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Show B Page Six EAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER LOOKING AHAD Tremonton, Utah, m Thursday of Each Week for Friday Distribution Phone 23 First West Street Entered at the Post Office at Tremonton, Utah, as Second. Class Matter October 15, 1825 Published at A. N. RYTTTNG, Editor-Publish- y GEORGES. BENSON Ptciidcl)iriiq JkrktHin Sarcy. er ' Ever since J Day, which most Americans look upon as the end of World War II, we have all recognized a high clamor of communistic propaganda. With sound reasonpeoing, a great many ple have tried to oppose it on the street corners, to no avail. It is like arguing with a headline in yesTo be really terday's newspaper. effective, our opposition must go deeper, much deeper. There are not many things that I like less or fear more than concentration of political power, government by men rather than by law, and official favoritism for individuals and cliques; and I'm not alone. I am convinced that an overwhelming majority of Americans feel the same way. Consequently I hope these few remarks may improve the measure of protection for V-- $1.75 THURSDAY, JULY 4, i9l6 Sebaceous Glands Sebaceous glands, whose job Is to lubricate, occur in groups of tiny bag-lik- e structures, with ducts which usually lead to one of the hairs which are on most parts of the body. There are probably over two million such glands in the average skin. Yet there are places where RIVERSIDE Field Ripened Research by Wayne university vealed that tomatoes ripened in tb field compared with tomatoes from the same field harvested at th "mature green" stage and shipped through the usual channels showe a ratio of approximately 25 to more vitamin C content in favor u of the product r. of Snowville D. G. Nelson was the speaker at the Sunday Three boys evening services. from Snowville also spoke briefly. The Delose Jensen family is enthey are completely absent, such joying a trip to California and as the palms and soles. And many with figs, apricots and Mexico. They visited with their of us know, to our regret, that they peaches Indicated marked benefits are particularly abundant on our flavor and sugar content whenia daughter, Thola Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Boothe and scalp, nose and along the median these crops are left on the trees an Clarence Peterson of Nampa, lines of the trunk. Yet we would additional week or so. be in bad shape without these tiny, Idaho, were dinner guests of the constantly working glands for the Waxing Furniture Hadfields, Wednesday. sebum they deliver is essential to When waxing furniture, take care of was I Ogden Wynn Sylvester keep the skin's protective layer flex not to let the wax dry completely ible and watertight here in business, Sunday. before polishing. Here treatment Ross Hadfield and Marvin differs from that of floors where Road Surfaces the wax should be allowed to dry Burnett made a business trip to While 83 per cent of the 563,520 thoroughly (about 30 minutes) beSalt Lake, Friday. highways fore polishing. Karl Welling and son, Don, miles of were only 73 per cent of and Lee Capener and sons, Bob the surfaced, miles of municipal 304,000 and Dick, spent a few days in streets and alleys and 49 per cent Yellowstone. of the 1,928,000 miles of county and treatMr. and Mrs. Jay Macfarlane local roads have were in Malad Saturday evening. ment. By surfacing Is meant conJ. O. Hadfield and son, Ross, struction of concrete, asphalt and or stabilized made a business trip to Fort Doug- tar coating, gravel earth. Their wives aclas, Thursday. them and companied spent the day Hanging Table Cloths with Mrs. Bruce Geary. Fold freshly washed table cloths Smith Ward of Pocatello was selvage to selvage, putting the selhere over the week-en- d. vage edges over the line with plenty Betty Jones of Wellsville was of clothes pins, and you'll find they the guest of Winona Capener, are much easier to iron. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tingey and children of Centerville, spent Thursday and Friday with the Russell Capener family. mrsr. The Howard Capeners visited NOTICE TO CREDITORS e. with relatives Sunday at Honey-villEstate of Edgar Nelson, Deceased Creditors will present claims Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward and with vouchers to the undersigned son, Frank, visited with Mr. and at the office of her attorney, Wm. ucni Mrs Burl Hermanson at Salt Lake E. Davis, First Security Bank Sunday. Michael Hermanson came on or before back with '1iis grandparents and Bldg., Brigham, Utah, October 30th the of A. D., day will spend the week here. 1946. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ward Janet H. Nelson, administraand two daughters of Malad, visittrix of the estate of Edgar ed Thursday with the J. H. Ward Nelson, Deceased. family. The Ira Ward family attended Date of first publication the circus at Brigham this week. Thursday, June 20, A. D., 1946. Mr. and Mrs. Alten Davis of Logan spent a few days here. They are moving to Salt Lake to make their home. The M. I. A. sponsored a I swimming party and luncheon Thursday evening at the Udy Hot Springs. I I Mrs. Joe Bowcutt and children of Logan are visiting with Mrs. I f Rowane Macfarlane. