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Show Friday, February 13, 1987 Page Fifteen KISIME: yo respected My culture 1 respected yours, sa let s get together 1 do some more VALENTINES SCITT. happy valentines day. sweetheart. Trus is our ttrst. but hopefully not our last SMKTBINS new for Valentines? LOOKING FOB does a smgrni diapers sound? Cat How pmfc cupd tights 6 t Avert Avenamavenour yavenou stand? Love. Km BAN ANIMAL What cm I say to my favoritt unn sister, except mat I tov you1 too many women, too little time Tl OUR VALENTINES, from Friflay night, we think you have our silk, satin tockey 4 lace, we d really like to see your face AX s Wt vt been high so you know we canl go dry Oalt have a sappy valentines day4 K A W wants to know 4 you II start a "Babes of Larimic Club" with him! xxoa 4 frosted raspberry poptarts. Jules 100. look tor the "bare" necessities and have a happy valentine s dayl Love. "8" MAUREEN, sorry I keep pushing you out of th bed at night. I love you. Steve MISS DOMESTIC: HTM: rf you tt be my CBSB clanket IVGYM birthday WE LOVE xoo blue flame will reign Let's make the formal IUIIA. fish have scales, yoda is OEAR HOLLY. Love. Alex half-ma- I'll Art those pictures really from your landlord? rsvp! Torri SUZIE LAVENOAR: see you tomorrow, I Lift's not the same miss you very much. H. Louise SHANE. JODY Feliz dia de amor. Hagamoslo il de is bread. Elmers is said. Isle of Ewe. TU ES EAGLE." the sky is not enough to hold dancing was a blast! You made my day M. Tu MICHAEL (Talking Heads, striped shirt), 4 our dearest Shawn. AX favorite guy. we love you clearly, for you we'd die We're really gtad you came our way and we hope to all kiss you on valentine's day. The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega SHAWN R00MAN: FROSTY, ice skating, fondues, baby sitting, it's been way great! Love, your little Amy the days we've had I together have been the best 411 days ve DEAR I love you! Let's forget them and THUMPER, run off together. Monday at 9 am. The usual place. Love. Nan I see Mexico, JULIE squealing pigs and fat wallets in your future. Love. Ed Freahead. we were the funniest! See ya soon. Love. 2Js PIZZA BENDER, love you! Here's big H's. big gulps, and breaking the record. Love, RB I HENNING friend. Marilyn Monroe E Peterson III: symphony? potential. Supply own snorkel. Brent Blackburn. Find me. Rose are red, violets are blue, please don't forget I love you. Brian. S.W.C Love? Time will tell. But the times I'll spend with you I will love. Hugs n kisses. , , Happy Birthday! Uncle Kent. Nica-tee- Jennifer. Mark. Mark. Alan. Kirsten. Derek. Rob, Garnette. Russ. Claudia. Scott. Doug Happy Valentines STEVE IIID6E and Kevin Hegewald-Y- ou lovt me and you know if Happy Valentines lovt. your favorite gal PETE MS I. Let s garden Happy Valentines Day Lovt K B Thanks tor all ol your help you Happy Valentines X0X0 Jodi SllT Good Hmmmm punch . . . I See ya' m psyched JENSE- N- Will you marry me on tht Donahut Show? Signed. Mr. Romance MS I PRES lovt you desperately ItCsandwich N- Be my Valentine gobble-de-go- ? free till-u- RATS You rt tht greatest all Happy Valentine s Day Janet "The Gang." Happy Valentines Love the J A M A men. LADIES OF CI CHE . I feliz dia del amor' I tequi sontiendo' Sos la metor que hay Tu choche C0O0 BUOS . let good buds be nondiscovera-ble- , in spite of severe hormone increase ANO 0EANN Don't you think love is . We though so The Velcro Couple , We love you too The Delta girls than one (in more ways . . . This Day to my rt when we re both sober J. FOX' . going to my Private Idaho" but my heart stays with you. ROB P. . Can't believe it's 3 Never thought you d choose me to be we' Love ya So. like, will you be my