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Show r j vf 5 M Kir,' XX VOLUME 1g thl COUNTY 1 : at tr iVj 168 on ti r Cit- C.::. irmer retar:. EARL KIDMAN SERIOUSLY Tremonton residents are Earl Kidman was seriously injured Monday night as a result of bike accident. an automobile-moto- r Mr. Kidman who is employed by Carl Mann of Garland, was going north on a motor bike on the highway between Garland and Tremonton, when Billy Miller of Tremonton, who was also going north, hit him. Another car, driven by Melbourne Archibald, was coming toward Tremonton just at the time of the accident, and it is thought thr.t the lights from the two cars made it difficult for Earl to be seen, as his bike was without to Patrolman lights, according Evan Green, who investigated. The drivers of both cars immediately notified Doctor White at the Valley hospital, where the boy was brought. He has been in an unconscious condition since the accident, suffering from a serious skull fracture. He is the son of Mrs. Elsie Kidman, formerly of Garland, but now of Ogden. 1H, C S3. V- 4 "V r last-min-:- I v w ... t v.. y 1 b -- REARFAX DAY SET cent. per PENROSE OVER QUOTA was another of Bear communities Bar River Valley's reach 100 per cent of its quota, to Mrs. Adam Brenk' according man, drive chairman. Penrose to FARM HOLD y Arrangements have been made -- j .7, P be CO. S ,;00 JAYCEESAND LIONS HOLD JOINT MEETING Tremonton Lions Club and ambers of the Junior Chamber of Commerce met jointly W(idnesday faring to see a film depicting relocation work and the part Japanese have played in the y Jtfopean theatre of war. The pic- was shown by the district apervisor of the intermountain '& of the war relocation author- The P .The following new members of meeting: Leslie The Box Elder County Sheriffs mounted Posse was featured in the parade and rodeo held in Black-fooIdaho, on the 4th of July. t, J. y W. EARL BUYS s LAKE RESORT Earl,-formerl- GLEASON PASSES AWAY FAMILY Darrold Hess Killed In Philippines Farm-mgto- TURKEY MEN TO HOLD MEETING - -- NOTICE x rc-,f- d .4kjj . ' ff, ,,1 y Ogden Pioneer Days Open Next Thursday CAREFUL BIKE clock. The practice of holding on to moving cars and trucks is extremely dangerous; and the practice of riding double also places the riders in a dangerous position should an emergency arise. At 7:30 Thursday night the stadium arena will be flmdcd with brilliant lights. A short program of events will begin at 7:45 and the grand entry is scheduled to begin nightly at 8:15. prc-sho- RiJing bicycles nt a fast pace on main street or on the is also a dangerous practice. Parents should warn their children of these dangers and curb them as far as possible. ridzvulks in town P SUNDAY The regular monthly stake leadership meeting will be held Sunday, July 15 in the Stake Taber' nacle in Garland. The welfare committee will meet at 12 noon, the High Council at 1:15 p. m., and all High Priests, Elders, Seventies, Quorum officers and committees, and Temple workers will meet at 2 :30 p. m. n LIBERTY Under the direction of the Stake Aaronic Priesthood Committee, an outing is being planned for Saturday afternoon, July 14th at the Bear River high school athletic field. Soft ball games will be played between 3 and 6 o'clock, to be followed by luncheon and other entertainment. Each ward is being requested to bring a ball and bat and each individual will furnish his own box lunch. Refreshments will be served by the stake committee under the direction of Ed Deakin, chairman. Hay-war- w-a- ROAD SHOW STAKE AARONIC PRIESTHOOD TO HOLD OUTING .,.as investiga-rrosccutio- As a result B-2- 9 y -- Truck f of the thunder storm Tuesday, July 10, one of the old landmarks of Pocatcllo Valley was completely destroyed by fire, which was thought to have been started by lightning. The landmark known as the "Rock House" and was owned by John Smith, who was absent at the time it was ctruck and neighbors from all over the Valley came to fight the lire. The house was built 40 years ago and was valued at $2500. The greatest loss seemed to be his business papers, family relics, souven-ier- s Vv. Garof ? land, and Clarence Stuki. The new gathered from all parts of the A. H. owners are planning a building a U. S. A., Canada and Mexico and AT remodeling program to put the approximately a hundred books of vacation spot in first class condit- rare value. HOME ion. A hig opening dance is being held Saturday night with Doug Alvirus Horace Gleason, 71, Hooper and his band playing the COMING TO died at ten p. m. Sunday at the music. home in Garland. family Mr. Gleason was born in Sept. 7, 1873, a son of Alvirus H. and Meady Lane GleaManager A. C. Toland, of the Theatre announces a son. He was reared and 'educated Liberty in Farmington and in Idaho. He change in the scheduled shows, in Word has been received here order to bring a road show attraciiiuvcu wan uio irtiiiuy years a- - that Pvt. Darrold I. Hess, son of tion direct from the Lyric theatre resided go to Oarland 3nd t there .since. He married Elizabeth Edfr Jf FHff. 01 in Salt Lake. On Thursday, July 19th, Carl