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Show -- JULY 4, 1916 UURSDAY; -- BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER ORPHEUM SPECIAL MATINEE JLIA 4th Friday and Saturday, July " and 6 "DEADLINE AT DAWN" THEATRE ALL CARTOON SHOW SATURDAY, JULY 6th Tremonton 10 a. m. Morgan Con war ELWOOD COUPLE Alvin Morris Mr. and Mrs. Saturday evening, the Relief Society presidency entertained all the officers and teachers of their organization at the home of Ruth Hunsaker with their husbands. The evening was spent playing t'nurfey - was stationed with the Army progressive games. Refreshments Tucs- - Mrs. Bill Storrer, Mrs. Rudy Milhome, were served at small tables which forWhitney thc at ler and Mrs. Clarence Brough Medical Corn. She was the were attractively decorated with of Molnar mer Julia Chicago. received prizes tor the game. Hue and gold flowers. blue bride's book was constructed of a bride wore The gown A delicious luncheon was servJ. records were President Ruth Hunsaker and a carried and chiffon white and phonograph ed by the hostess. serv-"rwere her Refreshments assistants, Norma Ericksen jc bouquet of white and pink carand Mabel Romer, with Ada Fri- the hostesses to forty nations. BIRTHDAY HOKORED dal as line the In the receiving were secretary, were released entertainMrs. G. H. Watland Mrs. bride and and Mr. Sunday night after successfully groom, fny lovely gifts were received. ed in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Orsen Jensen, thc matron of hon- carrying on Relief Society work anShirley Mattney"s birthday or, Melba Priday. and the best for thc past year. Lillian Ras- and mussen, Charlotte Munns niversary at dinner Thursday man, Dr. Sidney Priday. was v.ra nri i nompson were sustained as A continuous evening. program Covers were laid for Mr. and carried out with musical selections the new presidency, with Angie Mrs. S. B. Watland, Mr. and being given by Mrs. Frances Kirk-ha- Francom as secretary. President Maude Cook and sec Mrs. H. G. Warles and thc and daughter, Myrna Mae, Thomas Mattneys. Mrs. Connie Madsen Teeter, Dar-re- ll retary Irene Kerr of the Stake Gardner and Margaret John- Board were in attendance at the HOSTESS TO VCF son. meeting. receivMr. and Mrs. Linder of Ogden Ruebcn Mrs. Holmgren Furniture Mrs. Israel Hunsaker entertained the were the door. Pour at visiting with her parents, guests ed members of the VGF club at Mr. and table and Mrs. H. P. Larsen on the were at ing serving' her home Wednesday. Ver-li- n Mrs. Mrs. Maxine Gardner, Sunday. lonthly Payments to Suit The evening was spent sewing M. W. Hansen is reported as Jensen, Mrs. Orva Archibald Income. Term Loans to and refreshments were served. and Mrs. assisted Lorna Davis by recovering in a satisfactorily manFarmers. Andrea Hansen and Dcna ner in the Valley hospital where Loans Made Anywhere By STUDY GROUP he has been for the past week. wrapped Individually ENJOY OUTIKG Our Representative Or A. E. Buchanan of the High wedding cake was served. In the Members of the Study Groupi gift room were Lucille Taylor and Council attended By Mail. our meeting from the Tremonton Second ward May Anderson. delivered a and Sunday evening Loans Can Usually Be Made and Sunday in enjoyed Saturday from the Stake special message as Same Day Applied For. Logan Canyon. They were at the ' Presidency. EKGAGEMEXT Girl's Camp. The Primary officers t held a AXXOUXCED special meeting Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark The Junior class of the Sunday announce the marriage of their School enioved a delightful swim daughter, Joyce, to Eugene Long at the Crystal Springs last Fri- E. L. Petersen, Mgr. of Fayette, Idaho. j day evening. The take will in Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Christen marriage place So. Main Phone 443 the near future. sen entertained a few friends Sun Brigham City TO day afternoon in compliment to nder Supervision of State Mrs. Martina Larsen on her fifth Giant Bearings The navy's mighty battle- wedding anniversary. A lovely Of Utah ship rifles obtain their ease of mo- luncheon was served and a socia bility from the giant ball and roller afternoon was spent. bearings on which the gun turrets Mrs. Minnie Kelstrom of Og are mounted. A single roller in one