Valentine? X0X0. Willy Wonka CRAIG T. LETTER MAN Day to the Sultan of Suave, the Prince of Pananche VALENTINE S RICK , my darling. I love you so. but hiding under my desk will have to go JILL. P S You are still so beautiful. Tummy . I still think I like you. Mame Valentines Oay Tracy love Jetf Valentine s Oay I love you. Tiffany eht nam ohw tekam ym efil os I evol ouy eb yppah' aruaL NIWOE. Spending today with you makes STEPHEN me happitr than any superlative can describe' Love. Jen I NANCY AKA RUS- S- Happy Valentines Oay love, tht Sweats, hope I see more OR I A My little Swiss Mist, you rt still the keeper ol my heart. Love, Gearhead (and f 30- 0- Happy Valentines PU0GY RAIBITI Mad eyes . . Day about you. lost in your Kraschenburn . Thanks for being such a great friend' Happy Valentines Day' Love ya. Christy L ROBINSON There t lots of loving and living ahead' Meanwhile. I'm by your side CANDY Love Damn, but you're beautiful. Love you babe. Scott. Thanks for baking the cookies and puttin up with me. Happy Valentine's Day' . 78. You finally got your name ya'-- RB RUNNER: Thanks for everything You're one of a kind' Happy Valentines Day' Love. Giggles. IRAI , Thanks tor putting up with me Like being around you Take caie Love. Julie JB. . Find a stionger bonding material' Velcro splits and she s gone to Idaho' O WMATI Happy V Oay (3 oat Tonight is the night we talk finances Love C P Who will we have to ping us now Day' Love ya. I I . V Happy VALENTINES 0EAI PROFESSOR CLE A SON. Wt libetH Fiom your lovers of law SCOTT J want to give you the rash next time Happy Valentines Day Zelda P00CNIE babe. The double excellent Thanks tot everything bullet. Tim wTlSON S POLI SCI: Brown mustache and last name of Anderson. Who are you' Reply in Chrom Thanks for being the greatest I love ever' Happy you' RB A J.: Roses are red and your eyes are so blue I need you so bad that I'll come unglued Happy Valentines. Flash. IVORY. see-sta- r ANO FLANGIE a break, huh SWEETHEART day U O 2 for flinching and 6 for not looking both ways Flash. Happy VD. BAM BAM: If the fish don't bite. Change the flies bro. Flash, Hapopy VD. in the newspaper! LW MELISSA , Oo you want to go out !? My ego loves you! Happy Valentine's Day! DARREN . Rose are red. violets are blue, have I told you how much I really like you? Debbie. S. W000Y. Have my Red Snapper. TO THE OTHER three in Commander Eight, Happy Valentine's Day. Love you all. Katie. SYMBA. Tonight, let's make up for those times we were apart! I love you. Miesha. CGC: . I love you more and mote each STACEY . Why throw my love away ust tor a game so you can play Donl follow your mind, follow your heart, then our patns shall never part Tiger. . With baffled brilliance and wings of love, you soar my heart through clouds above Dazzled KATHERINE . I love you' Mark love you more than you've ever thought of hoping of loving me Minority SUEY . SARVJIT H0ID love you Happy Valentine s Day closer tiny dancer YHYB I . ME SHAWN . Call any hour I know you will Let s take a trip. Youi friend forever "H ". PLANE . Hang in Valentine s is our day We can talk anytime Love, youi heart sister FETTER . See you active next quarter Keep up the good work Love. "H ". STEVE ANO QUINN . Happy Valentine s Day I d call it you had a phone Love. HAH I0NG0 , Put us out of our misery Get it over with' Love, the gang GUMIY GUMMI (You fashion plates) Spot s having a personal Valentine's crisis He's disoriented VFS. Red (3302) S Slick (33?3) MICHAEL . What grace, wit and charm you exude, but ties of commitment you elude Walrus Mo PS . We love you. mommy' Jeffy and can't wait for tomorrow I ... love you beaucoup. Just think. 