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Show Friday, February 13, 1S37 Page Eight LETTERS New shanty just anger people will I feel that the construction of this new shanty is totally wrong, because it can serve no purpose. It will not win over any new supporters. John Mathis Senior chemistry Editor That does it! The reconstruction of the shanty did it. I'm sick and tired of having this divestment dribble crammed down my throat. The erection of the latest shanty is merely an example of the anti-aparthe- Cynical reviewer, worthwhile film id members of these groups inability to determine when enough is enough. Editor For the first few months or so, the shanties were a good way to illustrate a point, to focus some attention on this issue. But the shanties soon became common- I am tired of reading bad reviews from your film critic Scon Rivers. The beautiful film The Mission was totally torn to pieces in last Thursday's Chronicle. To roe, it was the place, boring and downright ugly. This is a most worthwhile film to sec since! ma deus. Scott didn't seem to understand what the point against divestment, at least, in my mind. The construction of a new shanty has only served to increase my anger against the film The Mission was about. To say that the film went down the falls with the priest on the cross is ridiculous. That's when the film became so poignant and unforgettable for me. Imagine that some daring young Catholic monk ventures groups responsible for it, and indirectly, against the divestment issue as well. The fart that my tuition dollars are being used to protect this useless form of demonstration makes me mad. What kind of thinking could be behind this "crusade" into the jungle after knowing the fate of his predecessor. Compare this type of mission to our day's missionaries, Mormon or other kinds. Both Jeremy Irons and Robert de Niro made their characters believable and admirable. Don't the images of the green, steamy rainforests of South America still linger in your mind after seeing this beautifully photographed, directed and acted film? Can you forget the natives singing, raving that robs me of my rights and privileges as a student by robbing the school of my tuition money? I can't imagine it. Only someone who doesn't have the ability to sec the whole picture, but focuses on one small part (granted, this is the most common thought pattern in the dominant society here behind the Zion Curtain) could conceive of continuing this childish, useless GUAM W PLUS FREE14 KT. GOLD FLOATING HEART - 'Am JUST AN EXAMPLE OF THE VALUES: 18" Cobra 12 gr. 20" Herringbone $23.00 16" Herringbone 2Kmm 18" Diamond Cut Rope touched by dialogue like "These natives are spiritual beings, not animals." And the message and symbolism of the cross e-e- n apparently went over his intellectual head. Come on now, Scon, it's Valentine's Day. Have a heart. 3.7 gr 2'mm 6.6 gr. Union passing out fudgesicles and bad karma, but it takes a real ego-struct- We're all so glad to know that the Chronicle isn't funded by ASUU and will be around to report the fall and demise of the tyrannous ASUU hierarchy. Senior civil disobedience has played a significant role in affecting major policy changes in civil rights, women's suffrage and other moral and political issues. Wc arc now in a position to achieve a comprehensive test ban treaty that could end the proliferation of atomic warheads. VTe cannot allow this opportunity to pass. Whether or not we trust the Soviet Union is irrelevant. The fact remains that the Soviets unilateral test have abided by a 1985. ban since August, In that same period, the United States has aggressively continued to test nuclear weapons at an unprecedented pace. The time for direct action is now. Verification is possible. The argument to the contrary is fading into obscurity. As Einstein said, "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war." nt ed Russ Minas College of Law the twinkies screw up ASUU All I I Editor The other day found this message I written on a piece of toilet paper in Orson Spencer Hall. I was so inspired that I had to share this special message with my fellow students. "I know that God told James Madison that the only way to be free was to own AT&T stock, have an MBA and refuse to donate to the welfare systems which steal my hard won earnings to feed the poor. I know that Satan spoke to Karl Marx and said that those who would serve him would nationalize industry so that the few won't dominate the whole, and tax those who are well off to feed the poor. I know that people really want capitalism, even though they may say they support Satanic socialism. "I know that the Soviet Union is completely dedicated to removing freedom from the world by using words like 'capitalism to hide the godly doctrines of Adam Smith and J.P. Morgan. "I know that there is an international communist conspiracy which controls the democratic party, welfare weirdos, liberal professors and Dan Rather. "I know that the only way to preserve freedom and capitalism is to be patriotic, never question justice of the institution, and bow down and worship the Constitution. "How do I know? I just do." Erik Richtstcig Editor:' $74.00 English know, know, off to work go I Editor Last Thursday, over 2,000 people travelled into the desert to express collective disgust at the U.S. goverment's policy of continued testing of nuclear weapons at the Nevada Test Site. Some have leveled accusations that the protestors have been "duped" by the communists. Others say that an attempt to reverse a policy ingrained in this country for longer than most of our lives is futile. Yet, self-impos- ure Jonathan Baker Now is the time to prevent war non-viole- self-promoti- ng, to screw up an psycho-phalliineffectual student government. c, Ruth Huff Ml. - "K. playing? 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