Larsen, Nov. 22, 1899 in the L. D. killed in action on xrg' S ' Loan temple Shrum and the Rhythm Rangers 'oro m tnc Philippine Islands, on c will appear in person. As a comj ouLviviug are nis wiuow nu tne June 17. panion attraction a real Western, cuiiuvving aaugniers: xviarjone Pfc. Keith Hess who "Rollin' Home To Texas" starrA brother, San Gleason, Francisco; Mrs. Alice left in the same unit as Dirrold ing Tex Rittcr and Carl Shrum Tonnesen, Salt Lake City; Mrs. was with him when he was killed and the Rangers will be seen on Grace Miller, Anchorage, Alaska; and assisted in the burial. the screen. Mrs. lone Miller, Burlingame. Pvt. Hess was born in Fielding, The scheduled four-darun of Calif.; Mrs. Dawn Retallick, San famiNovember 1921 and the 14, will be run on WedRafael, Calif.; also three grand "Dillinger" moved to Ogden in 1929. He children, and the following broth- ly nesday, Friday and Saturday. inducted in June 1934 and was and ers sisters: J. Chase Gleason, Park City; George Gleason, Gar- left for service overseas in Januland; Lane Gleason, South Pasa- ary 1945. Surviving are his parents and dena, Calif., Mrs. Naomi Oyler. the East Garland; Mrs. Phoebe Wood, following brothers and sisters: Oncta Olson and Vernon Mrs. Fielding; Mrs. Mead Rasor, San of Hess Ogden, Miss Jean Hess of The "saltiest" show in the West Francisco; Mrs. Lula Kerr, Idaho Woodland, Wash, and Keith Hess opens its dors at the Ogden staIda. Falls, dium Thursday night, July 19, to Funeral services were held on of the U. S. Army. held in the twelfth annual edition will be usher Memorial services Thursday at 2 p. m. in the Garland of m. 3:00 Pioneer Days celebration 15th, at Sunday, Ogden p. July ward chapel. Interment was in the Garland cemetery by the Shaw and in Ogden. The family home is lo- with champions of every description in there ridin, ropin' and cated at 315 8th St. Rogers funeral home. bulldoggin' for the $7500 prize money offered by the sponsors. If the entry list had been hand picked, the judges couldn't have RIDERS-- BE gotten together a brighter galaxy of western stars than those who came accident which occurcd the unfortunate of the In view voluntarily to take a whirl at the toughest horses and meanfirst of the week; and also because of the increasing carlessness est critters ever to set hoof in an on the part of children and young people riding bicycles on the arenathe cream of Leo Cramstreets and highways, it seems that some degree of safety pracer's string of broncs, bulls and tice should be inaugurated to prevent further serious and persteers. haps tragic accidents. The celebration rodeo will be Bike riders should be especially careful if they mast ride ushered in officially Wednesday on the streets and highways at night; they should provide lights night, July 18, with a downtown or reflectors so that car drivers will have some chance of seeing street parade beginning at 8 o'them. Fish-Have- MOUNTED POSSE RIDES AT BLACKFOOT were presented during Rees, Gordon Jorley, Cliff McMurdy, Floyd A mccine for all those interest- Jns, Blain Hansen, Fred Wy s Reed Harris and Wayne Lar- - ed in Turkey production in Box Elder county will be held in the Utah Power and Light Building at Tremonton, Friday evening, Cullimore July 20, at 8:30 p. m., announces lniured Ry Vernal Willie, Assistant County agent. Professor Dec A. Broadbcnt, ay Cullimore was injured Extension Economist, for the Utah ursday wncn a n empty State Agricultural College, will truck backed over his leg. be present to discuss with the tur as between the key producers some or the factors walking n Art Michealis Feed store that make for success in the turkey bchind the backins business. Profesor Broadbcnt has just recently completed a study of taken to the Valley hos- - the turkey industry of the state uhcre His condition is - and has an abundance of new and rcportu good. valuable information for the turkey men. ZclU Carter left All those interested in turkey Saturday ;wn to her home in Sprine- - production are invited to attend. w"crisit'nR with her daugh-',,vlrs- Dan Briggs for a month. A group of scouts from the Tremonton Second Ward enjoyed an overnight outing at Udy Hot Springs, Wednesday. their V? laJy who took two They were accompanied by and Walker Dclbcrt scoutmasters " oiiturday Hcaton. Darrcl night please l this is done right there will be no Prof, and Mrs. R. N. of Logan were Sunday visSigned: itors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry City Marshall. Woodward. fUaycees STAKE LEADER-SHIMEETING BY FIRE B-2- 9 The High Priests of the Tremonton First Ward are planning an outing in Logan canyon for next The Northern Box Elder Coun-iTuesday evening. Committees are transFarm Bureau will hold a special working on arrangements, and and a entertainment meeting Saturday, July 14, at the portation Tremonton Second ward chapel at good time is assured, the members who attend. s:30 p. m. speakers to come nra the National and State or- animations. They are J. C. Bryson t the National Bureau, Mr. Skel- President Hobson and Elk V. 