 3n3 SERVICES So. of OS. IBM 943-741- Joyce. PROFESSIONAL TYPlNGSOt 313 00ci TTPINS PROFESSIONAL BOt PER PAGE. TYPING (364-680- 211 East 300 South Answering 4363155 days. 3595163 eves. papers, reports, theses, dissertations Fast service Aztec Typing Service Expert Word Processing Typesetting. Salt City Type and Design (355-1153-) SO 223 machine kave message 2tM 149 TYPING SERVICE. Close, reasonable, fast, experienced Word processor. Sheiry EXPERT TTPINS processes texts, dissertations, reports. AEROBICS Resumes composed from $7 ment call First Impressions Resumes 4 0 Word Perfect quality printer. better for less apartment with papers creative touch lor better grades. Reasonable Free Corrections, revisions RESUMES. THAT SET RESULTS! Professionally prepared resumes, cover letters C V s. and lob campaign packages While you wan service, guaranteed results For appoint- WORO 311 TO SHARE MANUSCRIPT Resume services English M A . former teactier gives OMEGA ALPHA PROCESSING you may need, contact Bomta at FORMER ENGLISH 1 your wallet has been found. 218 Call evenings to identify. OF Sword & Sorceress III LOST: PAPERBACK by MZB Last seen in OSH 138. Call Dawn B THE FOI 4 313 219 females Own bedrooms $120 per month per 220 person. Near U. ROOM FOR LAOY in large house 220 drinkers. $170 month. Ph. 582-741- 4 ) SAMANTHA perfection need, contact Bomta Mahallati at U. 218 583-066-1. REFERRAL Live SEIVICE. all scientific and engineering papers. Certified tutoring tor International Students 213 EDITCRIAL 583-132-3 utils. Call Bob w: 268 9875 CALL Part wool 363-865- Work guaranteed FOR ANY WORO mi from SMOKER TO SHARE HOUSE MOID PROCESSINfi. COMPUTERIZE! Years of experience We specialize in 270 below '6 price Slacks 30 waist (new) $4. Free wooden suit LAST Aft Susan, 227 220 wfmagewriter & external drive. Excellent condition, hardly used leave message 220 chea.l ELECTRA GS K2 $ Excellent recreational ski Student papers, resumes, mail merge, etc. Mielsen Computer. 219 nc $1 pg Neat, quality work. Capitol Hill location. near U with hardwood floors, earthtone colors, washer mo. 1 You're BlockirT My Rays!!!! titra charge. no SERVICE machine). BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN HOME sale You get tree Please I28K MACINTOSH ' FAST EXPERIENCED 217 SINGLE SUPER 359-785- ROOMMATES and dryer. $185 v. ! Li-- TYPING 11-- A FOI SALE: Dorm Stephanie 584-47- 213 Jte and other MALE SEEKS ATTRACTIVE cheerful leader type atler 6 female tor his First Lady. 355-576-8 Oance. Feb. 14. -- student, budget Euart. cruises tCIA Europe Orient Please as tor LUli, 363539, 532 3760 313 217 JOIN US AT THE 224 INTERNATIONAL adventure, Gypsy Moon, 1649S 1100 0 HELPLINE Earth 359-596- EKE HACK UTTERS and mother cat Very cute Can Carolyn at 213 unique Valentines Plan- - WESTERNDELTA round trip airfares. Continental US. anytime, too 30 day reservatioa required. $290 544 3575 or 359-44- MAI SEEKS 101 SMOKING. Don drinking partner tor 1992 U S Presidential Campaign 3554768 after 1 1 m 213 227 219 kEEl SOW ONE II Slirt my car M Dallas Ft Worth. TX Witt pay gas expenses, tieed or driver A S A P. 264-812-5 213 tor a Change Hire a profes-stonse personal Quartet to sing an 272-131- 563-344- Travel 32 322-481- 3 Possible through 4(7-751- 6 ROMANTIC LOVE 5 MEW YOU iiVAtf. I days hotel, meals S snots, tours, tip. ft taxes included $799 more intermatio. call Cery Thereil 51 277-939- 2 i4 3 TRAVEL Adults stjfly results. Only $25 Sung anywhere tor scheduling DIAMONDS. 1 PAT RETAIL! 59 8668. Mesa AZ VELP US MA 311 299-272- FOR SALE 101 PAULS Cfc$TlAN PRESCHOOL 2 e or classes CaU 322 8 love song to your Valentine 486-454- 5. year-- 3713 March 2 SLC Write PO Bo 1 3 6 85204 (6C21 utd 359-103- ST MiSS VTA USA KAUTf PAGEANT aoes 17 24 Preliminary te Miss USA and Universe FOR RENT HE 364-43- Evau.aia - I back-to-bac- k, copies, so d your two pages can become one. It all adds up at Kinko's. fOR ItinEio's SaiNt VaIentIne's DAy 1649 S. 1100 484-440- 0 E. Great copies. Great people. Opsn 24 hours 200 University SL 583-348- 0 |