35 days and we will be one Craig JILL . I BEAR me catnip I d rather visit . Quit feeding with Eroo more often. Aristophanes JOHN ATHON! , Eight TcTock p m "Think Valentine kiss' Gotta love it' Shiela YOU . Jesus, for showing me what love REALLY is. a Campus Ambassador. THANK VALENTINES Flash is Thanks for saving Cubby. having a sale on facial moisturizer. (Clean the room) Happy V D Flash. CUBBY. Your love o Knssy-Po- BUMPIE: Rent a boy and give me Happy digits art PEARL . Ce samedi. pas de tele pas de lumieres. et pas de vetements A Manic DEARHEART You're a special friend, let's stop fighting' Happy Valentines Day' Love ya. Alex J. lovt your 0. . Let s make maps together' (J K I Thanks for your wonderful" help Happy Valentine s S VALENTINES WONKA: we call you "counselor;" oh honest, we do. Can I watch "I. A. Law" every night with you? Happy Valentine's Day' . "Korean soldiers lost the war aid now we re all the smarter, this year has been the best and more but have you found my garter' (Look your glovt compartment 1 1 love you Astro Girt. DEAI TIANOUH JANET LARSON: S.L.B. WILLY (Bruises) sister. I BAKER C JEFF IA PLUME Thanks for one great yeai let s do it at least once more love. Caroline DEAR RACHEL MICHALE STEVE has been gnat fun. now let s ) Love. Hollie C.K.B. You still take our Men next door. MUSCLES Things art shaping up nicely to you and How about a flex? Happy Bev. J I . Who said Friday the 13th is unlucky We've got each other TONIGHT The Blonde HAPPY - Be Call). Have fun in Jackson Meet me at Tht Pub Monday night at 10 00 If you can, your ex COLEMAN IAMI0A OELT I C Ibreath away Happy rose lutrednow. VALENTINES MIKE JENNIFER. Candle light, wine and a ready RS I Nothing clever, nothing funny, just w ant to let you know I love your honey L ove. Lisa ZELDA matter-horn- I , grand No one does d better Happy Valentines Day J Q Public try o TO THE UNION THE make an awesome "Dad" and bud1 Happy love ya-- RB IR00K Brook Brook Brook Biook Biook WADE wash and shine' JACK MONICA BRENT B. You BRIDGE NAPPY and George the best' Art on the Susan . lee what about an evening at the Possible rendezvous Scooter . NXIOAY NEWSFLASH) 4 out of S men prefer Kappas for their Valentine Sweethearts' AMOSPAGETTE what a maddening beauty' You will take the broadcasting world by storm. JG SALLY: I Anata a ai shite tmasu yo Tedo KACNL SPANKEI CAROLYN lovt you WEN0AGL For all you say and do. this friend loves you Happy Valentines Day TNTN Brook Brook Brook Brook. Happy Valentines Oay lovtBB I love BRUCE as Tony the Tiger would say. you re Valentines Day Love TUNA Lite s a party so let s bve it up Et Ee Lovt. Poodle te S- - love you forever. JLR SANDY R: Happy valentine's day. Wine, flowers, and bubble bath. Susan UNION RATS: thanks for making my days bearable. Happy valentines! I love you all. Jill with lots of good wife I SOPHIA S. d bruises on my chin. give me Golden Palace of the Himalayas. saphires are statistically MR. MAGNUM, ever had. BAD BOY. uninteresting. Diamonds are a girl's best Ron. Stacy. Melyssa HAPPY VALENTINE'S toujours de ce que es responsable de ta mon petit je t aime tres fort! Je t embrasse tres fort. Kyle DEAR JILL das right I wuv's ya. Yo be my valentines witf me, Biff I day OREIMA AND MISHA. LINDA BEECH, YOU!! Happy valentine I love you. Benni my love for you. Phoenix DEAR VALENTINE OING00NG WONG: continue those wild navel maneuvers Fatima wishes you cupid s graces Crazy Shtek tu as apprivoise. rose. Kitty TREE SLOTH: BLUES. I love you as always and I can't wait for SO Happy Valentine s Love, the Geek RESPONSABLE pour TO "MY lovt you Jenny have your number Dying to I meet you Look our way 5th floor Marnot SP and JM. Stumped' Ask Kenny desert. I'm happy with you. Happy valentine's day. sweetheart! I YOU!! Hugs & kisses (meow, meow). J. BRID6E: