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Show 1915- .4,v July 12, BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, nnU'SG THU RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 15, 16, 17, 18 a'"VLVi9, :o,:i ' "Guest: and BRENDA JOYCE in 'E 1 5M U LLE R .y THE AMAZONS" v7S AND I THEATRE N ANNE BAXTER - RALPH BELLAMY - RUTH WARRICK TREMONTO ,, John Deere and BEND1X WASHER For S.de. Miss Betty Rae Bjorn has like new. Call 54 Jl. binders; 1 rived heme to spend her vacation p McCormick-Decring, 3 - bottom1 with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. gang rlow, eood shatv: FOR SALE White enameled F Riorn Sh, hti been nun!' to delivery rake, good shape; McCor- - water aeater. Mrs. A. J. lay lor. ;n Seattle. tractor mower. See' Robbins Implement Co., Phone Ensign and Mrs. Yale Miller of 72R1. Illinois visited for fvo days this week with Mr. and Mrs. William New Farm Machinery will be aBeyer enroute w Seattle, vailable soon. Minneapolis-MolinFarm Tractors and Implement. Call Ruel Robbins, Phone 72R1. Mrs. Lffie Maughn, Mrs. Ellcry Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Pearce of tic. Ballard, Mrs. Vesta Moore, Mrs. Magna visited with their sister, PIANOS bought and sold, reas- Phoebe Henrie, Mrs. Dorothy Mrs. Garland Puzey and family Mrs. Lula luhnson, Mrs. last week-end- . The Pu:ey's have onably. See Olive H. Hall. Gar- Kerr, Helen Sandall and Mrs. Earl Bu- also had two land, Utah. nephews visiting with RADIO for sale Firestone All chanan attended the funeral ser- th.-Joe Bishop and Kelly Pearce. vices A Mrs. Agnes I. Adams in power pack batteries. Good conLogan Monday. Mrs. Adams was dition. See Olive Hall. Pie. Kenneth W. Sconpmire is the mother of Mrs. Ross Miller. home ior a three day iurleua'i 1011 SALE: 2 kitchen ranges, one visiting with his wife and daughter Charles Ashcraft has been vis- arid Mr. and Mrs. oil stove, 1 Estate hcatrola. Harry t See Keith Hunsaker, Horjeyville. iting with his cousin, Ray during the week. He was tip. formerly of St. Anthony, Idaho, and has just recently been released FOR SALE $3800.00 from the army. 7 room frame home, bath, baseCony Better It is a paradox that a copy turns ment and attic. Granary, brooder out to be better than the original. Visitors at the A. R. Bennett Yet house, two coops and coal house, this happened when Michelanhome Phone 29 Tremonton. were Mr. and Mrs. gelo Buonarroti, on the order of ltcj Elvin Monday Smith and their three child- Popes and Cardinals, who wanted to FOR SALE Holland furnace in! ren. The Smiths are from Texas outdo their fellow Maecenases in the good condition. See Ernest Wood- - where Mr. Smith is a flying display of antiques, falsified antique ward. sculptures. ltc. ar-Ju- st McCormick 1 ive Orpheurn In The House" JFOR SALE- -1 I Pare Tremonton, Utah- - TWANWUT 2 ' .... 