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Show Jrf- -d- - July 12, ay, 1945- - BEAR RIVER pWEYVILLE ttna. i - .Vin T - ana t,T TWL.-- r return evening to Ipfrto Un- - Kcbraik, where Sgt. Becker with the air force. thev were extensively !SineJ by their parents. Mr. " ,1 Mrs. ibi snrl Ocrrl.Ti c.W 0drives m 4th was a very quiet day families ou'r community. Several a . rvr. i- - T iininS 4"u celebration n for the 'junior Lish spent a few days r u grandmother Mrs. Lou- Humphrey in Logan. a iew aays Evan Clements spent Lake Salt in City. r;.h relatives Lake Salt of Hansen c.,j vacasummer her ;s spending here witn hci giaiiuaituio, iandMrs C Hansen. r and Mrs. iajuis opdus.mui K-- t:entiy vwiw- - Mendon. IN NEED OF WHEN THESE ITEMS f rut Aii""'' Automobile Coverage public Liability f Property Uamage Comprehensive Collision All types i w of Surety Bonds Crop Insurance Hail and Fire Ant-Medical Real Estate Loans Automobile Loans Quick and Reliable Service BROUGH REALTOR JAMES UTAH TREMONTON Sunday at Sacrament meeting the Primary held their Guide class graduation program. President Marble was in charge. The following boys graduated: Vernon Johnson, kent Blackham, Robert Gardner and Jerry Barnard. Each boy gave a short talk on the principals of the L. D. S. church. Assistant Scout Commissioner Dar-re- l Heaton of Tremonton was the special speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Slattcr and daughter Viola of Bonneville, visited here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. Humphrey of Logan called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish on Sunday. Word has been received by relatives and friends that Walter Frearsonjiad arrived in New York and would soon be home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chidester and daughters Lavon and Gwen were in Salt Lake City visiting relatives on Sunday. Jessie Lish will spend a few- days with her sisters, Mrs. Auhcry Skitter and Mrs. Geo. Frcarson at Bonneville Park. Bishop and Mrs. Clarence Fryer were in Brigham City Sunday afternoon. Orland Fryer was a guest at the Clarke home in Garland on V ALLEY LEADER, j ELWOOD La-vin- . Season for Winter Cover Crops Nears Wider Use of Soil Improvements Sought Winter cover crops are among the busiest workers on American farms. Beginning about September 1, they provide feed for livestock, hold the soil against erosion, aid land to absorb moisture, and when turned under in the spring, increase the soil's supply of essential elements. Government reports show that the planting of eover crops is especially important in the east central and southern states. The south, within a single decade, increased its acreage under cover from a few hundred thousand to several million acres. There is still room for more cover crops, however. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mitton have left Tremonton to make their home in Preston, Idaho. - lit . j Tuesday. Patriarch James Walton of Tremonton was the speaker at our Sunday evening meeting. He was accompanied by Mrs. Walton. ATTEND FUNERAL IN DRAPER Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Garfield, Mr. and Mrs. M. Day Garfield, Mrs. Wanda Cook, Mrs. Jesse Mrs. V. L. Hansen and A. A. and Mr. and Mrs. John Garfield Mrs. Margaret Johnson is visitMunns, accompanied Mr. and attended the funeral O. Garfield in Corinne, the guest of her Mrs. Fred Nye and Mrs. Grace ing Mrs. Hcher H Garfor services Mrs. Ralph Forsgren. Haws of Garland on a trip to Lchi daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Borgstrom field held Saturday in Draper. Sunday. They attended the eightieth birthday celebration of their spent Saturday in Brigham visitw ith their son, Evan and fami- father's sister, Mrs. Goates. While ing ly. in Lehi they also visited their Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barf us visitmother's brother who is ninety-tw: ed with relatives in Brigham on years old. Enroute they stopped in Salt Lake City to attend Wednesday, Miss Blanche Roche of Ogden the broadcast of the tabernacle choir r.nd to visit with a relative spent Sunday here with her parwho is a member of the organiza- ents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Roche. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glen of tion. Wheelon visited with Mrs. Mary Mrs. S. Foy Mortensen of San P .Anderson Saturday. Diego, is visiting with her mothMr. and Mrs. Gerald Tolman er, Mrs. Jorden in Brigham City. She has three brothers in the ser- announce the arrival of a baby boy vice and all three are home' to- at a Brigham hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson gether. had as their guests Sunday, Mrs. Mrs. Mortensen has also visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mortensen, lack Winn. Mrs. Cam Smith, Mrs. Frances Fredrickson and Mrs. while she was in Foy's parents, " Frances Jones of Tremonton. Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Jams Archibald Mrs. Man' Mortensen and and baby and Mrs. Emma Arrhi- daughter Ethel have returned home of Garland were visitors at jbald after spending; a few days vacation the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vander Peterson Sunday. hide in Ogden. The Relief Society members met Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen the recreational hall on Monat were host and hostess to a group where chairs were renovated day of relatives on the fourth. Their and cleaned preparatory to upholslarge spacious lawn was turned inThe work was supervised tering. to a playground and everyone enMiss Bessie by Hansen, home demjoyed the day playing and feastonstration of Brigham City. i "THE agent ing. SHAMPOO Of MOVil STARS" Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Zollinger Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hansen