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Show I i ) BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER MOPSY CROSS BOBBY SOX TOWN by GLADYS PARKER BUT WON'T ALL THIS USED FAT I'M TURNING IN GET ME A PRIORITy ON A NEW AUTOMOBILE V Bv Roland Cod Marty Links probl the I ,ccori I exp f SlSl:LJNANCY -s- OUR NANCy COMMITTEE HAS DECIDED TO SERVE MILKSHAKES I A, 5? j?M -s WOW.' WITH A FORTY1 GIRLS. J THAT'LL BE A LOT OP MILKSHAKES w operi j or ' '.'cribt - xsy to -- ves ! during vvSS Udo vou FELLOWS PO CONCRETE INSIDE WORK? )a MIXER - air d 3 By Ernie Bushmiller IS OUR BIS KIDDIE PARTY AT THE TOWN HALL ) is 'Mom, this is Adrian. You're joing to see a lot of him!" "You asked me to mix the baby's formula, didn't yon?' TODAY no j: v FAT M '" ""V''?-'jH- i " MUTT AND JEFF ALU WAY Wtfr y Mrtuf Room 13 1 beem in his 1 WONDER WHAT HES, HG IN THERE? M I By Bud Fisher I CT MP ?FF TriFCP AQF TIAO WINDOWS AND 7 i TWO DOORS r BACK DOOR WHAT llj I'M MAKING MYSELF Yuuiivri SWINGS OUT AND CHA 1 ABSOLUTELY SUREOFJ FoR? THE FRO NT ONE IN? doin; i THE LAYOUT Of THE STAIRWAY IS JEFF? MY SIRL ENCEE S; THE . r r r & TEN FEET MH" I 1 FROM THE BACK IXAPARTMENT.'j I TOMORROW I'M 60NNA ASK HER OLD MAN F I CAN MARRY. lilt "ME FlRE ESCAPE IS OVER HERE- - DOOR' Echoes Home-Tow- n HIS DAUGHTER.' Mi) f tErl"U5 Wfly'A By C. Kessler -f B48V- -" BBAO-Tl-F- Mohr klncai toe t( limma Hi LITTLE REGGIE x. any )rUcD ,J--J lA yf A moving - i to new UC r lN I I Vi jjriC, Tru V (g ok but stay what yi could COULD YOU WHERE I CAN KEEP EYE AN BALOONS i ( MOVE THE i By Margarita A J (4 7XTA O (At f JITTER l'NSin By Arthur Pointer W I If I ( By Gene Byrnes YOU T V y f 1 I ? K-- si if i KNOwVy--- dontaludw DU TO EAT ri Vi BETWEEN MEALSt L P'NHEAD1 fI V loo at itTw'JK'i -i THAT WAY AY WE. HAVE LUNCH AT . LfAM' J V I I RUT THAT 5IX CCLOCK. J ie- VA )Y a RAISED WAJSWVi 15 j YtH!lLAVSS HER! 9DIS MVWIFEl SHE $AY$ IF DONT QUIT I - jj V THAfS 7CO gAP! VIRGIL 1 J OLFt$HEtLQUITMei v 11 ? aieu yora. I THIS 60Lr COURSE I $LiP TOUGH! REG'LAR FELLERS UStlE R.' GSSOCEX, UrtO 4S 2 ,M CHARSE OFDEVELOP;S "TOE i Atomic boms, mwstbr.'s' i SOM. 1 g I i I K I'M S'CK AND TIRED OF .YELHN& IAY UJM6S OUT . ... ,A 1 F0RTHATK1P oesssRr DESSERT ; cla : beef Dow J -- 3. 1 "'ma 45 SILENT SAM i i r uj r riayes jcu it. i No Spare Time A mother of 13 children was asked: "How in the world do you have time to care for 13?" "Well," she replied, "when I had one child it took all my time; what Fall Guy, Eh we For this Job Superintendent want a responsible man. Wherever Applicant Thafa me. e have worked, if anything Got the Idea A New Englander was enjoying the wonders of California, as pointed out by a native. "What beautiful grapefruit!" exclaimed the easterner as he passed Useless Junk ecoThe argument on domestic nomy was on hot and heavy. You buy Husband (storming) we na entirely too many things ante bought for. You little use used h . cream iic . " a u have Then in a year. jo three times bought a lot of other gadgets I seldom see you use. more can 13 do?" citrus orchard. "Grapefruit!" came the answer. "Those are just small lemons." "And what are those enormous blossoms in that field?" "Oh Just dandelions. Then they passed the Los Angeles river. "Ah," noted the Yankee, "I set someone's radiator is leaking." f ..." "8 - wrong they told me 1 was ihov respon sitle. No: :Slee "ould - - ca Maybe you Wife (sweetly) you bought notice I But right and e fire extinguisher last year never used it once, '1th . -- at j '"On cl s t "5! t |