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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Paje Four Pvt. Oren Heaton returned to port of embarkation after spending a four day furlough at the Mr. and BUILDING FOR RENT Forhome of his parents, Mrs. Darrell Heaton. merly occupied by Allen Brothers Pvt. Heaton completed his basic Store. Call 0it; training at Camp Pulk, La. LOST Tall, slim bay mare, , 'ettu U. ! vr rnnrhed. INOIUV W.L jvmuui iiuuu-3- . Tomato Juice 2tp Tomato Juice may be substituted, West Trcmonton. for tomatoei for measure, measure Ground to Close Stay dishes. SFJT. Ynur freshlv dead and use The expression "weather so bad in soups, sauces, or baked tomato commercial less horses and cows to White's When some has using the birds are walking" label trout Farm for highest prices and the examine to be sure out not will Birds juices, fly in fact. basis added auick pick-uPhone Hyrum cf sight of the ground when there to see if spices have been before you add more seasoning. A 011-RIs a thick fog. collect. dish made with tomato juice will not have quite the same color as a "A FIRE INSURANCE PREMdish made with tomatoes. The colKitchen Accidents IUM WILL NOT BREAK most likely or will usually be more of a light orKitchen accidents are bee YOU." "A LOSS MAY. ange shade than the bright red of to occur between 11 a. m. and noon, Insurance Fire James Brough, and on Saturday afternoon. That is tomatoes. Agency. when anyone busy with housework is most likely to be tired, together Oldest Grapevine used farm FOR SALE All. . kind . with The oldest living grapevine in the Robbins Implement. U. S. is said to have been planted equipment. K. Station, rnonc K. of 3 blk. N. C. The N. 1587 near Manteo, in Bearings L an acre Every new automobile, truck and mother vine covers nearly and yields as much as 150 bushels bus rolling oft assembly lines con black registered, ball and annually. tains 23 to 30 saddle stallion. Harry American roller bearings. . Tavlor. owner. Phone CLASSlED ADS Ostrich Sitting There's division of labor in the ostrich family. Male and female take turns sitting on their eggs, males working the night shift. Several hens lay their eggs in the same place and ell males ana females share in the responsibil- - Iwsof OT?DI7TrriTl?T ,d his' honorable discharge from the Navy at the separation center in Shoemaker, Calif. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Christcnsen and entered the service in July, 1944. Ensign Reese K. Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allen, has ken discharged from the Navy at the Personnel Separation Center in San Francisco, Calif. Tremonton, Uta- h- -- 83-J- 2. 6-- 27 REAL ESTATE Pony Express a Loss that the freighting estimated It is concerns backing the Pony express lost $100,000 on the enterprise. jum., CiL mJt II MM mM CM FARM Oil RANCH HOME, APARTMENT OR BUSINESS PROPERTIES HURRY Conventional, FHA, G. I. Loans cn Residences Prompt Service Low Interest, Long Terms, Liberal Repayment OpHons LIMITED SUPPLY OF FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS NEW LOCKERS 50 JAMES BROUGH Just Completed. TREMONTON Contact Us Now As They Are Representing Going Fast. Utah Mortgage Loan LEE'S: LOCKER STORAGE Corporation Logan, Utah A Home Institution Serving the Intermountain Region Since 1892 SO'IIEME tte Ti h a and tserv- if. v.r?ii longest . It. ice. Eubber L fead j tie separators. Jcrn I Cuts Efkrt in Half tfc will pay cash for dead or useless cows, nor' sheen or hoes. Phone Tremori' tfc ton 159-- J or Garland 35-J- "I d AC 3. CASH for Live Poultry. H. A. Gam, 453 N. 2nd West, Brigham to Phone 698. p 7-- At no obligation our ston at vour door and you can choose a piano from among six. Write today. HAK.T rlAIMU 6 tfc Preston, Idaho. 