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Show Pasre -- Six BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. Tremonton, Utah - -- Paris. eair.es. Fourteen were present. Mrs. Don Bourne and children s of C'den spent a week at the Adams home. Ardes took her home Friday. Mr. a T.4 ,V., cn.nr i nM rf Hjvs with the L. M. Holman's. They i r came uown to acienai me. luneraj sen, ices of Ruel's brother, Ephraim Nielson of Ogden. Lai.J. Hunted Enemy Spies Will Win the War Against Japan ? ,. - " "" ; I I i " y ! J -- Sorensen. 1 ? Mrs. John L. Payne held a birthday dinner Sunday for her son Gary Lee, who is five years '; old. Out of town visitors at Howell during the week were: Mr. and v After taking rart in tV of the Belgium bule at eh:; Chris De-lo- Mrs. Laree Baker ot Salt i Late i r has been visiting witn ner uaugn-teand family Mr. and Mrs. Ariel i i. - 1 HOWELL Thursday, July i2 19r ivt aria seeing actjon Colmar pocket and in tK. nr tl' mas, - - -- j 73th,- . r fvpn rlarfd in camps to take care of : , t.. r ing iu uie.racnic area and to tt states. v a ST. r- He expects to remain ti, i least until the first of October an I until Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sterry and Pr abl.y s5 Srcet small son of Salem, Utah, spent with Mr. and Mrs. the week-en"lcuuT m wc. vall,-- a everyuhere in the ser ice. R. G. Brouqh. Y1? Mrs. C. E. Lucas and daughters Delia Mae and Kay, all of Logan. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Forsgren. COMPLETES BASIC Frank Stevens and family of i TRAINING Tremonton were guests at the home of Mrs. Stevens' parents, Mr. Darrell J. Didencksen and Mrs. John H. Forsgren. recently completed his basic ilyl Mrs. Norine Jones Clawson of training at the Merced Armv a: Wellsville has been visiting with WRITES HOME win now VK niiu,. joniuiiiiu. the J. P. Jones family. t i tjl. oumm -wiiuuCeea i. an to rirst fl- -n advanced jonn Army Mrs. .Annie Anderson and her from he flew in'school, where he will take the that Germany t daughter Norma Ann; Mrs. Flor- formation for four and a half n3 steps toward attainment of k , ence Johnsen and family of hours, recently for General Eisen- silver pilot wings, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Sum- hour. He is the son of Mr. and Mr? mers of Tremonton were guests at Didericksen, Tremonti. Harvey the homes of Orsen Hyden and RETURNS TO STATION Lee Anderson. t Mrs. Cyrus Bailey of Shelley, Sgt. Emery Nelsen left Saturday ABOARD DESTROYER Idaho, was in Howell visiting with for the hospital in Walla Walla, friends. Mrs. Bailey was one of Washington, after a month at trn,esj;, Ardl:11 Anderson, IS son of r and Mrs. Ernest Acand Mr. his with Howell. of home the early settlers parents, ucisun, ui car ivn'er uty, UtJL It has been reported that Stan- Mrs. Carl Nelsen. is serving anoaru a destroyer eg. ford Fonnesbcck will receive his cort of the Atlantic.Fleet. He hi? discharge from the service some HOME WELLING been in the service 26 months aod JACK time this week. Tack Welling, who is in the wears ribbons for the Amm Lt. Preston Anderson is expected a tew nours at nome and the home on a three weeks furlough navy spent ms case at rasco, Eastern Iheatres. trom week last some time this week. Anderson enlisted April 1943, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schouby of Washington. received training at Great and Bothwell were guests at the home 111. Lakes, of their daughter, Mrs. Edgar Nes- WAVE ARRIVES HOME sen Sunday. Nola Heppler, AMM 3c arriv- A birthday dinner and party e(J 10me to spend a leave here with GAINS PROMOTION j was held in honor of Terry Hess ner friends and family before Mrs. Erma H. Burke has receivBarbara Taylor, Sunday at the jna overseas. On the 4th and 5th word from her husband T5 ed t Eva Bair. Mrs. home of Twenty-- ' they were in LaMont, Idaho, D. Burke, who is now in Casecl guests were present. ing with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stohl. Bad Godesbury, Germany, that L The Relief Society work and. r been has advanced to a 2nd Lieu business meeting was neia lues TELEGRAM RECEIVES tenant. day. The time was spent in quiltFROM SON ing. Refreshments were served by: Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bone have Mrs. Meda Jones. DENNY BAIR a telegram from their son, received Mrs. Earl Fallows has been visPROMOTED Set. Valiean Bone, saying he ex iting at the home of her sister, Denzel H Bair has been pects to be home very soon. He has Mrs. Leland J. Hansen. in the States and ior the mote(j from pvt t0 PFC Dcnnv present he is stationed at muey savs it nrobablv wont last Kv,-kField, Connecticut. the same officer that rave him uV promotion, also censors his majl. HOME ON LEAVE Deny is stationed at Manila at Sc Frank Andersen of the U. present. The Y. G. L. club held their S. Navy had the privilege of! HOME ON FURLOUGH annual birthday party Saturday five days at home this Louis of Mrs. home the spending evening at SSgt. Allen Sorensen has been . c a m vvccK. auuu ocm.u. Larson. The members partners riven an extension on his 30 ds were gvtcsts or the club. A w afflRion active duty in the racilic and furlough and is working on th sunner was served after which they is on his way to Chicago to school. 