Prez, JERRY BUC HI C. whether atop a pyramid, sliding down a mountain coffee field, or stranded in a THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BLONOE whose name I can't remember. I can't wait until March. I love you. From the guy with the strange gerbil. LOVE shining armor. DAVID, MR. BILL. Not nay, zero in tennis, this beautiful institution, one less than three. Martha S. I love you. Shirt meet me in the Union front lobby Sat. Oawn RABBIT) Rhodes happy valentines day. you it grten grass and flowert and everything wonderful You art my knight in historical romances arenl much fun on a sick stomach. Take care of yourself I won't have anyone to gripe with if you donl. always be mine. Love. Amy ya'RB TO you are the sunshine of my lite Seeing 10VE JUCKETI WiH you be my Valentine St. George this weekend? NEY mi CARYL Day re the best Yourt the best triend ever Happy blue-ey-ed Tl THE JUTS of N S B 0 E a Valentine kiss tor those who read this today thanks for being a great friend Sweet dreams of the flea collar man. lova DEAR: 1" ? unreal' Happy oodles Noodles T KikCOON SECRETARIES come and secretaries go. but it I true, as most of you know, that those of GREG: OEBRA, happy valentines day. Please, I I P: at 6 30 pm. B amo. Juano glue, hear what kraschenburn 'Te amo1 Happy valentine's me? Meet 1 BUNNY . How tout seme time together? I I meet you on the water. S B IECKJE N of DAX. you blondt likes you Answer m Cnromcie S MOORE. LAURA, SHAUNA. us who work at the (J. art the very best, thru and thru' Happy valentines day from COUS Wazoa Brothers. St I: sa. where are all those nice young men? Only m your most wild dreams Happy valentines KB 11 Undies on the floor, we II have no more Or you'll be out the door. lovt. Thybrt Wneas the party? Love and Kisses, the : J: happy birthday two days tale Havt a ragm' valentine s day and may there be many cows m your lite KB Bet, you make this hivt honey love, the drones daiy WILLIAM HALL without you. art all great' Happy STACY lllllll Queen tweeter than SJL happy valentines, almost two years and I still canl get enough. I really love you GT PAUL the Idaho Navy man Blue eyes in Poli Sci are looking at you. tli I Even though we lost, thanks for the hockey game Andrea get ready. Biggus Squatch 1RETTI B BRENT Have a happy valentine's day MET INCONTINENTIA, MAPPY NICHOLAS love happy valentine's day Love, the NRN HELEN, Gma (Rtke) BOBI I duke of Sandy yellow, the two together create a WANTEO: I'm no good at rhyming. ust loose my timing But one thing I do know. I lovt you to Brett D. BROOK HEY ANISSAI What a country. America tt. and you too The Latin Lover. valentines and with the weight SARA I know where you can get JENNI P. You re going to have a great day Go tor rt and kick-bu0 D. like older men Available? te amo. p. SATA. JANE, problems ytu EMILY y inlormal. Boat driver LITTLE I PI PUTS of the painted fingernails tor bruise coloring contest I tax tarty lN at JENNI P. Nappy ValwtlM 0 mlnkint it ytul Neb. 6UY, mustache, Brooks Brothers you for the lovt you makt upon Bus valentine s day The Sequel SYMKl SISTERS seek picky men with VALENTINES sexy puppy dog eyes, and those loooong legs covered in happy valentines! I miss you. You're the best' Love. Brenda in NY MY MISSING lingerie and lots of it' Chily vat day Reward AX I CHRONICLE let s not miss our chance So save your energy for the nights"! 1. 