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR field-ripen- Wbiw A romp SUBSCRIPTION KATES (In Advance) SOLDIER RATES ONE YEAR - 52.50 Tremonton, Utah well-meanin- g Experl-tnen- placing Weber college to the front, both educationally and financially. As a private business man, Mr. Tracy's business activities have proven highly successful. The new commission chief is a friendly, likable gentleman; easily WILL MELT approached, a good public relations man, one who ponders all SILVER DOLLARS silver dollars, with decisions carefully, and one who Utah's which everyone in this area is per- was well chosen as chairman of fectly familiar may become some- the commission, a man who can what scarce in the immediate fu- successfully pilot the department us all. ture. It seems that in the cast, to its chosen objectives. Time for Action the increased demand for silver by POPULAWordy arguments never contribPHENOMENAL of the manufacturers photographic ute much to the world's progress or SEEN GROWTH TION manuelectrical film, jewelers, to any people's store of knowledge. facturers, and other silver using Governor Herbert B. Maw's In fact, taking a stand in opposition industries has created such a recent statements before the Lions' to another man's harangue serves dearth of the white metal, that Club first without fail to dignify the harangue postwar convention are there is no alternative but to melt heartening to those interested in and call attention to it Debating a false philosophy always helps it down silver dollars to get an in- Utah's destiny. and, unless opposition is well handustrial supply. Said the Governor: "Utah is dled, there's a danger of giving Many big entering the most promising era more help than hindrance. plants, whose key item of manu- in its The propaganda machine we hear The history facture is silver nitrate, derived so plainly has been chattering away of the new assured operation from silver, are facing a shutdown for two decades. Promotions, good Geneva Steel plant is only the and evil, ride on the wings of news, this week because of silver lack. for a and news is necessary.; Publishers, of Utah's fight beginning U. S. Treasury officials admit that in the industrial center of columnists and radio commentators there is nothing to prevent indus- place future." the chronicle real happenings, day by trial users of silver from melting day. Don't blame them. They perGovernor then Maw predicted form silver dollars. As most everyone an essential public service. of the and Provo that population knows, silver dollars arc strictly a Find the Source western item, and rarely seen in its immediate surroundings would Of course there must be a few, the east where they prefer paper exceed that of Salt Lake in twenty publishers who are unpatriotic, and4 dewriters who would stir up a revoluSince industrial uses five years. Industrialists, he currency. can Utah that clared, tion if they could, but these are not say people of silver runs into the millions the nation's chief danger. When more were hour, produce per of ounces annually, who knows news is really poisoned, the job is but what our silver dollar may be- more dependable and efficient done by those who make news, not than other in area people any come a collector's item in the fuwho print and broadcast it those with which they have dealt. ture. Let us know the truth because the The Governor deplored the fact truth will make us free; free from In the meantime at Washington that up until the last four years, our political enemies as well as othtwo congressional silver blocs the western representing produc "Utah's best crop" is its trained er kinds. Journalists tell me that news artiers and the eastern speaking for young people, who had found it cles have value (i.e. deserve promthe users of silver have dug in necessary to leave the state to inence) in proportion to the number for a fight over the treasury pur- earn a livelihood. The future now of people interested. Thus persons offers much for young people who in chase and sale price of silver. positions of power make news Western senators want the wish to remain and help build because a lot of people are interested in what these men think and say cents Utah, he pointed out. price upped from 71.11 and do. If the rulings they decree per ounce to 90.3 cents, and at or the opinions they express seem Turn Pot Handles the same time looking toward a there's nothing honorTo avoid accidents in the kitchen socialistic, Candy Ingredients possible price of $1.29 an ounce. news men to do but tell for able Eastern opposcrs to any raise always turn pot handles on the stove the people. It's their country. Ingredients used in making an so they are beyond the reach of average assortment of OF BOX ELDER COUNTY in the silver price predict that 90.3 toddlers. Starve It Out American come from as candy indrive cent silver will Radical propaganda undoubtedly many O Check his record as a public servant. many as 29 countries. The "English" does this nation damage. I believe dustries outside of. the United walnuts are jrrown in France. Home and land owner. a big majority of Americans are Keep Knives Sha p States. 