of these bearings, of which there den spent several days last week are often a dozen or more, weighs visiting her sister, Mrs. Martina (70 pounds. Larsen. Mrs. Meda Hunsaker and 9 of American Fork, visited her Paint Must Be Stirred Any paint composed of oil and pigment must be thoroughly stirred before it is used. No matter how good NOTICE TO WATER USERS the paint is, it should not be exThe following applications have pected to adhere to or cover the surface properly until the oil and pig- been filed with the State Engineer ment have been thoroughly mixed to appropriate water in Box Elder GARLAND, UTAH by stirring. County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year, unless otherDeformities Grow wise designated, all locations beTWO-YEA, COUNTY COMMISSIONER Ninety per cent of all potential ing from SLBcrM. cripples would never become de17399 - J. Arlo Summers, RFD DEMOCRATIC TICKET formed if they received the right treatment at the right time. Most No. 2, Tremonton, Ut., .015 sec. deformities are not due to a predis- ft. of water for domestic use from (Paid Political Adv.) well bet. 150 and 250 ft. posing cause but to neglect of prop- a er measures of prevention and deep at a point N. 49.5 ft. and E. cure. 1240.5 ft. from thc SW Cor. Sec. rer-tio- o, y 0l LOANS m ?JO $300 Auto Livestock "DICK TRACY" Throw A Saddle On A Star' Cartoon sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Munns and other relatives and friends while here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Crossley of Smithficld, attended the Relief Society party, Saturday night, The Blue Star Mothers of Tre- monton, spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. Janusine Petersen last week. Mrs. Janusine Petersen has spent a week in Honeyville with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hunsaker. H. C. Hansen is able to be up again after being confined to his bed for some time. Mrs. R. H. Slitter and Miss Janette Slitter of Alhambra, Ca., in company with Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Slitter of Minnesota, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen, Monday. They were traveling from California to Minnesota and were friends of the Hanscns when they were in California. Mrs. Grace Haws of Garland was a dinner guest at the V. T. Hansen home on Sunday. n. Chris-tense- -- BRIGHAM LOAN CO. Anne Jeffreys in & Also Ken Curtis & Adt le Roberts in 'THE OUTLAW" n THURSDAY BRIDGE HOKORED Jensen were honored at a &E ttOVT Mr. CLUB MEETS his parents, given by L - La Rce Holt, bride-to-band Mrs. Orsen lensen. SatuH'V afternoon Thc -l misbridge Thursday mcst of honor at a club met that afternoon with Jesse evening in Bear River City. The Verna by given shower lews couple was married in San FranMiller as hostess. ("Homer, Bonnie Whitney, Two tables were in play and cisco on May 23, where the bride and Colleen Thomp-- r ? Fridav and Saturday. July 12 and 13 -- reception; hoxors Seven Pagre Sunday, Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, July 7. S, 9, 10 and 11 JACK JjLETEL JAM. KLSShLl. - 1 HUM AS MI lLTIELL WALTER HUSTON - JOE SAWYER and GENE RIZZI in and 3 p. m. SOCIAL EVENTS Tremonton. Ltah Farm Output in th Although mechanization United States has been slower i farming than in manufacturing, j j j productivity per farmer working unit is estimated to have between 18G9 and 1937 at aa average rate of 2.1 per cent pet year. Output per agricultural worker tends to increase most rapidly when farm income is high arui equipment and fertilizer can be bought liberally, or when labor is scarce, or when an abnormal demand for increased agricultural yield exists. Pull Freight Car Two girls recently pulled 7V2k ease a new freight car for a distance of 35 feet. The car wai n equipped with bearing which reduce starting resistance 'igr 50-to- n anti-frictio- 88 per cent Size of State Pennsylvania, which ranks Ziat in size among the 48 states, has an area of 43,302.23 square miles. Eye Exercises Eye exercises are beneficial In some types of muscle imbalances. However, exercises cannot overcome some types of squint, or cross eyes. Raise Flies One laboratory raises 10,000 houseflies a week to test the fly ribbon the company makes from RADIO REPAIRING : Both home and auto Quickly and Expertly done. JACKA& , PAT'S RADIO SHOP at Located Sandall Motor Co. I kin' 13 WIN FRIENDS BE ONE. ' J6-inc- h V r-"-, - - J - ' W . if 1,1,, I, Jfnr 'fflMftj -- - Contest TUESDAY, JULY JOSEPH A. NIELSEN 1 r "F'te wank irst El contest fc 1 Si1"' ... -- wy- - W if i -"- at our t'ttsniftic department today t VOTE FOR X' Si ms- - I o yeor'i contract with the nation FIRST PRIZE oily famoul Harry Conover Model Bureau to New York and two weeks at the Waldorf Hotel with all expenses paid. SECOND PRIZE- -a shiny new 1946 Chevrolet sedan. EIGHT REGIONAL PRIZES- -a complete re spring wardrobe of your choice. 