2, 3, Michelle Todd I: KtlSTI H isaOOCS Happy Valentines Day k thank WILLY " love spending time with you. finally Happy valentine's day. Tiffany MIKE, MISSY, be your 0. Davis, and band, tho not necessarily The Capt. Utah Crew that Older SCOTT Love you. JW Thani tor being the best neighbor pal ever xo Tracy Tl MY (WN brave Wesley-Spikestill smiling' Thanks for many rescues love always. Kenney Crimson Line. in cheerleaders. YOU J heart throbs tor you Love. Stew was out DEREK: LiRetta. Linda, Paula TO THE MOST: remember who made who s day one year ago. love, the boat driver I NAVE A FRIEND, you see. who s as fuzzy as can be Oh. she s so fine, but will she be mine? Oh. please, my fuzzy little smirk! JACK, LOVE I N wrd roses art red. violets are blue, we art glad Valentine s day gave us you Jill. you are the best floor Happy valentines day Love, your R A. PUDGY valentine ct la taccio CUNNING: valentine? WIGGLES, di te. non you truly are the valentine Happy Ling Ling SlANMlNG: INONOETTEl MAARN. serua stiH i it s not much but happy valentines. I love you, ai sum Mike AUYSON. I hops we can always be best friends If no one else asks you. would you be Abril. Te lovt you. Tracy SHEILA. TORIL Mara. Happy valentines day to my bestest friends MLB. has rt reaty been two years since "the DEAI MARY SUZANNE, we ve ever soon, there are not enough words to describe our feelings for you. would you be ours for valentine s day? BUD BLAINE dub DAVID. I piu Zorro Have a happy KEIIY P. THE FIX: Here s your valentine Love you. Tracena Mccheese. Pres KPM fan VALENTINES II: valentines faailohk! (I guess I canl be quite so mushy this year) Kong Jtmuih PI SETA PHI to the most beautiful women OEAR It, I sure appreciate you heart day Love. Me JAMIE JO. ELLEt IANCtltoveyouChip JILL lull A. Cook Hippy Aquitamt KtAli MIT I. knock betort entering Hugs and you know Fara and Rosa SLICKS MOTHER: lAUli: Arnaut Daniel says chivalry wid lead you to the hght of the rose Eleanor of NL SaAUta, happy valentines day sweetheart. Love, your bud slid co mvaoes' TAMIA ADO Let me PN BELTS! Valentines day is when isnl cartography wonderful? Happy Valentines Day. Mr. 0 0: my oh sweet mystery of trie, now at last I ve lound yout Love. Shoulder Pads AWL count the ways KU2VP.I think In m love with you Signed, the guy with 2 first names SANDY SUZIE only 126 mart days I love you more than ever honeymoon w Paris? Candy Butt VOGL Under- ALLIES, how do I love thee USSY IACI sniff . sni tl, snort, snort grrr. grrr. ruf, rut. ugh. ugh. sniff srutt sniff . D. R my Ul WAITS ARE WAIM. fur bottoms are bare, give us back our unoerwart Happy v. day. AI s 1 Stop being a tease and talk to me. Union Cafe Betty. L. HARMON. Woodys. The d I hope you and all your bowling buddes have a Happy Valentine's Day HANOI . Alison. Valentine's Day' KAW . Have a Sappy wants to know if you'll start a "Babes of Laramie Club" with him' X's. O's and hosted s Jules raspberry ELLEN black tails in a . Have not seen those while. Happy Valentine s. Love always. Bunner. DOVER PAUL W. . I Valentine's . As long as we're together the rest can go to hell Love, S. KYLE . I hope you have a wonderful Love always, your bud (J W.) am still dazzled Day. Love. Janet. UNIVERSITY AREA, Happy Valentine's ILA 80 BUICK SKYLARK, wheel drive, low miles. DISCLAIMER The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. Rates are as follows: words $2.75day,$11.00wk; 16-3-0 words NOTICE $4.25day. $17.00wk. Classified isad deadline is two days prior to the date ad run. For Classified information call bronze. 4 cylinder, front to 4 automatic. New tires, AM FM stereo, super gas mileage, great condition. This is a nice 5 one. $2,195 offer. Neal weekdays. 218 other. 5 Excellent condition. $8,000 or best offer. 79 Honda station wagon. New paint, runs great $1400 2H7 or best offer. 86 HONDA 4WD STATION 1381 TOYOTA TERCEL SRS, WAGON. 30-3- 5 eves. 1977 FORD PINTO. Low mileage, and reliable. $400 Fred. cond.. new paint. $1,600. Reliable car, everything works. 