46 years a resident of Box Elder County kitchen wholesome people, love their country Sharpen In the meantme, in our own Unmarketable Material 4 sons in the armed forces, one still serv Had knives their edges. Do and understand what makes it the Around 200 million tons of unmarstate, Eureka, Tintic, Park City this by by resetting to most and live best world's a the at blade place ing overseas. stroking ketable farm material are produced and other silver mining areas are oil influential power. Just the same, angle with a annually. Industry expects to conexperiencing housing shortages, stone. For best results In reset- poisoned news gains converts. And vert much of this into usable prodsilto wish the first in many years, for ting the edge, use light, firm so long as men in power ucts. ver mines are again going into strokes made at right angles to the gain more power, the campaign for (Paid Political Adv.) of the knife the kind of collectivism will be carried on. production in the face of a fact edge men WANT-AD- S PAY LEADER, is to IiC!lllll!l!ll!!l!!IIIl!l!I!lll!III!!!liI!lll!l the best source use in strokes At its place shaving. that means much to the west quiet the voice of socialist promothat today the United States is tion. Men who hanker to boss the Teach Swimming consuming silver faster than mines control hospitals, limit proAn appalling number rf lives were schools, can produce it, and the world and eternally fix prices duction during the first pr.rt of World ought to be put where their every market price is higher than 71.11 lost War I because many servicemen deed does not make news cents an ounce. of the warring nations did not know word and There is a sure out of power. Fishermen will be interested in our new 1946 edition of "Fishing how to swim. As a result, efforts flow of revenue out the Stop way: have been made in several counTRACY NAMED of the Treasury into the hands of tries to introduce compulsory swimCOMMISSION CHIEF That will Hints." , such appointed "rulers." a neat compact little booklet which can be ' Aaron W. Tracy, northern ming courses in all schools and col- start immediately and effectively to Utah educator and business man leges. solve the problem of collectivist has been named by Governor propaganda. and contains hundreds of ideas of conveniently carried Internal Improvements Herbert B. Maw to head the state In 1817, John C. Calhoun, Henry &4 publicity and industrial develop- Clay and others favored the creavalue those to iust or those becinninf? experienced, Mr. Tracy Build Meal Around Cheese ment commission. tion of a new fund for internal imwhole a build You can meal the late Ora Bundy. a introwas bill and provements in the house by Mr. Calhoun around cheese or you can use it in to learn the art. Here are just three examples of its contents:. The new chairman assumes the duced to set aside for roads and canals small quantities for that extra touch leadership of the commission with the bonus and dividends received on many dishes from soup to desa year's background in the or- by the United States from its newly sert. Remember that it is rich in ganisation, during which time he chartered banks. President Monroe protein, calcium and riboflavin of became prcfectly familiar with vetoed the bill on May 13, 1817. be- the vitamin B family. the aims, objectives, problems and lieving it to be unconstitutional, and achievements of this important over his veto the bill failed. state department. Descriptive illustrations A Aaron W. Tracy is a modest Kept Rails Busy Ninety-seveman of high intelligence and exshowing how to per cent of all orHave Your cauS I ceptional ability, having held ex- ganized troop movements within the Unions tie knots FARM IMPLEMENTS U lot ecutive positions in business, edu- United States and more than 90 per REPAIRED NOW cent of all war freight have been cational and governmental fields made by rail. Why wait until you are ready during the past 40 years. to use them? Best Eating Starting as President of the Bananas Vrebcr academy student are in the ideal stage body, C. and next B. Y. U. studenthody for eating fresh fruit out of hand Blacksmith and Machine Works when the is A copy is yours for the asking, golden yellow at any Pep president, he was named principal flecked with peel "Menda brown which indicates Everything of public schools in Weber county the flesh inside is mellow and fully But People's Ways" in 1S07. In 1919, he was chosen iwect. station. Quantities arc limited, so please don't delay. head of the Weber college English department and named presiThis is another friendly "plus" service of dent of the same institution in your neighborhood Pep which 1922, position he held for 14 years. Beginning 1936, Mr. serviccman,who is anxious to help you "Go Places and Sec Tracy taught cnglish four years at the B. Y. U. He spent two Good : r 111IWU3 years as U. S. Government hisuy luiuiiiuuuc torian at an Ogden war supply depot. SIOUX OF During his o((kc as president of Get highest fllinlitv hn,h,s--f- 0 the Weber college, Mr. Tracy HOG j,luuUJ at (UTOCO displayed exceptional ability in PEP C8VICO STATIONS AND DEALERS STOCK placing the college operation on a firm business basis, accumulating fcrt (VEPs Refining considerable property for the ATLAS school which later treof proved mendous financial value. Rrtuttr I ,,, Q.t Suit tipHHtihyl Ptfi Mn Cim G.oW MtlorOih ProJutn Progressive, 90 with advanced ideas, Mr. Tracy is credited with Spotlighting UTAH ts state-controll- er LEGAL NOTICES photo-engravi- ng - 99-ye- .... ar Help ptefent eye Atkmhsf I Let Your Conscience Guide You Right Vote For j Owen L Brough TREASURER one-poun- d hollow-groun- d fine-grain- VOTE JULY 9th ifS Its ds Suggestion: n H. tstrc l10 I'" ROHDE f 5 88-Vic- o 40 s. SS-Vi- co JUST RECEIVED supply of the famous LINE STEEL AND TURKEY SELF FEEDERS WATER TANKS j- - f - X ETW; jyjf-V- PETERSON Phone TRACTOR SERVICE Tremonton H I i |