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Show B Page Ten EAR RIV'ER VALLEY LEADER ... Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Waples and two sons of Riverside, Calif., left Monday for Boise to visit Hirr.- Warles. Thcv have Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hunsaker vah her parents, Mr. ,cn Bad as their week-en- d guests, Mr. ;mj lr5 "5 3 Watland and and Mrs. Ray Jayroxe and baby t,tlor relatives fur ten days. ci Oakland, Calif, who w ere on tfiefr way to New York to make Mrg Don rucHCr and family their home. Mrs. Jaycoxe was ;mj joyce were in Mary Jensen, a grand- ham" Wednesday. daughter of the Hunsaker s. The b:ihis the only great grandchild, Mr5. Harold Austin is visiting ' with her parents in Mantua. LOCAL NEWS - -- jjn Brig-fonnc- rly j SAYS: WE Tremoaton. Utah41 I WIN THE - f?AC- The human race- - Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kessen and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nichols and families returned Monday from a trip to Yellowstone Park. Major and Mrs. vane apdok Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pink of Arizona: Mr. aru Mrs ,.... .i.'f Tiisron. t t 111 .i. f loill i.. ot Tooele ana C. Maughn R week-en- d with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Allen of Hill Vern Mrs. and Mr. B. WaUron. week-en- d visitors of Field were Mrs. Elna Allen. Capt. and Kirs. Art N. Han- their mother, sen are in Chicago where Cart. Mrs. Arthur Crowtr.er ?nc' Hansen is attending an army airchildren of Salt Lake are visiting field engineer school. at the Ferris Allen home. famMrs. R. B. Waldron and Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Beard of ily visited last week in Juniper Cleveland, Ohio, are home for a and Rupert, Idaho. Mr. three month's vacation. in Owen Beard is studying dentistry The Bob Vin:elers, to will return and Rroufhs and Eddie Kreys were at Cleveland week-enhis course. the Pond's Lodge for complete t.j V V I, J d. THURSDAY, JULY 1 ' mere were mn. ... News of4-CLUBS H "V. a 4 J y RUN THIS . (PLUMonCr IJ9 J 4j w - Li . -- v pjucr; varoi Ureen, VOTE FOR AND NOMINATE j H i FOR YOUR most popular native American vor they use. fla- (u'gli of Penrose funeral serthe attended people vices at Corinne, Thursday for Harry Crancr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crancr. Harry died at a hospital in Ogdcn after a six month's illness. Mrs. Crancr was formerly Alta Grover. Mrs. Ersol Bcrchtold spent four Bill days with her sister, Mrs. Craner at Brigham. Mrs. Berch-toland daughter, son, Don, Mona, visited Friday, and Saturday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Grover at Pine View Dam. Don and Linda Petersen of Brigham, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leak. Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen and family of Pocatello, Idaho, and Mrs. Petersen of Brigham City were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Shuman of Brigham were week-en- d guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shuman. Mrs. Jack Leak, Mrs Ersol Bcrchtold and Leonard Petersen, attended the Primary officer's meeting at Garland Monday evening Leonard M. Petersen and Orscn Jensen left Monday morning with a group of Scouts to spend a week at Camp Kiescl. Dee Leak met with a panful accident Saturday. He remained at the hospital until Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Shuman attended the Seventies' meeting at Thatcher Sunday afternoon. Mrs. George L. Miller is visiting in Salt Lake. Kent Petersen was host to a group of young friends at a party given in honor of his 7th birthday py nis sister, Myrna. J. Z. Petersen and children, Shcrrie, Donna and Jesse, enjoyed a very successful fishing trip, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Petersen accompanied by James Wight of Thatcher, visited the Fielding ward Sunday evening. Bishop and Mrs. J. Z. Petersen attended a wedding reception afTrcmonton, Tuesday evening, given by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith in honor of their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Engvar Petersen returned from a trip to Central Utah. They attended sessions at the Manti and Salt Lake LDS Temples. A large number spot! HOUR m W!TH I believe in fair and s courteous treatment for ' all and special privileges j to none. I believe that the pub-- i lie is entitled to the same from their I efficiency 1 employees that any oth-- I or employer receives. If nominated and elect- 1 cc to this imrwM'tnnt iw. sition, I pledge to do my utmost to carry out the above policies. ANNE J MMZ Oil A "A GOB SHANLEY THF SPORTSMEN 03Fr CUARCT ARMCRUSTBU'S ORCHESTRA 1:30 P.M. - Station KSL Brought to you by (Paid Political Adv.) UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. Vote JnJrj 0th Sor . . . Ed-m- D c E A M O N C D I R D A A T T E C WALTER K. GRANGER man who knows YOUR problems Who CAN and WILL do something about them. Tho Ii Tune in Monday, July Slh at 10 p.m. V 6V ' mar i tour Two Year Mel' 'k Ccunty Commissionec ay In ik Solicits your Support were met at the pears KLO Kf'U ELECTION bllo 'uesi 9 EP1 SUMMER ELECTRIC I believe in an honest and equable distribution of the tax burden. CONGRESSMAN but or f JULY d, 1 cine high tit 13 Your Consideration Will Be Appreciated. (Paid Political Adv.) B Y0LD row PENROSE NEAR THE Candidate for Nomination For Assessor CARL cnam party. PE R R Y ty H Der PRIMARY Impartial, fair and considerate of all regardless of M. G. r cou d. Ideally located to serve all interests of the County. Interested in Economy of Government. Vv a Republican Candidate p HUNSAKER s Tear out this advertiseml