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Show Friday, Fbrury fj, 1987 Py Professor to speak on tests testing from page one to foil the tests. There is an 85 to 95 percent accuracy rate for intitial screening tests, the Thin Layered Chromatography, TLC and Test, EMIT. A complaint commonly heard from college students is: Enzyme-Imunoass- "The questions on the test didn't cover what we learned in However ARL'P's accuracy is far above industry norms. A CDC study found 11 to 66 percent false positives in labs nationwide. Johnson attributed the statistic to a lack of industry-wid- e standards. Although the CDC and CAP accredit labs who pass their quality restrictions, there are no industry wide state or federal standards labs must meet in order to do business. But beyond questions of tests accuracy are the ways employees can deceive the tests. "There are a variety of methods including vaginal and penis implants to avoid testing positive," Johnson said. "That's why we suggest a thorough monitoring program with testing." Johnson pointed to the NCAA monitoring standards which make college athletes expose the entire area from the chest to below the knees while monitors watch them urinate in specimen bottles. Another possible way to foil the tests experts suggests could be in the use of synthetic or designer drugs. Designer drugs are drugs that have been chemically altered in a laboratory to produce the same toxic effects as illicit drugs, but are perfectly legal since they have different chemical structures. Some of the newer drugs may not be able to be identified since labs would not be testing for their specific chemical combinations. class." A University of Illinois educational psychologist will deal with what students should be tested on in a lecture Friday at 1 p.m. in the Social Work Auditorium at the University of Utah. 1985 The lecture, titled "Linking Testing and Instruction: Research and Issues," is part of the Educational Psychology Department Seminar Series. The speaker, Robert L. Linn, said he believes tests serve two purposes: measuring student's knowledge of what was taught and forcing them to do creative thinking and application of what they've learned. He says they need to combine the traits of being "curriculum specific," that is, covering material presented in class, and presenting new problems to engage students in analytical thinking. Linn opposes moves to evaluate public school teachers based on students' test performance on grounds that promotes a approach where students end up being drilled on facts likely to be on a test. But creativity and analytical thinking may by stymied. Linn is professor of educational psychology and psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig- n. role-learni- ng In 1985, he received the American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Call for Mon.Sat 10 a.m.-I- I Take-Ou- t 00A, I burger, get a I qU una ywua iiiiu Ih Sun. p.m. 11-- 7 p.m. "LIGHT OF DAT" 1 2 30. 2 45. 4'itui (PG-13- Sereo) f!n HpIiixp lb. burger FREE Hurv-i- n Va vu wuvh vuiviuvi iv c1 i! Ii . 5007 at "AN AMERICAN TAIL" (G I 12 00. 1 45. 3 30. 5 15 "THE GOLDEN CHILD" 7 00 9 00 (PG-13- ) Wgf "DEAD OF WINTER" (R) 5 45 9 45 plus "THE MORNING AFTER R 3 45 7 45 Unwanted hair is at Accredited Electrolysis Office find a treatments available. , aS?53hl?Sained staff of professional registered nurses and electrolysis long on what to expect problem areas and offer open, honest advice V it will take. Thwlatffj fill DeNIRO IRONS fj Jill "A Magnificent -- ' bmStaM the MISSION L3j 'OUTRAGEOUS FORTUNE" (R. Dolby Stereo) 5 00. 7 15, 9 30 "MANNEQUIN" (PG) 5 1 5, 7 30, 9 45 safe, effective solution through the most modern d Vttwv JEREMY BETTER WAY can help you Pttrytnf RODERT ( proven method of hair featuring removal could change the rest of your life. A 0 III J "W 930 "CROCODILE DUNDEE" (PG-1Dolby Stereo) 1 30. 3 30. 5 30. 7 30. 9 30 "OUTRAGEOUS FORTUNE ' (R Dolby Stereo) 1 15. 3 15. 