1 micK-ueenn- : g LOCAL NOTES -' e ' beating costs in os t- winter ! wB fetd -m 30 TO 20 Pte-cv- az D 2 8' to 15' in summer SAVES H&c Ash-crar- TEMPERATURES REDUCES J. sg" lhstHiicwiie(jaiittof defease tywi (jar J7 P& 2 1REMONTON LUMBER & HARDWARE CO. Phone 130 Smf .l tut 2 CO. STATE LUMBER Phone 11 TRI FOR SALE: 1932 Plymouth se dan, good tires, motor mechanical O.K. Good trailer. J. R. Drake, Soil Conservation office. LUMBER CO. WILSON Phone 148 ltc 2 WANTED ADS CLASSIFIED FOR "i 3 dad aep or boys bicycle. ltc. .iiKw J3. sl5 tfc ileat the are 20-oun- tato and corn cultivator, 1 : FOR PORTER Tasty Ssndwiches Fran-cor- 2 2 FOR 10 Real Roast ...2 lb. Puritan 36 Jar 3tbspe.chill sauce Toast bread. Place cheese Blices on four slices of the toast and spread with mustard. Top with remaining toast and cut in halves lengthwise. Place in square baking pan (8x8x2). Make white sauce: Melt shortening, blend in flour. Add SI milk gradually, stirring constantly. Cook until thickened, about 5 min- i utes. Add salt and chili sauce. Pour Ii in over cheese sandwiches. Bake moderate oven (350 F.) 15 minutes. 1) Serve hot. PRESSED HAM PEANUT BUTTER Serve Ready-to- - 12 ox. SALE Allis Chalmers com Crozicr. 2tp 7-- OC- - well-grease- J Jr n. ltp. NOTICE 5 3 Five room home, stable. 78 ?cre mi with fruit trees. 312 So. ;iWcst, Brigham City, Utah. sage, coops, vo itp. W HAMPSHIRE Red Spring iens for sale. Sep I am selling 23 head part! thoroughbred mares and colts in order to reseed my j at pastures. They will be the ranch fcunday aiier-noon- Jensen. Call 63R3. 7-- 5 2tp N'GLISH Pointer Pups for sale. Wwen, fhone 33J5 Garland. 2 Use more fresh fruits and vegetables now CANTALOUPES D. A. FUHRIMAN Freshi juicy' Seediesg LIMES Edwards lb. Airway GRAINS . . SEEDS . . FEEDS TOMATOES r 28 Morning, Sego, Bordens .4 cans ..lb. 20 Cherub 4 tall cans .1a BUY ALL KINDS UlTo, Cheese S2 .tirE; lit Town- house, Unsw 46 oz. OQV Grapefruit, Iiiia JUI(,C Sunny Dawn, Tomato Zephyr L If 19 47 oz. Asstd. Flavors 8 o. bot. Autumn, Grape Juice qt. FRED 8 38 FRETS-SALLY WVE GOT TO BMOR FOR ONE THING. OUR BIUS. K 52.09 lbs. $1.89 frAT.'JT 19 Maple Flav.16 Use H cup heated baked beans to spread between each two slices rye bread. Top each sandwich with, cup cole slaw. XI oz. y y Shredded Kalston 12 oz. Corn Flakes Kelloggs..l8 oz Safeway Homemakers' Bureau JULIA LEE WRIGHT, Director t 26 Cwvim Sleepy Hollow, 11 t Lf roll requiring red yolnta arc plainly marked Meat PRIME RIB ROAST Candy Bars HVZ ea. 4 Noodles ..K.ir, P.g. 24 14 Sea Shell 3?L Pop Corn Crackers. sa.' ib. i 17 31 LAMB CHOPS Sma" Rlb PORK SAUSAGE. Mild HALIBUT FRYERS rUPCC C VllkhJk Fresh FUh' Fresh ib. 29 32 40 32 42 .... Grade lb. 45 A Grade lb. LAMB SHOULDER ROAST Square Cuts lb AA Grade chop' AA Grade Ib. Flavor ib. s""d regei springers Dutch Mill American, Sliced - 1 39c SOLVES Y ...AND I KNOW FRED IS Rl&HT, LOIS. WE'LL DO SOMETHING., EVEN CUT DOW I ON FOOD. HAVE TO W t, Vi im PH0XE41 B1OS...50 OyrUp BUT.FREOII J ' il Harvest lbs a'j NOTE: A delicious double decker can be made with this combination by using a slice of American cheese for the top deck with s garnish of Si sliced tomatoes. CEREAL Cake Flour CAREFUL ABOUT EXPENSESiSIMPiy