'later cf the state organization. Iky will speak on farm problems ad the hospitalization plan. The Victory Male Chorus will :iimish musical numbers during ie meeting and a luncheon will I served after the meeting. Any-ae- , whether they belong to the j organization or not, are cordially anted to attend. - - HOLIDAY 3-D- MEETING x renowned Lt. Robert G Winzeler, fexjtreme right rear row) husband of TO Jeanne E. Winzeler and son of J Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Winzeler, is jnow in training at the Grand Army air field as special Supequipment officer on a erfortress crew which will soon Following a canvass of Tremon- carry the war to the heart of the ton business firms, and due also to lapancse Empire. The Grand the fact that neighboring towns Island AAF is one of the nation's are planning a three-daholiday, largest training stations. the Merchant's committee of the Tremonton Lions and Jaycees announce that all business firms in Tremonton will be closed for the three-daperiod, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 22, 23, 24. This will give businessmen and employees a chance to get a short vacation in before the harvest rush The Resort on Bear begins. Lake was purchased the past week CLOSE FOR HIGH PRIESTS PLAN PARTY BUREAU TO SPECIAL BUSINESS FIRMS "I - According, to the Bearfax staff, Bearfax Day will be held on Friday, July 20th. Further details will be announced' next week. IN- JURED MONDAY com- menting most favorably about a recent improvement on Main Patriotic Utahns have met the Street. K and most important challenge During the past week, under the "i the Seventh War Loan Drive, direction of Vincent Chido, manSeries of the local Bear River Valley ly, the $20,000,000 announced this ager was quota, it Telephone company, the numerous 'k by State Chairman Charles wires from the telephone office "Smith of the Utah War Finance west, were removed. The cross committee. arms were taken down from though the Federal Reserve the pole in front of the telephone Biiik was still processing office and also on the pole near sales, purchases of the small Adam's Drug store. Wed-Kdadomination "E" bonds. This is just part of the many off $20,271,-96had siphoned improvements made the last little of Utah's most inflationary while. New cables have been soncy. strung in the center of the blocks, Box Elder county s share in ov and many of the unsightly poles subscribing the stiffest "E" quo-and wires have heen removed on in Utah war financing history the cross streets of the town. punted to $624,731 or 100 per Perhaps it hasn't been so noticeaccord' cent of the county quota, able, because no large crew of jjj to County Chairman Carl workmen have been seen, but the Sknber. work has been going on, just the Counting the sales of the other same. tpnds, the county's grand total and raised to $1,475,314 punted oversubscribed to 166 quota ii:e i PERCENT NUMBER FORTY -- THREE 19-15- TRAINS FOR RIG FLIGHT TO JAPAN Telephone Wires Removed From Main Street OVER QUOTA BOND at TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 12, -- Mrs. Con Steffen, Mrs. Jim Ransom and Mrs. Joe Burgess spent Friday in Salt Lake visiting. M. I. A. INVITES MEMBERS FOR GAMES Another evening of soft ball, volley ball, law crocket and other games will be conducted Tuesday evening on the high school athletic field by the First ward M. I. A. officers. Harold Sandall of the Young Men's superintendency will be in charge of events for the even-inAnyone who enjoys outdoor, play and association with their friends is invited tc attend. g. BEAR RIVER GIRL CHOSEN AS QUEEN'S AIDE When the royal family of Og' den Pioneer Days Celebration rodeo rides into the stadium arena Thursday night, July 19, prominent in the group will be a comely Box Elder county Miss, whose skilled riding ability, winning per sonality and colorful western cos tume won for her the honor of aide to the queen. She is Miss Beth Holmgren, 17' year old daughter of Mrs. LcRoy Holmgren ot Bear River City. Miss Holmgren was selected aide to the queen at the conclusion of a spirited contest at Ogden, July 8, which saw a field of northern Utah's best horsewomen engaged in competition. Wednesday, July 11, Miss Holmgren was made an honorary city commissioner of Og' den. The Queen, Mrs. Dixie Tog- erson of Ogden, and the cond aide, Lois Simpson of Plain City, Weber county, was mayor and the other commissioner respectively. Their major item of business n was the issuing of a special inviting all northern Utah' ns to don their best western garb and attend the 12th annual stag' ing of the Pioneer Days event. procla-matro- HOSPITAL NOTES Lt. and Mrs. E. H. White, Jr., are the parents of a daughter born on the 5th of July at the Valley Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Yamamoto a daughter on the 8th. L. J. Cummings underwent an an operation Wednesday. His con' dition is reported as gxxl. Mrs. Fred Bar fuss is receiving medical attention at the hospital. The following had their tonsils removed ; Arthur Smith, Teggy and Sharon Thcurcr, Aldyth Godfrey and Tamra Hcaton. |