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Show Tremonton, Utah BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. Paire Efcrht- - Thursday, Julv M 'fc. fc. fiews 3rom Vic Service Men Tremonton SSvTt. LaVern Maiskk arrived furlough July 5. He for a and was a waist gunner on a terGerman over was shot down was He 1944. 12, ritory on May liberated by the Russians on May ters. 1, 1945, after being a prisoner When his furlough is over he for a year. will report to Santa Ana, Calif., to be reassigned. 60-da- y B-2- 4 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 13 and Double Feature Program B-2- "THE SCARLET CLUE" also SMILEY BURNETTE and SUNSET CARSON in "BORDERTOWN TRAIL" - "- -r - V 1 1 . Mrs. Adam Brenkman has received word that her son Sgt. J. Carter England is playing with the Marine Band in San Diego, Calif. Ever)' Saturday at 4 p. m. on K.VMJ this bnd is featured cn the Hall of Montezuma . J ALBERTO uALZA, Baltimore, aui., wen ucwivo BOATSWAIN Marine Distinguished Service Medal. When the SS In Delisle was first torpedoed, he rescued the wounded third mate. down was by a pinned the Master of the ship the second . BAND y f. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JULY 15, r, I I II 1 V : COLBERT-MURRA- oil, co fragrant and nomicaf. LOTIOM A rich, creamy lotion ,that contains lanolin, kin toft and leave! smooth, eaiy to re- 'J Kenneth H. Newton, Gunner's Mate, Third Class, USNR, has I Try IS I grqnce In i inine, beautifying loop made of the choicest oil V I tfj ez BEAUTY SOAP Ffewtr.freih fro- - a fern- - K J Prices subject N ) jY VyT J reported in at the U. S. Naval Armed Guard center, at Treasure Island, after 16 months as a mem ber of a gun crew of a merchant A ship. J The Armed Guard Center of the Pacific, loeated on Treasure Island, directs the training and assignment of all Naval officers and enlisted personnel of Navy gun crews of merchant vessels in the Pacific. to tax F M. CHRISTENSEN DRUGS ' Gil flN DIAMETER FLASH Ik BALLAST BA6S 5EQUENCE - W&fa rvf -' mm on 1 Contact LIFTER P m. j 5 Swing1 Street' THURSDAY, JULY 19th ON THE STAGE- - BALLOON IS. MECHANICAL ON THE SCREEN 'ROLLIN' HOME TO TEXAS" "BRAIM" with TEX RITTER, CAL SHRUM and the RANGERS ? I .1 m IB FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 20, WITH GROUND 21 ELISHA COOK JR., ANNF JEFFREYS L. TIERNEY in "DILLINGER" also ANN BLYTH, PEGGY RYAN, ALMA KUGER in "BABES ON SWING STREET" MATINEE SAT. 3:30 CARTOON, SERIAL. INCENDIARY s vKK. n k m p. ra.' f i j j Annual JULY BLANKET EVENT bought the place recently and have named it the Flying A in honor or of their son Jerry. Our JULY BLANKET ALLOTMENT has been we are offering them for Sale .... i Rayon B olbmet ML LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY plenty. No drugs. No yu. Yards in this let. "BUY FOR CASH AND PAY LESS" See our Windows for Other Blankets. -- each week. Eat Gephart Stores Co, m. students f Miss Mary E. Burns! Mr. and Mrs. Eli C. Anderson at the L. D. S. Second ward chapel of Bothwell are spending the sumv on Tuesday, July 17, at 8:15 p. mcr on a ranch near Strevell. They m. The public is cordially invited. WITHOUT EXERCISE Take off weight Suitable for Curtain Panels, Blouses, Net Scarfs, and Formals. received and FRIDAY, JULY 13th at 10:00 a. j Inch White Don't wear yourself out with tiresome exercises. Don't give unall the foods you like. Eat plenty not too much. In clinical tests under the direction of medical doctors mart than 100 persons lost 14 to IS lbs. ornate in a few weeks' time with the AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Man. Try the AYDS way yourself. 