WONTSERVE LfOOR FOOD... FOR IF WE EVER EXPECT TO ANYTHING I BUILD THAT NEW HOUSE. f Craft-5- 0 Sugar 13 W luiA JUICc Grape W ib. Tea Kitchen 39 37 . OF GRAIN wiches. lb AKID MAN SANDWICH Miscellaneous o, Mustard FOOD 009 lb. rfr'tSt .El.t. FLOUR MILK Olives 4 SOYBEAN PELLETS FEED CORN STEAM ROLLING o GRINDING o CLEANING i s"" R"""" PLUMS ..lb. For Your Picnic Wholesale and Retail CORN Combine 2 cups shredded cabbage with 2 cups lunchmeat cut in strips, 3 hard cooked eggs chopped, and 3 sliced pickled onions. Season with salt and pepper to taste; add mayonnaise or salad dressing to moisten. j Spread between thinly sliced buttered bread. Makes 10 to' 12 sand- !'l ..lb. Fresh, Crisp, Stringiest Green Tenie, 8weet Bantam BEANS d MYSTIRY SANBWICM while they're at their best. Produce prices aubjpet to daily market change COFFEE MEMBER FEDERAL WAREHOUSE SYSTEM lit JJUI Large, Crisp, Iceberg Poeatello Valley ltp. ..lb, Sweet, Juicy, Small Size ORANGES . . . Thick Meat, Golden Center, Jumbo Sweet, Ripe, Bings, .. for Canning CHERRIES s. Allrpd T. rMXC : i shortening 2 tbeps. flour 1 cup milk V tsp. salt mustard City. SALE SANDWICH 2 tbtps. slices bread t Ib. sliced American cheese 1 tsp. prepared 8 ..16 oz. loaf 14c 14 oz. ... FORSAnTf INSURANCE and grain fields. See combine with motor. Wayne Phone 65R4. Miller, Phone 764R ae. George -- Loaf ce MACARONI 2 Jrigham frTTTT r IAKID LUNCHION Mrs. Wrights Raisin :. hard tired wagon, John Deere 7 ft. 311, Ogden grain binder, almost new, 1 Oliver tractor 7 ft. mower, 1 new Oliver JLOBE FEED and Baby Chicks beet puller. R. W. Hunsaker. Call Utah Hatchery, Brigham City ltc 63J1. working conditions. Referral am U.SS.E.S. necessary. Phone H. lyjw v m can also be full, delicious meals in themselves. A filling ht meat andor vegetable between slices of bread is a plate that will satisfy the sharpest appetite. of an out May we suggest by way dish . . . White, Wheat or Sandwich Co., ad ines n 00 ltc 2 ltp. for essential work. Jobs .? open for warehousemen, seed FOR SALE 1 Pfe0 beet cultiiers, flour packers. Good wages vator, 1 McCormick-Deerin- g po- haystacks 'i well-balanc- Ogden :or "nil . . . WANTED. Men room house or apt. Phone 79R2. Flour Wit and FIRE n. ..n -- Anderson. Phone 3F21 at Sperry needed i iiliinrin saving foods . . . and make them with bread of fine texture and flavor. FOR Leader Office. HELP MALE 1 n them from this list of money SALE Brood sows. Mrs. 35R1 Garland, ltp. Oluf Johnson. H. A. CASH for Live Poultry. 5am, 453 N. 2nd West. Brigham f61TsaTe to ,cne98. p Cream Separator. Used a short time. Reasonably priced. Roy C. WRITER RIBBONS for 7-- in that are new and different! Plan 2 35 i.i ti This summer serve sandwiches SAL-Trdl- farm machinery, some furniwill pay cash er, and rubber tired wagon. See ture or usless cows, horses, Mrs. Joseph Scothcrn. ltp. hogs. Phone Tremonton or Garland ;jR4 small Call 24R1. 4ryA CTOP WORRVINO show you MOW TO BUVt FOOD 3 TREMONTON TOO MUCH I y 'T'a A6TORCTHAT j V J( V- - YeatiHCA SOOO TLVM |