48 STATE PRIZES a complete beauty cut in a fitted case. Mnrlnl,' Snurinl Cakt Make-up Wart jm.. Compact . e'v.rk lipstick., 103 (plus a R CITY DRUG Tremonton Phone 47 2-- in. 7, LA GRANDE PETERSON of Bear River City, Utah DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR BOX ELDER COUNTY TREASURER resident of Box and Land owner. A life-lcnCounty. 42 vears of age. Former employee of the Utah State Tax Commission. World War II Veteran and at present Commander of Tremonton Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars. (Paid Political Adv.) Home Elder .? TUN, R3W. Prison Sentences 17412 - Mclvin W. Homer, Criminals were not given prison RFD No. 2, Tremonton, Ut., .03 sentences until quite late in the of water for miscellansec. ft. Christian era. The only conception Creek Df punishment for crime was death eous purposes from Salt Salt Great or the infliction of bodily pain; Springs, tributary to held were in and ft. 725 only N. prison a wrongdoers Lake, at point until they were tried or executed. W. 1990 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 6, TUN, R3W. The. water will be piped 'a distance of 1000 ft. in a l'2 in. pipe and used for domesstock watering, irrigation and tic, EDWARD J. milk cooling. McPOLIN 17443 - Reuben H. Fuller, Tremonton, Ut., .015 sec. ft. of water for domestic use from a 2 in. well bet. 300 and 450 ft. deep at a point S. 35 ft. and W. 261 5 ft. from EJ4 Cor. Sec. 17, TllN, 4 i Liberty Theatre Tremonton ALL EVENING SHOWS START AT 7:30 P. M. MATINEES START AT .3:00 P. M. Friday and Saturday, July 5 and 6 Double Feature Program FREDDIE STEWART and JUNE PREISSER in "JUNIOR PROM" also KANE RICHMOND and I'ARDARA REED in "THE SHADOW RETURNS" R3W. r, 17537 - Peter McKellar, 2 for of water Ut., sec. ft. irrigation purposes from an S in. well M ft. deep at a point S. 1320 ft. and E. 99 ft. from N'4 Cor. Sec. 2 , T4 N, R 9 W. The wa ter will be used to irrigate 160 acres of land embraced in Sec 12, T4N, inR19V, and for year-roucidental domestic and stock water- Cartoon and Serial Wcn-dove- " MEMBER FEDERAL WAREHOUSE SYSTEM , THE LATEST AND v GREATEST "ROAD" CT4 SHOW OF THEM ALL! 1 1 Wholesale and Retail SUN., MON., TUL S. and WEI)., JULY 7, 8, 9 and 10 '1 nd GRAINS.. SEEDS.. FEEDS r, Peter McKellar, Ut., 2 sec. ft. of water for irrigation purposes from an 8 in. well 6S ft. deep at a point S. 2640 ft. from N'4 Cor. Sec. 36, T4N. R19W. The water will be ucd to irrigate 70 acres of land embraced in Sec. 36, T4N, Rl9V, incidental and for domestic and stock watering. Protests resisting thc granting of any of tnc foregoing applications, with reasons therefore, must be in affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capitol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or before August 31, 1946. Ed. H. Watson, 1753S too 4 .A STEAM ROLLING GRINDING CLEANING M""- .... HIONE 41 TREMONTON - II. Democratic Lundulalc for U. S. Representative McPOLIN believes in . . . KctfMinn of I tnh Militurj. . . Inriu.tr.M I t,h Netur.ll Kewurrf. . I. . end r H..,.nt... Agrirunur-. tru.1 lnterle . inntion of t,A f..f Silfr t. A . f"V ' frnm (.. I. it. utrnimlmri! ( I niii treat" Oprr.lioiul fcfhcimrf. Vote for McPOLIN July 9 (or fd. Pol. Adv. - Wen-dove- year-rou- In.Ul-l..,..- I""1'''''"' i''""'"" WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN VVif' ing. 'l -- t nd STATE ENGINEER ; if 7i: as. r ' n. " !&V' . li I. i W f. PAUl JONH ' HAl WAIK Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 11, 12 and 13 Double Feature Program ROY ROGERS and DALE EVANS in "SONG OF ARIZONA" STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY in "PARDON US" Cartoon Serial |