30 day supply, $2.25. Y hone Adam's Drug Store All Tremonton Trtr usiness nouses TJM1 E3q pschooh Cal Shrura and The Rhythm Rangers WHICH & DE5TR0Y5 WHOLE DEVICE "Dillinger" and "Babes on DESCENT tci mechanism which r releases 7 O--v H wntntu uiitn WEDNESDAY, JULY 18th BOMB To DE5TROY ) 1 The offieers of the Tremonton,' First Ward Mutual are sponsoring a dance to be held July 3 1 in the MUSIC STUDENTS TO First Ward hall. A Logan orches- GIVE RECITAL tra has been engaged and everyone of Mutual age is urged to come. A reeital will be given by the EEC J5 Robert Benctiley Cecil Kellaway MATINEE SUN., 3:30 NEWS, CARTOON a. r MUTUAL SPONSORS DANCE ON JULY 31 JULY 14th Till - Artist's sketch of the balloon, with bombs, which the Japanese are launching: from their home islands against continental United States. Sot. ot 10 a.m. 50C Lamb A DANTI N SALE 36 i Mil .. Sketch of Jap Balloon and Bombs TS KENNETH NEWTON IN U. S. ut, n Y ft. Wayne, who is now in Germany. He said his division was leaving for a' "swanky resort" in France and this would be their last stop before coming home. Their other son, Slc Jay D. Norr is in the Pacific and he sends his best regards to everyone. hair, mad coconut m. FRED CLAUDSTTE torpedoing, lowered him to a raft just before cargo boom. Galza cut him free and held will provide ships and gear and Bonds War sank. the ship bought V. S. Treasury Department for the Merchant Marine. HEAR FROM TWO SONS Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Norr ceived a letters from their son with - K a MITCHELL '.LEISEN beautiful, 16, P- (! firt'i For :30 Sht didn't toy Ye- "- end (he didn't toy 'No' but th outfoxed the Nation's No. 1 Wolf! hidden SHAMPOO 3 y PLAYS IN MARINE - MATINEE SAT. SERIAL and CARTOON DEWEYVILLE BOYS MEET son IN SAIPAN W. Rucker, Richard TS?t. of Mr and Mrs. V. R. Rucker Mr. aand Mrs. C. P. Jensen of has arrived home to spend a Deweyville received word from furlough. their son Pvt. Delbert C. Jensen that he had met Blaine Saunders in Saipan. I 14 SIDNEY TOLER and BENSON FONG in RICHARD RUCKER HOME FROM MANILA 30-da- ; Liberty Theatre Sgt. Rucker has been in the South Pacific for fifteen months stationed with the aerial engineers. He was with the 43rd bomb group and has completed 42 bombing He has been missions with a in six major battles and wears an air medal and two Oak Leaf Clus- FORMER PRISONER HOME 12, 134: L. "K. (n3(M Sunday, Monday, Tuesday CIVIC CLUB HEARS SPECIAL PROGRAM TREMONTON LION'S CLUB TREMONTON JAYCEES 11 Cliff Kerr presented a patriotic program for members of the Women's Civic League when they met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Maurine Winter-ton. A special guest of the hostess was Mrs. Melvin Cook. Refreshments were served by the Tre-monto- n i New Regulations Under a law passed in 1928 a sol- dier or sailor in the armed force! forfeits pay if he is absent from duty because he has contracted venereal disease. A new law abol ishes all punishment which is not attributable to willful misconduct provided that the infected man re ports for treatment. Failure to re port Is still punishable by disciplinary action. The new law also provides that veterans who now hav contracted venereal disease In line of duty (which means that they have not deserted or are not AWOL) art eligible for pension and compensa tion benefits If disability results, t'se Green Ones If some of your Immature creen tomatoes are caught by early frost you can make use of them by stew. lng, fiying, broiling, scalloping or baking them. They require about 10 to 15 minutes longer coohing than ripe tomatoes, and they have bet ter flavor if about one tablespoon of sugar Is added for six medium-sizetewed or scalloped tomatoes. If you stew them, add onions and celery. If you bake them, stuff them with a bread dressing. You can com. bine them with meat or fish. Use yvr green frost caught toma toes generously for a g 2Vc Wool. 70x90 size. Full doubled size. Blue Gran, Ced.r. A Rose, Blanket of Beauty- '5.90 72" x 90" Won" shades In radiant of Blue, Grf0 Rose and Crfg 6.90 Plaid fab? 25 7o d Merchants Committee V new-tastin- iKivor. 't "i.- - mm T. use renney Bluft l Green, Cedar " v-- ..:.-rt- 5ft c"on in Rose. ii , I wool-7- . v.onrci"cin 4.93 (Z.kusi fl"" - |