6-- Screw ns EL i .8 , 1 do'yoiTwant'asales van will type 0V alrai easy Established 40 Years BRIGHAM CITY. UTAH SPRAY PAINTING fcrgt me i Especially engineered for today's high octane gaso. ber!" A laddl aboui k irear snok Comfort and Good Looks for Your Car J tu YOU ME BEFORE "SEE BURN." James Brough, Fire and Automobile Insurance. This "jkm r JIaxr from cocst mules "Bt leem Im ii ill kinds of fire, auto, crop insur-ance and loans. Phone 82 J 1. 1 ! a' gi -- you erplai so wil see? GOOD USED FARM machinery. 1 used hay rake, 9 ft.; 16 hole light, with Dolort prise!' Mon looked EAT COEIS Call fcg, w (couptt) talking Ectha; good looks t fine material Sher: if and 'Tot Flick if Doai t Sand Value! R3g. 50c p C mi had f , CHICKEN - GARAGES - COOPS - FENCES BARNS - Ts other of America ETC. BID JOBS - OR MACHINERY RENTED BY HOUR KEM-TOX- E SPRAYING Is Very Satisfactory PAINT CENTER Acme Quality Paints Thone C- Lin-- X Tremonton -J L Home Brightener RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pauts, P. O. Box S25, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv. faimin' page8. !he gir: ffaitin Rue p vaults fcr 1-- II MAT ti-- 1 la Rt ETS $. of Foof Final 1 i "l fin itory, i Beautiful designs, brilliantly Vjlf. Friends; It looks like we arc on the right track to get readers for our advertising. Several folks have commented on the column. with MET Ah B AT SKAT WILL BE IN THIS VICINITY TO DO Anyhow women have a sense of humor. The more you humor them, the better they like it. af- -- 0- at t ranc loreto, BPpearii 'pot to got to I got Hooks easily and securely on any boat seat. The folding back is shaped to fit the body. Top of the seat is inlaid cork. Green uiamel finish. " .ii La humor column once a week must have a memory for old jokes and hope others haven't. some of Tres He bead of! i AGAIN AVAILABLE! ock! A Pretty -- 0- -- 0- Frank Dalton Implement Co. But there is no joking about the quality of our tire repairing and capping. Local Internationa Harvester Dealer. We, Tremonton gP Safe, Speedy IlilSEI MAIL, On the other hand, a diplomat is one who never heard that old joke before. FARMERS THAT ARE INTERESTED CONTACT B bold a , 1 1 to Rue dit dowi i combines and two trucks and will be ready to harvest the first grain crop ready in the valley. Phone 136 t7 arn't CUSTOM COMBINERS self-propell- ed T U Rue -- 0- One man told how the moon fects the tide and the untied. We have two first. Th finstani tion we like and appreciate. A man who attempts his rered. of good jokes and comments, to use in the write ups. That's the kind of coopera- CUSTOM COMBINING ' Wells. Fish in Easy Ccm'ort -- 0- Sons dc sent to colored. Made of cork, a cinch keep immaculately clean. beyond dang rr hardly things h I have had offers Alfred Barnes not ma one By Carmi & h there happen W noti yyyyywwwywwwwwywywywfcAAAAA ATTENTION DRY FARMERS! in bank. Labratorics NUE-OV- Ru La stance Tri-Sta- te 7-- s "Thei ci. JjJg to was tir? includes maps of Also mileage chart between cities, "Uh-h- u i Especially Prepared Rand McNally k street maps of h Flick WANTED Bookkeeper. Hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. To start Lumber Co. July 15. 4 ltc mi course 7-- HOUSES 1 before second La Bui i Child's riding pony. or see A. W. Storrer. 4 ltp LOST Loose Leaf Surnace catalog and sales book, between Smith's Garage and Tremonton. Reward. Return to Garage or 4 Leader Office. ltc commi UP Protect your car's upholstery and add smart Its interior. These are quality covers made of precision tailored to fit perfectly. Shop early. 