of REATED for Hollywood -- you Santa Ana, Caliiornia are visiting returned to their home here Monmok con now this YOUR OWN few a day following days visit with with relatives here and in Ogden, luxurious product to a shampoo in relatives Lava Hot Idawhile he is on furlough. Mrs. HanSprings, glorify th natural beauty of your sen was formerly Miss Jean Abel. ho. hair by keeping it clean, soft and Sgt. Lavern Maisak of Tremonis lovely, full of radiant highlights. ton visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Anderson. ICONOMY $1.25 TRIAl SI2I Mrs. Hewett Tolman of Logan is visiting at the home of her son from IIolluu o Postwar farming profits, as well as production of food, fiber and oil crops essential to victory in the Pacific, depend to no small degree upon the added fertility, reduced erosion and increased production of cash crops derived from the use of Mrs. O. L. Brough visited last a winter cover for the soil. That means more winter legumes such as week-en- d in Salt Lake with Austrian winter pea, hairy vetch, smooth vetch, crimson clover, bur-- Mrs. Bob Crosby and daughter, Ava Marie, Mrs. Barkley Standing and Mrs. Eve Murray spent the 4th with their sister, Mrs. Albert Earl. Paje Thres Tremonton, Utah tampao I 0 THATCHER 29t Sl. ADAM'S DRUG Gerald. Mr. and Mrs. ; William Dehart of Salt Lake are visiting at the home of Mr. and'Mrs. Joseph Ray. The ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Waldron had as their guests Sunday, Victor Waite, Dean Naville of Layton and Charles Robins of Bushnell. Miss Helen Wight and Pic and Plowing Under Cover Crop. Mrs. Leslie Wight were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. McNim of clover and and more for several days last week. ryegrass, alfalfa, kudzu and Mrs. McNim was formerly Miss M ary Wight of Thatcher. While rotations of crops depend Mr. and Mrs. William Burton, upon climate, location and type of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Anderson soil, once a farm has a cover crop program, the benefits and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newman will make themselves increasingly .cXent Independence Day at Black-foo- Thousands of our wounded are coming home men who carry the inerasable scars of battle. They now need nurses and nurses aides badly. Will you volunteer? Ask the Red Cross now. When Day comes Overland Greyhound's happiest task will be to help transport aJ of our boys to the place they want to go most home. V-- J Ty-he- c sour-clove- cri! r, a. MIDLAND HOTEL Tremonton, Utah Phone 88-- R well-planne- d t. AIR CONDITIONED BUSES felt. 1711JT1? it 1 fli .-- vtr- ?( Filled With 100 Wool - Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Diderickson of Tremonton, were the guests of Nutrition Knowledge Mr. and Mrs. Milton Anderson Cuts Loss of Calves on Sunday. Mrs. Albin Borgstrom accomFarmers would lose fewer calves if they had a better understanding panied her daughter, Mrs. Leslie of a few simple principles of calf Hawks of Brigham, to Ogden on nutrition, according to a report of the American Veterinary Medical association. In the field of minerals, salt, iodine, calcium and phosphorus are the ones to be watched most carefully. Salt and iodine deficiencies can be prevented by including 1 per cent of iodized salt in the grain mixture, and offering iodized salt Calcium and phosphorus deficiencies can be avoided by including 1 per cent of calcium and phosphorus supplements in the grain mixture. If whole or skim milk is fed at the rate of 12 pounds per day, no calcium or phosphorus is needed. free-choic- 15.95 SLEEPING BAG mattress. Olive drab, Sleep in comfort on a soft, wool-fille- d waterproofed duck cover. Weatnerstripped closing to keep out the cold. Sateen-Line- Sleeping d Easy to Bag..,,,,,,,........ ..19.25 Beef and Dairy Cows Selected for Type " WW Grasp e. While it is essential that the characteristics of the breed be understood, the temperament, capacity, mammary system, health, - Steering Wheel tf' ! ' . f SPINNER IK 05 TJnusually attractive plastlo Has cast Iron metal base and clamp. grip. Polonium alloy ground elec- trode which causes the spark to Jump more easily, giving quicker, surer starting. LOCKING GAS TANK CAP....1.G9 ... Don't take chances protect precious gas with ft locking 8M cap. Black crackle finish. Tight fitting. One key. Fronk Chevrolet Co. - - - - J l i k 33 I A 1 U nn nn U UNION PACIFIC STAGES, lt Oneratad ENJOY July -- - The body form of the dairy cow while that should be wedge-shape- d of the beet animal is rectangular, as shown. 24-ftl- h vL'.LL Jul ' i -i. -i- AT- Miniature Parade 10 a. m. Program and Lunch Hour breed record as well as market demands, must play an important part in selection of beef or dairy cattle. Generally the dairy cow will have a good type if she is much wider in the hooks or pinbones and narrow down to a sharp, fine point at the withers or top of her shoulders. Produce Quality Hay at the Tests conducted Wyoming experiment station indicates that the maximum yield of digestible nutrients of hay is dependent upon the stage at which hay Is cut. Alfalfa in h should be cut when bloom. Timothy and grass hays should be cut when the plant is In full bloom. Leaves or grass or alfalfa hay carry the heaviest portion of nutrients, so every attempt should be made to harvest hay when j U will retain the leaves. one-tent- IN CASH PRIZES Under 2600 Pounds Under 2800 Pounds 185.00 4 WEIGHT GROUPS Under 3000 Pounds Over 3000 Pounds ENTRIES LIMITED TO ROX ELDER CO. TEAMS Rodeo - Kids Races - Boxing Special Appearance of Sheriffs Mounted Posse Something Doing All Day Plenty of Prizes DANCE at NIGHT l.U by Horse Pulling Contest a. In sets of 4 or mora The only plugs with the nn i I Incoraant |