as a reminder, j ADAMS DRUG STORE Hamiltons, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lcland Crystal Aids Makeup attended the wedding reception To do a good make-ujob try to for Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jensen have two lights, one on either side in Bear River City, Saturday. of your mirror. This will also provide good illumination for close Betty Maisak of Ogden was shaves. home for the week-en- of Honeyville and White's Valley resident of Pox Elder County. g ii una Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hamilton Mrs. Marybcll Hamilton of and Popular Flavor Lake visited with the Mel-vi- n Salt makers Candy say cherry is the REPURLICIAN TICKET N. 15 home. TWO YEAR COUNTY COMMMISSIOXER Life-lon- i. Au-dre- nc THE PRIMARY ELECTION, JULY 9th HORACE , Ka-l- Lo-tra- AT , ' 1 Karma Rucker, song leader J The Clever Cookers met at the Refreshments wcr served home of Loa Lou Christensen' at Kayla. The evening 8 p. m., M;nd.iy. Lu Wanna Kirr was spent on bookwork and a poswas given. Also, ture lesson Mr. and Mrs. Letter B;l games were played. Mrs. Walter Matthias and held at was Another meeting the home of Colleen Adams. Af- visitors at Kaysville, Sundavf Mrs. John O. Garfield return- ter a program the time was spent .11 ed Monday from Mona. She had preparing salads. Marenc Andersen, reporter been there with her sister, Martha and WHY BE FAT- three for K. Garfield, weeks, Ftxads' The Kitchen Queens who died last week. Funeral ser Club met at the home of their Eat plenty yet lose vices were held Monday. club leader, Mrs Victoria John- weight with delicious reducing plan John O. Garfield is visiting son, where they prepared and candy Have a more slender, graceful fi. Aflunch. a ure. mothers served No No laxatives. their exercising. friends in Draper. NodruRS. With the simple AYDS ' ter lunch, a program was given Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan K1 don't cut out anv meaia, After visiting with Mrs. Olena and consisted of a ong by Addie you tarches. potatoes, meats or butsi vou simply cut them down. I. Homer, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Christensen, a reading by Janae ter, I t'seasier when you enjoy detaoui j e!e (vitamin fortified) AYDS candv Homer and son, John, returned to Christensen, a piano solo by as directed. Absolutely hirmless. Anderson and twenty years Three Forks, Montana. While Ia clinical twt conducted by mtdictl a more n. hence and Nelson than 100 oenont lost 14 ta ibt. by Audrey here they visited relatives at rui in a tmw mki witl AViS Vitamin LmbtZ Plan. ducing Smithfield, Trenton and Luella Peterson. Clarkston. Janae Christensen, reporter vita result, MONEY BACioonrb.ii., j w House guests at the Rex Laub home last week were Mr. and Mrs. Kirs. Beverly Morgan of Green Wayne Combs and daughter, River, Wyo., visited with Mr. and Shirley, of Elko, Nevada. Mrs. J. H. fronk for two days Bern ice Hurd of Idaho Falls and this week. of Snowville. were Joe Hurd week-en- d guests at the G. R. Mr and Mrs. Norman Winzcler home. Jones here of Los Angeles were visiting friends and relatives. They reMrs. Elva Korth attended the turned home Monday. wedding reception of Howard Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ault and Hughes and Mary Farmer in Salt Lake, Friday evening. son, Tommy, of Great Falls, Montana, are visiting at the home of f Emerson Abbott and farrr'1 their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Eugene, Oregon, left last week for Ault and with Mrs. T. A. Carter. their home after visiting with his Mrs. Ferris Allen and family The Happy Sewing club met at parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Abin Salt Lake. Kayla Kerr's home, bott. This is the first occasion spent the week-en- d Mrs. H. J Ault and son, June 28. the Abbott family have been tovisited in Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens gether for eleven years. and son, Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson Londy Harris and son, VerNon, of Pocatello were guests Saturday returned Saturday from a four and Sunday at the Elmer Gorringe days' trip in Yellowstone Park. ! 'Ul TTlTtAa I first meeting. Elections neiu witn L inr? SU ' I' di'P.t- TVrrvIl V4.ir iwlUie neaton Bonni president; , anna H..r... , J and Lois Porritt, recreation 4-- WB 4, iD KOAL ii ' (TAID TOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) LEADER WANT-AD- S un 'nite Mr. Wold, who served as a councilman in Brigh;ii City for 2'2 years and mayor for Zl2 years, ofi'j, several yeai's' experience as a public servant and is enable and qualified for this office. f (Paid Political Adv.)'. Villi Geors Mi Cong: Stephi David fustic NOW! Georg Kenne Count Horao More Than Ever Carl Count Ernest you the Bea Gephart's policy of bringing for the Least will carry an EVEN MORI Indelible meaning .... Price Controls or Not M.G. DEMC Conen Waltei Edwar Justice OUR POLICY REMAINS: Albert Martin "BUY FOR CASH AND PAY LESS Counts Edw Joseph Count-- TYPICAL VALUES THIS WEEK Men's heavy work LOGGER BOOTS Osey Je Pr-- f f WOBf The to Navy Surplus Blue Chambray WORK SHIRTS 05 Countv Melvin ire: S1.49 QUALITY pr. 1 kGra PIGSKIN GLOVES! Durable Double Soles 55.90 Owen ea. GLOVESj bne 83.6 to $2.98 mmen v invi ?onsorc GYM SHOES BALL MEN'S.. nday Tremi B "ey ba sem BAND $2.50 aid the: iplcto: P air, BOYS'..S2.30P LADIES' S1.98Pf III 4-- C flir Fremont n, 8- -J In th( Cotton Indian Stt WORK SOX 2S Rockford Type ardncr Design pr. CAR ROBES wo: slt L Jthefi . 52.46 - iiled Co. Gephart StoresLess "Duy For Cash and Pay rci"ontc At ! ' to Seven thr cHamnj j Resident -nor ch, A tint. PAY v in .1 1 |