6-- 20 3 "Yoi thees : hard t I Beantifal 6-- 20 60-R- m to III!!!! ! tfn FOR SALE ti bg s; SETTETnFCOCLEY 3, 1 the quicker starting. Moaey-SacGaareitt cars. bumpers of all 7-- ABSTRACTOR of 4 or mora line. Polonium alloy assures 7-- (Paid Political Adv.) mtt in to operate. Tits i GLOBE FEED and Baby Chicks at Utah Hatchery, Brigham City. 14-F- S. NORMAN LEE Hon pear grain drill; hay derrick in good shape; rubber tired tractor spreader; 6 sections harrows in good shape, steel; hay loader, John rod Deere; McCormick-Deerin- g new feeders; weedcr, new; grain day. Mrs. Wanda Painter and Mrs. scrapers and hand and tractor Grace Coleman of Oakland, Cal., plows. Robbins Implement Co. tfc and Mrs. Minnie Hawks of Ogden Phone 72 Rl. were at the Lafe Grover home "WE INSURE EVERYTHING Sunday. BUT THE HERE AFTE R." Mr. and Mrs. David Larson, Fire Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sorenson, James Brough, Agency. Mrs. Gus Larson and Betty, Mr. Delos Adams, Mr. and "Mrs. Fred CoP' Peterson and Weldon Grover per King by appointment. Phone were in attendance at the funeral 3tp Perry Stanfill. services in Bear River City, TuesCome to L. C. RASPBERRIES day for Joseph Sorenson, father Petersen's farm and pick your of Mrs. Essie Peterson. berries on about July 10. Blain 4 2tp Andersen in charge. FOR THE SUPREME ,COURTj peai ieac UTAH -- KENNETT H. MALANl itei most dependable starting 3S-R- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rhodes nnd children, left on a trip to Yellowstone Park, Wednesday. Members of the ward enjoyed an outing at the play grounds in Games were Logan canyon. were refreshments and played served at a long community table. Mrs. L. M. Holman and daughter, Ruth, were in Ogden Wednesday and visited with relatives. James Nesscn and Ariel Soren-so- n. members of the high council, were in attendance at the Sacra ment meeting Sunday. Vern Shaffer, Vincent boren- son and Mrs. Lcnna Shaffer and children made a trip to Gonnett, Idaho, on business and to visit with Mrs. Merlin Glead. They returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bovd Peterson of Brigham City visited with ,Mr. and Mrs. Urval Urover luesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oyler were at the Logan City Park, Sun day, where they attended the Rogers family reunion Mrs. Bernice Peterson and Darrell were in Brigham City, Sun- JOB HO Exchang Gives Jtfc 8 tea One n Eye Bends Light Rays Light rays are bent 4hree times by the eye in the process of forming an image upon the retina, according to the Better Vision institute. The first bending takes place in the cornea, next in the lens, and finally in tfce aqueous humor. - N5W AT-STU- anti-frictio- - I Tho Senscticnal power 14.8 P poll The Amazing Mextcsa r Wet Garments Did you know that salt in starch will prevent garments from freezing when hung outside on cold day? Back Aguin! 4 72-R- 4, 19,5 Coal Chutes Coal chutes capable of 43 tons of coal in 75 seconds ''a ,! liuw iii uac iui ii.;e itiueung cf If CO- II1UUYC3. Greasy Sink very greasy sink may be cleaned if dusted well with scouring with ampowder, then sprinkled monia. A heavy rag and hot water will do the rest. 2, Anti-Fricti- ( A p. w THURSDAY, JULY 1 "Huh! od, eh c; behind Suite th if W 17.95 Bright fire engtn red with croani trlA tires. AdjusUble seat and handle. s an' FUc ain leastwise k Dai bout th to All-stee- L - - - she rom "oriel Li j'ecovere i FRflNK RHFWBnifT Phone 20 CD. ad easl Hssing |