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Show 1937 BEAR RTVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. AFRIL 22, AGE FOUR M M IH Ml Ml 111 III HI III THATCHER SCHOOL NEWS "' " "' "' '" III Ml HI ' " HI III R 1,1 Ml A Girl's Cloth AO Sense May Save By DWIG ISCHOOL" DAYS WATER SUPPLY FOR BEAR LAKE-RIVEFORECAST III III III Ml Ml Last Friday Mr. Borgstrum, who From an early age, j conscious. The cioseiy over work on the aZ H "u w or cape. Time hastens by and is begging to have a the hu material for her day" dress. Then, lize it, she is in high schoT, lias filled a mission In Sweden, came and told us a few of the differences (Continued From Page One) between the U. S. and Sweden. Eb Clarinet Box Elder High, South He told ua what kind of food they Cache High. m Clarinet Bear River High, Box like best, most of their customs and about told He Hierh. Logan. Box wavs of dressing. their Hip.h their factories and markets, in fact Elder JunJor High( south Cache High, he told us all he naa ume ior m N0rth Cache. n such a short visit. Alto Clarinet Box Elder High, someI wish he could come againSweden. Cache South High. High, time and tell us more about n Box Elder High, Clarinet Bass Wayne Taylor Cache High! South High, Small Saxaphone Bear River High and our boys Last Tuesday girls Box Elder High, Ogden High, Box Elplayed the Garland girls and boys base der Junior High, North Cache High. ball and softball. Garland had a very Large Saxaphone Bear River High good team and was able to beat us, Box Elder High. both girls and boys. Mr. Jackman Oboe Box Elder High, Ogden High said it was alright and we had a lot Weber High, South Cache High. ball of fun and learned a lot about Bassoon Bear River High, Box Eland that was what we went over for. der High, Ogden High, Box Elder JunBen Eldredge 6th grade ior High, South Cache High. Saxaphone Ensemble Logan High. Last Friday, April 9, 1937 our Woodwind Ensemble Ogden High, school had a very good program. Weber High, South Cache There were several numbers consist- Logan High, High. ing of songs, poems, jokes and riddles. Box Elder High, Ogden Flutes that we It was the best program High, Weber High, Box Logan High, have had this year. We hope the next Elder Junior High, South Cache Hign one will follow this example. Elder Box Piccolos High. Cecil McNeely 7th grade Violin Ogden High, Logan High, 0 0 0 0 9 Weber High. Last Thursday afternoon Miss Vick- Viola Ogden High. someers, from Bothwell, brought Cello Ogden High, Weber High. there to over advertise op students String Bass Ogden High, Weber eretta. It was called "Friends for High. Flowers," and was very interesting. String Ensemble Ogden High, We When we had our operetta some of ber High. the students from over there came Bear River High, Ogden Piano a them we so our"s and to see gave High, Weber High. Logan High, Teturn visit It was very interesting Bell Lyra Bear River High. and worth our while. Xylophone No entries. Billie Anderson 7th grade Junior High Band Bear River High our Box Elder Junior High. Monday morning, April 12, TLCt Salon Orchestra Bear River High, A v a ..i. imu If m au 4ow on1 fivuuui ' Lop-aHig!?' DenSimonsen come and tell us about IHSTORY ANSWERS Weber School High now are we which the country mark, High. That-- 1. Queen Isabella of Spain. Do studying about. They were here about Orchestra Ogden High. Symphony us how half a Leon. and an hour 2. Ponce de telling High School Bands, Class A Box 3. Forty-eigh- t. they lived, what they lived in, and Elder High, Ogden High, Logan High, 4. He was a religious dissenter. all about it. Their talks were very Weber The temperature of United States High, South Cache High, North 5. Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1620. varies from 60 degrees below zero to interesting and we enjoyed them very Cache High. much. They told us about the very 6. Virginia Dare. 134 degrees above zero. High School Bands, Class B Bear beautiful places that they have there. 