5 15. 715 9 15 "PLATOON" (R Dolby Stereo) 4 50, 7 20. 9 50 ACCREDITED ELECTROLYSIS OFFICE 1 1 A i Dolby 15. CroroH QnMut 111 I A complimentary consultation Now Flaying M "OVER THE TOP" (PO. Dolby Stereo) 100. 300. 500. 700 9 00 FREE SWEETHEART SPECIAL tA I Mil IXUIWlH'jlHL r Riiw botoy'SHwMl SIS. 725.925 "MANNEQUIN" (PG) 500. TOO. 900 "OVER THE TOP" (PQ. Steeo) 510. 7 10, 10 "CROCODILE DONOEE" (PO-13- ) 5 JO. 7 20. 9 20 "FROM THE HIP" (PG) 5 10. 7 2a 9 30 1 ID- - ficiat !M'?" ' ly-l!ltilf- 582-296- 2 Semi-form- al e. il "BLACK WIDOW" (R) 115. 315,515, 72S, 25 WINTER FORMAL per couple Tickets at Central Institute tt R "PLATOON"-(1243. 3 00. 273 South 1300 East at the door MM PM "THE MISSION" (PG 70 mm S Track Dolby Stereo) 12 00. 2 20. 4 40 7 00. 9 30 SoecialPieenlation "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" Friday 2 a.m. 9 p.m.-1Symphyony Hall Music by Joe Muscallno III M ThMr. 1 flyl them M i7i RIGHT! Senate r. "CHILOREN OF A LESSER COO" R) 7 30. 940 Hamburgers Fries Shakes Tacos attire til-n- . m W Treats His Valentine SENATOR ORRIN HATCH $10 Drug testing also raises privacy concerns. He said most companies could get around the concerns by testing only when a employee is suspected for using drugs, on grounds of probable cause, against the more controversial random testing. He added that the two Utah bills also make provisions for probable cause. Another problem privacy advocates face is the limitation of privacy rights to public sector employees, he said. "All the challenges to drug testing have come against government testing of public employees." Johnson also said there are no case laws protecting employees in the private sector agianst testing. Despite the privacy and accuracy concerns, Johnson said he predicts testing has not reached its peak yet. "We don't foresee the demand decreasing for some time to come. In fact, we expect to be adding to our client list for quite a while as more and more companies test." THE HUNGRY GUY FRIDAY NOON DEVOTIONAL Central Institute Chapel $12 chemical subtsances in the tests. He pointed to two commonly used synthetics, PCP and Ecstacy, as drugs ARUP currently tests for. Johnson added that the TLC and EMIT were also sensitive enough to pick-u- p synthetics if the the drugs were similiar enough in chemical structure. "This whole designer drug epidemic is really isolated to the west and east coasts," he said. "VTe don't see much use in our area." fVi . info U.S. Johnson debunked that possibility, arguing that as the new drugs develop, labs would merely catalogue the new C Contributions to the Theory and Practice of Psychological Measurement and Assessment. t$j&e ay Five "STAR TREK IV. THE VOYAGE HOME" (PG. Dolby Stereo) 4 50. 7 1 0. 9 40 particular Now Flaying at Crocsroad Cinema J "OVER THE TOP" (PG. Dolby Stereo) PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL 700. 900 Gentle Methods Available Recommended by Local Dermatologists and Physicians Medical Privacy For Men and Women We Specialize in Sensitive Skin and Problem Areas Special 'Bid' Package Available A BETTER WAY Beautiful and Permanent Cosmetic now available. Join the many women who never have to use eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, or lipliner againl Call for a free brochure and process is complimentary consultation today. A BETTER WAY PERMANENT BEAUTY TREATMENTS 355-995- 9 or 363-059- 4 "LIGHT OF DAT" (PG-13- ) "CRIMES OF THE HEART' 7 30. 9 30 7 20. 9 20 (PG-13- TH ) VOYAG HOM "A ROOM WITH A VIEW (Unrated) 7 5. 9 30 "LIGHT OF DAY" (PG-13- , Dolby Stereo) 7 15. 9 30 "THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR S" (PG-13- ) 7 15 plus "DEAD OF WINTER" (R) 900 "PEGGY SUE GOT MARRIED" (PG-17:30.9 40 Now Playing at Trolley Corners " ROUND MIDNIGHT' (R, Dolby Stereo) 7 00. 9 35 "MEN" (Unrated) 9 40 Subtitled "THE DECLINE OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE" (R) 7 30 rrw I L f ij ii.'? Mil S'llf?L tttPUUTX Qlfrv'xp !U - hi ii I I I j |