10 oe aoie 10 ijie was very nappy started early Wednesday morning.i V with hts few these days par spend ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ver Andersen. An old cement mixer may be 1 " 7 ; L.i W NEWS FROM a.i . J , ' J , l c-r:- . J AC SERVICE MEN 1t -t. ;" 1 I v ; 4 :, , ,: Brig-ham- I ; - I i"':v"'-- - Ll ..lite. uj . Falcons have done deadly work intercepting message - bearing pigeons to Hid from enemy agents cpetin in England. Shown above is a falcon before pounding pigeon to earth. The pigeon was carrying a message for German intelligence. A great number of important German messages were recovered by fal . of the Army Douglas MacArthur, commander-in-chie- f he has men the and appointed the Southwest Pacific area, upper left, to bring to a successful conclusion the war against Japan. Upper right, Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell, commander of 10th army. Lower left. Gen. Walter Krueger, commander of 6th army. Lower right, Gen. Robert Eichelberg, commander of 8th army. General of turopean-Atrican-Mi- cons. Chinatown's King and Queen r - . Heading to Europe ! ft-" I, S - ' ft go-an- d H d visit-eigh- V iti i S f "--IK "u 1 i f if r' jA -- j v 1L EAST GARLAND u. When first questioned about the appointment of James Byrnes (above) as secretary of state following the resignation of Edward Tresident Truman announced that Byrnes would accompany him to the "Big Three" meeting in Germany. One of the feature events during the field day in New York's Chinatown was the selection of king and queen of the baby parade. Pictured following crowning ceremonies are "King" David Chong, 6, right, and the unhappy "Queen" Elinor Oje Lee, 1?4 years old. The affairs of state seem to hang heavy on the head of the new queen. Stet-tiniu- They Knew When They Had Enough s, u. , Super Salesmanship Rust-lieitiov- er S. NORMAN LEE ABSTRACTOR Established 40 Years BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH 'Me S i?. , i I ' J 3 v I - ; V--- .--. ' v. t , i ! I Ai I r in cleaning rusty to STATIONED IN FRANCE and accumulated in tearnuts pins Word has been received from T5 Gordon Crowther, son of Mrs. tity of sand into the mixer nlong Myrle Crowther, that he is now with the metal and let the machiM labor-save- - stationed at Camp Brooklyn in turn half hour or more France, only eighty miles from metal is cleaned of rust. wes aoe' until th f ! eave " i i . . . Adolph Fleischmann, 69, immigrant janitor at Yale university, These sons of the Rising Sun had enough of the war. Coming out who is Connecticut's champion war of hiding in the rocks and bushes of Kermma Retto when that Island bond salesman. He sold more than was taken by the Americans, they signaled a navy LOVP picket boat 5!j million dollars worth of bonds offshore. Obviously far from destitute, they looked healthy and carried since Fearl Harbor and says he will money, razors, diaries, tooth brushes, photographs and clothing over reach 6 million to aid his two servtheir heads. ice sons. Ccnturv Plus One Between Them Red Points at Sea IN III 1 I On its way is the day when your windshield will frame a lovely new picture each moment. And by night you will be in far countrysped there by NEW raft Day Conoco Bronz-z-- z GASOLINE. It's coming with endless hushed power, panther-lik- e A it i v, J 4 MT 7 knowledge of research. Look forward then to unexcelled gasoline NEW-DACONOCO BRONZ-Z-Continental Oil Company new-daurn A hundred and one years separate them on their joint birthday, but what is mere time when a pair of buddies get together? Mrs. Rubea Sylvester, Retsil, Wash., celebrating her 105th birthday, and her Douglas Howard Sylvester, celebrating his fourth, enjoy Ice warn and cake In the greatest of all companionships. great-grandso- n, The first shipment of livestock sent from the United States to build herds of liberatup the ed Europe Is shewn as they are being loaded for Europe. war-deplet- , oline that's limit up to the highest y Y Z. j the big Merchant's Conoco stationThere's the place to get ga, made to come winning gasolines will plainly improve your own. All this progress is coming from : red Conoco triangle on Your Mileage Look for getaway, and plentiful mileage.That's how our thorough experience with war ! feu of have v..r Tnnoco Mile age Merchant. CvMW.WiiW''''-,'- " j - reguquality, under today' can You lotions. confidence in j j f f |