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Show Friday. February 13, 1987 Page Eleven Complete the chain of love by giving chocolates By Bryant Lars en Chronicle staff writer translated means, "food of the gods." And what about the poor brokers who spend their lives in crowded rooms in New York Qty, frantically running and If you really care enough to send the very best or if you want to give the gift that really keeps on giving, make it chocolate. After all, chocolate is the perfect gift for Valentines Day and here's why: 3Then you hand that heart-shapbox of chocolates to your Valentine, you complete a chain of love that extends all the way from Ghana, the Ivory Coast and Brazil to your special person. It must take something more than a companies are now automated, some still make chocolates the old fashioned way: dipping them by hand. The C. Kay Cummings Company of Salt Lake Qty has gained a national reputation for its hand-dippe- d chocolates and mints. Besides all the love that goes into every box of chocolates, the sinfully sybaritic substance does have a few other virtues. Chocolate does not cause cavities. In fact some studies show that chocolate contains chemicals that may prevent on teeth (the sugar is plaque build-u- p another story). Also chocolate does not cause acne, as once believed. In Mesoamerica, a cup of chocolate sealed frothy marriages of the Mixtec royalty. So if someone you know is a chocoholic, shouting as they bid on the Cocoa Exchange every day? Theirs is no pleasant task. We can't forget the owners of the chocolate companies throughout the world who have spent years and years ed perfecting their chocolate blends and who now suffer insomnia, worrying their formula will be discovered. And last but not least, we can pay tribute to those unsung heroines in those same candy shops, who stand day after day dipping their hands into the brown monetary incentive to motivate the farmers in those equitorial countries to battle the heat and bugs and raise their cacao crops from which chocolate is eventually made. The cacao tree, by the way, is called Theobroma cacao, which make sure they get what's coming to them this Valentines Day. Be prepared to spend a little money when you go to order that Valentine box of ambrosia. At Cummings for example a heart-shap- ed box containing 4 pounds and 8 ounces of the stuffretails for $63.75. Or you could opt for Godiva which costs $36 for a one pound box, complete with a velvet heart-shape- d box. Deciding which chocolate company puts out the best product is an impossible task. Kay Cummings, president of C Kay Cummings said, the customer's tastebuds arc the most important. "The big group of judges arc out there every day and they decide who's best." 12th-centu- ry gooey liquid, transforming it into chocolates. Although many of the larger candy love from page ten as the right of society to regulate the sexual behavior of its members, and the question of women's rights. The notion of love as an abstract ideal started with Plato and Socrates. "With the rise of the dialectic, they emphasized reason and rationality. From this grew the tendency to denigrate the physical and passionate side of humans," Chattcrjee said. Thus, a set of ideals grew up surrounding love. "We arc limited as humans. How can we expect our love to be unlimited?" Fantasies need not be harmful, he said. "They add a touch of magic to our ordinary reality. But illusions are another matter. The common illusions we learn about love are harmful," he said. For example, true love is forever. This is a myth that goes as far back as Plato, who said that something truly real doesn't change. "But we're talking about your own life here," which inevitably changes, Chattcrjee said. notion that love is unconditional The commonly-hel- d view of love, he said. "Love is actually gives an archetypal based on lots of conditions. The reasons we're in love are the conditions," he said. We are taught that you love the total person. Yet, there is a distinction between love and acceptance. Then, an appealing illusion holds there is one person meant for you, somewhere out there in the world. Consider the odds, though, and the chances seem overwhelming that you'd never find that one. , "It is appealing because it is a romantic notion and it has the element of passion. There is nothing wrong with that, providing we know that it could be almost anyone," Chatterjee said. "If you give them the chance and give yourself the chance. You have to realize love is a process and not an endproduct. It depends on your sharing a world view and orientation," he said. And then there's sex. As patterns of morality were set down emphasizing reason over passion, the idea of true love was thought to require some form of sexual Part of our heritage is that the body and its functions is degrading, Chatterjee said. "Sexuality is neither moral or immoral," he 0 AT&T and QIREiNpicTURES Prosont A FREE CAMPUS SCREENING 0 flMSl (583 SM3SB fllTP HACKMAIl . self-deni- IfU go straight to your heart. BARBARA HERSHEY al. I DENNIS HOPPER g; said. "We should be concerned with real moral issues honesty, friendship, empathy, courage." In fact, it is truly moral to do things because you want to and because you know it is right; not because you have to, he said. According to Christian definition, people won't do the right thing unless they are forced to by fear of God, he said. At best, a belief in God can reinforce morality, but it can't be the basis for morality, he said. 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