7. France. After their talks, they answered all River High. 8. Great Britain. The first presidential election was 9. French and Indian War. the questions that the students asked, in 1788. held and Mrs. Anderson sang a song in 10 John Hancock. the Danish language. There were 102 people on the MayWe appreciate it very much, and Top when it sailed from Plymouth, GEOGRAPHY ANSWERS flower Mr. Simonsen said he would come in September 1620. England us about something More new Pontiac cars were delivagain and tell 1. Colorado and Wyoming. else, if we wanted him to. ered by dealers in the United States 2. Mexico City, Mexico. The Atlantic coast line of United Harvey Peterson 8th grade during March than in any other month 3. An arm of the Mediterranean is twice as long as the Pacific States of the company's history, according east of Greece. coast line. Last Thursday our school went to C. P. Simpson, general sales man- Sea, 4. The Alps. over to Elwood and played ball with ager. 5. Sacramento. them. The score was 8 to 4 in favor The Yosemite Falls of the Merced The month's total was 25,609 units 6. Yes, the United States of Brazil. won from of Thatcher boys. The girls in the Sierra Nevadas are the river to next 750 for the 23, 7. Immigration Station, New York. high compared Elwood 12 to 10. We had a lot of est month's deliveries of Pontiacs in the world. 8. England and Ireland. highest : fun playing and were glad we won, which was in April, 1929. Also, this 9. The Ganges. Pure gold is rated as 24 carats fine. 10. Andes. figure is almost three times larger For example than February deliveries were this gqf.d consists of 14 parts pure gold and 10 parts or year when the total was 8,332. In ;i If all the silt brought down in one some alloy. March of last year deliveries were year by the Mississippi river to the 17,589. Chief Justice Hughes is the only The last ten days of March also Gulf of Mexico was placed on one y constituted the largest per- square mile of land, it would rise to man who has served twice on the ii iod in the company's history with 3 a height of 270 feet. Supreme Court Bench. cars as compared to 10,095 in April, 1929. Deliveries in this last y period exceeded the entire FOR SALE Work horses, at work, month of February. at farm. Garland factory corner. for the first three months Figures Glenn Mason. Phone 79. of this year also show a large increase YOUR MONEY over the corresponding period of last House. Mrs. Gilbert FOR RENT this first year, quarter period year's Parker. Phone 76.0-being 47,544 compared to 34,361 for the same period a year ago. CUSTOM PLOWING See or call Simpson points out that on the last 23. Curtis Walton. Phone 39.a-l,.day of March dealers' stocks of new cars were about 6,000 less than on the Board and Room or Room only. See same day of 1936. Employment reachJohn Rauber. Tremonton t2p. ed an Money in your pocket ox in the house is high on March 31 with 11,237 on the pay roll. He predicts nevei sale. In this bank it is protected by SEED POTATOES Any amount that April Pontiac deliveries will be strong vaults and careful management. In Western Creamery, Main St. in the neighborhood of 28,000 or an addition, every dollar up to $5,000 is inincrease of some 3,000 cars over the FOR SALE Bliss seed potatoes. g total March. for sured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Peter Boss, Garland, Phone 134-- six-ye- ar oe-de- n befrTl Og-de- 4-- H IS well-balanc- 18 fl J 4-- H JtI 4-- H A TJT Venezuela has begun an intJ campaign ior lounst traffic. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER i! i 3j Uii 3i kd i B 1 You Know March Pontiac Sales Any Month's Output Si The diamond is the hardest known substance. Warm Sulphur Springs at Bath, Virginia, flows at the rate of about 350,000 gallons per hour. The San Francisco earthquake was the most disastrous in North Ameri ca during historic times. Subscribe for the Leader nr LLeLjHI percent of the earth is covered by salt water. Seventy-tw- o The greatest annual rainfall in the world is believed to take place in India, southeast of the Himalaya mountains where an average of 550 inches annually for a period of ten years, has been observed. ui J I Utu i A ' Cl0tlle herself. Under the leadership i and in Club clothing same girl will be amaXfM in handling materials and wardrobes aZ uoi wun,u emu wa otner the family to have their a. J w1 clothing money. This girl has learned wav. I agement, a term indicatin., edge of design and constnicUoTJ has been taught to work with well as old fabrics. j Club clothing girls are den ly advanced in their understand ability to handle wardrobe lems. They have developed faJj in values and a knowledp design, and good workmanship hi opinion of Miss Fern Shipley' J club worker. The style ArZl vuea and clothing exhibits features; on uouuiy aim siate fairs i,... quainted the state with th w.j r,u ..,,...1, j. wuia guio vail UU, - eI" 1 girl is making big-littl- e Og-de- ! I II i:L6 SAVE 80 ClIM ClM World's cheapest, nnf effective livestock fa Controller plugged ii light socket or batt gives wire harmless k3 Livestock won't go of or under it We prove IN FENCING COST Urir- - IVKtQ IK takes. No gates, use snap. No p cost encept about 10c IUNTH8UK monthly for electricity (or one A.C.D.Ci ON BATTEIf to 200 acres. 30 day trial. ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATE GLEN M. SEV ERSOI Distributor for Prime Electric GARLAND, UTAH Feng - PH0MI 4 14-car- at Classified Ad Column hdJtic ten-da- 10,-76- ten-da- iuu u&i aiunci ruu 4-- t3 WHEN will solve this problem: IT'S IN THE 2. Sank or IfAC TOO MUCH HOPES IN FOOD) HERg...rrr 4-- fGHAT I w PEOPLE NEED 6W ADEQUATE RErWCBUtrW : ) all-ti- record-breakin- Corporation. Use a checking account to pay your bills, and a savings account for building a reserve for the future. Establish your credit so that if you should need money for a legitimate purpose, you may be able to borrow it from the bank. It is possible to get along without bank service, but you can get along much better with it. FOR SALE 18 acre farm. Good lo- but if we had lost we would have cation. Phone 77.0-tf. been good sports like they were. Karl Jensen FOR SALE Seed potatoes, Russets, Rurals, Cobblers and Bliss. Priced from $2 to $4 per hundred. Jud Give Cathey, Gephart Hotel. 4-- 1. 8 Jewelry to the tf. FOR SALE Horses, ready for work. Highest prices paid for livestock. C. Richardson. Phone 67.0.2. FOR RENT Watkins Apartment Apartments. Phone 34.a-- 2. tf. , Graduates ROBERT SIMONSEN Jeweler t BEE JUD CATHEY, Gephart Hotel, for your seed potatoes. All kinds. OUR vk heel trailer, one rifle, good condition. Will sell or trade. What have you. Inquire Leader office. tf. 30-0- SALic-Two-w- 6 To equip your home with an Electric divideRefrigerator is one of the finest nd-paying investments you can We Welcome All New Business Bear River STATE BANK make. It not only assures health protection but food-savin- g and that means 3-- CASH PAID for dead and useless cows and horses. Call Maple Creek Trout Hatchery, Brigham Revere Charge. tf. 493-J-- MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. 2. 6-- Tremonton, Utah rhon 23 FOR ICE Beverages & Coal SEE- - BESSIN6ER BROS. I TREMONTON, UTAH : P-H-O-- 36: 1 NOTICE TO FARMERS We Will Call for and PAY CASH for DEAD or WORTHLESS HORSES & COWS Just Ring Logan Enterprise 30 This is Our Private Long Distance Number the Operator Already Understands That We Pay for the Call. COLORADO ANIMAL BY-PRODUC- TS CO We Also Buy HIDES - PELTS - WOOL About iy2 Mile South of Logan East of the Sugar Factory saving in dollars and cents. Make this investment now, and receive your "dividends" regularly as you pay for your refrigerator in srnafl monthly installments. Sec Your Dealer nr UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO-- |