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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 22, 1937 PAGE EIGHT Of ficials Check B.R. city bear F. F. A. Entries For By Sirs. C W. Braltaford Livestock Show V H. river HOC Marcella Thompson returned Mon-di- y after a month's visit in California. Vaudys Holdaway remained in Los Angeles, where she is employed. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Blodgett and two sons of Ogden were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Korth, Fred Keller and Mrs. J. E. Jensen of Brig-hacalled at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Beard, Sunday. , Dorothy Munk spent three days last week visiting with friends in Brig-ham City. Vernell Peterson was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schaub at Logan, Sunday. " Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Stocks of Bountiful visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Schaffer, Tuesday and Wednesday. Elaine Wood of Brigham City spent the weekend with Dorothy Munk. , R.L. WILLIAMS CARPENTER and BUILDER? I CABINET WORK Box 2041 jTiemonton, Utah Highways In Good Condition Despite I DIAMOND Winter Weather Atchley Mr." and Mrs. Shelby and three children of Driggs, Idaho are visiting in this city with Mrs. Atchleys mother, Mrs. Sina Thorsen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frildo Andersen and Mrs. Mary Ipson attended the funeral services held in Honeyville Sunday for Josenh Hunsaker. Mrs. Roberts of Provo, Utah, Mrs, H. Matesen and son, Evan, of Chester, Utah spent Friday evening and Saturday in this city visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Matesen and fam- Nash field men, who ride on pracHeads of the Intermountain Junior tically every major highway in the Fat Stock Show visited livestock exand many of the secondary country, hibitors of the Bear River Chapter of roads as well, have reported that Mr. and Mrs. James Ransom and Future Farmers last week in an effort roads In the areas where winter usfamily and Mrs. Duane Lower spent to evaluate possible exhibits for the exually causes heavy damage are In Sunday with friends and relatives in coming show. Motorists this cellent shape Spring. Logan. Mr. J, H. Manderfield, manager wishing to plan an early trip may of the Salt Lake Union Stock Yards, do so without worrying about highMr. and Mrs. Melvin Castleton, and Mr. E. J. of the Maynard, manager dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Elwell way conditions, except in those states show: Mr. Ray Wilson, chairman of Francis Moore, Mr. Mrs. where floods have occured. and of guests the livestock committee; Mr. Ellison, Thursday evening. "In the spring of 1936," says the president of the Salt Lake Union secreStock and report which reached Didrickson and Yards; Larry Moss, Mr. and Mrs. George Bradshaw had ily. Nash LaFayette dealer were the of the Goldsberry, show, among who is employThorsen as their dinner guests Tuesday: Mr. tary Miss were at work on Evelyn crews to "road who traveled Bear River here, and Mrs. Oliver Nielson, Mrs. Erma dignitaries ed In Salt Lake City, spent Saturday all black top and gravel roads through liveand to their visit the boys Pierson and two sons, Randolph and Valley and Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. out the cold belt. Frost had taken a stock. NielMrs. Orson Mr. and and Wesley, tremendous toll and hundreds of thouThe group arrived at the Bear Riv- Sina Thorsen. Mrs. Annie R. Hansen and son, Nor- sands of dollars were spent by varson, all of Logan, and Mrs. Annie An- er m. 2 about Talks school p. high to derson of Bountiful. were given to the future farmers by man, and daughter, Ilah, returned ious highway departments in restorafter Lake in Salt City home Mr. Maynard and Mr. Manderfield, their ing the highways. Virgil Heed of Bingham and Mrs. after which a tour of project visits visiting in this city for several days. "It appears certain this year that Alivia Heed of Ogden were visitors was routed Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Andersen roads will be in Mr. Mark Nichols, the good condition earlby of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shuman dur- vocational in Salt Lake City with ier than for several years. Damage are visiting at instructor agriculture ing the weekend. the high school. The touring party relatives and friends. to side roads, paved with macadam to various farms In Tremon- - Wednesday afternoon a few friends traveled or surfaced with gravel has been Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Summers and Bear River met at the home of Mrs. Mary S. slight. Motor travel in the spring ton, Evans, Bothwell, and Ted Sumpton were dinner guests