1S70 VOLVO 142S. ex. 313 PINTO WA60N. Great family run about car. 4 cyln., new radials, new trans., 8 etc. $800. phone 5 eves or 220 days, ask for Oave. 979 AUDI S000S. automatic, power everything, only 61.000 miles, excellent 1 3. 213 AM FM 278-881- 213 SUPERBEETLE. Rebuilt motor top end. new heads, clutch, carb, mags. Pirellis. 1 eves, wkends. 213 $2,500 obo. Ph. 78 MB6. Must sell this week! $1,500 best offer. Great car at a cheap price. 359-013- 220 ENTERTAINMENT FANTASY writer. Meredith Ann Pierce will be reading at the Waking Owl Bookstore (1260 E. 400 S.) on 17 February 1987 at 7 p.m. Her books include: Darkangel. A Gathering of Gargoyles, The Woman who loved Reindeer, and Birth of the Firebringer. 217 Primitive dance music for now people. John Kerry THE GAMMA RAYS. 313 DINING 224 FOR RENT 219 219 1982 V.W. QUANTUM, 3 doors. 3100 miles looks like new. Has everything, $4300. Call 219 with a student's wallet? We 60URMET satisfy both. 2nd Avenue Cafe. 10262nd Ave. PALATE 225 LOOKING FOR FRIENOSI Am slightly over- weight, wear distinctive clothes, love hamburgers and goodies and am a great cook. Meet me at JB s in Foothill Village. I'll be the one in red checked overalls! (Get 10 discount now at JB's by showing your student I.O.). WOODS bedroom apt. or kids. Call BY $250-$27- 0 GARDENS paid. All condo fees, amenities. Westminster, small one Heat paid. No pets for appointment. 227 2 BDRM TWO BLOCK from campus $305 includes heat. University Garden 1153 E. 1 South. 32 FEB. FREE. cable. & 1 $210-27- 5 2 bedrooms. 219 BRAND NEW ROOMS start $150mo. Very clean, quiet, private. Super meals $6day. 1310 E. 2nd S. 313 FRIST MONTHS RENT. Large 1&2 Clean, bedroom apartments. jacuzzi. night security. 6 blocks from Temple FREE. $250 one bedroom apartments, mo. includes heat, mo. $285 224 226 726 S. 900 E. Free See manager 227 FIRST MONTHS RENT with last months advance rent. Extra large 2 bedrooms with LOCATION. Duplex with fenced yard, close to LOS Hospital. Laundry PRIME AVENUES facilities included. Call 31 1 9 THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT. 415 University Street. $405. Tenant pays heat and lights 218 side unfurn. 2 bdrm., near bus. hookups. $275 util. 1 870 Hillcrest. RENT VERY CLEAN. E 218 FREE washer dryer hookups, 6 minutes from U. & downtown. $260mo. with lease. after 5 pm. 218 ELE6ANT 5 BEDROOM. 2 bathroom furnished home for lease spring quarter. $725 mo inc utilities. Close to U and downtown. Teri 3 runs good, 11-- heat, air conditioning IN THE 4 tires, runs g reat. and good body. Need money, Fred 74 VW great in snow, FOOTHILL IMMACULATE wind-shiel- 2"9 972 DATSUN 240 Z. New make offer. 4 speed, 218 1982 DODGE COLT. Looks good, very reliable, eves new tires, tune. $1,900, days 328-1211 1981 CHEVY CITATION. $2,300. Saddlebags, ex. cond. $2,800best offer. AUTOMOTIVE condition. S3.295 offer. mpg. cassette, super reliable car. S3 HONDA V85 MA6NA. 1976 FORD door, air, 84 V.W. CTI. white, air. cass. new tires. 43.000 miles. Clean car, $5995. Moving to Australia. AM. 2H9 Call J.C. 295-327-6 Holleran 486-09- or 211 AVENUES, nice large studio, utilities paid. 1 $265 1500 S. cute 1 bdrm. $235 Call 566-55- 1 35 or 1085 2N0 AVENUE. 2 bedroom, clean, modern, attractive, carpeted, bath and kitchen newly remodeled. $275 includes utilities. 5 min. 8 walk to University or 2H7 2 BEDROOM. PRIVATE 6ARA6E. laundry, sparkling clean, tile bath. 1168 So. 5th East. 2120 $289. DUPLEX S260M0NTH utilities, bedroom. 908 S. Denver St. (450 E) 6 eves.. days, ask Heidi. large 1 3 227 S220-S26- Square. Pioneer Valley Apartments. Ask for 313 Debbie, NEW 1800 SQ. FT. 3 bdr. 2 bath, hookups, fireplace, dishwasher, disposal, mini blinds, 211 capitol area. $495 mo. BEDROOMS, air. pools, tennis, gym. carpeted, security. 752 S. 400 E. $295mo TWO 220 |