in honor of her birthday. City, the tour lasting about three Andersen months, therefore, is expected to be of Mr. au'i Mrs. Merwin Christensen, hours. Refreshments were served. greatly in excess of that of 1936 and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stander are vast Sunday. "The possibilities for a fine exhibit sums of money will be saved the Bear River Future Farmers the proud parents of a baby boy born taxpayer. the by Capwell Jenkins spent the weekend appear very favorable," said Mr. May- April 9th. Mrs. Hyrum Christensen of "The highways and in Ogden with his brother, Paul. the nard, after the following boys and of Elwood, Utah is staying at Ohio, Indiana Tennessee, Kentucky, their livestock had been visited: Verl Stander home during Mrs. Slander's and other states in the south central The Carol Echo Chorus entertained Waldron, Don Iverson,, Fred Allen, illness. section have been injured little and Sunday evening1 at the Tenth Ward Dallis Christensen of the U. S. A. motorists J. Anderson, Anderson, Voy Stanley may safely travel through in Logan. T. Abbott, Kay Madsen, Max Ander- Navy returned to San Diego, Califor- out this area, escept where the floods son, Raymond Hanson, Leonard. Mar- nia Tuesday after spending two weeks have taken their toll." Mrs. Ward Shuman and grandson, ble, Wayne Marble, Clyde Anderrson, in this city visiting his mother, Mrs. Warren, Shuman are spending the Golden Adams, and Trude Taylor. Carrie A. Christensen and family. week with relatives in Ogden. When Ty Cobb retired from baseMr. Nichols estimated that the Bear Mrs. Sina Thorsen of this city, Mr. River chapter exhibits would include and Mrs. S. H. Atchley and children ball he held 90 major league records 40 to 50 head of beef cattle, 150 to of Driggs, Idaho spent Monday in and 36 of them still stand. Babe Ruth 200 fat lambs and 50 fat swine. held 76 records when he retired. Ogden. Cobb's total income from baseball "With about 50 days left before show time if expected gains are put. probably was not over $400,000, but on the fattening livestock they should from wise investments, he was a milbe in very good condition for the lionaire when he quit the game. Ruth By Phyllis Summers made over a million dollars from show," said Mr. Manderfield. Mr. Manderfield also stated that the price baseball playing and writing, but outlook for the fat stock to be sold Mrs. Roy Bingham and children of spent considerable of it in his youngat the show was excellent at the pres- Garfield were visitors at the home er days. Cobb had a batting ent time. nart octptien- of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Firth Sunday. average of .367 and Ruth had a al tabU (unflnithtd hardMr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark and batting average of .342. wood) fro with oach $2.50 family and Mrs. George Stark were Olive purthat. of Fuller Paint. visitors in Willard Saturday. Israel Hunsaker attended the funMr. and Mrs. Clive Wells of Wilhold limited. Offer Supply of Joseph Hunsaker, Sunday at eral lard were Sunday dinner guests at only from Apr. I, Inel. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Honeyville. Look around your home Olive Hall, daughter of Mr. and Stark. Note now. the spots that Mrs. W. E. Hall, of Elwood. and Mel Mr. and Mrs. Rudgar Forsgren entertainment was very well given by need freshening and brightvin J. Fifield, of Rockland, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Krist Petersen mo- every child in the school. and ening. Then jot down your were married in the Salt Lake temple Darrell Stokes of the U. S. A. C. to Burley, Idaho Sunday. tored list and us see paint right 12. Friday evening a wedding April is at home for a few days with his Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Christensen away. It'll pay you to shop dance was given at the Elwood hall parents. because and our and early son, Russell, supply daughter, Helen, in their honor. Two hundred and fifty of these free tables is lim were in Salt Lake City Sunday, where attended the dance and people many they attended a birthday dinner of ited. (Only one to beautiful and useful presents were re- Mr. tomer.) Christensen's sister. ceived. Refreshments were served to D. B. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kelly, Mr. and all present. Mrs. Ernest Korth, and Mr. and Mrs. The bride is a talented musician and a member of the renouned Hall or- Red Kelly were visitors at the home chestra. The groom recently return- of Mrs. T. V. Summers, Sunday. Tremonton, Utah Tuesday evening the Tremonton ed from a L. D. S. mission. The young Office Hours: to 12 and 1:30 to 5 9 Mutual presented the play couple are widely known and have rbo This players is a London," in very splenmany friends who we join in extend- did The cast was well chosen ing best wishes for a successful mar- and way. performer the parts in a pleasing ried life. The young couple will make their manner. An invitation is extended for them to return in the future. home in Rockland for the summer. Mrs. Melvin Hinman, who has been Bring that watch that needs confined in the Valley hospital for the cleaning or some repairs Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Christensen at- past two weeks, returned to her where it receives expert tended the Golden Wedding of Mr. Christensen's parents at Fairview, attention. The sympathy of the community! Tuesday of this week. is extended to Mr. Foresgren and family in this time of sorrow. Mrs. Sophie Taylor entertained the Last Friday evening a very pretty V. G. F. club at her home Wednesoperetta was presented by the school day of last week. children of Bothwell. Miss Reva Vlck-er- s uJUmcrritbn. CttaA. was in charge and the evening's Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Waldron reI' J turned to Washington, D. C. after a six weeks leave of absence. Mr. mother, Mrs. Thomas Waldron, returned with them for a visit. She will also visit her brother in Newi lovely York City. stones because it is the hardeX Eem substance and 1 a single element, carbon. 1 60 per cent of the diamond i. in the cutting. Diamonds well ably unknown in ancient tim prob India was the only source precious stones until 1728 whl were discovered South Africa has beenTS of supply. The only source of Ppl in the United States is Pike Arkansas, where since 1906 mWy' 2000 crystals have been f ound pie method of identifying 'JlT diamonds is based on the f aST' they are transparent to paste imitations are not. The largest diamond ever foimn the Culliman. Thi South Africa in 1905 and wetehlli tt over r cZ?3 i X-ra- 1300 carats. E0E3FIBT! IN WOLVERINE 0lf by-roa- ds BOTHWELL IlOnSEIUDESl f ONLY WOLVERINE GlYES YOU THIS LEATHER 24-ye- ar AND UPPERS 22-ye- ar DR. GREEN Dentist Y i Watch Repairing MINTS home-Monday- Spring Furniture new piece of furniture. Sparton Refrigerator IN YOUR w& ITyerson "" PRESCRIPTIONS Office Over J. C. Penney Store Office Ilours: 9 to 12 - 1:15 to 5:80 PHONE 124 fei. f- Buy Graduation Gifts Now . . at WASHER Electric or Gas Driven The Pride of Any Housewife YEARS OF SERVICE Washes Clothes Easy & Gentle From 2 to 5 Minutes Spotlessly Clean. Trade-i-n Allowance tfet, SHELL HORSEHIDE fa the toughest leather ever put in work shoes. You'll be doing your feet and rour pocketbook a good turn by coming into our store now and getting perfectly fitted with a pair of famous WOLVERINE SHELL HORSE-BID- Work Shoes. A full sizes and widths. rc& SfSXtt t. BQRSBHEDB stock of Irk I W0BK SHOES GEPHART STORES COMPANY , TREMONTON, UTAH DRUGS FOUNTAIN SERVICE Jremonton, LltaL-- o Save On Your Drug Store Needs SAT. M m H Jeweler HOT POINT i M $1.00 Marrow Oil Shampoo 50c Pahlum - Pre Cooked Mush 15c 50c 75c 40c 50c thrift Lower Operating Cost 69c 39c Fren's Sanitary Napkins, box of 12 10c Marine Milk of Magnesia 29c pint Boyer Aspirin Tablets, 5 gr. - 100's 59c " Pepsodent Tooth Paste 34c Hind's Honey and Almond CreamZ 39c Regular 25c Value 15c Longer Life FASTER ICE FREEZING No Oiling - - Quiet - - Streamline or 2 - I - 5 Years Protection. See Them Before Buying Any Refrigerator TREMONTON in & I ' Guaranteed i " ,""' 89c 69c - . - i i - $2.98 Now Only 1 $2.00 Value "" 19c GRILL & WAFFLE IRON : mh 19c 19c $3.98 Combination ZtC TENNIS RACKET - 59 to 790 TENNIS BALLS--35- 0 to 500 17c 49c er m for - -- Styling: - UTAH 10c Lifebuoy Toilet Soap - 3 for 60c Alka-Seltz- large 25c Listerine Shaving Cream 25c J. & J. Baby Talcum Powder 25c Dr. West's Tooth Paste $1.00 St. Regis Pocket Watches $1.00 Icy Hot Vacuum Bottles Special CHEVRON TOOTH BRUSH MASTER Refrigerator :: SCHOSS ELECTRIC CO. '"A around Prescriptions Are a Most Isportant Part of the City Drug- Cos Business - We Fill Them exactly As Your Doctor Orders ROBERT SIMONSEN M "THE GOOD GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP" Buy On Easy Terms .... $5.00 Per Month Extra Large -- - M MAYTAfi HORSEHIDE Work like wearing house slippers the house. DR. G. M. EVANS HOME ' men say SHELL Shoes is just Wal-dron- 's Dentist LET US PLACE A NEW n Thousands of hard working that wearing WOLVERINE furniture. f Brighten an unattractive corner by adding a f L: Tf tt WHAT WEAR . Robert Cimonsen IV Jeweler ; ) I H and I Dress up your home with J ' Hall Marries Melvin J. Fifield 26-M- Wilson Lumber Co. 1 kM fcv't AMAZING IN BOTH SOLES llli JU ' H McDonald's and Other Cos CANDY BARS Fri. and Sat. - 3 for 100 s. III "'"w'Mliw'MW'"wwwMlwBiiwiiiiiilmiiillllilHitt |